##################### 8/20/2012: population stratification #################
##################### 6/19/12:davies for G-E independence & also fix Davis for indep=F: i made mistakes for derivatives.. ##############
##################### 10/27/2011: GxE independence assumption again 2:new approach for variance ###############################
##################### 10/30/2011:davies for G-E NON-independence ##############
##################### 10/05/2011: GxE independence assumption again 2:fix efficient score ###############################
##################### 10/02/2011: GxE independence assumption again ###############################
########## 9/19/2011: GxE independence assumption ###############################
########## 8/24/2011: max test ###############
########## 8/23/2010: NCimplementaion ########
########## 8/14/2011 gneral class ############
########## July 27 2011: extension for a vector E & correct error in information matrix ###########
######### July 6 2011: use the given parameter for b0 and b2 ( a coefficient for E) ##########
# June 19 2015 Make more efficient
scoreTest.small.logit5.max.indep6=function(y,x1,x2,covs2,thetas,b2,phat,ncolx2=1,indep,,datS,nStrata){ # ES=efficientScore
### score = sum{i=1, N} x1star*(y-phat), where x1star = x1*exp(-b2*x2)
## implemented according to my note "14_max2df.generalScoreTest.G.E.indep_fixed3.doc" #######
we <- exp(x2%*%b2)
if (!indep) x1yphat <- x1*(y-phat)
phatprod <- phat*(1-phat)
if (!indep) {
temp <- cbind(NA, x2=x2, int=rep(1,length(y)),covs2)
} else {
temp <- cbind(x2=x2, int=rep(1,length(y)),covs2)
k <- ncol(temp)
xx <- cbind(phat=phat,temp)
NCXX <- ncol(xx)
NRXX <- nrow(xx)
NTHETAS <- length(thetas)
if (indep) {
if (is.null( { <- rep(1,length(x1))
nStrata <- 1
Ns <- as.vector(table(
tt2 <- myExpectedGenotype2(x1,
p <- tt2[,"E.G"]/2 # because E(G) = 2*p
twophat <- 2*phat
twop <- 2*p
TEMP1 <- x1*y - p*twophat
info_h.h <- matrix(0,nrow=k+nStrata,ncol=k+nStrata)
tt1 <- p*datS
temp <- tt1==0
tt1[temp] <- NA
Ps <- apply(tt1,2,mean,na.rm=T)
diag(info_h.h)[1:nStrata] = (Ps*(1-Ps))/(2*Ns)
TEMP2 <- twop*phat*((1+p)-twop*phat)
TEMP3 <- twop*phatprod
NRdatS <- nrow(datS)
NCdatS <- ncol(datS)
mu <- phat
txx <- t(xx[, -1, drop=FALSE])
cxx <- colnames(xx)[-1]
for(i in 1:NTHETAS){
theta=thetas[i] # [1] -1
#################### [1] Calculate Weight #################################################
#weight=exp(x2%*%b2)^theta #weight=exp( - x2%*%b2) #weight=exp(-b2*x2)
x1star = x1*weight # weighted genotype: if x2=0 stays the same, if x2=1, genotype is scaled down
#> length(weight)
#[1] 3000
#> length(x1star)
#[1] 3000
##################### [2] score test without weight on x1 #####################################################
# score = sum { WGy - Wfy }
####### make expected genotype vector where each individual has its own population's allele frequency ########
## Let p is MAF: E(G)= 0 +1*2p(1-p) + 2* p^2 = 2p , E(G^2) = 0 + 1^2p(1-p) + 4*p^2 = 2p-2p^2+4p^2 = 2p + 2p^2
#if(is.null( {,length(x1)) ; nStrata=1}
#tt2 = myExpectedGenotype2(x1,
### allele frequecy p for each strata ###
#p=tt2[,"E.G"]/2 # because E(G) = 2*p
#xxx2=cbind(weight=weight,p=p) #,f2=f2,xx)
#colnames(xxx2)[1:2]=c("weight","p") #,"f2")
#xxx2[, 1] <- weight
#xxx2[, 2] <- p
score = sum(weight*TEMP1)
#score = sum(weight*(x1y - p*twophat))
#score = sum(weight*x1*y - weight*2*p*phat) #; score #[1] 37.83296[1] 146.3
#score = sum(weight*{x1*y - 2*p*phat) - info_b.h%*%((1/N)*info_p1.p1*c(((2*n2+n1)-2*p*N)*(1/((p*(1-p))^2)), info_h1.h1%*%
#score = sum(weight*x1*y - weight*f*phat - (infoprods[,j])*(y-phat)) ; score #[1] 146.3
}#end of
#score = sum(weight*x1*(y-phat))
score <- sum(weight*x1yphat)
} #[1] 146.3
#score = sum(weight*x1*y - weight*f*phat) ; score #[1] 146.3
#score = sum(weight*x1* (y-phat)) ; score #[1] 146.3
##################### [3] Variance calculation ##################################################################
#### so this is regular form of information matrix for score test, so rather than calculating each element separately,
# i will calculate the whole k x k matrix information matrix for (b1, b2, bCovs) = (b1, psi) and than take the element
# to calculate the above V variance
# --> it's the form of Info = sum{i=1;N} phat(1-phat)ZZ' ---> where Z is (1xk) vector, one row from design matrix
# where Z include = [x1star, x2, int, covs)
### create a huge design matrix by the order as i want ###
### Z=cbind(x1star=x1star, x2=x2, int=rep(1,length(y)),covs)
if (!indep) {
#Z=cbind(x1star=weight*x1, x2=x2, int=rep(1,length(y)),covs2)
#Z[, 1] <- x1star
xx[, "x1star"] <- x1star
txx["x1star", ] <- x1star
} else {
#Z=cbind(x2=x2, int=rep(1,length(y)),covs2)
#k=ncol(Z) # x1 is redundant here
#> Z[1:5,]
# x1star x2 int cov1 cov2
#[1,] 0.2970462 1 1 0.105776131 -0.5182269
#[2,] 1.0000000 0 1 0.923279120 0.1290149
#[3,] 0.5940924 1 1 0.653278798 0.4690067
#[4,] 0.2970462 1 1 1.414003270 -0.7807924
#[5,] 0.2970462 1 1 0.001745034 0.7063796
#### do the calculation for one row at a time and use apply() to avoid loop ###
### combine phatprod and Z to use apply()
if(indep==F){ ##### the procedure is written at "11_0913_generalTest.pdf"
################### [3.1] calculate fisher information matrix (standard) to calculate, ######################3
##### Make a standard information matrix with outer product of each variable vectors: I just need Info_betaG_h & Info_h_h
##### but for indep=T, for x1 genotype should be replaced not by weight*x1, but weight*f (expected genotype)!
##where h=c(x2,covs), info[1,-1](=Info_betaG_h) & info[-1,-1](=Info_h_h)
## if I do additive=F for the following function, it's going to be standard information = = NA
##### follwoing procedure is the same regardless indep=T or indep=F since x1star= weight*x1 or x1star=weight*f is reflected in x1star
##### apply() to get "STANDARD" information matrix for all subjects ###############
##### follwoing procedure is the same regardless indep=T or indep=F since x1star= weight*x1 or x1star=weight*f is reflected in x1star
# Old R code
#info0=apply(xx,1,info.small.standard) ####### standard outer product without extra terms other than cross-product
#infoSum0=rowSums(info0) # sum along the row
# New code Jun 22, 2015
NC <- NCXX - 1
infoSum <- as.double(rep(0, NC*NC))
temp <- .C("infoSmallStandard", as.double(txx), as.integer(NRXX),
as.integer(NC), as.double(phatprod), infoSum=infoSum, PACKAGE="CGEN")
infoSum <- temp$infoSum
#[1] 25 (= k*k = 5*5 )
#infoSum[1:10] #each element is each cell in information matrix
# [1] 589.8972183 89.3934608 456.3023854 -15.4158293 -0.1594849 89.3934608 301.2654614
# [8] 301.2654614 -23.0481914 -3.7530529
#### then make a final information matrix ###
# x1star X21 X22 int
#x1star 468.38295 29.62099 30.09650 350.0096
#X21 29.62099 109.08936 15.76889 109.0894
#X22 30.09650 15.76889 100.41519 100.4152
#int 350.00964 109.08936 100.41519 476.1927
# x1star X21 X22 int
#x1star 312.97152 30.89091 31.27824 348.2083
#X21 30.89091 109.08936 15.76889 109.0894
#X22 31.27824 15.76889 100.41519 100.4152
#int 348.20829 109.08936 100.41519 476.1927
##################### calculate variance using efficient score ############################
## V = p(1-p){x1star - I[b1,rest]I[rest,rest]^-1*rest)^2
#> xx[1:3,]
# phat x1star X21 X22 int
#1 0.1546989 0 0 0 1
#2 0.1546989 0 0 0 1
#3 0.1546989 1 0 0 1
rest = xx[,-c(1:2)]
#> rest[1:5,]
# X21 X22 int
#1 0 0 1
#2 0 0 1
#3 0 0 1
#4 1 1 1
#5 0 0 1 = infomat[1,-1]
#info1 = infomat[1,-1]
#> info1
# X21 X22 int Z1 Z2
# 29.61 30.14 350.01 6.93 -4.29
#info2 = NA
#try(info2 <- solve(infomat[-1,-1]),silent=T) # i confirmed it's not solve(infomat)[-1,-1] ##take out first and then invert = NA
try( <- solve(infomat[-1,-1]),silent=T) # i confirmed it's not solve(infomat)[-1,-1] ##take out first and then invert
#info2 = NA
#try(info2 <- solve(infomat[-1,-1]),silent=T) # i confirmed it's not solve(infomat)[-1,-1] ##take out first and then invert
# X21 X22 int Z1 Z2
#X21 0.012004 1.09e-03 -2.98e-03 1.24e-04 1.61e-04
#X22 0.001093 1.27e-02 -2.94e-03 9.48e-05 -8.92e-05
#int -0.002979 -2.94e-03 3.40e-03 -6.77e-05 1.58e-05
#Z1 0.000124 9.48e-05 -6.77e-05 2.15e-03 -1.19e-05
#Z2 0.000161 -8.92e-05 1.58e-05 -1.19e-05 2.21e-03
if( any( ==T) { info1=NA ; rest=NA ; x1star=NA}
x1star_info = x1star - (rest %*% info2) %*% info1
#> info2
# X21 X22 int
#X21 0.011984964 0.001094261 -0.002976342
#X22 0.001094261 0.012719711 -0.002932897
#int -0.002976342 -0.002932897 0.003400293
#> info1
# X21 X22 int
# 29.62099 30.09650 350.00964
#> rest[1:3,]
# X21 X22 int
#1 0 0 1
#2 0 0 1
#3 0 0 1
V=sum(phatprod*(x1star_info)^2) # V = p*phat*(x1star - info[1,rest]*invinfo[-1,-1]*w)^2
#[1] 151.3418
#c(phatprod = prod, x1star_info = (xx1star - info1%*%info2%*%rest))
############## inefficient using apply() ##########################
#### make a k by k information matrix for one subject
x=xx[4,] # one subject
# phat x1 y x1star X21 X22 int
#0.6345532 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.1053979 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
#[1] 5.352418
names(tt3) #[1] "phatprod.phat" "x1star_info"
#try( V0 <- tt3["phatprod.phat"]*((tt3["x1star_info"])^2))
#V0 ==tt2
# [1] TRUE
#try (V0 <- prod*((xx1star - info1%*%info2%*%rest)^2))
## #V= sum(i) weight^2*p(f2-(f^2)p) - 2p(1-p)weight f {I[b1,rest] I[rest,rest]^-1 rest} + (I[b1,rest]*I[rest,rest]^-1*rest)^2 * p(1-p)
##### this is also needed for corelation between test for later
core= t(apply(xx,1,effScoreVar_small.split2,info1=info1,info2=info2,ncolx2=ncolx2,theta=theta))
#> dim(core)
#[1] 3000 2
#> core[1:5,]
#> core[1:5,]
# phatprod.phat infoprod V0
#1 0.1307672 1.0003324 0.07734599
#2 0.1307672 1.0003324 0.07635709
#3 0.1307672 1.0003324 0.07548177
#4 0.2318954 -0.2212079 0.02803674
#5 0.1307672 1.0003324 0.07635709
V=sum(core[,1]*(core[,2])^2) # V = p*phat*(x1star - info[1,rest]*invinfo[-1,-1]*w)^2
# V #[1] 151.3418
if(doThis==T){ ##### this should match
V2= apply(xx,1,effScoreVar_small,info1=info1,info2=info2,ncolx2=ncolx2,theta=theta)
V22=sum(V2); #V22
#[1] 1513.044
#> V22==V
#[1] TRUE
}#end of doThis=F
}#3nd of
}#end of indep=F
w= xx[,-1]
# X21 X22 int
#1 0 0 1
#2 0 0 1
################### [3.1] calculate fisher information matrix (standard) to calculate, ######################3
##### Make a standard information matrix with outer product of each variable vectors: I just need Info_betaG_h & Info_h_h
##### but for indep=T, for x1 genotype should be replaced not by weight*x1, but weight*f (expected genotype)!
##where h=c(x2,covs), info[1,-1](=Info_betaG_h) & info[-1,-1](=Info_h_h)
## if I do additive=F for the following function, it's going to be standard information
# h = (h1, h2) = (p, beta.e, beta.covariate)
info_b1.h = info_h2.h2 = info_p.p = NA
########## (3.1.1) make info_h2.h2 --> simple outter product ########
#> xx[1:5,]
# phat X21 X22 int
#1 0.1546989 0 0 1
#2 0.1546989 0 0 1
myInfoStandard = function(x){
# phat X21 X22 int
#0.1546989 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 = x[1]
ww = x[-1]
# X21 X22 int
#[1,] 0 0 0.0000000
#[2,] 0 0 0.0000000
#[3,] 0 0 0.1307672
}#3nd of
# Old code
#tm0 = apply(xx,1,myInfoStandard)# exclude x1star
#tm0 = rowSums(tm0)
# New code
NC <- NCXX - 1
infoSum <- as.double(rep(0, NC*NC))
temp <- .C("infoSmallStandard", as.double(txx), as.integer(NRXX),
as.integer(NC), as.double(phatprod), infoSum=infoSum, PACKAGE="CGEN")
tm0 <- temp$infoSum
tm2 <- matrix(tm0,byrow=T,ncol=k)
colnames(tm2)=row.names(tm2) = colnames(xx)[-1] #; tm2
# X21 X22 int
#X21 109.08936 15.76889 109.0894
#X22 15.76889 100.41519 100.4152
#int 109.08936 100.41519 476.1927
### invert it ###
try(info_h2.h2 <- solve(tm2),silent=T) #; info_h2.h2
# i confirmed it's not solve(infomat)[-1,-1] ##take out first and then invert
# > info_n2.n2
# X21 X22 int
#X21 0.011984964 0.001094261 -0.002976342
#X22 0.001094261 0.012719711 -0.002932897
#int -0.002976342 -0.002932897 0.003400293
########## (3.1.2) make info_h.h ########
#info_h.h=matrix(0,nrow=nrow(info_h2.h2)+nStrata,ncol=ncol(info_h2.h2)+nStrata) # i am going to make inverse of I_h.h actuall
###### this is only for one strata should do it for multiple strata later 10/27/2011
#info_h.h[1,1] = (p[1]*(1-p[1]))/(2*N[1]) # inverse of I_p.p
#info_h.h[1,1] = 1/(2*N[1]) # inverse of I_p.p
#info_h.h[-1,-1] = info_h2.h2
###### get p1, p2, p3, p4 for each of four strata #######
#> tt1[1:3,]
# x.1 x.2 x.3
#[1,] 0.564 0.0000 0.000
#[2,] 0.000 0.5205 0.000
#[3,] 0.000 0.0000 0.541
#Ps= apply(tt1,2,mean,na.rm=T)
# x.1 x.2 x.3
#0.5640 0.5205 0.5410
#diag(info_h.h)[1:nStrata] = (Ps*(1-Ps))/(2*Ns)
info_h.h[-(1:nStrata),-(1:nStrata)] = info_h2.h2
#> info_h.h
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#[1,] 0.000122952 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#[2,] 0.000000000 0.0001247899 0.0000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#[3,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 0.0001241595 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
#[4,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.008950505 0.004966426 -0.004966426
#[5,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.004966426 0.011107591 -0.004966426
#[6,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -0.004966426 -0.004966426 0.004966426
if(doThis==T){ ## OK just to make sure..
#### original first and then inverse to see if the result is the same
info_h.h2[1,1] = (2*N[1])*(1/(p[1]*(1-p[1])))
info_h.h2[-1,-1] =tm2
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#[1,] 4.164463e-05 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000000
#[2,] 0.000000e+00 0.0123233993 0.0006457057 -0.002785071
}#end of doThis
########## (3.1.2) info_bG.h calculate...complicated ###################### <- datS*matrix(as.vector(weight)*twophat, nrow=NRdatS, ncol=NCdatS)
#temp <- as.vector(weight)*twophat
#for(j in 1:ncol([,j] = datS[,j]*temp
#for(j in 1:ncol([,j] = datS[,j]*as.vector(weight)*2*mu
info_b1.h <- c(colSums(, colSums(as.vector(weight)*TEMP3*w))
#info_b1.h <- colSums(cbind(, as.vector(weight)*TEMP3*w))
#info_b1.h = colSums(cbind(, as.vector(weight)*2*p*w*phatprod))
#info_b1.h = colSums(cbind(, as.vector(weight)*2*p*w*mu*(1-mu)))
# x.1 x.2 x.3 E.1 E.2 int
#304.56705 302.64109 311.30175 55.66569 19.64902 293.62825
##### make this for Davis formula later for p-value calculation #####
#info_b1.h.derv1 = colSums(cbind(theta*(w^(theta-1))*2*mu, as.vector(weight)*2*p*w*mu*(1-mu)))
#d2=(we^(theta-1)) + (theta*(theta-1)*we^(theta-2))
#info_b1.h.derv1 = colSums(cbind(d1*2*mu, as.vector(d1)*2*p*w*mu*(1-mu))) # because w is a vector
#info_b1.h.derv2 = colSums(cbind(d2*2*mu, as.vector(d2)*2*p*w*mu*(1-mu)))
#info_b1.h.derv2 = colSums(cbind(as.vector(weight)*2*mu, as.vector(weight)*2*p*w*mu*(1-mu)))
################### [3.2] Now calculate variance of test statistics (in my note "13_generalScoreTest.G.E.indep.pdf") ###############
########### variance calculation ##########
try( V <- sum((weight^2)*TEMP2) - info_b1.h %*% info_h.h %*% info_b1.h )
#try( V <- sum((weight^2)*(2*p)*mu*((1+p)-2*p*mu)) - info_b1.h %*% info_h.h %*% info_b1.h )
# V #[1] 161.2667
}#end of indep=T
################## [4] Test Statistics ########################################
### T = score^2/V
stat = as.vector( score^2/V )
#stat #[1] 17.66121 #[1] 10.84663
#pval #[1] 2.639556e-05 #[1] 0.0009897562
#> colnames(core)
#[1] "phatprod.phat" "infoprod" "V0" "weight.weight"
#phatprod.phat x1star_info
#part1 = as.vector(info_b1.h[1]*((1/N)*info.pp*((2*n2+n1)-2*pp*N)*(1/(pp*(1-pp))))); part1 #[1] 0.004666807
#part2 = as.vector((info_b1.h[-1]%*%info_h2.h2%*%ww)) ; part2 #[1] -0.2212079
################## [5] store information ############################################
scores <- rep(NA, NTHETAS)
vs <- scores
stats <- scores
pvals <- scores
scores[1] <- score
vs[1] <- V
stats[1] <- stat
pvals[1] <- pval
#scores = score
#vs = V
#stats = stat
#pvals = pval
if(indep==F & any( ==F) {
infoprods = x1star_info
info_b1.rests =
if(indep==F & any( ==T) {
infoprods = rep(NA,length(phatprod))
if(indep==T) {
info_b1.hs = info_b1.h
temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(infoprods), ncol=NTHETAS)
temp[, 1] <- infoprods
infoprods <- temp
if ((!indep) && (!any( {
temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(info_b1.rests), ncol=NTHETAS)
temp[, 1] <- info_b1.rests
info_b1.rests <- temp
if (indep) {
temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(info_b1.hs), ncol=NTHETAS)
temp[, 1] <- info_b1.hs
info_b1.hs <- temp
temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(weights), ncol=NTHETAS)
temp[, 1] <- weights
weights <- temp
}#end of i=1
#scores = c(scores,score)
#vs = c(vs,V)
#stats = c(stats,stat)
#pvals = c(pvals,pval)
scores[i] <- score
vs[i] <- V
stats[i] <- stat
pvals[i] <- pval
if(indep==F & any( ==F) {
#infoprods = cbind(infoprods, x1star_info)
#info_b1.rests= cbind(info_b1.rests,
infoprods[, i] <- x1star_info
info_b1.rests[, i] <-
if(indep==F & any( ==T) {
#infoprods = cbind(infoprods, rep(NA,length(phatprod)))
infoprods[, i] <- rep(NA,length(phatprod))
if(indep==T) {
#info_b1.hs = cbind(info_b1.hs, info_b1.h)
info_b1.hs[, i] <- info_b1.h
#weights=cbind(weights, weight)
weights[, i] <- weight
}#end of i > 1
}#end of i loop
if(indep==F) if(is.matrix(infoprods)==F) { dim(infoprods)=c(length(infoprods),1) ; dim(weights)=c(length(weights),1) }
if(indep==T) if(is.matrix(info_b1.hs)==F) { dim(info_b1.hs)=c(length(info_b1.hs),1)}# ; dim(info_b1.h.derv1s)=c(length(info_b1.h.derv1s),1); dim(info_b1.h.derv2s)=c(length(info_b1.h.derv2s),1); dim(weights)=c(length(weights),1) }
if(indep==F) {if(any( ==F) {colnames(infoprods)= Names ; colnames(info_b1.rests)=Names } }
if(indep==T) { if(any( ==F) { colnames(info_b1.hs)=Names } }
#if(indep==T) { if(any( ==F) { colnames(info_b1.hs)=colnames(info_b1.h.derv1s)=colnames(info_b1.h.derv2s)=Names } }
#################### now covariance matrix between tests (thetas) ###########################
# COV(th1,th2) = sum{i} phatprod*[x1starinfo(th1)*x1starinfo(th2)]
COR = do.indic = NA
ncinf <- ncol(infoprods)
if(indep==F) do.indic = ncinf>1
if(indep==T) do.indic = ncol(info_b1.hs)>1
#tm1 = possibleComb(1:ncinf) #; tm1 ; #[1] "1 2" "1 3" "2 3"
#temp <- strsplit(tm1,split=" ")
#for (j in 1:length(tm1)){
# #cols = as.numeric(strsplit(tm1,split=" ")[[j]]) #; cols; #[1] 1 2
# cols <- as.numeric(temp[[j]])
# pro = phatprod*infoprods[,cols[1]]*infoprods[,cols[2]]
# pro.s = sum(pro)
# COV[cols[1],cols[2]]=pro.s
# }#end of j loop
retcov <- double(ncinf*ncinf)
len <- length(phatprod)
temp <- .C("getCOV0", as.integer(ncinf), as.double(phatprod), as.integer(len),
as.double(infoprods), retcov=retcov, PACKAGE="CGEN")
COV <- temp$retcov
dim(COV) <- c(ncinf, ncinf)
COV <- t(COV)
}#end of indep=F
#tm1 = possibleComb(1:ncol(info_b1.hs))
#temp <- strsplit(tm1,split=" ")
#for (j in 1:length(tm1)){
# #cols = as.numeric(strsplit(tm1,split=" ")[[j]]);
# cols <- as.numeric(temp[[j]])
# pro = sum(weights[,cols[1]]*weights[,cols[2]]*(2*p)*mu*((1+p)-2*p*mu)) - info_b1.hs[,cols[1]] %*% info_h.h %*% info_b1.hs[,cols[2]]
# COV[cols[1],cols[2]]=pro
# }#end of j loop
NCb1 <- ncol(info_b1.hs)
retcov <- double(NCb1*NCb1)
len <- nrow(weights)
NCh <- ncol(info_h.h)
temp <- .C("getCOV1", as.integer(NCb1), as.integer(len), as.double(weights),
as.double(TEMP2), as.double(info_b1.hs), as.double(info_h.h),
as.integer(NCh), retcov=retcov, PACKAGE="CGEN")
COV <- temp$retcov
dim(COV) <- c(NCb1, NCb1)
COV <- t(COV)
}#end of indep=T
diag(COV)=vs #;COV
#> COV
# th-1 th0.5 th1
#th-1 151.3418 196.3731 262.0771
#th0.5 NA 486.3087 866.5444
#th1 NA NA 1869.5923
COV2[upper.tri(COV2)] = COV[(upper.tri(COV))]
indic.keep=!(colSums( #
if(all( & is.null(dim(COV3))==F) COR=cov2cor(COV3) #; COR
# th-1 th0.5 th1 th2 th3 th4
#th-1 1.0000000 0.7238465 0.4926928 0.2060813 0.1432605 0.1290698
#th0.5 0.7238465 1.0000000 0.9087854 0.5350346 0.3844740 0.3389143
#th1 0.4926928 0.9087854 1.0000000 0.8235064 0.7044891 0.6645300
#th2 0.2060813 0.5350346 0.8235064 1.0000000 0.9814698 0.9687224
#th3 0.1432605 0.3844740 0.7044891 0.9814698 1.0000000 0.9983034
#th4 0.1290698 0.3389143 0.6645300 0.9687224 0.9983034 1.0000000
}#end of do.indic
if(indep==F) ans=list( infomat = infomat[-1,-1], x1=x1, rest=rest, w=we,,
info_b1.rests = info_b1.rests,infoprods=infoprods[,indic.keep], phat=phat, phatprod=phatprod,
scores=scores[indic.keep], vs=vs[indic.keep], stats=stats[indic.keep], thetas=thetas[indic.keep],
COV=COV3,COR=COR, pvals=pvals[indic.keep])
if(indep==T) ans=list( mu=mu,p=p, w=we,rest=w,x1=x1, info_h.h = info_h.h, info_b1.hs=info_b1.hs, scores=scores,
vs=vs, stats=stats, thetas=thetas,COV=COV2,COR=COR, pvals=pvals)
}#end of
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