# .formatVarLabels -----
#'@title formatVarLabels
#'@description Internal CrispRVariants function for creating allele
#'labels given variants and positions
#'@param grl (GRangesList) A GRangesList of variants. The position
#'of the variants is used in labels
#'@param labels (character(n)) A vector of labels for each variant.
#'In CrispRVariants, this is the size and type of the variant, e.g. "9D"
#'for a 9 bp deletion.
#'@param position One of "start" and "end". Determines whether the
#'start or the end coordinate is used when labeling variants.
#'@param Optional named vector for transforming
#'variant coordinates into another coordinate system (Default: NULL)
#'@param (character(1)) Character to join positions and labels
#'(Default: ":", e.g. -3:9D)
#'@param as.string Should individual variant labels be pasted into
#'a single comma separated string when one alignment has multiple variants?
#' (Default: TRUE)
#'@rdname alleleLabelsHelpers
.formatVarLabels <- function(grl, labels, position = c("start", "end"), = NULL, = ":",
as.string = TRUE){
# Select either the start or end of the operation as the op position
position <- match.arg(position)
if (position == "start"){
glocs <- start(grl)
} else {
glocs <- end(grl)
glocs <- as.character(unlist(glocs))
# Map position to another value if a mapping is given
if (! is.null({
glocs <-[glocs]
# Add location to cigar operations
lns <- lengths(grl)
op_labs <- paste(glocs, unlist(labels), sep =
op_labs <- relist(op_labs, IRanges::PartitioningByWidth(lns))
# Reverse each member of the list if using the end as the position
if (position == "end"){
op_labs <- rev(relist(rev(unlist(op_labs)), rev(op_labs)))
# Collapse into a single string
if (isTRUE(as.string)){
op_labs <- paste(op_labs, collapse = ",")
} # -----
# indelLabels -----
#'@title indelLabels
#'@description Makes allele labels for insertion / deletion variants
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@param alns (GAligments) aligned reads for finding variants
#'@param rc Should the variants be displayed with respect to the
#'negative strand? (Default: FALSE)
#'@param A vector with names being genomic locations and
#'values being positions to use in labels (Default: NULL)
#'@param keep.ops CIGAR operations to remain in the variant label
#'(usually indels)
#'@param regions IRanges(k) Regions for counting insertions and
#'deletions. Insertions on the right border are not counted.
#'@param as.string Return labels as strings (Default: TRUE)
#'@param ... extra formatting arguments
#'@return A vector of labels for alns
indelLabels = function(alns, rc = FALSE, = NULL,
keep.ops = c("I","D","N"), regions = NULL,
as.string = TRUE, ...){
cigs <- GenomicAlignments::cigar(alns)
op_locs <- selectOps(cigs, ops = keep.ops,
op.regions = regions,
pos = start(alns))
position <- ifelse(isTRUE(rc), "end", "start")
op_labs <- .formatVarLabels(op_locs$op_rngs, op_locs$op_labels,
position = position, as.string = as.string, =, ...)
} # -----
# .resolveRefStrand -----
# If the reference provided maps to the negative strand, use
# the reverse complement when finding mismatches using the bam file
.resolveRefStrand <- function(strand, reference){
if (strand == "*") strand <- "+"
if (! strand %in% c("+","-","*")){
stop('Strand should be either "+" or "-"')
# If reference is negative, use the positive to match bam format
if (strand == "-"){
reference <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(reference)
} # -----
# findMismatches -----
# As only a single reference is provided, assume that alns start and end
# at the same position
#'@title findMismatches
#'@description Assume that the reference may be on the negative strand and
#'regions are given with respect to the reference sequence.
#'@param alns A GAlignments object, where the aligned sequences should span the
#'reference sequence
#'@param ref.start (numeric(1)) The genomic start position of the reference sequence
#'@param ref.seq A DNAString object, the sequence for comparison when checking
#'for mismatches. The sequence does not necessarily have to match the mapping
#'reference sequence. Must span all regions if regions are provided.
#'@param regions A GRanges object, regions to check for mismatches with coordinates
#'relative to the reference sequence
#'@param strand One of "+", "-"
#'@param min.pct (numeric(1), between 0 and 100) Only return SNVs that occur
#'at in least min.pct % of reads. This tests the occurrence of the exact base
#'change, not any change at a position.
#'@return A data frame of sequence indices, genomic position of mismatch
#'and mismatch base
#'@rdname alleleLabelsHelpers
.findMismatches <- function(alns, ref.seq, ref.start, regions = NULL,
strand = "+", min.pct = 0){
# Using a single reference, rather than a reference per region,
# as CrispRVariants considers variants within individual reads
# Sequences with deletions do not count towards min.pct for each column
rwdth = nchar(ref.seq)
# Check that regions are within the reference range
if (! is.null(regions)){
if (! all(regions %within% IRanges(1, rwdth))){
stop("Region for counting mismatches longer than reference sequence")
# Convert regions to positive strand if they are negative
if (as.character(strand) == "-"){
temp <- structure(rev(1:nchar(ref.seq)), names = 1:nchar(ref.seq))
strt <- temp[as.character(start(regions))]
end <- temp[as.character(end(regions))]
regions <- IRanges(end, strt)
# As the alignments are to the +ve strand, get the +ve strand reference
strand <- as.character(strand)
ref.seq <- .resolveRefStrand(strand, ref.seq)
# Get sequences aligned to the reference region, i.e. insertions ignored
sqs <- sequenceLayer(mcols(alns)$seq, cigar(alns))
if (! all(start(alns) == ref.start)){
sqs <- stackStrings(sqs, from = 1,
shift = start(alns) - ref.start,
to = rwdth,
Lpadding.letter = "N",
Rpadding.letter = "N")
# Positions will be used for the labels
posns <- ref.start:(ref.start + rwdth - 1)
names(posns) <- 1:rwdth
# unlist(unname(GAlignmentsList(alns[[1]])))
# Note: using replaceAt as looking at single base positions
if (! is.null(regions)){
del_regions <- gaps(regions, start = 1, end = rwdth)
sqs <- Biostrings::replaceAt(sqs, del_regions, "")
posns <- posns[as.logical(coverage(regions, width = rwdth))]
ref.seq <- replaceAt(ref.seq, del_regions, "")
sqsm <- as.matrix(sqs)
ref <- as.matrix(ref.seq)
eq_ref <- t(t(sqsm) == as.vector(ref))
is_base <- matrix(sqsm %in% c("A","C","T","G"), nrow = nrow(sqsm))
snv <- is_base & ! eq_ref
wh.snv <- which(snv, arr.ind = TRUE)
if (strand == "-"){
rc_base <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(sqsm[snv])))
result <- data.frame(seq = wh.snv[,1],
pos = posns[wh.snv[,2]],
base = rc_base)
} else {
result <- data.frame(seq = wh.snv[,1],
pos = posns[wh.snv[,2]],
base = sqsm[snv])
result <- result[order(result$seq), ]
if (min.pct > 0){
pcts <- prop.table(consensusMatrix(sqs)[c("A","C","T","G"),], 2) * 100
# Note: keep includes reference but will not appear in result table
keep <- which(pcts >= min.pct, arr.ind = TRUE)
keep <- paste(posns[keep[,2]], rownames(keep))
pos_base <- paste(result$pos, result$base)
result <- result[pos_base %in% keep,]
} # -----
# nonindelLabels -----
#'@title nonindelLabels
#'@description Make variant labels for variants without an insertion or deletion
#'@param alns A GAlignments object, where the aligned sequences should span the
#'reference sequence
#'@param target (GRanges(1)) The region for counting mismatches
#'@param ref.seq A DNAString object, the sequence for comparison when checking
#'for mismatches. The sequence does not necessarily have to match the mapping
#'reference sequence. Must span all regions if regions are provided.
#'@param regions A GRanges object, regions to check for mismatches with coordinates
#'relative to the reference sequence
#'@param min.pct (numeric(1), between 0 and 100) Only return SNVs that occur
#'at in least min.pct % of reads. This tests the occurrence of the exact base
#'change, not any change at a position.
#'@param mismatch.label (character(1)) Label to append to the start of mismatch
#'strings, if returning as a single string (Default: "SNV:")
#'@param Optional named vector for transforming
#'variant coordinates into another coordinate system (Default: NULL)
#'@param as.string Should individual variant labels be pasted into
#'a single comma separated string when one alignment has multiple variants?
#' (Default: TRUE)
#'@return A data frame of sequence indices, genomic position of mismatch
#'and mismatch base
mismatchLabels <- function(alns, target, ref.seq,
regions = NULL, min.pct = 0,
mismatch.label = "SNV", = NULL,
as.string = TRUE){
# Multiple counting rules
# Check rules don't overlap
# Each rule may have from bases? and to bases
mm <- .findMismatches(alns, ref.seq = ref.seq,
ref.start = start(target),
regions = regions,
strand = as.character(strand(target)),
min.pct = min.pct)
allele_labels <- rep("", length(alns))
if (nrow(mm) == 0){
if (! is.null({
mm$pos <-[as.character(mm$pos)]
mm_labs <- paste0(mm$pos, mm$base)
temp <- split(mm_labs, mm$seq)
temp <- relist(unlist(unname(temp)),
if (isTRUE(as.string)){
temp <- paste(temp, collapse = ",")
tnms <- names(temp)
temp <- paste(mismatch.label, temp, sep = ":")
names(temp) <- tnms
allele_labels[as.numeric(names(temp))] <- unname(temp)
} # -----
matchLabels <- function(alns, target, match.label = "No variant"){
# Label partial alignments differently to perfect matches
spans <- start(alns) <= start(target) & end(alns) >= end(target)
nsp_cigar <- cigar(alns)[! spans]
rngs <- unname(ranges(alns))[! spans]
splt <- split(rngs, cigar(alns)[! spans])
nunq <- splt(lengths(splt) > 1)
aln_labels <- rep(match.label, length(alns))
aln_labels[! spans] <- cigar(alns)[! spans]
# .defaultCigarLabels -----
# temporary function until CrisprRun class is removed
.defaultCigarLabels = function(cset, renumbered = TRUE,
match_label = "no variant",
mismatch_label = "SNV",
split.snv = TRUE,
upstream.snv = 8, downstream.snv = 6,
bpparam = BiocParallel::SerialParam()){
# Are the match and mismatch labels already set in the cset?
if (all(lengths(alns(cset))) == 0) return(NULL)
g_to_t <- NULL
target.loc = cset$pars$target.loc
target_start = start(cset$target)
target_end = end(cset$target)
rc = cset$pars$rc
ref = cset$ref
if (isTRUE(renumbered)){
if (any(, target_end, rc)))){
stop("Must specify target.loc (cut site), target_start,
target_end and rc for renumbering")
g_to_t <- cset$.genomeToTargetLocs(target.loc, target_start, target_end,
as.character(strand(cset$target)) %in% c("+", "*"))
# rc means "display on negative strand"
# Reversing ranges is dealt with in .findMismatches
# This section is slow
cig_by_run <- BiocParallel::bplapply(cset$crispr_runs,
function(crun) crun$getCigarLabels(
target = cset$target,
target.loc = target.loc,,
genome_to_target = g_to_t,
ref = ref,
separate.snv = split.snv,
match.label = cset$pars$match_label,
mismatch.label = cset$pars$mismatch_label,
rc = rc, upstream = upstream.snv,
downstream = downstream.snv), BPPARAM = bpparam)
} # -----
splitInsertions = function(cset, alleles = NULL, sample.pct = NULL, ...){
# Split insertions if the inserted sequence is greater than
# sample.pct percentage in any sample
# ... arguments for indelLabels
cat("alleles = ", alleles, "\n")
vc <- variantCounts(cset, result = "proportions")
if (! is.null(sample.pct)){
if (! sample.pct >= 0 & sample.pct <= 100){
stop("sample.pct should be between 0 and 100")
keep <- apply(vc, 1, function(x) any(x >= sample.pct))
alleles <- c(names(keep)[keep], alleles)
if (is.null(alleles)){
stop("Either sample.pct or alleles must not be NULL")
missing_alleles <- setdiff(alleles, rownames(vc))
cat(sprintf("missing alleles: %s\n", paste(missing_alleles, collapse = ",")))
if (any(missing_alleles)){
warning(sprintf("Alleles not found: %s",
paste(missing_alleles, collapse = "")))
cset_alns <- alns(cset)
aln_lens <- lengths(cset_alns)
cset_alns <- unlist(cset_alns)
new_labels <- SummarizedExperiment::mcols(cset_alns)$"allele"
to_change <- new_labels %in% alleles & grepl("I", cigar(cset_alns))
if (! TRUE %in% to_change){
warning("No alleles to change")
alns <- cset_alns[to_change]
indel_labs <- CrispRVariants:::indelLabels(alns, rc = cset$pars$rc, = cset$genome_to_target,
as.string = FALSE, ...)
indel_locs <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(cigar(alns),
ops = c("I","D","N"))
indel_seqs <- Biostrings::extractAt(SummarizedExperiment::mcols(alns)$seq,
indel_seqs <- relist(sprintf("(%s)", as.character(unlist(indel_seqs))),
indel_labs <- paste(indel_labs, indel_seqs, collapse = "", sep = "")
new_labels[to_change] <- indel_labs
dummy <- cset$setCigarLabels(labels =
relist(new_labels, IRanges::PartitioningByWidth(aln_lens)))
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