### R code from vignette source 'Introduction.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: distances
dist <- sample(c(170:300, 400), 10100, prob=c(dnbinom(0:130, mu=30, size=5), 0.2), replace=TRUE)
pos <- cumsum(dist)
pos <- pos[pos < 2e6 - 200]
### code chunk number 2: readPos1
fwdRegion <- unlist(lapply(pos, function(x) (x-88):(x-68)))
revRegion <- unlist(lapply(pos, function(x) (x+68):(x+88)))
### code chunk number 3: readPos2
fwd <- sample(fwdRegion, 5e4, replace=TRUE)
rev <- sample(revRegion, 5e4, replace=TRUE)
### code chunk number 4: readPos3
fwd <- c(fwd, sample(25:(2e6-25), 2e5, replace=TRUE))
rev <- c(rev, sample(25:(2e6-25), 2e5, replace=TRUE))
### code chunk number 5: formatData
reads <- data.frame(chromosome="chr1", position=c(fwd, rev), length=25,
strand=rep(c("+", "-"), each=250000))
### code chunk number 6: library
### code chunk number 7: simple
counts <- strandPileup(reads, chrLen=2e6, extend=1, plot=FALSE)
nucs <- simpleNucCall(counts, bind=147, support=15, plot=FALSE)
### code chunk number 8: plotNucPrint (eval = FALSE)
## plot(nucs, type="density")
## plot(nucs, type="qqplot")
### code chunk number 9: plotNuc
plot(nucs, type="density")
plot(nucs, type="qqplot")
### code chunk number 10: plotWindowPrint (eval = FALSE)
## predicted <- peaks(nucs)[[1]][911]
## plot(counts, chr="chr1", center=predicted, score=nucs, width=1000, type="window")
### code chunk number 11: plotWindowPrint2 (eval = FALSE)
## abline(v=pos[pos < predicted + 1000 & pos > predicted - 1000], col=3, lty=3)
### code chunk number 12: plotWindow
predicted <- peaks(nucs)[[1]][911]
plot(counts, chr="chr1", center=predicted, score=nucs, width=1000, type="window")
abline(v=pos[pos < predicted + 1000 & pos > predicted - 1000], col=3, lty=3)
### code chunk number 13: noOver
calls <- peaks(nucs)[[1]][c(1,which(diff(peaks(nucs)[[1]]) >= 170)+1)]
### code chunk number 14: spec
table(sapply(calls, function(x) any((x-20):(x+20) %in% pos)))
### code chunk number 15: getBindLen
bLen <- getBindLen(counts, bind = c(100,200), support = c(5, 50))
### code chunk number 16: getBindLenPrint (eval = FALSE)
## bLen <- getBindLen(counts, bind = c(100,200), support = c(5, 50))
### code chunk number 17: decompress
counts2 <- decompress(counts)
### code chunk number 18: sessionInfo
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