### filename: GeneSelection.r
### Title: Various gene selection methods.
### Author: M. Slawski, adapted from A-L Boulesteix
### email: <>
### date of creation: 26.9.2007
### Brief description:
# Returns an object of class 'genesel'.
### Further comments and notes:
### generic
setGeneric("GeneSelection", function(X, y, f, learningsets,
method=c("t.test", "welch.test", "wilcox.test", "f.test", "kruskal.test",
"limma", "rfe", "rf", "lasso", "elasticnet", "boosting", "golub","shrinkcat"), scheme,
trace = TRUE, ...)
### X=matrix, y=numeric, f=missing
setMethod("GeneSelection", signature(X="matrix", y="numeric", f="missing"),
function(X, y, f, learningsets, method=c("LassoCMA","t.test", "welch.test", "wilcox.test", "f.test", "kruskal.test",
"limma", "rfe", "rf", "lasso", "elasticnet", "boosting", "golub","shrinkcat"), scheme, trace = TRUE, ...)
nrx <- nrow(X)
ly <- length(y)
if(nrx != length(y))
stop("Number of rows of 'X' must agree with length of y \n")
y <- as.factor(y)
n <- length(y)
maxlvl <- nlevels(y)
tempcall <- as.character(
if(tempcall[4] == "temp") maxlvl <- 2
#levels(y) <- 1:maxlvl
y <- as.numeric(y)-1
warning("Argument 'learningsets' is missing; set to a row vector with entries '1:nrow(X)' \n")
learnmatrix <- matrix(1:nrx, ncol=nrx)
learnmatrix <- learningsets@learnmatrix
if(ncol(learnmatrix) > nrx)
stop("'learningsets' do not match the input data \n")
method <- match.arg(method)
if(!is.element(method, eval(formals(GeneSelection)$method)))
stop("Invalid 'method' specified \n")
if(!is.element(scheme, c("pairwise", "one-vs-all", "multiclass")))
stop("Invalid 'scheme' specified. Must be one of 'pairwise' or 'one-vs-all' \n")
if( maxlvl == 2) scheme <- "pairwise"
if(missing(scheme) & is.element(method, c("kruskal.test", "f.test", "rf", "boosting", "limma", "rf")))
scheme <- "multiclass"
if(missing(scheme) & !is.element(method, c("kruskal.test", "f.test", "boosting", "limma"))){
warning("y has more than two levels, but 'scheme' is not specified and
a multiclass method is not used; set to 'one-vs-all' \n")
scheme <- "one-vs-all"
if(!missing(scheme) && (scheme == "multiclass" & !is.element(method, c("kruskal.test", "f.test", "boosting", "limma", "rf")))){
warning("scheme is 'multiclass' although a multiclass method is not used;
set to 'one-vs-all' \n")
scheme <- "one-vs-all"
niter <- nrow(learnmatrix)
p <- ncol(X)
outrankings <- outimportance <- matrix(nrow=niter, ncol=p)
if( maxlvl == 2 | scheme == "multiclass")
# rownames.varsel<-character(niter)
rankings <- importance <- matrix(0, niter, p)
selfun <- switch(method, t.test = ttest,
welch.test = welchtest,
wilcox.test = wilcoxtest,
f.test = ftest,
kruskal.test = kruskaltest,
limma = limmatest,
rf = rfCMA,
rfe = rfe,
lasso = LassoCMA,
elasticnet = ElasticNetCMA,
boosting = compBoostCMA,
golub = golubcrit,
for (i in 1:niter)
if(trace) cat("GeneSelection: iteration",i, "\n")
# rownames.varsel[i]<-paste("iteration",i)
outp <- selfun(X, y, learnind=learnmatrix[i,], ...)@varsel
outrankings[i,] <- ord <- order(outp, decreasing = TRUE)
outimportance[i,] <- outp[ord]
colnames(outrankings) <- paste("rank", 1:p, sep="")
colnames(outimportance) <- paste("gene", ord, sep="")
rownames(outrankings) <- rownames(outimportance) <- paste("iter.", 1:niter, sep="")
rankings <- importance <- list()
rankings[[1]] <- outrankings
importance[[1]] <- outimportance
if( scheme == "pairwise" )
rankings <- importance <- vector(mode="list")
m <- 1
for (k in 1:max(y))
for (j in 0:(k-1))
temp <- t(apply(learnmatrix, 1, function(z){
tempindc <- which(!is.element(y[z], c(k,j)))
z[tempindc] <- 0; z}))
if(any(rowSums(temp) == 0))
stop("Scheme 'pairwise' cannot be performed; not each
learning set contains members of all classes \n")
temp <- new("learningsets", learnmatrix = temp)
outp <- GeneSelection(X=X, y=y, learningsets = temp, method=method,...)
rankings[[paste(k, "vs.", j)]] <- outp@rankings[[1]]
importance[[paste(k, "vs.", j)]] <- outp@importance[[1]]
if (scheme=="one-vs-all")
rankings <- importance <- vector(mode="list")
for (k in 0:max(y))
check <- apply(learnmatrix, 1, function(z) sum(y[z]==k))
if(any(check < 1))
stop("Scheme 'one-vs-all' cannot be performed;
not each learning set contains members of all classes \n")
outp <- GeneSelection(X=X, y=as.numeric(y==k), learningsets=learningsets, method=method,...)
rankings[[paste(k, "vs. rest")]] <- outp@rankings[[1]]
importance[[paste(k, "vs. rest")]] <- outp@importance[[1]]
new("genesel", rankings=rankings, importance=importance, method=method,
### X=matrix, y=factor, f=missing
setMethod("GeneSelection", signature(X="matrix", y="factor", f="missing"),
function(X, y, f, learningsets, method=c("t.test", "welch.test", "wilcox.test", "f.test", "kruskal.test",
"limma", "rfe", "rf", "lasso", "elasticnet", "boosting", "golub","shrinkcat"), scheme, trace = TRUE, ...)
GeneSelection(X, y=as.numeric(y)-1, learningsets=learningsets,
method=method, scheme=scheme, trace=trace, ...))
### X=data.frame, y=missing, f=formula
setMethod("GeneSelection", signature(X="data.frame", y="missing", f="formula"),
function(X, y, f, learningsets, method=c("t.test", "welch.test", "wilcox.test", "f.test", "kruskal.test",
"limma", "rfe", "rf", "lasso", "elasticnet", "boosting", "golub","shrinkcat"), scheme, trace = TRUE, ...){
yvar <- all.vars(f)[1]
xvar <- strsplit(as.character(f), split = "~")[[3]]
where <- which(colnames(X) == yvar)
if(length(where) > 0 ){ y <- X[,where[1]] ; X <- X[,-where[1]]}
else y <- get(yvar)
if(nrow(X) != length(y)) stop("Number of rows of 'X' must agree with length of y \n")
f <- as.formula(paste("~", xvar))
X <- model.matrix(f, data=X)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
GeneSelection(X=as.matrix(X), y=y, learningsets=learningsets, method=method,
scheme = scheme, trace = trace, ...)})
### X=ExpressionSet, y=character, f=missing
setMethod("GeneSelection", signature(X="ExpressionSet", y="character", f="missing"),
function(X, y, learningsets, method=c("t.test", "welch.test", "wilcox.test", "f.test", "kruskal.test",
"limma", "rfe", "rf", "lasso", "elasticnet", "boosting", "golub","shrinkcat"), scheme,
trace = trace, ...){
y <- pData(X)[,y]
X <- exprs(X)
if(nrow(X) != length(y)) X <- t(X)
GeneSelection(X=X, y=y, learningsets=learningsets, method = method,
scheme = scheme, trace = trace, ...)})
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