#'@include All-classes.R
#' Projection of points into one dimension.
#' Project points onto a principal curve.
#' The resulting Pcp object containing results from a principal curve reduction
#' to one dimension. The group and the one dimensional points will be the
#' information needed to carry out a classification using the classify()
#' function. As a help to illustrate the details of the dimension reduction,
#' the information from some critical steps is stored in the object. To
#' visually explore these there is a dedicated plot method for Pcp objects, use
#' plot().
#' @name pcp
#' @rdname pcp
#' @aliases pcp pcp,matrix-method Pcp
#' @param mat matrix with samples on rows, PCs in columns. Ordered PCs,
#' with PC1 to the left.
#' @param classes vector in same order as rows in matrix
#' @param x matrix object for the function pcp otherwise it is a Pcp object
#' @param df degrees of freedom, passed to smooth.spline
#' @param warn logical indicating if a change in the default df argument should
#' generate a warning. mostly for internal use.
#' @param class.color user assigned group coloring scheme
#' @param n data to extract from Pcp (NULL gives all)
#' @param y default plot param, which should be set to NULL
#' @param .Object internal object
#' @param points.orig multidimensional points describing the original data
#' @param line multidimensional points describing a line
#' @param points.onedim a vector of points
#' @param index internal index from the projection
#' @param steps 1,2,3,4,5,6 or "all"
#' @param object Pcp object
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on
#' @return The pcp function returns an object of class Pcp
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin and Jason T. Serviss
#' @keywords projection
#' @examples
#' #use demo data
#' data(pcpMatrix)
#' classes <- rownames(pcpMatrix)
#' #run function
#' prj <- pcp(pcpMatrix, classes)
#' #getData accessor
#' getData(prj)
#' #getData accessor specific
#' getData(prj, "line")
#' #plot the result (if dim >2, then plot in 3d)
#' plot(prj)
#' #plot the result (if dim=2, then plot in 2d)
#' prj2 <- pcp(pcpMatrix[,1:2], classes)
#' plot(prj2)
#' @exportMethod pcp
#' @importFrom princurve principal_curve
#' @rdname pcp
setGeneric("pcp", function(mat, ...){
#' @rdname pcp
setMethod("pcp", "matrix", function(
df = NULL,
warn = TRUE,
class.color = NULL,
groups <- classes
group.color <- class.color
#input checks
.inputChecks(mat, groups)
#check for column dimnames
dimnames <- paste("dim", 1:ncol(mat), sep = "")
} else{
dimnames <- colnames(mat)
##check for NA groups
if(any( {
groups[] <- "NA"
##run principal_curve, order and extract output
if(is.null(df)) {
df <- 5
} else if(!is.null(df) & warn){
dfmessage <- c("\n\t\tYou changed the df argument from default.
You MUST provide the same df argument to the permute
function or your results will NOT be valid!\n")
prCurve <- .Curve(mat, groups, df)
mat <- prCurve[[1]]
line <- prCurve[[2]]
vec.onedim <- prCurve[[3]]
groups <- prCurve[[4]]
index <- prCurve[[5]]
#possible to remove in the future (not important to store group info twice)
#do not remove! Better to name everything for easier correspondence between
rownames(mat) <- groups
rownames(line) <- groups
names(vec.onedim) <- groups
#set color
if(is.null(group.color)) group.color <- .setColors(groups)
#if(!is.null(group.color)) group.color
#return Pcp-object
classes = groups,
points.orig = mat,
line = line,
points.onedim = vec.onedim,
dimnames = dimnames,
index = index,
class.color = group.color
# #
# helpers as units #
# #
##input checks
.inputChecks <- function(
checkList = list(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
checkList[[1]] <- is.matrix(mat)
checkList[[2]] <- is.character(groups)
checkList[[3]] <- length(groups) == nrow(mat)
checkList[[4]] <- ncol(mat) >= 3
checkList[[5]] <- all(sapply(1:length(split(mat, groups)),
function(x) length(split(mat, groups)[[x]])) > 4)
if(any(unlist(checkList)) == FALSE) {
stop(paste("There seems to be an error in your input, please refer to",
"the vignette for details concerning input format", sep = ""))
#normalize points (intervall 0 to 1) and return matrix with normalized values
.normalizeMatrix <- function(
(mat - min(mat)) / (max(mat) - min(mat))
#run princurve, sort the output, and return
.Curve <- function(
##use princurve principal_curve to draw the principal curve
prCurve <- principal_curve(mat, maxit = 1000, df = df)
#use index so the output are sorted based on the curve
index <- prCurve$ord
line <- prCurve$s[index, ]
vec.onedim <- prCurve$lambda[index]
#reorder original data
groups <- groups[index]
mat <- mat[index, ]
return(list(mat, line, vec.onedim, groups, index))
#' Projection of points into one dimension.
#' Project points onto the mean based line.
#' Projection of the points onto a line between the mean of two groups.
#' Mlp is the abbreviation for 'mean line projection'. The
#' function accepts, at the moment, only two groups and two PCs at a
#' time.
#' An object containing results from a mean line projection reduction to one
#' dimension.
#' The group and the one dimensional points are the most important information
#' to carry out a classification using the classify() function. As a help
#' to illustrate the details of the dimension reduction, the information from
#' some critical steps are stored in the object. To visually explore these
#' there is a dedicated plot method for Mlp objects, use plot().
#' @name mlp
#' @rdname mlp
#' @aliases mlp mlp,matrix-method Mlp
#' @param mat matrix with samples on rows, PCs in columns.
#' Ordered PCs, with PC1 to the left.
#' @param classes vector in same order as rows in matrix
#' @param x matrix object for the function mlp otherwise it is a Mlp object
#' @param class.color user assigned group coloring scheme
#' @param n data to extract from Mlp (NULL gives all)
#' @param y default plot param, which should be set to NULL(default: NULL)
#' @param .Object internal object
#' @param object Mlp object
#' @param points.orig multidimensional points describing the original data
#' @param line multidimensional points describing a line
#' @param points.onedim a vector of points
#' @param steps 1,2,3,4,5,6 or "all"
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on
#' @return The mlp function returns an object of class Mlp
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin and Jason T. Serviss
#' @keywords projection
#' @examples
#' #use demo data
#' data(mlpMatrix)
#' groups <- rownames(mlpMatrix)
#' #run function
#' prj <- mlp(mlpMatrix, groups)
#' #getData accessor
#' getData(prj)
#' #getData accessor specific
#' getData(prj, "line")
#' #plot result
#' plot(prj)
#' @exportMethod mlp
#' @importFrom pracma crossn
#' @rdname mlp
setGeneric("mlp", function(mat, ... ){
#' @rdname mlp
setMethod("mlp", "matrix", function(
class.color = NULL,
groups <- classes
group.color <- class.color
#check that there are only two groups
if(!length(unique(groups)) == 2){
stop("groups can only have two levels")
if(!(ncol(mat) == 2)){
stop("ncol(mat) has to be 2; accepts only two dimensions")
#check for column dimnames
dimnames <- paste("dim", 1:ncol(mat), sep = "")
} else{
dimnames <- colnames(mat)
##check for NA groups
if(any( {
groups[] <- "NA"
rownames(mat) <- groups
#find mean value for each group and dimension
mat.means <- .groupAndDimensionMean(mat, groups)
#what is the vector spanning the mean vector of
#group A and group B (limited to two groups)
vec.regr <- .regressionVectorFromGroupMeans(mat.means)
#move points so mean line passes through origin
mat.origo <- .movePointsSoMeanLineGoesThroughOrigo2D(mat, mat.means)
#project points on the vector from the group means
#(creating a line crossing origo)
mat.proj <-
#Calculate euclidean distance from origo to each point, which will
#reduce to one dimension
vec.onedim <- .reduceMultDimToOneDimAlongTheLine(mat.proj)
#process color info
if(is.null(group.color)) group.color <- .setColors(groups)
#return Mlp-object
classes = groups,
points.orig = mat,
line = mat.proj,
points.onedim = vec.onedim,
dimnames = dimnames,
points.origo = mat.origo,
class.color = group.color
# #
# helpers as units #
# #
#normalize points (intervall 0 to 1)
#returns matrix with normalized values
.normalizeMatrix <- function(
(mat - min(mat)) / (max(mat) - min(mat))
#calculate group and dimensional means
#returns matrix with groups on rows and dimensions on cols
.groupAndDimensionMean <- function(
apply(mat, 2, function(x){
lapply(split(x, groups), mean)
nrow = length(unique(groups)),
dimnames = list(unique(groups), paste("dim", 1:ncol(mat), sep = ""))
#calculate the line based on group means (now limited to solve only two groups)
#return the vector for the line from mean of group 2 to mean of group 1
.regressionVectorFromGroupMeans <- function(
mat[1,] - mat[2,]
#project points on to a line passing through origin
.projectMultidimensionalPointsOnMultidimensionalLine <- function(
a <- mat %*% vec #matrix product operator
b <- drop(vec %*% vec)
return((a %*% vec) * (1 / b))
#calculate the euclidean distance which will be the reduction to one dimension
#returns a vector with the euclidean distance
.reduceMultDimToOneDimAlongTheLine <- function(
#because the move to origo through the y-intercept we can use the
#x-axis to know which the direction the euclidean distance is supposed
#to be calculated
reduced <- rep(NA, nrow(mat))
if(any(mat[,1] < 0)){
reduced[mat[,1] <= 0] <- -sqrt(apply(
mat[mat[,1] <= 0,
drop=FALSE]^2, 1, sum
reduced[mat[,1]>0] <- sqrt(apply(
drop=FALSE]^2, 1, sum
#move the points so their mean line passes through origin
#returns a matrix, with changed y-values
.movePointsSoMeanLineGoesThroughOrigo2D <- function(
ycept <- .axisIntercept2D(meanMat)[2]
points[,2] <- points[,2] - ycept
#calculates whre the x and y intercepts are.
#returns a vector of length two
.axisIntercept2D <- function(
meanMat <- t(meanMat)
yp2.mean <- meanMat[2,2]
yp1.mean <- meanMat[2,1]
xp2.mean <- meanMat[1,2]
xp1.mean <- meanMat[1,1]
#plot(c(xp1.mean,xp2.mean),c(yp1.mean, yp2.mean))
ydiff <- yp2.mean - yp1.mean
xdiff <- xp2.mean - xp1.mean
if(xdiff == 0 & ydiff == 0){
# the means from the two groups are the same
# impossible to draw a line
# no mean difference at all between groups.
stop("the means of the groups are the same, impossible to draw line")
if ( xdiff == 0 | ydiff == 0 ){
slope <- 0
} else {
slope <- (ydiff / xdiff)
ycept <- yp2.mean - (slope * xp2.mean)
xcept <- -ycept / slope
ret <- c(xcept, ycept)
names(ret) <- c("xcept", "ycept")
# #
# helpers available for the future #
# #
#calculates the vector perpendicular to a 2D line
#returns a matrix for the left and right side of the line vectors direction
.vectorMatrixOrthogonalToMeanPointLine2D <- function(
v <- origoLineVec
h <- dist
P3 = c(-v[2], v[1]) / sqrt(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2) * h
P4 = c(-v[2], v[1]) / sqrt(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2) * -h
matrix(c(P4, P3), dimnames = list(NULL, c("right", "left")), ncol = 2)
#calculates the distance from a line to a point (in this case origo)
#returns a scalar for the distance
.distMeanPointsToLineLineTo2D3D <- function(
means <- t(means)
l <- origoLineVec
lp <- means[, 1]
if(nrow(means) == 2) {
o <- c(0, 0)
lpo_vec <- o - lp
mat <- matrix(c(lpo_vec,l), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
cross <- lpo_vec[1] * l[2] - lpo_vec[2] * l[1]
} else if(nrow(means) == 3) {
o <- c(0, 0, 0)
lpo_vec <- o - lp
mat <- matrix(c(lpo_vec, l),byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
cross <- crossn(mat)
dist <- sqrt(sum(cross^2)) / sqrt(sum(l^2))
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