#' geneADTnetwork
#' A function to visualise the features distribtuion
#' @param sce A singlecellexperiment object
#' @param RNA_exprs_value A character indicates which expression value for
#' RNA in assayNames is used.
#' @param altExp_name A character indicates which expression matrix is used.
#' by default is none (i.e. RNA).
#' @param altExp_exprs_value A character indicates which expression value
#' in assayNames is used.
#' @param RNA_feature_subset A vector of characters indicates
#' the subset of features of RNA that are used for visualisation
#' @param ADT_feature_subset A vector of characters indicates
#' the subset of features of ADT that are used for visualisation
#' @param cell_subset A vector of characters indicates
#' the subset of cells that are used for visualisation
#' @param cor_threshold Thresholds of correlation.
#' @param cor_method a character string indicating which
#' correlation coefficient (or covariance) is to be computed.
#' One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman": can be abbreviated.
#' @param RNA_exprs_pct A numeric indicates the threshold
#' expression percentage of a gene to be considered in correlation analysis
#' @param ADT_exprs_pct A numeric indicates the threshold
#' expression percentage of a gene to be considered in correlation analysis
#' @param RNA_exprs_threshold A numeric indicates the threshold
#' of RNA expression. By default is 0.
#' @param ADT_exprs_threshold A numeric indicates the threshold
#' of ADT expression. By default is 0.
#' @param network_layout layout of the network
#' @param return_igraph indicates whether return the igraph object
#' @return A igraph object of gene-ADT network
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment altExp altExpNames
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames assay
#' @importFrom igraph V E graph_from_data_frame
#' @importFrom graphics legend plot
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' set.seed(2020)
#' data(sce_control_subset, package = "CiteFuse")
#' RNA_feature_subset <- sample(rownames(sce_control_subset), 50)
#' ADT_feature_subset <- rownames(altExp(sce_control_subset, "ADT"))
#' geneADTnetwork(sce_control_subset,
#' RNA_feature_subset = RNA_feature_subset,
#' ADT_feature_subset = ADT_feature_subset,
#' cor_method = "pearson",
#' network_layout = igraph::layout_with_fr)
#' @export
geneADTnetwork <- function(sce,
RNA_exprs_value = "logcounts",
altExp_name = "ADT",
altExp_exprs_value = "logcounts",
RNA_feature_subset = NULL,
ADT_feature_subset = NULL,
cell_subset = NULL,
cor_threshold = 0.5,
cor_method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),
RNA_exprs_pct = 0.1,
ADT_exprs_pct = 0.1,
RNA_exprs_threshold = 0,
ADT_exprs_threshold = 0,
network_layout = NULL,
return_igraph = FALSE
) {
cor_method <- match.arg(cor_method, c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"))
if (!is.null(cell_subset)) {
if (sum(!cell_subset %in% colnames(sce)) != 0) {
stop("sce does not contain some or
all of cell_subset as cell names")
} else {
cell_subset <- colnames(sce)
# RNA exprssion matrix
if (!RNA_exprs_value %in% assayNames(sce)) {
stop("sce does not contain RNA_exprs_value")
exprsMat1 <- assay(sce[, cell_subset], RNA_exprs_value)
if (!altExp_name %in% altExpNames(sce)) {
stop("sce does not contain altExp_name as altExpNames")
if (!altExp_exprs_value %in% assayNames(altExp(sce, altExp_name))) {
stop("sce does not contain altExp_exprs_value as assayNames for altExp")
# ADT exprssion matrix
exprsMat2 <- assay(altExp(sce[, cell_subset], altExp_name),
if (!is.null(RNA_feature_subset)) {
if (sum(!RNA_feature_subset %in% rownames(exprsMat1)) != 0) {
stop("sce does not contain some or
all of RNA_feature_subset as features")
if (!is.null(ADT_feature_subset)) {
if (sum(!ADT_feature_subset %in% rownames(exprsMat2)) != 0) {
stop("sce does not contain some or
all of ADT_feature_subset as features")
exprsMat1 <- as.matrix(exprsMat1[RNA_feature_subset, , drop = FALSE])
exprsMat2 <- as.matrix(exprsMat2[ADT_feature_subset, , drop = FALSE])
# Filter the features that are not expressed at all...
meanPct1 <- rowMeans(exprsMat1 > RNA_exprs_threshold)
meanPct2 <- rowMeans(exprsMat2 > ADT_exprs_threshold)
exprsMat1 <- exprsMat1[meanPct1 > RNA_exprs_pct, , drop = FALSE]
exprsMat2 <- exprsMat2[meanPct2 > ADT_exprs_pct, , drop = FALSE]
corMat <- stats::cor(t(exprsMat1), t(exprsMat2), method = cor_method)
rna_label <- rownames(exprsMat1)
rna_id <- paste("RNA", rownames(exprsMat1), sep = "_")
adt_label <- rownames(exprsMat2)
adt_id <- paste("ADT", adt_label, sep = "_")
colnames(corMat) <- adt_id
rownames(corMat) <- rna_id
df_corMat <- reshape2::melt(corMat)
df_corMat <- df_corMat[abs(df_corMat$value) > cor_threshold, ]
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(df_corMat,
directed = FALSE)
igraph::V(g)$label <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(igraph::V(g)), "_"),
paste(x[-1], collapse = "_")))
igraph::V(g)$class <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(igraph::V(g)), "_"),
"[[", 1))
numeric_class <- as.numeric(as.factor(igraph::V(g)$class))
igraph::V(g)$type <- c(TRUE, FALSE)[numeric_class]
igraph::V(g)$shape <- c("circle", "square")[numeric_class]
igraph::V(g)$color <- c("#A0CBE8", "#FFBE7D")[numeric_class]
igraph::V(g)$size <- 10
igraph::V(g)$label.cex <- 0.4
igraph::V(g)$label.color <- "black"
igraph::E(g)$color <- ifelse(df_corMat$value > 0,
"#E15759", "#4E79A7")
igraph::E(g)$weights <- abs(df_corMat$value) * 10
graphics::plot(g, layout = network_layout)
legend = c(levels(as.factor(igraph::V(g)$class)),
"positive", "negative"),
col = c("#A0CBE8", "#FFBE7D", "#E15759", "#4E79A7"),
pch = c(16, 15, 95, 95))
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