#'@title Plots barplots of the spectrum of variants for a sample set
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@description For signature "matrix", this function optionally does a very
#'naive classification of variants by size. Frameshift variant combinations are
#'those whose sum is not divisible by three. Intron boundaries are *NOT* considered,
#'use with caution!
#'For signature "CrisprSet", the function uses the VariantAnnotation package to
#'localize variant alleles with respect to annotated transcripts. Variants are
#'annotated as "coding" when they are coding in any transcript.
#'@rdname barplotAlleleFreqs
#'@param obj The object to be plotted
#'@param ... additional arguments
#'@return A ggplot2 barplot of the allele distribution and optionally a table
#'of allele counts
setGeneric("barplotAlleleFreqs", function(obj, ...) {
#'@description (signature("CrisprSet")) Groups variants by size and type
#'and produces a barplot showing the variant spectrum for each sample.
#'Accepts all arguments accepted by barplotAlleleFreqs for signature("matrix").
#'Requires package "VariantAnnotation"
#'@param txdb A transcript database object
#'@param min.freq Include variants with at frequency least min.freq in at least
#'one sample. (Default: 0, i.e. no cutoff)
#'@param include.chimeras Should chimeric reads be included in results?
#'(Default: TRUE)
#'@param palette Colour palette. Options are "rainbow", a quantitative palette
#'(default) or "bluered", a gradient palette.
#'@rdname barplotAlleleFreqs
setMethod("barplotAlleleFreqs", signature("CrisprSet"),
function(obj, ..., txdb, min.freq = 0, include.chimeras = TRUE, group = NULL,
palette = c("rainbow", "bluered")){
# Potential improvements:
# Do filtering before variant location
palette <- match.arg(palette)
if (palette == "bluered"){
clrs <- c("#3D52A1", "#3A7FC2", "#62A7DB", "#95CAEE", "#C4E4F9",
"#EAF5F6","#FFFAD2", "#FFE6B0", "#FBC98C", "#F3A26E",
"#E47353", "#CC443E","#AE1C3E")
} else if (palette == "rainbow"){
clrs <- c("#D92120","#E6642C","#D9AD3C","#B5BD4C","#7FB972",
var_order <- c(obj$pars["match_label"], obj$pars["mismatch_label"],
"intergenic", "Chimeric", "spliceSite",
"inframe indel < 10", "inframe indel > 10",
"frameshift indel < 10", "frameshift indel > 10")
var_labels <- c(obj$pars["match_label"], obj$pars["mismatch_label"],
"intronic","5' UTR", "3' UTR","promoter", "intergenic",
"Chimeric", "splice site",
expression("inframe indel" <= 9),
"inframe indel > 10", "frameshift indel < 9",
expression("frameshift indel" >= 10))
var_type <- obj$classifyVariantsByLoc(txdb)
classification <- obj$classifyCodingBySize(var_type)
classification["Other"] <- "Chimeric"
# Remove variants below the min.freq
ac <- obj$.getFilteredCigarTable(min.freq = min.freq,
include.chimeras = include.chimeras)
rownames(ac) <- classification[rownames(ac)]
vls <- factor(rownames(ac), levels = var_order)
ac <- rowsum(ac, vls)
clrs <- clrs[var_order %in% rownames(ac)]
var_labels <- var_labels[var_order %in% rownames(ac)]
return(barplotAlleleFreqs(ac, category.labels = var_labels,
bar.colours = clrs, group = group,
classify = FALSE, ...))
#'@description signature("matrix") Accepts a matrix of allele counts,
#'with rownames being alleles and column names samples.
#'@param category.labels Labels for each category, corresponding to the
#'rows of obj. Only applicable when categories are provided, i.e.
#'"classify" is FALSE. (Default: NULL)
#'@param group A grouping factor for the columns in obj. Columns in the
#'same group will be displayed in the same text colour (Default: NULL)
#'@param bar.colours Colours for the categories in the barplot.
#'Colours must be provided if there are more than 6 different categories.
#'@param group.colours Colours for the text labels for the experimental groups
#'A set of 15 different colours is provided.
#'@param legend.text.size The size of the legend text, in points.
#'@param axis.text.size The size of the axis text, in points
#'@param legend.symbol.size The size of the symbols in the legend
#'@param snv.label The row label for single nucleotide variants
#'@param novar.label The row label for non-variant sequences
#'@param include.table Should a table of allele (variant combination)
#'counts and total sequences be plotted? (Default: TRUE)
#'@param chimera.label The row label for chimeric (non-linearly aligned)
#'variant alleles
#'@param classify If TRUE, performs a naive classification by size
#'@rdname barplotAlleleFreqs
#'# Just show the barplot without the counts table:
#'barplotAlleleFreqs(variantCounts(gol), include.table = FALSE)
setMethod("barplotAlleleFreqs", signature("matrix"),
function(obj, category.labels = NULL, group = NULL,
bar.colours = NULL, group.colours = NULL,
legend.text.size = 10, axis.text.size = 10,
legend.symbol.size = 1, snv.label = "SNV",
novar.label = "no variant", chimera.label = "Other",
include.table = TRUE, classify = TRUE){
clrs <- bar.colours
if (is.null(clrs)){
# Colour-blind safe rainbow palette
clrs <- c("#D92120","#E78532","#DFA53A", "#6DB388","#539EB6",
ac <- obj
if (!is.null(group)){
group <- rev(group) # as ggplot plots bottom up
if (is.null(group.colours)){
# A range of dark colours chosen for readability and distinctiveness
group.colours <- c("#332288","#661100","#0072B2","#117733","#882255",
"#44AA99","#999933","#CC6677", "#E69F00","#88CCEE")
if (length(levels(group)) > length(group.colours)){
stop("Too many groups for default colours. Supply a vector of
group.colours with length equal to the number of groups")
gp_cols <- group.colours[group]
if (isTRUE(classify)){
temp <- classifyBySize(ac, snv.label, novar.label, chimera.label, clrs)
ac <- temp$ac
var_labels <- temp$var_labels
var_clrs <- temp$var_clrs
} else {
if (! is.null(category.labels)){
if (! length(category.labels) == nrow(ac)){
warning("Number of categories labels should equal number of rows of obj.
Using rownames instead.")
var_labels <- rownames(ac)
var_labels <- category.labels
var_labels <- rownames(ac)
var_clrs <- clrs
if (length(var_labels) > length(var_clrs)){
stop(sprintf("Not enough colours in default palette. Please supply %s colours",
af <- reshape2::melt(sweep(ac, 2, colSums(ac), "/"))
colnames(af) <- c("Variant", "Sample", "Percent")
af$Variant <- factor(af$Variant, levels = rownames(ac))
af$Sample <- factor(af$Sample, levels = rev(unique(af$Sample)))
# barplot
p <- ggplot(af, aes_(x = quote(Sample), y = quote(Percent),
fill = quote(Variant))) +
geom_bar(stat = "Identity", size = 10) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = var_clrs, labels = var_labels) +
ncol = 3, label.hjust = 0)) +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
theme_bw() + coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size = axis.text.size),
legend.text = element_text(size = legend.text.size),
legend.key = element_blank(),
plot.margin = grid::unit(c(0.5,0.7,0.5,0),"lines"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
if (! is.null(group)){
p <- p + theme(axis.text.y=element_text(colour= gp_cols))
hlines <- seq_along(group)[!duplicated(group)]
hlines <- hlines[2:length(hlines)] - 0.5
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept= hlines, colour = "black", size = 1)
# table
if (include.table == FALSE){ return(p) }
dat <- data.frame(Sample = colnames(obj),
Vals = c(colSums(obj),colSums(obj != 0)),
Col = rep(c("Sequences","Alleles"), each = ncol(obj)))
dat$Sample <- factor(dat$Sample, levels = rev(unique(af$Sample)))
q <- ggplot(dat, aes_(x = quote(Col), y = quote(Sample),
label = quote(Vals))) +
geom_tile(fill = "white", colour = "black", size = 1) + geom_text(size = 3) +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) +
theme_bw() + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
plot.margin = grid::unit(c(0.25,0.25,10,0), "lines"),
plot.background=element_rect(fill = "transparent",
colour = NA))
pgrob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(p)
ggrob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(q)
ggrob$heights <- pgrob$heights
return(gridExtra::grid.arrange(pgrob, ggrob, ncol = 2,
widths = c(8,2), newpage = FALSE))
aggregateSNVs <- function(ac, snv.label){
snv <- grepl(snv.label, rownames(ac))
if (any(snv)){
temp <- ac[!snv,,drop = FALSE]
ac <- rbind(temp, "SNV" = colSums(ac[snv,, drop = FALSE]))
classifyBySize <- function(ac, snv.label, novar.label, chimera.label, clrs){
ac <- aggregateSNVs(ac, snv.label)
no_indel <- grepl(sprintf("%s|%s|%s", novar.label, snv.label, chimera.label),
# Classify indel variants by size
if (any(!no_indel)){
indels <- ac[!no_indel,,drop = FALSE]
temp <- strsplit(rownames(indels), ",")
indel_grp <- rep(c(1:nrow(indels)), lapply(temp, length))
indel_ln <- rowsum(as.numeric(gsub("^.*:([0-9]+)[DI]", "\\1", unlist(temp))),
inframe <- indel_ln %% 3 == 0
is_short <- indel_ln < 10
indel_grp <- rep("inframe indel < 10", nrow(indels))
indel_grp[is_short &! inframe] <- "frameshift indel < 10"
indel_grp[!is_short & inframe] <- "inframe indel > 10"
indel_grp[!is_short & !inframe] <- "frameshift indel > 10"
grouped <- rowsum(indels, indel_grp)
ac <- ac[no_indel,,drop = FALSE]
ac <- rbind(ac, grouped)
var_order <- c(novar.label, snv.label, chimera.label,
"inframe indel < 10", "inframe indel > 10",
"frameshift indel < 10", "frameshift indel > 10")
var_labels <- c(novar.label, snv.label, chimera.label,
expression("inframe indel" <= 9),
"inframe indel > 10", "frameshift indel < 9",
expression("frameshift indel" >= 10))
names(var_labels) <- var_order
common <- intersect(var_order, rownames(ac))
var_labels <- var_labels[common]
ac <- ac[common,, drop=FALSE]
var_clrs <- clrs[factor(common, levels = var_order)]
list(ac = ac, var_labels = var_labels, var_clrs = var_clrs)
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