### filename: tune.r
### Title: Function to tune different classication methods.
### Author: M. Slawski
### email: <>
### date of creation: 9.10.2007
### Brief description:
# Returns an object of class "tuningresult",
# based on results of "evaluation".
### Further comments and notes:
# s. evaluation.r
# s. GeneSelection.r
# s. Classifcation.r
### generic
setGeneric("tune", function(X, y, f, learningsets,
genesel, genesellist = list(), nbgene, classifier, fold = 3, strat = FALSE, grids = list(), trace=TRUE, ...)
### X=matrix, y=numeric, f=missing
setMethod("tune", signature(X = "matrix", y = "numeric", f = "missing"),
function(X, y, f, learningsets, genesel, genesellist = list(),
nbgene, classifier, fold = 3, strat = FALSE, grids = list(), trace = TRUE, ...){
warning("Argument 'learningsets' is missing; set to a row vector with entries '1:nrow(X)' \n")
learnmatrix <- matrix(1:nrow(X), ncol=nrow(X))
learnmatrix <- learningsets@learnmatrix
if(ncol(learnmatrix) > nrow(X))
stop("'learningsets' do not match the input data \n")
if(!missing(genesellist) && length(genesellist) != 0){
genesellist$X <- X
genesellist$y <- y
if(!missing(learningsets)) genesellist$learningsets <- learningsets
genesel <-"GeneSelection", args=genesellist)
if(class(genesel) != "genesel") stop("'genesel' must be of class 'genesel' \n")
ngenes <- ncol(genesel@rankings[[1]])
nitergenesel <- nrow(genesel@rankings[[1]])
if(ngenes != ncol(X)) stop("object 'genesel' does not match the input data \n")
if(nitergenesel != nrow(learnmatrix))
stop("object 'genesel' does not match 'learningsets' \n")
warning("Combination of feature selection and hyperparameter tuning
is subject to pessimistic bias and will be fixed in a future
package version. \n")
if(nbgene > ncol(X)) stop("'nbgene' greater than the number all genes \n")
if(genesel@method=='lasso' | genesel@method=='elasticnet'){
if(min(unlist(lapply(genesel@importance,function(y) apply(y,1,function(x) which(x==0))))))
{warning("'nbgene' greater than number of nonzero-coefficients in lasso/elasticnet on at least one training set.")} }
else nbgene <- ncol(X)
ll <- eval(substitute(list(...)))
classifname <- getMethod(classifier, signature(X="matrix", y="numeric", f="missing"))@generic
if(length(grids) == 0){
grids <- switch(classifname,#as.character(substitute(classifier)),
gbmCMA = list(n.trees = c(50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)),
compBoostCMA = list(mstop = c(50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)),
LassoCMA = list(norm.fraction = seq(from=0.1, to=0.9, length=9)),
ElasticNetCMA = list(norm.fraction = seq(from=0.1, to=0.9, length=5),
alpha = c(0.01,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.99)),
plrCMA = list(lambda = 2^{-4:4}),
pls_ldaCMA = list(comp = 1:10),
pls_lrCMA = list(comp = 1:10),
pls_rfCMA = list(comp = 1:10),
rfCMA = list(mtry = ceiling(c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2)*sqrt(ncol(X))),
nodesize = c(1,2,3)),
knnCMA = list(k=1:10),
pknnCMA = list(k = 1:10),
scdaCMA = list(delta = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5)),
pnnCMA = list(sigma = c(2^{-2:2})),
nnetCMA = list(size = 1:5, decay = c(0, 2^{-(4:1)})))
if(classifname == "svmCMA"){
if(!hasArg(kernel)) ll$kernel <- "linear"
#else ll$kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
grids <- switch(ll$kernel, linear = list(cost = c(0.1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500)),
radial = list(cost = c(0.1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500),
gamma = 1/ncol(X) * 2^{-2:2}),
polynomial = list(cost = c(0.1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500),
degree = 2:4))
if(length(grids) == 0) stop("'classifier' does not need any tuning \n")
innerlength <- unlist(lapply(grids, length))
if(any(innerlength == 0)) stop("Invalid grids specified \n")
##sorting grids
hypergrid <- expand.grid(grids)
tunereslist <- vector(mode="list", length=nrow(learnmatrix))
for(i in 1:nrow(learnmatrix)){
if(trace) cat("tuning iteration", i, "\n")
Xi <- X[learnmatrix[i,],,drop=FALSE]
yi <- y[learnmatrix[i,]]
lsi <- GenerateLearningsets(y=yi, method="CV", fold=fold, strat=strat)
perf <- double(nrow(hypergrid))
for(k in 1:nrow(hypergrid)){
classifk <-"classification", args=c(list(X=Xi, y=yi, learningsets=lsi, trace = FALSE,
classifier = classifier), as.list(data.frame(hypergrid[k,,drop=FALSE])), ll))
evalk <- evaluation(classifk, scheme = "iterationwise")
perf[k] <- mean(evalk@score)
tunereslist[[i]] <- perf
ranks <- genesel@rankings
imps <- genesel@importance
if(is.element(genesel@method, c("lasso", "elasticnet", "boosting"))){
if(length(ranks) > 1){
for(i in 1:nrow(learnmatrix)){
if(trace) cat("tuning iteration", i, "\n")
seli <- c()
for(j in 1:length(ranks)){
rankj <- ranks[[j]][i,]
impj <- imps[[j]][i,]
impj <- impj[impj > 0]
nbgene <- min(length(impj), nbgene)
seli <- c(seli, rankj[1:nbgene])
seli <- unique(seli)
Xi <- X[learnmatrix[i,],seli,drop=FALSE]
yi <- y[learnmatrix[i,]]
lsi <- GenerateLearningsets(y=yi, method="CV", fold=fold, strat=strat)
perf <- double(nrow(hypergrid))
for(k in 1:nrow(hypergrid)){
classifk <-"classification", args=c(list(X=Xi, y=yi, learningsets=lsi, trace = FALSE,
classifier = classifier), as.list(data.frame(hypergrid[k,,drop=FALSE])), ll))
evalk <- evaluation(classifk, scheme = "iterationwise")
perf[k] <- mean(evalk@score)
tunereslist[[i]] <- perf
ranks <- ranks[[1]]
imps <- imps[[1]]
for(i in 1:nrow(learnmatrix)){
if(trace) cat("tuning iteration", i, "\n")
impi <- imps[i,]
impi <- impi[impi > 0]
nbgene <- min(length(impi), nbgene)
seli <- ranks[i,1:nbgene]
Xi <- X[learnmatrix[i,],seli,drop=FALSE]
yi <- y[learnmatrix[i,]]
lsi <- GenerateLearningsets(y=yi, method="CV", fold=fold, strat=strat)
perf <- double(nrow(hypergrid))
for(k in 1:nrow(hypergrid)){
classifk <-"classification", args=c(list(X=Xi, y=yi, learningsets=lsi, trace = FALSE,
classifier = classifier), as.list(data.frame(hypergrid[k,,drop=FALSE])), ll))
evalk <- evaluation(classifk, scheme = "iterationwise")
perf[k] <- mean(evalk@score)
tunereslist[[i]] <- perf
if(length(ranks) > 1){
for(i in 1:nrow(learnmatrix)){
if(trace) cat("tuning iteration", i, "\n")
seli <- c()
for(j in 1:length(ranks)){
rankj <- ranks[[j]][i,]
seli <- c(seli, rankj[1:nbgene])
seli <- unique(seli)
Xi <- X[learnmatrix[i,],seli,drop=FALSE]
yi <- y[learnmatrix[i,]]
lsi <- GenerateLearningsets(y=yi, method="CV", fold=fold, strat=strat)
perf <- double(nrow(hypergrid))
for(k in 1:nrow(hypergrid)){
classifk <-"classification", args=c(list(X=Xi, y=yi, learningsets=lsi, trace = FALSE,
classifier = classifier), as.list(data.frame(hypergrid[k,,drop=FALSE])), ll))
evalk <- evaluation(classifk, scheme = "iterationwise")
perf[k] <- mean(evalk@score)
tunereslist[[i]] <- perf
ranks <- ranks[[1]]
for(i in 1:nrow(learnmatrix)){
if(trace) cat("tuning iteration", i, "\n")
seli <- ranks[i,1:nbgene]
Xi <- X[learnmatrix[i,],seli,drop=FALSE]
yi <- y[learnmatrix[i,]]
lsi <- GenerateLearningsets(y=yi, method="CV", fold=fold, strat=strat)
perf <- double(nrow(hypergrid))
for(k in 1:nrow(hypergrid)){
classifk <-"classification", args=c(list(X=Xi, y=yi, learningsets=lsi, trace = FALSE,
classifier = classifier), as.list(data.frame(hypergrid[k,,drop=FALSE])), ll))
evalk <- evaluation(classifk, scheme = "iterationwise")
perf[k] <- mean(evalk@score)
tunereslist[[i]] <- perf
return(new("tuningresult", hypergrid = hypergrid, tuneres = tunereslist,
method=evalk@method , fold=fold))
### X=matrix, y=factor, f=missing
setMethod("tune", signature(X="matrix", y="factor", f="missing"),
function(X, y, learningsets, genesel, genesellist = list(), nbgene,
classifier, fold = 3, strat = FALSE, grids = list(), trace=TRUE, ...){
tune(X, y=as.numeric(y)-1, learningsets=learningsets,
genesel = genesel, genesellist = genesellist, nbgene = nbgene,
classifier = classifier, fold = fold, strat = strat,
grids = grids, trace = trace, ...)
### signature X=data.frame, f=formula
setMethod("tune", signature(X="data.frame", y="missing", f="formula"),
function(X, y, f, learningsets, genesel, genesellist = list(), nbgene,
classifier, fold = 3, strat = FALSE, grids = list(), trace=TRUE, ...){
yvar <- all.vars(f)[1]
xvar <- strsplit(as.character(f), split = "~")[[3]]
where <- which(colnames(X) == yvar)
if(length(where) > 0 ){ y <- X[,where[1]] ; X <- X[,-where[1]]}
else y <- get(yvar)
if(nrow(X) != length(y)) stop("Number of rows of 'X' must agree with length of y \n")
f <- as.formula(paste("~", xvar))
X <- model.matrix(f, data=X)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
tune(as.matrix(X), y=y, learningsets=learningsets,
genesel = genesel, genesellist = genesellist, nbgene = nbgene,
classifier=classifier, fold = fold, strat = strat,
grids = grids, trace = trace, ...)})
### X=ExpressionSet, y="character", f="missing"
setMethod("tune", signature(X="ExpressionSet", y="character", f="missing"),
function(X, y, learningsets, genesel, genesellist = list(), nbgene,
classifier, fold = 3, strat = FALSE, grids = list(), trace=TRUE, ...){
y <- pData(X)[,y]
X <- exprs(X)
if(nrow(X) != length(y)) X <- t(X)
tune(as.matrix(X), y=y, learningsets=learningsets,
genesel = genesel, genesellist, nbgene = nbgene, classifier = classifier,
fold = fold, strat = strat, grids = grids, trace = trace, ...)})
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