setGeneric("selectionPlot", function(results, ...)
setMethod("selectionPlot", "list",
comparison = c("within", "size", "classificationName", "validation", "datasetName", "selectionName"),
referenceLevel = NULL,
xVariable = c("classificationName", "datasetName", "validation", "selectionName"),
boxFillColouring = c("classificationName", "size", "datasetName", "validation", "selectionName", "None"),
boxFillColours = NULL,
boxFillBinBoundaries = NULL,
setSizeBinBoundaries = NULL,
boxLineColouring = c("validation", "classificationName", "datasetName", "selectionName", "None"),
boxLineColours = NULL,
rowVariable = c("None", "validation", "datasetName", "classificationName", "selectionName"),
columnVariable = c("datasetName", "classificationName", "validation", "selectionName", "None"),
yMax = 100, fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 16), title = if(comparison[1] == "within") "Feature Selection Stability" else if(comparison == "size") "Feature Selection Size" else "Feature Selection Commonality",
xLabel = "Analysis", yLabel = if(is.null(referenceLevel) && comparison != "size") "Common Features (%)" else if(comparison == "size") "Set Size" else paste("Common Features with", referenceLevel, "(%)"),
margin = grid::unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "lines"), rotate90 = FALSE, showLegend = TRUE, plot = TRUE, parallelParams = bpparam())
comparison <- match.arg(comparison)
if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'ggplot2' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(!requireNamespace("scales", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'scales' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(comparison == "within" && !is.null(referenceLevel))
stop("'comparison' should not be \"within\" if 'referenceLevel' is not NULL.")
ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = NA)))
xVariable <- match.arg(xVariable)
boxFillColouring <- match.arg(boxFillColouring)
boxLineColouring <- match.arg(boxLineColouring)
rowVariable <- match.arg(rowVariable)
columnVariable <- match.arg(columnVariable)
if(class(results[[1]]) == "ClassifyResult") resultsType <- "classification" else resultsType <- "selection"
allFeaturesList <- lapply(results, function(result)
if(resultsType == "classification") # ClassifyResult object rather than SelectResult object.
chosenFeatures <- features(result)
} else { # A SelectResult object.
chosenFeatures <- result@chosenFeatures
if([[1]])) # Data set and feature ID columns.
chosenFeatures <- lapply(chosenFeatures, function(features) paste(features[, 1], features[, 2]))
else if("Pairs" %in% class(chosenFeatures[[1]]))
chosenFeatures <- lapply(chosenFeatures, function(features) paste(first(features), second(features)))
else if(class(chosenFeatures[[1]]) == "list" && is.character(chosenFeatures[[1]][[1]])) # Two-level list, such as generated by permuting and folding.
chosenFeatures <- unlist(chosenFeatures, recursive = FALSE)
else if(class(chosenFeatures[[1]]) == "list" &&[[1]][[1]])) # Data set and feature ID columns.
chosenFeatures <- unlist(lapply(chosenFeatures, function(folds) lapply(folds, function(fold) paste(fold[, 1], fold[, 2])), recursive = FALSE))
else if(class(chosenFeatures[[1]]) == "list" && "Pairs" %in% class(chosenFeatures[[1]]))
chosenFeatures <- unlist(lapply(chosenFeatures, function(folds) lapply(folds, function(fold) paste(first(fold), second(fold))), recursive = FALSE))
if(resultsType == "classification")
analyses <- sapply(results, function(result) result@classificationName)
selections <- sapply(results, function(result) result@selectResult@selectionName)
validations <- sapply(results, function(result) .validationText(result))
} else { # Compare selections.
analyses <- rep("Not classification", length(results))
selections <- sapply(results, function(result) result@selectionName)
validations <- rep("No cross-validation", length(results))
datasets <- sapply(results, function(result) result@datasetName)
referenceVar <- switch(comparison, classificationName = analyses,
selectionName = selections,
datasetName = datasets,
validation = validations)
if(!is.null(referenceLevel) && !(referenceLevel %in% referenceVar))
stop("Reference level is neither a level of the comparison factor nor is it NULL.")
if(comparison == "within")
if(resultsType == "selection")
stop("'comparison' should not be \"within\" for results that are not cross-validations.")
plotData <-, bpmapply(function(result, featuresList)
percentOverlaps <- unlist(mapply(function(features, index)
otherFeatures <- featuresList[(index + 1):length(featuresList)]
sapply(otherFeatures, function(other)
length(intersect(features, other)) / length(union(features, other)) * 100
}, featuresList[1:(length(featuresList) - 1)], 1:(length(featuresList) - 1), SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
validationText <- .validationText(result)
data.frame(dataset = rep(result@datasetName, length(percentOverlaps)),
analysis = rep(result@classificationName, length(percentOverlaps)),
selection = rep(result@selectResult@selectionName, length(percentOverlaps)),
validation = rep(validationText, length(percentOverlaps)),
overlap = percentOverlaps)
}, results, allFeaturesList, BPPARAM = parallelParams, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
} else if(comparison == "size")
plotData <-, mapply(function(result, featuresList)
setSizes <- sapply(featuresList, length)
validation <- .validationText(result)
data.frame(analysis = rep(result@classificationName, length(setSizes)),
dataset = rep(result@datasetName, length(setSizes)),
selection = rep(result@selectResult@selectionName, length(setSizes)),
validation = rep(validation, length(setSizes)),
size = setSizes)
}, results, allFeaturesList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
plotData[, "size"] <- cut(plotData[, "size"], breaks = setSizeBinBoundaries, include.lowest = TRUE)
selectionSizes <-[, 1:5]))
plotData <-, by(selectionSizes, apply(selectionSizes[, c("analysis", "dataset", "selection", "validation")], 1, paste, collapse = '.'),
function(dataSubset) {
dataSubset[, "Freq"] <- dataSubset[, "Freq"] / sum(dataSubset[, "Freq"]) * 100
plotData[, "Freq"] <- cut(plotData[, "Freq"], breaks = boxFillBinBoundaries, include.lowest = TRUE)
} else { # Commonality analysis.
groupingVariablesValues <- setdiff(c(xVariable, boxFillColouring, boxLineColouring, rowVariable, columnVariable), comparison)
groupingFactor <- paste(if("datasetName" %in% groupingVariablesValues) datasets,
if("classificationName" %in% groupingVariablesValues) analyses,
if("selectionName" %in% groupingVariablesValues) selections,
if("validation" %in% groupingVariablesValues) validations,
sep = " ")
if(length(groupingFactor) == 0) groupingFactor <- rep("None", length(results))
compareIndices <- split(1:length(results), groupingFactor)
plotData <-, bplapply(compareIndices, function(indicesSet)
indiciesCombinations <- lapply(1:length(indicesSet),
function(index) c(indicesSet[index], indicesSet[-index]))
} else { # Compare each factor level other than the reference level to the reference level.
indiciesCombinations <- list(c(indicesSet[match(referenceLevel, referenceVar[indicesSet])],
indicesSet[setdiff(1:length(indicesSet), match(referenceLevel, referenceVar[indicesSet]))]))
}, unname(lapply(indiciesCombinations, function(indiciesCombination)
aDataset <- results[[indiciesCombination[1]]]
featuresList <- allFeaturesList[[indiciesCombination[1]]]
otherDatasetIndices <- indiciesCombination[-1]
otherDatasets <- results[otherDatasetIndices]
overlapToOther <- lapply(otherDatasetIndices, function(otherIndex) # Other data sets to compare to.
unlist(lapply(featuresList, function(features) # List of features of a data set.
otherFeaturesList <- allFeaturesList[[otherIndex]]
sapply(otherFeaturesList, function(otherFeatures) # List of features of another data set.
length(intersect(features, otherFeatures)) / length(union(features, otherFeatures)) * 100
overlapToOther <- unlist(overlapToOther)
datasetText <- rep(aDataset@datasetName, length(overlapToOther))
if(resultsType == "classification")
selectionText <- rep(aDataset@selectResult@selectionName, length(overlapToOther))
analysisText <- rep(aDataset@classificationName, length(overlapToOther))
validationText <- .validationText(aDataset)
} else { # For standalone feature selection, there is no classification.
selectionText <- rep(aDataset@selectionName, length(overlapToOther))
analysisText <- "No classification"
validationText <- "No cross-validation"
} else { # Each other level has been compared to the reference level of the factor.
otherSelections <- sapply(otherDatasets, length)
datasetText <- rep(sapply(otherDatasets, function(dataset) dataset@datasetName), otherSelections)
selectionText <- rep(sapply(otherDatasets, function(dataset) if(resultsType == "classification") dataset@selectResult@selectionName else dataset@selectionName), otherSelections)
if(resultsType == "classification")
analysisText <- rep(sapply(otherDatasets, function(dataset) dataset@classificationName),
validationText <- rep(sapply(otherDatasets, function(dataset) .validationText(dataset)),
} else { # For standalone feature selection, there is no classification.
analysisText <- "No classification"
validationText <- "No cross-validation"
overlapToOther <- unlist(overlapToOther) # Convert all overlaps to a vector.
data.frame(dataset = datasetText,
analysis = analysisText,
selection = selectionText,
validation = validationText,
overlap = overlapToOther)
}, BPPARAM = parallelParams))
rownames(plotData) <- NULL # Easier for viewing during maintenance.
if(is.null(boxFillColours) && boxFillColouring != "None")
boxFillColours <- scales::hue_pal()(switch(boxFillColouring, validation = length(unique(plotData[, "validation"])), datasetName = length(unique(plotData[, "dataset"])), classificationName = length(unique(plotData[, "analysis"])), selectionName = length(unique(plotData[, "selection"])), size = length(unique(plotData[, "Freq"]))))
if(is.null(boxLineColours) && boxLineColouring != "None")
boxLineColours <- scales::hue_pal(direction = -1)(switch(boxLineColouring, validation = length(unique(plotData[, "validation"])), datasetName = length(unique(plotData[, "dataset"])), classificationName = length(unique(plotData[, "analysis"])), selectionName = length(unique(plotData[, "selection"]))))
# Order factors in which they appeared in the user's list.
plotData[, "dataset"] <- factor(plotData[, "dataset"], levels = unique(datasets))
plotData[, "analysis"] <- factor(plotData[, "analysis"], levels = unique(analyses))
plotData[, "selection"] <- factor(plotData[, "selection"], levels = unique(selections))
plotData[, "validation"] <- factor(plotData[, "validation"], levels = unique(validations))
if(rotate90 == TRUE)
validation = plotData[, "validation"] <- factor(plotData[, "validation"], levels = rev(levels(plotData[, "validation"]))),
datasetName = plotData[, "dataset"] <- factor(plotData[, "dataset"], levels = rev(levels(plotData[, "dataset"]))),
classificationName = plotData[, "analysis"] <- factor(plotData[, "analysis"], levels = rev(levels(plotData[, "analysis"]))))
selection = plotData[, "selection"] <- factor(plotData[, "selection"], levels = rev(levels(plotData[, "selection"])))
if(comparison != "size")
legendPosition <- ifelse(showLegend == TRUE, "right", "none")
selectionPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plotData, ggplot2::aes_string(x = switch(xVariable, validation = "validation", datasetName = "dataset", classificationName = "analysis", selectionName = "selection"), y = "overlap",
fill = switch(boxFillColouring, validation = "validation", datasetName = "dataset", classificationName = "analysis", selectionName = "selection", None = NULL), colour = switch(boxLineColouring, validation = "validation", datasetName = "dataset", classificationName = "analysis", selectionName = "selection", None = NULL))) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, yMax)) + ggplot2::xlab(xLabel) + ggplot2::ylab(yLabel) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(title) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = legendPosition, axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = fontSizes[2]), axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "black", size = fontSizes[3]), plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = fontSizes[1], hjust = 0.5), plot.margin = margin)
if(legendPosition != "none")
selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::labs(colour = switch(boxLineColouring, validation = "Validation", datasetName = "Dataset", classificationName = "Analysis", classificationName = "Analysis", selectionName = "Feature\nSelection"), fill = switch(boxFillColouring, validation = "Validation", datasetName = "Dataset", classificationName = "Analysis", selectionName = "Feature\nSelection"))
xData <- switch(xVariable, validation = plotData[, "validation"], datasetName = plotData[, "dataset"], classificationName = plotData[, "analysis"], selectionName = plotData[, "selection"])
if(max(table(xData)) == 1) selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") else selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::geom_boxplot()
} else {
selectionPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plotData, ggplot2::aes_string(x = switch(xVariable, validation = "validation", datasetName = "dataset", classificationName = "analysis", selectionName = "selection"), y = "size")) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill = Freq)) + ggplot2::ggtitle(title) + ggplot2::labs(x = xLabel, y = yLabel) + ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + ggplot2::theme(axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = fontSizes[2]), axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "black", size = fontSizes[3]), plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = fontSizes[1], hjust = 0.5)) + ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Frequency (%)"))
selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = boxFillColours)
selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = boxLineColours)
if(rotate90 == TRUE)
selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::coord_flip(ylim = c(0, yMax))
if(rowVariable != "None" || columnVariable != "None")
selectionPlot <- selectionPlot + ggplot2::facet_grid(reformulate(switch(columnVariable, validation = "validation", datasetName = "dataset", classificationName = "analysis", selectionName = "selection", None = '.'), switch(rowVariable, validation = "validation", datasetName = "dataset", classificationName = "analysis", selectionName = "selection", None = '.'))) + ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = fontSizes[4]))
if(plot == TRUE)
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