setGeneric("NSCselectionInterface", function(measurements, ...)
setMethod("NSCselectionInterface", "matrix", function(measurements, classes, ...)
NSCselectionInterface(DataFrame(t(measurements), check.names = FALSE), classes, ...)
setMethod("NSCselectionInterface", "DataFrame", # Clinical data or one of the other inputs, transformed.
function(measurements, classes, datasetName, trained, ...,
selectionName = "Shrunken Centroids", verbose = 3)
splitDataset <- .splitDataAndClasses(measurements, classes)
measurements <- splitDataset[["measurements"]]
isNumeric <- sapply(measurements, is.numeric)
measurements <- measurements[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE]
if(sum(isNumeric) == 0)
stop("No features are numeric but at least one must be.")
if(!requireNamespace("pamr", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'pamr' could not be found. Please install it.")
minError <- min(trained[["errors"]])
threshold <- trained[["threshold"]][max(which(trained[["errors"]] == minError))]
params <- c(list(trained), list(list(x = t(as.matrix(measurements)), y = classes, geneid = 1:ncol(measurements))), threshold)
chosen <- as.numeric(, params)[, 1])
chosen <- colnames(measurements)[chosen]
chosen <- S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)[chosen, ]
if(verbose == 3)
message("Nearest shrunken centroid feature selection completed.")
SelectResult(datasetName, selectionName, ncol(measurements), list(), list(chosen))
setMethod("NSCselectionInterface", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(measurements, targets = names(measurements), ...)
tablesAndClasses <- .MAEtoWideTable(measurements, targets)
measurements <- tablesAndClasses[["dataTable"]]
classes <- tablesAndClasses[["classes"]]
if(ncol(measurements) == 0)
stop("No variables in data tables specified by \'targets\' are numeric.")
NSCselectionInterface(measurements, classes, ...)
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