#' Use a huber type estimator to produce a robust mean
#' This function uses a Huber type estimator as implemented in the function
#' \code{\link[smoothmest]{smhuber}} from the package
#' \url{}{smoothmest}.
#' This is used to summarize the profiles across replicates.
#' We provide a wrapper around the original function that catches the case that
#' we want to produce a mean of a single value. It is used in the functions \code{\link{plotProfiles}}
#' and \code{\link{plotSignificance}}.
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @name robust_mean
#' @rdname robust_mean
#' @export
#' @importFrom smoothmest smhuber
#' @param x a numerical vector
#' @return a robust mean of a numerical vector
#' @examples
#' data(testData)
#' robust_mean(counts(testData[, 1]))
#' x <- rcauchy(10)
#' robust_mean(x)
robust_mean <- function(x){
if( !is.vector(x) & (!(is.matrix(x) & any(dim(x) == 1))) ) {
stop("input to tobust mean function must be a vector or a matrix with one of the dimensions equal to 1")
if(length(x) == 1){return(x)}
plotSignificance.DChIPRepResults <- function(object,
meanFunction = robust_mean,
lfdrThresh = 0.2, ...){
if(!("lfdr" %in% names(resultsDChIPRep(object)))){
stop("no local fdr estimates in the object, run \"runTesting first! \" ")
countsLog2 <-, norm = TRUE)))
sampleTable <- colData(DESeq2Data(object))
pos <- seq(from =-unique(sampleTable$upstream)
, to = unique(sampleTable$downstream), by = 1)
suppressMessages(c.ggplot2 <- data.frame(pos = pos,
melt(countsLog2, "sample", "PosSignal")))
### get mean per group for ratio plots
m.f <- meanFunction <- t(,
by = list(sampleTable$condition),
FUN = m.f )[,-1])
colnames( <- levels(sampleTable$condition)
idxSig <- FDRresults(object)$lfdr < lfdrThresh <-$pos <- pos$significant <- idxSig
dataGG <- gather(,
key = "experimental_Group_and_significance",
value = "mean_log2_counts", 1:2)
dataGG$experimental_Group_and_significance <- ifelse(dataGG$significant,
dataGG$experimental_Group_and_significance <- factor(dataGG$experimental_Group_and_significance,
levels = c(levels(sampleTable$condition),
pl <- (ggplot(data = dataGG,
aes_string(x = "pos",
y = "mean_log2_counts",
color = "experimental_Group_and_significance")) +
geom_point() +
labs(x ="Distance from TSS (bp)",
y="Nucleosome occupancy (mean counts per group , log2)") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#3366CC", "#e41a1c", "black")) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.5)))
#' Produce a plot that colors the positions identified as significant
#' This function plots the positionwise mean of the two conditions after
#' \code{\link{runTesting}}
#' has been run on a \code{DChIPRepResults} object. The points corresponding
#' to significant
#' positions are colored black in both of the conditions.
#' The function returns the plot as a \code{ggplot2}
#' object that can be modified afterwards.
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @name plotSignificance
#' @rdname plotSignificance
#' @aliases plotSignificance plotSignificance,DChIPRepResults-method
#' @export
#' @import DESeq2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom smoothmest smhuber
#' @importFrom tidyr gather spread
#' @param object a \code{DChIPRepResults} object after \code{\link{runTesting}}
#' @param meanFunction a function to compute the positionwise mean
#' per group, defaults to a Huber estimator of the mean.
#' @param lfdrThresh Threshold for the local FDR
#' @param ... additional parameters for plotting (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
#' @return a \code{ggplot2} object
#' @examples
#' data(testData)
#' dcr <- DChIPRepResults(testData)
#' dcr <- runTesting(dcr)
#' plotSignificance(dcr)
setMethod("plotSignificance", signature(object="DChIPRepResults"),
plotProfiles.DChIPRepResults <- function(object,
meanFunction = robust_mean,
# get normalized counts
ccc <- counts(DESeq2Data(object), normalized = TRUE)
sampleTable <- colData(DESeq2Data(object))
profilePerGroup <- t(,
by = list( sampleTable$condition),
FUN = meanFunction )[,-1])
colnames(profilePerGroup) <- levels(sampleTable$condition)
# take log2 for plotting and substract the sample mean
profilePerGroup <-, scale = FALSE))
profilePerGroup$Pos <- integer(dim(profilePerGroup)[1])
profilePerGroup$Pos <- seq(from =-unique(sampleTable$upstream)
, to = unique(sampleTable$downstream), by = 1)
dataGG <- gather(profilePerGroup,
key = "experimental_Group", value = "log2_counts_centered", -3)
pl <- (ggplot(data = dataGG,
aes_string(x = "Pos",
y = "log2_counts_centered",
color = "experimental_Group")) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
labs(x = "Distance from TSS (bp)",
y = "Nucleosome occupancy (centered counts, log2)") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#3366CC", "#e41a1c")) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.5)))
#' Produce a TSS plot of the two conditions in the data
#' This function plots the positionwise mean of the log2 of the normalized
#' counts of the two conditions
#' after \code{\link{runTesting}} has been run on a \code{DChIPRepResults}
#' object.
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @name plotProfiles
#' @rdname plotProfiles
#' @aliases plotProfiles plotProfiles,DChIPRepResults-method
#' @param object a \code{DChIPRepResults} object after \code{\link{runTesting}}
#' @param meanFunction a function to compute the positionwise mean per group,
#' defaults to a Huber estimator of the mean.
#' @param ... additional parametes for plotting (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
#' @return a \code{ggplot2} object
#' @export
#' @import GenomicRanges SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom smoothmest smhuber
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("mgcv", quietly=TRUE)) {
#' data(testData)
#' dcr <- DChIPRepResults(testData)
#' dcr <- runTesting(dcr)
#' plotProfiles(dcr)
#' }
setMethod("plotProfiles", signature(object="DChIPRepResults"),
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