### filename: GenerateLearningsets.r
### Title: Function to prepare different learningsets, e.g.
### - LOOCV
### - MCCV
### - Bootstrap
### Author: M. Slawski, adapted from A-L Boulesteix
### email: <>
### date of creation: 19.9.2007
### Brief description:
# Returns an object of class learningsets.
### Further comments and notes:
# BoostrapCV is, though highly interesting, not included because it
# does not fit into the general design.
GenerateLearningsets <- function(n, y,
method=c("LOOCV", "CV", "MCCV", "bootstrap"),
fold=NULL, niter=NULL, ntrain=NULL, strat=FALSE)
if(length(n) != 1 || n < 0) stop("'n' must be a positive integer ! \n")
n <- as.integer(n)
if(!is.null(fold) && n <= fold) stop("'n' is too small \n")
if(!is.null(ntrain) && n <= ntrain) stop("'n' is too small \n")
if(missing(n) & missing(y)) stop("At least one of 'n' or 'y' mus be given \n")
if(!missing(y)) n <- length(y)
method <- match.arg(method, c("LOOCV","CV","MCCV","bootstrap"))
if(!is.element(method, eval(formals(GenerateLearningsets)$method)))
stop("method must be one of 'LOOCV', 'CV', 'MCCV', 'bootstrap' \n")
if(strat & missing(y))
stop("If 'strat=TRUE', 'y' (class memberships) must be given \n")
if (method=="MCCV")
if (is.null(niter) | is.null(ntrain))
stop("With the MCCV method, arguments niter and ntrain should be given.")
taby <- table(y)
prop <- taby/sum(taby)
classize <- roundvector(prop*ntrain, ntrain)
if(any(classize < 1))
stop("Generation of learningsets failed, one or several classes are too small. \n")
indlist <- sapply(names(taby), function(z) which(y==z), simplify = FALSE)
learnmatrix <- matrix(nrow=niter, ncol=ntrain)
lower <- cumsum(c(1, classize[-length(classize)]))
upper <- cumsum(classize)
for(i in 1:length(indlist))
learnmatrix[,lower[i]:upper[i]] <- t(replicate(niter, sample(indlist[[i]], classize[i], replace=FALSE)))
else learnmatrix <- t(replicate(niter, sample(n,ntrain,replace=FALSE)))
if (method=="CV")
if (is.null(niter)) niter <- 1
if (is.null(fold))
stop("With the CV method, argument 'fold' must be given.")
if (fold==n) method<-"LOOCV"
size <- n/fold
#if (size < 5) stop("argument 'fold' is too large; The ratio of no. observations/fold should be > 5. \n")
learnmatrix <- matrix(0, niter*fold, n-floor(size)) <- floor(size)
size.vector <- rep(, fold)
if ( != size)
for (j in 1:fold) group.index <- c(group.index, rep(j,size.vector[j]))
for (i in 1:niter)
for (j in 1:fold)
whichj <- which(group.index==j)
learnmatrix[j+(i-1)*fold,1:length(whichj)]<- whichj
learnmatrix <- learnmatrix[,1:max(size.vector),drop=FALSE]
if ( != size)
learnmatrix <- t(apply(learnmatrix, 1, function(z) setdiff(0:n, z)))
if ( == size)
learnmatrix <- t(apply(learnmatrix, 1, function(z) setdiff(1:n, z)))
taby <- table(y)
prop <- taby/sum(taby)
siz <- n-floor(n/fold)
classize <- roundvector(prop*siz, siz)
if(any(taby < fold))
warning("One or several classes are smaller than the number of folds. \n")
indlist <- sapply(names(taby), function(z) which(y==z), simplify = FALSE)
templist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(indlist))
#learnmatrix <- matrix(0, niter*fold, siz)
#lower <- cumsum(c(1, classize[-length(classize)]))
#upper <- cumsum(classize) templist[[i]]
for(i in 1:length(indlist)){
outp <-, args=list(n=taby[i], method="CV", niter=niter, fold=fold))@learnmatrix
templist[[i]] <- t(apply(outp, 1, function(z) ifelse(z == 0, 0, indlist[[i]][z])))
#learnmatrix[1:fold,lower[i]:upper[i]] <- t())
#templist <- lapply(templist, function(z) ifelse(z == 0, 0, indlist[[i]][z]))
#learnmatrix <- templist[[1]]
#for(i in 2:length(indlist)) learnmatrix <- cbind(learnmatrix, templist[[i]])
#checkzeros <- learnmatrix == 0
#mode(checkzeros) <- "numeric"
#indmatrix <- rowswaps(checkzeros)
#for(i in 1:ncol(learnmatrix)) learnmatrix[,i] <- learnmatrix[indmatrix[,i], i]
topass <- lapply(templist, function(z) z[1:fold,,drop=FALSE])
swaporder <- rowswaps(topass)
nrep <- 1
while(nrep < niter){
swaporder <- rbind(swaporder, swaporder[1:fold,,drop=FALSE]+fold*nrep)
nrep <- nrep+1
for(i in 1:length(templist))
templist[[i]] <- templist[[i]][swaporder[,i],]
learnmatrix <- templist[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(indlist)) learnmatrix <- cbind(learnmatrix, templist[[i]])
if (method=="LOOCV") learnmatrix <- matrix(rep(1:n, each=n-1), nrow=n)
if (method=="bootstrap")
if (is.null(niter))
stop("If 'method=bootstrap', the argument 'niter' must be given. \n")
if(!strat) learnmatrix <- t(replicate(niter, sample(n,replace=TRUE)))
taby <- table(y)
if(any(taby) < 1)
warning("One or several classes are too small. \n")
indlist <- sapply(names(taby), function(z) which(y==z), simplify = FALSE)
learnmatrix <- matrix(nrow=niter, ncol=n)
lower <- cumsum(c(1,taby[-length(taby)]))
upper <- cumsum(taby)
for(i in 1:length(indlist)){
learnmatrix[,lower[i]:upper[i]] <- t(replicate(niter, sample(indlist[[i]], taby[i], replace=TRUE)))
if(strat & is.element(method, c("CV","MCCV","bootstrap")))
method <- paste("stratified", method)
new("learningsets", learnmatrix=learnmatrix, method=method,
ntrain=ncol(learnmatrix), iter=nrow(learnmatrix))
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