#' @title Wrapper function to plot the scaled metagene- profile and to
#' collect the QC-metrics
#' @description The scaled metagene profile that includes the gene body, the
#' signal is captured on a real scale from the TSS and an upstream region of
#' 2KB. From the TSS, the gene body is constructed with 0.5KB in real scale
#' at the gene start (TSS + 0.5KB) and the gene end (TES - 0.5KB), whereas
#' the remaining gene body is scaled to a virtual length of 2000. Considering
#' the length of these regions, the minimum gene length required is 3KB and
#' shorter genes are filtered out. From the profile, we take enrichment values
#' at different coordinates: at -2KB, at the TSS, inner margin (0.5KB), gene
#' body (2KB + 2 * inner margin), gene body+1KB. We collect in total 42
#' QC-metrics from the ChIP and normalized profile.
#' qualityScores_LMgenebody
#' @param data metagene-list for input and chip sample of the genebody profile
#' returned by createMetageneProfile()
#' @param savePlotPath if set the plot will be saved under 'savePlotPath'.
#' Default=NULL and plot will be forwarded to stdout.
#' @param debug Boolean, to enter debugging mode. Intermediate files are
#' saved in working directory
#' @export
#' @return returnList
#' @examples
#' ## This command is time intensive to run
#' ##
#' ## To run the example code the user must provide two bam files for the ChIP
#' ## and the input and read them with the readBamFile() function. To make it
#' ## easier for the user to run the example code we provide tow bam examples
#' ## (chip and input) in our package that have already been loaded
#' ## with the readBamFile() function.
#' mc=4
#' finalTagShift=82
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath=tempdir()
#' setwd(filepath)
#' data("chipBam", package = "", envir = environment())
#' data("inputBam", package = "", envir = environment())
#' ## calculate binding characteristics
#' chip_binding.characteristics<-spp::get.binding.characteristics(
#' chipBam, srange=c(0,500), bin=5,accept.all.tags=TRUE)
#' input_binding.characteristics<-spp::get.binding.characteristics(
#' inputBam, srange=c(0,500), bin=5,accept.all.tags=TRUE)
#' ##get chromosome information and order chip and input by it
#' chrl_final=intersect(names(chipBam$tags), names(inputBam$tags))
#' chipBam$tags=chipBam$tags[chrl_final]
#' chipBam$quality=chipBam$quality[chrl_final]
#' inputBam$tags=inputBam$tags[chrl_final]
#' inputBam$quality=inputBam$quality[chrl_final]
#' ##remove sigular positions with extremely high read counts with
#' ##respect to the neighbourhood
#' selectedTags=removeLocalTagAnomalies(chipBam, inputBam,
#' chip_binding.characteristics, input_binding.characteristics)
#' inputBamSelected=selectedTags$input.dataSelected
#' chipBamSelected=selectedTags$chip.dataSelected
#' ##smooth input and chip tags
#' smoothedChip=tagDensity(chipBamSelected, tag.shift=finalTagShift)
#' smoothedInput=tagDensity(inputBamSelected, tag.shift=finalTagShift)
#' ##calculate metagene profiles
#' Meta_Result=createMetageneProfile(smoothed.densityChip=smoothedChip,
#' smoothedInput,tag.shift=finalTagShift, mc=mc)
#' #create scaled metagene profile
#' geneBody_Scores=qualityScores_LMgenebody(Meta_Result$geneBody,
#' savePlotPath=filepath)
qualityScores_LMgenebody <- function(data, savePlotPath = NULL, debug = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(data) == 2L)
binnedChip <- data$chip
binnedInput <- data$input
message("load metagene setting")
settings <- f_metaGeneDefinition(selection = "Settings")
## pseudocount## required to avoid log2 of 0
psc <- 1
break_points_2P <- settings$break_points_2P
estimated_bin_size_2P <- settings$estimated_bin_size_2P
chip <- log2(, binnedChip) + psc)
input <- log2(, binnedInput) + psc)
input.noNorm <- colMeans(input, na.rm = TRUE)
chip.noNorm <- colMeans(chip, na.rm = TRUE)
all.noNorm <- cbind(chip.noNorm, input.noNorm)
colnames(all.noNorm) <- c("Chip", "Input")
## values at specific predefined points
hotSpotsValues <- f_spotfunction(all.noNorm,
break_points_2P, tag = "geneBody")
## local maxima and area in all the predefined regions
maxAucValues <- f_maximaAucfunction(all.noNorm,
breaks = break_points_2P,
estBinSize = estimated_bin_size_2P,
tag = "geneBody")
## make plots
colori <- c(rev(rainbow(ncol(all.noNorm) - 1)), "black")
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
filename <- file.path(savePlotPath, "ScaledMetaGene_ChIP_Input.pdf")
pdf(file = filename, width = 10, height = 7)
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(2, 0.65, 0), cex = 1)
matplot(x = as.numeric(rownames(all.noNorm)),
y = all.noNorm, type = "l", lwd = 2,
lty = 1, col = colori, xlab = "metagene coordinates",
ylab = "mean of log2 read density",
main = "scaled metagene profile", xaxt = "n")
currBreak_points <- break_points_2P[c(-2, -5)]
abline(v = c(break_points_2P[c(2, 5)]), lty = 2,
col = "darkgrey", lwd = 3)
abline(v = currBreak_points, lty = 3,
col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
axis(side = 1, at = break_points_2P,
labels = c("-2KB", "TSS", "TSS+500", "TES-500", "TES", "+1KB"))
legend(x = "topleft", fill = colori, legend = colnames(all.noNorm),
bg = "white",
cex = 0.8)
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
message("pdf saved under ", filename)
#################### normalized plot and values
common_genes <- rownames(input)[rownames(input) %in% rownames(chip)]
frameNormalized <- colMeans(
t(t(chip[common_genes, ]) - t(input[common_genes, ])),
na.rm = TRUE)
hotSpotsValuesNorm <- f_spotfunctionNorm(frameNormalized,
breaks = break_points_2P,
tag = "geneBody")
maxAucValuesNorm <- f_maximaAucfunctionNorm(frameNormalized,
breaks = break_points_2P,
estBinSize = estimated_bin_size_2P, tag = "geneBody")
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
filename <- file.path(savePlotPath, "ScaledMetaGene_normalized.pdf")
pdf(filename, width = 10, height = 7)
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(2, 0.65, 0), cex = 1)
plot(x = as.numeric(names(frameNormalized)),
y = frameNormalized,
type = "l",
lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = "orange",
xlab = "metagene coordinates",
ylab = "mean of log2 enrichment (signal/input)",
main = "normalized scaled metagene profile", xaxt = "n")
currBreak_points <- break_points_2P[c(-2, -5)] ##c(-2000,500,2500,4000)
abline(v = c(break_points_2P[c(2, 5)]), lty = 2,
col = "darkgrey", lwd = 3)
abline(v = currBreak_points, lty = 3,
col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
axis(side = 1, at = break_points_2P,
labels = c("-2KB", "TSS", "TSS+500", "TES-500", "TES", "+1KB"))
legend(x = "topleft", fill = colori,
legend = colnames(all.noNorm), bg = "white",
cex = 0.8)
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
message("pdf saved under ", filename)
p1 <- rbind(hotSpotsValues, maxAucValues)
p3 <- rbind(hotSpotsValuesNorm, maxAucValuesNorm)
result <- data.frame(cbind(p1, p3))
if ( debug ) {
message("Debugging mode ON")
outname <- file.path(getwd(), "geneBody.result")
write.table(result, file = outname, row.names = TRUE,
col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE, append=FALSE)
message("Calculation of LM for scaled profile done!")
#' @title Wrapper function that plots non-scaled profiles for TSS of TES and
#' to collect the QC-metrics
#' @description
#' The non-scaled profile is constructed around the TSS/TES, with 2KB up- and
#' downstream regions respectively. Different values are taken at the TSS/TES
#' and surroundings with +/-2KB, +/-1KB and +/-500 sizes. For all the genomic
#' positions, we kept the values for the ChIP and the normalized profile, as
#' the normalization already contains information from the input. Additionally,
#' we calculated for all of the intervals between the predefined positions the
#' area under the profile, the local maxima (x, y coordinates), the variance,
#' the standard deviation and the quantiles at 0%, 25%, 50% and 75%. In total
#' the function returns 43 QC-metrics.
#' qualityScores_LM
#' @param data metagene-list for input and chip sample for TSS or TES returned
#' by createMetageneProfile()
#' @param tag String that can be 'TSS' or 'TES',indicating if the TSS or the
#' TES profile should be calcualted (Default='TSS')
#' @param savePlotPath if set the plot will be saved under 'savePlotPath'.
#' Default=NULL and plot will be forwarded to stdout.
#' @param debug Boolean, to enter debugging mode. Intermediate files are
#' saved in working directory
#' @export
#' @return result Dataframe with QC-values for chip, input and normalized
#' metagene profile
#' @examples
#' ## This command is time intensive to run
#' ##
#' ## To run the example code the user must provide two bam files for the ChIP
#' ## and the input and read them with the readBamFile() function. To make it
#' ## easier for the user to run the example code we provide tow bam examples
#' ## (chip and input) in our package that have already been loaded
#' ## with the readBamFile() function.
#' mc=4
#' finalTagShift=82
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath=tempdir()
#' setwd(filepath)
#' data("chipBam", package = "", envir = environment())
#' data("inputBam", package = "", envir = environment())
#' ## calculate binding characteristics
#' chip_binding.characteristics<-spp::get.binding.characteristics(
#' chipBam, srange=c(0,500), bin=5,accept.all.tags=TRUE)
#' input_binding.characteristics<-spp::get.binding.characteristics(
#' inputBam, srange=c(0,500), bin=5,accept.all.tags=TRUE)
#' ##get chromosome information and order chip and input by it
#' chrl_final=intersect(names(chipBam$tags), names(inputBam$tags))
#' chipBam$tags=chipBam$tags[chrl_final]
#' chipBam$quality=chipBam$quality[chrl_final]
#' inputBam$tags=inputBam$tags[chrl_final]
#' inputBam$quality=inputBam$quality[chrl_final]
#' ##remove sigular positions with extremely high read counts with
#' ##respect to the neighbourhood
#' selectedTags=removeLocalTagAnomalies(chipBam, inputBam,
#' chip_binding.characteristics, input_binding.characteristics)
#' inputBamSelected=selectedTags$input.dataSelected
#' chipBamSelected=selectedTags$chip.dataSelected
#' ##smooth input and chip tags
#' smoothedChip=tagDensity(chipBamSelected, tag.shift=finalTagShift)
#' smoothedInput=tagDensity(inputBamSelected, tag.shift=finalTagShift)
#' ##calculate metagene profiles
#' Meta_Result=createMetageneProfile(smoothed.densityChip=smoothedChip,
#' smoothedInput,tag.shift=finalTagShift, mc=mc)
#' ##estract QC-values and plot metageneprofile for TSS
#' TSS_Scores=qualityScores_LM(data=Meta_Result$TSS, tag="TSS",
#' savePlotPath=filepath))
qualityScores_LM <- function(data, tag, savePlotPath = NULL, debug = FALSE)
stopifnot(tag %in% c("TES", "TSS"))
stopifnot(length(data) == 2L)
binnedChip <- data$chip
binnedInput <- data$input
message("load metagene setting")
# load('Settings.RData')
settings <- f_metaGeneDefinition(selection = "Settings")
break_points <- settings$break_points
estimated_bin_size_1P <- settings$estimated_bin_size_1P
## pseudocount## required to avoid log2 of 0
psc <- 1
chip <- log2(, binnedChip) + psc)
input <- log2(, binnedInput) + psc)
input.noNorm <- colMeans(input, na.rm = TRUE)
chip.noNorm <- colMeans(chip, na.rm = TRUE)
all.noNorm <- NULL
all.noNorm <- cbind(chip.noNorm, input.noNorm)
colnames(all.noNorm) <- c("Chip", "Input")
## values at specific predefined points
hotSpotsValues <- f_spotfunction(all.noNorm, break_points, tag = tag)
## local maxima and area in all the predefined regions
maxAucValues <- f_maximaAucfunction(all.noNorm, break_points,
tag = tag)
## chip_dispersion_TES_-1000_0% chip_dispersion_TES_-1000_25%
## chip_dispersion_TES_-1000_50% chip_dispersion_TES_-1000_75%
## chip_dispersion_TES_-1000_sd chip_dispersion_TES_-1000_variance
variabilityValues <- f_variabilityValues(all.noNorm,
tag = tag)
## make plots
colori <- c(rev(rainbow(ncol(all.noNorm) - 1)), "black")
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
filename <- file.path(savePlotPath,
paste("ChIP_Input_", tag, ".pdf", sep = ""))
pdf(file = filename, width = 10, height = 7)
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(2, 0.65, 0), cex = 1)
matplot(x = as.numeric(rownames(all.noNorm)), y = all.noNorm,
type = "l", lwd = 2,
lty = 1, col = colori, xlab = "metagene coordinates",
ylab = "mean of log2 read density",
main = tag, xaxt = "n")
newbreak_points <- break_points[-c(4)]
# c(-2000,-1000,-500,500,1000,2000)
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
abline(v = newbreak_points, lty = 3, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
## abline(v=0,lty=2,col='darkgrey', lwd=2)###plot TSS
## plotPoints=c(-2000,-1000,-500,500,1000,2000)###plot remaining be
## abline(v=plotPoints,lty=3,col='darkgrey', lwd=2)
axis(side = 1, at = break_points,
labels = c("-2KB", "-1KB", "-500", tag, "500", "+1KB", "+2KB"))
legend(x = "topleft", fill = colori, legend = colnames(all.noNorm),
bg = "white",
cex = 0.8)
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
message("pdf saved under ", filename)
## normalized plot and values
common_genes <- rownames(input)[rownames(input) %in% rownames(chip)]
all.Norm <- colMeans(
t(t(chip[common_genes, ]) - t(input[common_genes, ])),
na.rm = TRUE)
hotSpotsValuesNorm <- f_spotfunctionNorm(all.Norm,
break_points, tag = tag)
maxAucValuesNorm <- f_maximaAucfunctionNorm(all.Norm,
break_points, estimated_bin_size_1P,
tag = tag)
variabilityValuesNorm <- f_variabilityValuesNorm(all.noNorm,
break_points, tag = tag)
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
filename <- file.path(savePlotPath,
paste("Normalized_", tag, ".pdf", sep = ""))
pdf(file = filename, width = 10, height = 7)
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(2, 0.65, 0), cex = 1)
plot(x = as.numeric(names(all.Norm)), y = all.Norm,
type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 1,
col = "orange", xlab = "metagene coordinates",
ylab = "mean of log2 enrichment (signal/input)",
main = paste("normalized", tag, sep = " "), xaxt = "n")
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
abline(v = newbreak_points, lty = 3, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
axis(side = 1, at = break_points,
labels = c("-2KB", "-1KB", "-500", tag, "500", "+1KB", "+2KB"))
legend(x = "topleft", fill = colori,
legend = colnames(all.noNorm), bg = "white",
cex = 0.8)
if (!is.null(savePlotPath)) {
message("pdf saved under ", filename)
# convert values and features to one frame
p1 <- rbind(hotSpotsValues, maxAucValues)
p2 <- rbind(variabilityValues[[1]],
p3 <- rbind(hotSpotsValuesNorm, maxAucValuesNorm)
p4 <- rbind(variabilityValuesNorm[[1]],
result <- data.frame(cbind(rbind(p1, p2), rbind(p3, p4)))
if (debug) {
message("Debugging mode ON")
outname <- file.path(getwd(),
paste(tag, "onepoints.result", sep = "_"))
write.table(result, file = outname,
row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE,
append = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
message("Calculation of LM for non-scaled profiles done!")
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