#' @title compGoM: compare GoM model fits across K or across different runs
#' through log-likelihood, BIC and null loglikelihood
#' @description This function takes the \code{FitGoM}/maptpx fitted model
#' and computes log likelihood, BIC and null model loglikelihood
#' for the fitted GoM models.
#' @param data matrix on which GoM model is fitted (samples along rows, genes
#' along columns)
#' @param model \code{FitGoM} or\code{maptpx::topics} function output
#' (either a class \code{topics} or a \code{list} of class
#' \code{topics}).
#' @return compGoM_models a vector list that returns the BIC and loglikelihood
#' values for each of the fitted models in \code{model}.
#' @keywords GoM, model fit
#' @examples
#' <- function() {
#' x <- tempfile()
#' download.file(paste0("",
#' "singleCellRNASeqMouseDeng2014",
#' "/master/data/Deng2014MouseEsc.rda"),
#' destfile = x, quiet = TRUE)
#' z <- get(load((x)))
#' return(z)
#' }
#' Deng2014MouseESC <
#' # Extract observed counts
#' deng.counts <- Biobase::exprs(Deng2014MouseESC)
#' # Import GoM fitting results
#' data("MouseDeng2014.FitGoM")
#' names(MouseDeng2014.FitGoM)
#' compGoM(data = t(deng.counts),
#' model = MouseDeng2014.FitGoM)
#' compGoM(data = t(deng.counts),
#' model = MouseDeng2014.FitGoM$clust_3)
#' @importFrom slam col_sums row_sums as.simple_triplet_matrix
#' @export
compGoM <- function(data, model)
X <- CheckCounts(data+1e-04);
p <- ncol(X)
n <- nrow(X)
## Null model log probability
sx <- sum(X)
qnull <- slam::col_sums(X)/sx
null_loglik <- sum( X$v*log(qnull[X$j]) ) - 0.5*(n+p)*(log(sx) - log(2*pi))
if(class(model) == "topics"){
theta <- model$theta
omega <- model$omega
probs <- omega %*% t(theta)
if (!all.equal(dim(data), dim(probs))) {
stop("Observed data dimension does not match \n
the model fit results dimension")
loglik <- Reduce(sum, sapply(1:NROW(data), function(i) {
dmultinom(x = data[i,], prob = probs[i,], log = TRUE)
}) )
BIC <- -2*loglik + NROW(theta)*(NCOL(theta)-1)*log(NROW(data))
ll <- list("BIC"=BIC, "loglik"=loglik, "null_loglik"=null_loglik);
if(class(model) == "list"){
compgom_list <- list()
num_models <- length(model)
for(j in 1:num_models){
if(class(model[[j]]) != "topics") stop("the elements of the model list must be of class topics")
theta <- model[[j]]$theta
omega <- model[[j]]$omega
probs <- omega %*% t(theta)
if (!all.equal(dim(data), dim(probs))) {
stop("Observed data dimension does not match \n
the model fit results dimension")
loglik <- Reduce(sum, sapply(1:NROW(data), function(i) {
dmultinom(x = data[i,], prob = probs[i,], log = TRUE)
}) )
BIC <- -2*loglik + NROW(theta)*(NCOL(theta)-1)*log(NROW(data))
compgom_list[[j]] <- list("BIC"=BIC, "loglik"=loglik, "null_loglik"=null_loglik);
if(!is.null(names(model))) names(compgom_list) <- names(model)
stop("The model argument is either of class topics or of class list- where each element of the list is of
class topics")
CheckCounts <- function(fcounts){
if(class(fcounts)[1] == "TermDocumentMatrix"){ fcounts <- t(fcounts) }
if(is.null(dimnames(fcounts)[[1]])){ dimnames(fcounts)[[1]] <- paste("doc",1:nrow(fcounts)) }
if(is.null(dimnames(fcounts)[[2]])){ dimnames(fcounts)[[2]] <- paste("wrd",1:ncol(fcounts)) }
empty <- slam::row_sums(fcounts) == 0
if(sum(empty) != 0){
fcounts <- fcounts[!empty,]
cat(paste("Removed", sum(empty), "blank documents.\n")) }
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