## Utility function for the Gx suite packages ------------------------------
## FIXME:: Put these functions in sections based on similar purposes
# ExpressionSet to SummarizedExperiment -----------------------------------
#' CSet molecularProfiles from ESets to SEs
#' Converts all ExpressionSet objects within the molecularProfiles slot of a
#' CoreSet to SummarizedExperiments
#' @param cSet \code{S4} A CoreSet containing molecular data in ExpressionSets
#' @return \code{S4} A CoreSet containing molecular data in a
#' SummarizedExperiments
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment Assays assay
#' assayNames assayNames<-
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs fData pData annotation protocolData
#' assayDataElementNames
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList DataFrame
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
.convertCSetMolecularProfilesToSE <- function(cSet) {
eSets <- molecularProfilesSlot(cSet) # Extract eSet data
molecularProfilesSlot(cSet) <- lapply(eSets, function(eSet) {
# Change rownames from probes to EnsemblGeneId for rna data type
if (grepl("^rna$", Biobase::annotation(eSet))) {
rownames(eSet) <- Biobase::fData(eSet)$EnsemblGeneId
# Build summarized experiment from eSet TODO:: Do we want to pass an environment for better memory efficiency?
SE <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(as.list(Biobase::assayData(eSet))), rowData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(Biobase::fData(eSet),
rownames = rownames(Biobase::fData(eSet))), colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(Biobase::pData(eSet), rownames = rownames(Biobase::pData(eSet))),
metadata = list(experimentData = eSet@experimentData, annotation = Biobase::annotation(eSet), protocolData = Biobase::protocolData(eSet)))
## TODO:: Determine if this can be done in the SE constructor? Extract names from expression set
assayNames(SE) <- assayDataElementNames(eSet)
# Assign SE to cSet
mDataType <- Biobase::annotation(eSet)
molecularProfilesSlot(cSet)[[mDataType]] <- SE
setNames(cSet@molecularProfiles, names(eSets))
# sanityCheck -------------------------------------------------------------
## TODO:: Add documentation!
#' @export
#' @noRd
.sanitizeInput <- function(x, y, lower, upper, pars, x_as_log, y_as_log, y_as_pct, trunc, verbose = FALSE) {
# Set to 2 to see debug printouts
if (!is.logical(x_as_log)) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("'x_as_log' is not a logical.")
if (!is.logical(y_as_log)) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("'y_as_log' is not a logical.")
if (!is.logical(y_as_pct)) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("'y_as_pct' is not a logical.")
if (!is.logical(trunc)) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("'trunc' is not a logical.")
if (y_as_pct && y_as_log) {
if (verbose == 2) {
warning("y_as_pct and y_as_log flags should almost certainly not both be TRUE.")
if (!(verbose %in% c(0, 1, 2))) {
message("verbose:") #can't have the if(verbose == 2) statement here since verbose itself is the problem!
stop("'verbose' flag is not set correctly.")
if (!missing(x)) {
if (!all(is.finite(x) || || (x_as_log && x == -Inf))) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("x must contain only real numbers, NA-values, and/or -Inf (if x_as_log flag is set to TRUE).")
if (x_as_log == FALSE && min(x) < 0) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("Negative x-values encountered. Data may be inappropriate, or 'x_as_log' flag may be set incorrectly.")
if (length(unique(x)) < 3) {
stop("Please pass in at least 3 unique dose points.")
if (missing(y)) {
if (missing(pars)) {
stop("Both 'pars' and 'y' missing, please pass in some data!")
} else {
if (pars[[1]] < 0 || pars[[2]] < 0) {
# HS or alpha
if (verbose == 2) {
warning("Curve parameters may be inappropriately set to negative values.")
if (length(pars) == 3) {
# and thus we are in PharmacoGx
if (x_as_log == FALSE && pars[[3]] < 0) {
stop("'x_as_log' flag may be set incorrectly, as the EC50 is negative when a positive value is expected.")
if (y_as_pct == FALSE) {
if (pars[[2]] > 1) {
if (verbose == 2) {
warning("Warning: 'y_as_pct' flag may be set incorrectly.")
} else if (length(pars) == 2) {
if (pars[[1]] < pars[[2]]) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Alpha is greater than beta.")
if (verbose == 2) {
} else {
stop("Pars does not have the correct length.")
} else {
if (!all(is.finite(y) || || (y_as_log && y == -Inf))) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("y must contain only real numbers, NA-values, and/or -Inf (if y_as_log is set to TRUE).")
if (min(y) < 0) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Warning: Negative y data.")
if (verbose == 2) {
if (max(y) > (1 + 99 * y_as_pct)) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Warning: y data exceeds negative control.")
if (verbose == 2) {
if (missing(pars)) {
if (y_as_log == FALSE && min(y) < 0) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Negative y-values encountered. y data may be inappropriate, or 'y_as_log' flag may be set incorrectly.")
if (verbose == 2) {
if (y_as_pct == TRUE && max(y) < 5) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Warning: 'y_as_pct' flag may be set incorrectly.")
if (verbose == 2) {
if (y_as_pct == FALSE && max(y) > 5) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Warning: 'y_as_pct' flag may be set incorrectly.")
if (verbose == 2) {
if (!missing(x) && length(x) != length(y)) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("Vector of x-values is not of same length as vector of y-values.")
} else {
stop("Please pass in only one of 'pars' and 'y', as it is unclear which to use in the computation.")
if (!missing(lower) && !missing(upper)) {
if (!(is.double(lower))) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("The lower bound must be a positive real number.")
if (!(is.double(lower))) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("The upper bound must be a positive real number.")
if (lower >= upper) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("The lower bound of the range of allowed x-values must be less than the upper bound.")
if (lower < 0) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("The lower bound of the range of allowed x-values must be nonnegative.")
if (upper < 0) {
if (verbose == 2) {
stop("The upper bound of the range of allowed x-values must be nonnegative.")
# getSupportVec -----------------------------------------------------------
## get vector of interpolated concentrations for graphing purposes
#' .getSupportVec
#' @param x An input vector of dosages
#' @param output_length The length of the returned support vector
#' @return \code{numeric} A numeric vector of interpolated concentrations
#' @export
#' @noRd
.getSupportVec <- function(x, output_length = 1001) {
return(seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length.out = output_length))
#### reformatData ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @noRd
.reformatData <- function(x, y, pars, x_to_log, y_to_log, y_to_frac, trunc) {
if (!(is.logical(x_to_log))) {
stop("x_to_log must be a logical.")
if (!(is.logical(y_to_log))) {
stop("y_to_log must be a logical.")
if (!(is.logical(y_to_frac))) {
stop("y_to_frac must be a logical.")
if (x_to_log) {
x <- log10(x)
### Shouldnt we sort y in same order?????
if (is.unsorted(x)) {
warning("x-values passed in unsorted. Sorting x-values and corresponding y-values (if passed in).")
xOrder <- order(x)
x <- x[xOrder]
if (!missing(y)) {
if (any( & (! {
warning("Missing x-values with non-missing y-values encountered. Removed y-values correspoding to those x-values.")
myx <- !
x <- as.numeric(x[myx])
y <- as.numeric(y[myx])
if (any((! & {
warning("Missing y-values with non-missing x-values encountered. Removed x values correspoding to those y-values.")
myy <- !
x <- as.numeric(x[myy])
y <- as.numeric(y[myy])
if (is.unsorted(x)) {
y <- y[xOrder]
if (trunc) {
y = pmin(as.numeric(y), 1)
y = pmax(as.numeric(y), 0)
if (x_to_log) {
x0s <- which(x == -Inf)
if (length(x0s) > 0) {
x <- x[-x0s]
y <- y[-x0s]
if (y_to_log) {
if (any(y <= 0)) {
warning("Transforming y to log with non-positive y values present, therefore removing.")
x <- x[y > 0]
y <- y[y > 0]
if (!length(x)) {
stop("No valid positive y values encountered, please pass in some data.")
y <- log(y)
if (y_to_frac) {
y <- y/100
if (length(unique(x)) < 3) {
stop("Less than 3 unique dose points left after cleaning data, please pass in enough valid measurements.")
return(list(x = x, y = y))
if (!missing(pars)) {
if (x_to_log && length(pars) == 3) {
pars[[3]] <- log10(pars[[3]])
if (y_to_frac && length(pars) == 3) {
pars[[2]] <- pars[[2]]/100
return(list(x = x, pars = pars))
# multinom ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @noRd
.multinom <- function(x, y) {
coeff <- 1
for (i in seq_len(length(y))) {
coeff <- coeff * choose(x, y[i])
x <- x - y[i]
# medncauchys -------------------------------------------------------------
## TODO:: Add documentation to these functions
#' @importFrom stats rcauchy
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.rmedncauchys = function(N, n, scale) {
x <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = N)
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
x[i] <- median(rcauchy(n, scale = scale))
#' @importFrom stats dcauchy pcauchy integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.dmedncauchys = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
y <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(x))
for (g in seq_along(x)) {
if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
y[g] <- 2 * .multinom(n[g], c(n[g]/2 - 1, n[g]/2 - 1)) * tryCatch(integrate(f = function(j) {
(pcauchy(x[g] - j/2, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (1 - pcauchy(x[g] + j/2, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * dcauchy(x[g] -
j/2, scale = scale[g]) * dcauchy(x[g] + j/2, scale = scale[g])
}, lower = 0, upper = Inf, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
if (divisions == 1) {
wseq <- c(1, 4, 1)
} else {
wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
aseq <- seq(from = 0, to = pi/2, length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
tseq <- tan(aseq)/2
return(sum((pcauchy(x[g] + tseq, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (pcauchy(x[g] - tseq, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) *
dcauchy(x[g] + tseq, scale = scale[g]) * dcauchy(x[g] - tseq, scale = scale[g])/(cos(aseq))^2 * wseq) * (aseq[2] - aseq[1])/6)
} else {
y[g] <- .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2)) * (pcauchy(x[g], scale = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 1)/2) * (1 - pcauchy(x[g],
scale = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 1)/2) * dcauchy(x[g], scale = scale[g])
#' @importFrom stats pcauchy integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.pmedncauchys = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
y <- integer(length(x))
for (g in seq_along(x)) {
if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
.dmedncauchys(k, n[g], scale[g])
}, lower = -Inf, upper = x[g], subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
aseq <- seq(from = -pi/2, to = atan(x[g]), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
return(sum(.dmedncauchys(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]) * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)
} else {
y[g] <- 0
Fx <- pcauchy(x[g], scale = scale[g])
for (i in 0:((n[g] - 1)/2)) {
y[g] <- y[g] + choose((n[g] - 1)/2, i) * (-1)^i * Fx^((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)/((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)
y[g] <- y[g] * .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2))
#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.edmedncauchys = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
y <- numeric(length(x))
for (g in seq_along(y)) {
if (x[g] > 0) {
upper <- Inf
lower <- x[g]
} else {
upper <- x[g]
lower <- -Inf
y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
(.dmedncauchys(k, n[g], scale[g]))^2
}, lower = lower, upper = upper, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
aseq <- seq(from = atan(lower), to = atan(upper), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
return(sum((.dmedncauchys(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]))^2 * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)
#### mednnormals -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.rmednnormals = function(N, n, scale) {
x <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = N)
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
x[i] <- median(rnorm(n, sd = scale))
#' @importFrom stats rnorm dnorm
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.dmednnormals = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
y <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(x))
for (g in seq_along(x)) {
if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
y[g] <- 2 * .multinom(n[g], c(n[g]/2 - 1, n[g]/2 - 1)) * tryCatch(integrate(f = function(j) {
(pnorm(x[g] - j/2, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (1 - pnorm(x[g] + j/2, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * dnorm(x[g] - j/2,
sd = scale[g]) * dnorm(x[g] + j/2, sd = scale[g])
}, lower = 0, upper = Inf, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
if (divisions == 1) {
wseq <- c(1, 4, 1)
} else {
wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
aseq <- seq(from = 0, to = pi/2, length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
tseq <- tan(aseq)/2
return(sum((pnorm(x[g] + tseq, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (pnorm(x[g] - tseq, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * dnorm(x[g] +
tseq, sd = scale[g]) * dnorm(x[g] - tseq, sd = scale[g])/(cos(aseq))^2 * wseq) * (aseq[2] - aseq[1])/6)
} else {
y[g] <- .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2)) * (pnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 1)/2) * (1 - pnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g]))^((n[g] -
1)/2) * dnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g])
#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.pmednnormals = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
y <- numeric(length(x))
for (g in seq_along(x)) {
if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
.dmednnormals(k, n[g], scale[g])
}, lower = -Inf, upper = x[g], subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
aseq <- seq(from = -pi/2, to = atan(x[g]), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
return(sum(.dmednnormals(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]) * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)
} else {
y[g] <- 0
Fx <- pnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g])
for (i in 0:((n[g] - 1)/2)) {
y[g] <- y[g] + choose((n[g] - 1)/2, i) * (-1)^i * Fx^((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)/((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)
y[g] <- y[g] * .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2))
#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords intenral
#' @noRd
.edmednnormals = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
y <- numeric(length(x))
for (g in seq_along(y)) {
if (x[g] > 0) {
upper <- Inf
lower <- x[g]
} else {
upper <- x[g]
lower <- -Inf
y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
(.dmednnormals(k, n[g], scale[g]))^2
}, lower = lower, upper = upper, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
aseq <- seq(from = atan(lower), to = atan(upper), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
return(sum((.dmednnormals(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]))^2 * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)
# fitCurve ----------------------------------------------------------------
## TODO:: Add function documentation
#' .fitCurve
#' Curve optimization from 1 variable to 1 variable, using L-BFSG-B from optim,
#' with fallback to pattern search if optimization fails to converge.
#' @param x [`numeric`] input/x values for function
#' @param y [`numeric`] output/y values for function
#' @param f [`function`] function f, parameterized by parameters to optimize
#' @param density [`numeric`] how many points in the dimension of each parameter should
#' be evaluated (density of the grid)
#' @param step initial step size for pattern search.
#' @param precision [`numeric`] smallest step size used in pattern search, once step size drops below this value,
#' the search terminates.
#' @param lower_bounds [`numeric`] lower bounds for the paramater search space
#' @param upper_bounds [`numeric`] upper bounds for the parameter search space
#' @param median_n [`integer`] number of technical replicates per measured point in x. Used to
#' evaluate the proper median distribution for the normal and cauchy error models
#' @param scale [`numeric`] scale on which to measure probability for the error model (roughly SD of error)
#' @param family [`character`] which error family to use. Currently, `normal` and `cauchy` are implemented
#' @param trunc [`logical`] Whether or not to truncate the values at 100% (1.0)
#' @param verbose [`logical`] should diagnostic messages be printed?
#' @param gritty_guess [`numeric`] intitial, uninformed guess on parameter values (usually heuristic)
#' @param span ['numeric'] can be safely kept at 1, multiplicative ratio for initial step size in pattern search.
#' Must be larger than precision.
#' @importFrom stats optim var
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.fitCurve <- function(x, y, f, density, step, precision, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, scale, family, median_n, trunc, verbose, gritty_guess,
span = 1) {
guess <- tryCatch(optim(par = gritty_guess, fn = function(t) {
.residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = t, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
}, lower = lower_bounds, upper = upper_bounds, control = list(factr = 1e-08, trace = 0), method = "L-BFGS-B"), error = function(e) {
list(par = gritty_guess, convergence = -1)
failed = guess[["convergence"]] != 0
guess <- guess[["par"]]
guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
gritty_guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = gritty_guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
if (failed || any( || guess_residual >= gritty_guess_residual) {
guess <- .meshEval(x = x, y = y, f = f, guess = gritty_guess, lower_bounds = lower_bounds, upper_bounds = upper_bounds, density = density,
n = median_n, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
guess <- .patternSearch(x = x, y = y, f = f, guess = guess, n = median_n, guess_residual = guess_residual, lower_bounds = lower_bounds,
upper_bounds = upper_bounds, span = span, precision = precision, step = step, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
y_hat <-, list(x, guess))
Rsqr <- 1 - var(y - y_hat)/var(y)
attr(guess, "Rsquare") <- Rsqr
# meshEval ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' meshEval
#' generate an initial guess for dose-response curve parameters by evaluating
#' the residuals at different lattice points of the search space
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# ##FIXME:: Why is this different in PharmacoGx?
.meshEval <- function(x, y, f, guess, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, density, n, scale, family, trunc) {
pars <- NULL
guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
periods <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(guess), ncol = 1)
names(periods) <- names(guess)
periods[1] <- 1
if (length(guess) > 1) {
for (par in 2:length(guess)) {
periods[par] <- periods[par - 1] * density[par] * (upper_bounds[par] - lower_bounds[par])
currentPars <- lower_bounds
for (point in seq_len(prod((upper_bounds - lower_bounds) * density))) {
for (par in seq_along(guess)) {
if (point%%periods[par] == 0) {
if (currentPars[par] >= upper_bounds[par]) {
currentPars[par] <- lower_bounds[par]
} else {
currentPars[par] <- currentPars[par] + 1/density[par]
test_guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = n, pars = currentPars, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
if (!length(test_guess_residual) || (!is.finite(test_guess_residual) && test_guess_residual != Inf)) {
stop(paste0(" Test Guess Residual is: ", test_guess_residual, "\n", "Other Pars:\n", "x: ", paste(x, collapse = ", "), "\n",
"y: ", paste(y, collapse = ", "), "\n", "n: ", n, "\n", "pars: ", pars, "\n", "scale: ", scale, "\n", "family : ", family,
"\n", "Trunc ", trunc))
if (test_guess_residual < guess_residual) {
guess <- currentPars
guess_residual <- test_guess_residual
# Set Operations ----------------------------------------------------------
## TODO:: Can we implement this as an extension of the BiocGenerics::setdiff?
#' Utility to find the symmetric set difference of a list of two or more
#' vectors or lists
#' The function finds the symmetric set differnces between all the arguments,
#' defined as Union(args)-Intersection(args)
#' @examples
#' list1 <- list('a', 'b', 'c')
#' list2 <- list('a', 'c')
#' list3 <- list('a', 'c', 'd')
#' listAll <- .symSetDiffList(list1, list2, list3)
#' listAll
#' @param ... A list of or any number of vector like objects of the same mode,
#' which could also be operated on by the native R set operations
#' @return A vector like object of the same mode as the first argument,
#' containing only the symmetric set difference
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.symSetDiffList <- function(...) {
return(setdiff(.unionList(...), .intersectList(...)))
## FIXME:: This should be implemented as an extension of the intersect generic provided in the BiocGenerics package!
#' Intersect A List of More Than Two Vectors
#' Utility to find the intersection between a list of more than two vectors or
#' lists This function extends the native intersect function to work on two
#' or more arguments.
#' @examples
#' list1 <- list('a', 'b', 'c')
#' list2 <- list('a', 'c')
#' list3 <- list('a', 'c', 'd')
#' listAll <- .intersectList(list1, list2, list3)
#' listAll
#' @param ... A list of or any number of vector like objects of the same mode,
#' which could also be operated on by the native R set operations
#' @return A vector like object of the same mode as the first argument,
#' containing only the intersection common to all arguments to the function
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.intersectList <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
nargs <- length(args)
if (nargs == 0) {
if (nargs == 1) {
if (nargs == 1 && is.list(args[[1]])) {".intersectList", args[[1]])
} else {
} else if (nargs == 2) {
return(intersect(args[[1]], args[[2]]))
} else {
return(intersect(args[[1]], .intersectList(args[-1])))
## FIXME:: This should be implemented as an extension of the union generic from BiocGenerics
#' Utility to find the union between a list of more than two vectors or
#' lists
#' This function extends the native union function to work on two or more
#' arguments.
#' @examples
#' list1 <- list('a', 'b')
#' list2 <- list('a', 'c')
#' list3 <- list('c', 'd')
#' listAll <- .unionList(list1, list2, list3)
#' listAll
#' @param ... A list of or any number of vector like objects of the same mode,
#' which could also be operated on by the native R set operations
#' @return A vector like object of the same mode as the first argument,
#' containing all the elements of all arguments passed to the function
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.unionList <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
nargs <- length(args)
return(unique(unlist(, args))))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# @param matInd array indices @param dimsizes array containing size of array of interest in each dimension
.linInd <- function(matInd, dimsizes) {
y <- matInd[1]
if (length(dimsizes) > 1) {
for (i in seq(2, length(dimsizes))) {
y <- y + (matInd[i] - 1) * prod(dimsizes[seq_len(i - 1)])
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# @param linInd linear index @param dimsizes array containing size of array of interest in each dimension
.matInd <- function(linInd, dimsizes) {
y <- matrix(0, nrow = length(dimsizes), ncol = 1)
if (NROW(y) > 1) {
for (i in seq(2, length(dimsizes))) {
y[i] <- ceiling(linInd/prod(dimsizes[seq_len(i - 1)]))
linInd <- linInd - (y[i] - 1) * prod(dimsizes[seq_len(i - 1)])
y[1] <- linInd
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.patternSearch <- function(x, y, f, guess, n, guess_residual, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, span, precision, step, scale, family, trunc) {
neighbours <- matrix(nrow = 2 * length(guess), ncol = length(guess))
neighbour_residuals <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(neighbours))
while (span > precision) {
for (neighbour in seq_len(nrow(neighbours))) {
neighbours[neighbour, ] <- guess
dimension <- ceiling(neighbour/2)
if (neighbour%%2 == 1) {
neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmin(guess[dimension] + span * step[dimension], upper_bounds[dimension])
} else {
neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmax(guess[dimension] - span * step[dimension], lower_bounds[dimension])
neighbour_residuals[neighbour] <- .residual(x = x, y = y, f = f, pars = neighbours[neighbour, ], n = n, scale = scale, family = family,
trunc = trunc)
if (min(neighbour_residuals) < guess_residual) {
guess <- neighbours[which.min(neighbour_residuals)[1], ]
guess_residual <- min(neighbour_residuals)
} else {
span <- span/2
# Not Used? ------------------------------------------------------------------
### TODO:: Determine type of objects intended for this function
#' Getter for attributes of an object
#' @param pars The object for which attributes are to be returned
#' @return A named vector where index `Rsquare` contains the attributes of the object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.examineGOF <- function(pars) {
return(c(Rsquare = attr(pars, "Rsquare")))
# Different in PharmacoGx? ------------------------------------------------
## TODO:: Write documentation
## FIXME:: Why is this different from PharmacoGx?
#' @title Residual calculation
#' @return A \code{numeric} containing the estimated residuals for the model
#' fit
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.residual <- function(x, y, n, pars, f, scale = 0.07, family = c("normal", "Cauchy"), trunc = FALSE) {
family <- match.arg(family)
diffs <-, list(x, pars)) - y
if (family != "Cauchy") {
if (trunc == FALSE) {
if (n == 1) {
return(sum(-log(.dmednnormals(diffs, n, scale))))
} else {
down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
return(sum(-log(.dmednnormals(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(.edmednnormals(-diffs[up_truncated |
down_truncated], n, scale))))
} else {
if (trunc == FALSE) {
return(sum(-log(.dmedncauchys(diffs, n, scale))))
} else {
down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
return(sum(-log(.dmedncauchys(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(.edmedncauchys(-diffs[up_truncated |
down_truncated], n, scale))))
## FIXME:: This function already exists as base::trimws? Is there any reason we need to reimplement it?
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.stripWhiteSpace <- function(str, method = c("both", "head", "tail")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
str2 <- NULL
if (length(str) == 1) {
switch(method, both = {
str2 <- gsub("^[ \t]+", "", str)
str2 <- gsub("[ \t]+$", "", str2)
}, head = {
str2 <- gsub("^[ \t]+", "", str)
}, tail = {
str2 <- gsub("[ \t]+$", "", str)
} else {
str2 <- vapply(str, .stripWhiteSpace, method = method, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# ==== LongTable
#' Convenience function for collapsing a character vector
#' @examples
#' .collapse(c("Vector", "of", "words")
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] One or more character vectors
#' @param collapse [`character`] Argument to collapse of paste0, default is ' '.
#' @return [`character`] A single character vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.collapse <- function(..., collapse=' ')
paste0(..., collapse=collapse)
#' Returns a colorized error message (magenta)
#' @examples
#' cat(.errorMsg('This ', 'is ', 'an ', 'error ', 'message'))
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] One or more strings or character vectors, also
#' accepts any params to paste0.
#' @return [`character`] Colorized string with results from paste0(...)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.errorMsg <- function(..., collapse=', ') magenta$bold(paste0(..., collapse=collapse))
#' Returns a colorized warning message (cyan)
#' @examples
#' cat(.warnMsg('This ', 'is ', 'a ', 'warning ', 'message'))
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] One or more strings or character vectors, also
#' accepts any params to paste0.
#' @return [`character`] Colorized string with results from paste0(...)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.warnMsg <- function(..., collapse=', ') cyan$bold(paste0(..., collapse=collapse))
#' Get the types of all items in a list
#' @examples
#' list <- list(c(1,2,3), c('a','b','c'))
#' is.items(list, 'character')
#' @param list A [`list`] to get the types from
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] Additional arguments to FUN
#' @param FUN [`function`] or [`character`] Either a function, or the name
#' of a function which returns a single logical value. The default function
#' uses `is`, specify the desired type in `...`. You can also use other
#' type checking functions such as is.character, is.numeric, or
#' @return [`logical`] A vector indicating if the list item is the specified
#' type.
#' @export
is.items <- function(list, ..., FUN=is)
vapply(list, FUN=FUN, FUN.VALUE=logical(1), ...)
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