setGeneric("mixModelsTrain", function(measurements, ...)
setMethod("mixModelsTrain", "matrix", # Matrix of numeric measurements.
function(measurements, ...)
mixModelsTrain(DataFrame(t(measurements), check.names = FALSE), ...)
setMethod("mixModelsTrain", "DataFrame", # Mixed data types.
function(measurements, classes, ..., verbose = 3)
splitDataset <- .splitDataAndClasses(measurements, classes)
measurements <- splitDataset[["measurements"]]
isNumeric <- sapply(measurements, is.numeric)
measurements <- measurements[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE]
if(sum(isNumeric) == 0)
stop("No features are numeric but at least one must be.")
if(verbose == 3)
message("Fitting mixtures of normals for genes.")
if(!requireNamespace("Rmixmod", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'Rmixmod' could not be found. Please install it.")
models <- lapply(levels(classes), function(class)
aClassMeasurements <- measurements[classes == class, , drop = FALSE]
apply(aClassMeasurements, 2, function(featureColumn)
mixmodParams <- list(featureColumn)
mixmodParams <- append(mixmodParams, list(...)), mixmodParams)
if(verbose == 3)
message("Done fitting normal mixtures.")
models <- lapply(models, function(modelSet)
class(modelSet) <- "MixModelsList"
names(models)[1:length(levels(classes))] <- paste(levels(classes), "Models", sep = '')
models[["classSizes"]] <- setNames(as.vector(table(classes)), levels(classes))
models <- MixModelsListsSet(models)
# One or more omics data sets, possibly with clinical data.
setMethod("mixModelsTrain", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(measurements, targets = names(measurements), ...)
tablesAndClasses <- .MAEtoWideTable(measurements, targets)
dataTable <- tablesAndClasses[["dataTable"]]
classes <- tablesAndClasses[["classes"]]
mixModelsTrain(dataTable, classes, ...)
setGeneric("mixModelsPredict", function(models, test, ...)
setMethod("mixModelsPredict", c("MixModelsListsSet", "matrix"), function(models, test, ...)
mixModelsPredict(models, DataFrame(t(test), check.names = FALSE), ...)
setMethod("mixModelsPredict", c("MixModelsListsSet", "DataFrame"), # Clinical data only.
function(models, test, weighted = c("unweighted", "weighted", "both"),
weight = c("height difference", "crossover distance", "both"),
densityXvalues = 1024, minDifference = 0,
returnType = c("class", "score", "both"), verbose = 3)
models <- models@set
isNumeric <- sapply(test, is.numeric)
test <- test[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE]
if(sum(isNumeric) == 0)
stop("No features are numeric but at least one must be.")
weighted <- match.arg(weighted)
weight <- match.arg(weight)
returnType <- match.arg(returnType)
classesNames <- names(models[["classSizes"]])
classesSizes <- models[["classSizes"]]
largestClass <- names(classesSizes)[which.max(classesSizes)[1]]
models <- models[-length(models)]
if(verbose == 3)
message("Predicting using normal mixtures.")
featuresDensities <- lapply(1:ncol(test), function(featureIndex)
featureValues <- unlist(lapply(models, function(classModels) classModels[[featureIndex]]@data))
xValues <- seq(min(featureValues), max(featureValues), length.out = densityXvalues)
setNames(lapply(models, function(model)
yValues <- Reduce('+', lapply(1:model[[featureIndex]]@bestResult@nbCluster, function(index)
model[[featureIndex]]@bestResult@parameters@proportions[index] * dnorm(xValues, model[[featureIndex]]@bestResult@parameters@mean[index], sqrt(as.numeric(model[[featureIndex]]@bestResult@parameters@variance[[index]])))
list(x = xValues, y = yValues)
}), classesNames)
splines <- lapply(featuresDensities, function(featureDensities)
lapply(featureDensities, function(classDensities)
splinefun(classDensities[['x']], classDensities[['y']], "natural")
if(verbose == 3)
message("Calculating vertical differences between normal mixture densities.")
# Needed even if horizontal distance weighting is used to determine the predicted class.
posteriorsVertical <- mapply(function(featureSplines, testSamples)
sapply(1:length(classesNames), function(classIndex)
}, splines, test, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
classesVertical <- sapply(posteriorsVertical, function(featureVertical)
apply(featureVertical, 1, function(sampleVertical) classesNames[which.max(sampleVertical)])
}) # Matrix, rows are test samples, columns are features.
distancesVertical <- sapply(posteriorsVertical, function(featureVertical)
{ # Vertical distance between highest density and second-highest, at a particular value.
apply(featureVertical, 1, function(sampleVertical)
twoHighest <- sort(sampleVertical, decreasing = TRUE)[1:2]
Reduce('-', twoHighest)
}) # Matrix, rows are test samples, columns are features.
if(weight %in% c("crossover distance", "both")) # Calculate the crossover distance, even if unweighted voting to pick the class.
if(verbose == 3)
message("Calculating horizontal distances to crossover points of class densities.")
classesVerticalIndices <- matrix(match(classesVertical, classesNames),
nrow = nrow(classesVertical), ncol = ncol(classesVertical))
distancesHorizontal <- mapply(function(featureDensities, testSamples, predictedClasses)
classesCrosses <- .densitiesCrossover(featureDensities)
classesDistances <- sapply(classesCrosses, function(classCrosses)
sapply(testSamples, function(testSample) min(abs(testSample - classCrosses)))
classesDistances[cbind(1:nrow(classesDistances), predictedClasses)]
}, featuresDensities, test, # Matrix of horizontal distances to nearest cross-over involving the predicted class.
if(verbose == 3)
switch(returnType, class = message("Determining class labels."),
both = message("Calculating class scores and determining class labels."),
score = message("Calculating class scores.")
if(weight == "both")
weightExpanded <- c("height difference", "crossover distance")
else weightExpanded <- weight
allDistances <- lapply(weightExpanded, function(type)
switch(type, `height difference` = distancesVertical,
`crossover distance` = distancesHorizontal)
weightingText <- weighted
if(weightingText == "both") weightingText <- c("unweighted", "weighted")
testPredictions <-, mapply(function(weightNames, distances)
{, lapply(weightingText, function(isWeighted)
{, lapply(minDifference, function(difference)
{, lapply(1:nrow(distances), function(sampleRow)
useFeatures <- abs(distances[sampleRow, ]) > difference
if(all(useFeatures == FALSE)) # No features have a large enough density difference.
{ # Simply vote for the larger class.
classPredicted <- largestClass
classScores <- classesSizes / sum(classesSizes)
} else { # One or more features are available to vote with.
distancesUsed <- distances[sampleRow, useFeatures]
classPredictionsUsed <- factor(classesVertical[sampleRow, useFeatures], classesNames)
if(isWeighted == "unweighted")
classScores <- table(classPredictionsUsed)
classScores <- setNames(as.vector(classScores), classesNames)
} else { # Weighted voting.
classScores <- tapply(distancesUsed, classPredictionsUsed, sum)
classScores[] <- 0
classScores <- classScores / sum(classScores) # Make different feature selection sizes comparable.
classPredicted <- names(classScores)[which.max(classScores)]
data.frame(class = factor(classPredicted, levels = classesNames), t(classScores),
weighted = isWeighted, weight = weightNames,
minDifference = difference)
}, weightExpanded, allDistances, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
# Remove combinations of unweighted voting and weightings.
testPredictions <-, by(testPredictions, testPredictions[, "weighted"], function(weightVariety)
if(weightVariety[1, "weighted"] == "unweighted")
{, by(weightVariety, weightVariety[, "minDifference"], function(differenceVariety) differenceVariety[differenceVariety[, "weight"] == "height difference", ]))
} else {
whichVarieties <- character()
if(weighted == "both") whichVarieties <- "weighted"
if(weight == "both") whichVarieties <- c(whichVarieties, "weight")
if(length(minDifference) > 1) whichVarieties <- c(whichVarieties, "minDifference")
if(length(whichVarieties) == 0) whichVarieties <- "minDifference" # Aribtrary, to make a list.
varietyFactor <-, c(lapply(whichVarieties, function(variety) paste(variety, testPredictions[, variety], sep = '=')), sep = ','))
varietyFactor <- factor(gsub("(weighted=unweighted),weight=height difference", "\\1", varietyFactor))
resultsList <- lapply(levels(varietyFactor), function(variety)
varietyPredictions <- subset(testPredictions, varietyFactor == variety)
rownames(varietyPredictions) <- rownames(test)
switch(returnType, class = varietyPredictions[, "class"],
score = varietyPredictions[, colnames(varietyPredictions) %in% classesNames],
both = data.frame(class = varietyPredictions[, "class"], varietyPredictions[, colnames(varietyPredictions) %in% classesNames])
names(resultsList) <- levels(varietyFactor)
if(length(resultsList) == 1) # No varieties.
# One or more omics data sets, possibly with clinical data.
setMethod("mixModelsPredict", c("MixModelsListsSet", "MultiAssayExperiment"),
function(models, test, targets = names(test), ...)
testingMatrix <- .MAEtoWideTable(test, targets)
mixModelsPredict(models, testingMatrix, ...)
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