## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# rCAM <- CAM(data, K = 2:5, thres.low = 0.30, thres.high = 0.95)
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
#ratMix3$X: X matrix containing mixture expression profiles to be analyzed
#ratMix3$A: ground truth A matrix containing proportions
#ratMix3$S: ground truth S matrix containing subpopulation-specific expression profiles
data <- ratMix3$X
#10000 genes * 21 tissues
#meet the input data requirements
## ---- echo=TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------
set.seed(111) # set seed for internal clustering to generate reproducible results
rCAM <- CAM(data, K = 2:5, thres.low = 0.30, thres.high = 0.95)
#CAM return three sub results:
#rCAM@PrepResult contains details corresponding to data preprocessing.
#rCAM@MGResult contains details corresponding to marker gene clusters detection.
#rCAM@ASestResult contains details corresponding to A and S matrix estimation.
## ---- fig.height=6, fig.width=6-----------------------------------------------
plot(MDL(rCAM), data.term = TRUE)
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
Aest <- Amat(rCAM, 3)
Sest <- Smat(rCAM, 3)
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
MGlist <- MGsforA(rCAM, K = 3) #for three subpopulations
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
MGstat <- MGstatistic(data, Aest, boot.alpha = 0.05, nboot = 1000)
MGlist.FC <- lapply(seq_len(3), function(x)
rownames(MGstat)[MGstat$idx == x & MGstat$OVE.FC > 10])
MGlist.FCboot <- lapply(seq_len(3), function(x)
rownames(MGstat)[MGstat$idx == x & MGstat$OVE.FC.alpha > 10])
## ---- echo=TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------- <- reselectMG(data, MGlist, fc.thres='q0.2', err.thres='q1.2')
#q0.2: 0.2-quantile
#q1.2: 1-quantile (maximum) times 1.2
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
rre <- redoASest(data,, maxIter = 2, methy = FALSE)
#rre$Aest: re-estimated A matrix
#rre$Sest: re-estimated S matrix
## ---- fig.height=6, fig.width=6-----------------------------------------------
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
simplexplot(data, Aest, MGlist, main=c('Initially detected markers'))
simplexplot(data, Aest, MGlist.FC, main=c('fc > 10'))
simplexplot(data, Aest, MGlist.FCboot,
main=c(expression(bold(paste('fc(bootstrap,',alpha,'=0.05) > 10')))))
simplexplot(data, Aest,, main=c("fc >= 'q0.2', error <= 'q1.2'"))
## ---- fig.height=6, fig.width=6-----------------------------------------------
simplexplot(data, Aest, MGlist.FCboot,
corner.order = c(2,1,3), col = "blue",
mg.col = c("red","orange","green"),
ex.col = "black", ex.pch = c(19,19,19,17,17,17))
legend("bottomright", cex=1.2, inset=.01, c("Ground Truth","CAM Estimation"),
pch=c(19,17), col="black")
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# library(rgl)
# Xp <- data %*% t(PCAmat(rCAM))
# plot3d(Xp[, 1:3], col='gray', size=3,
# xlim=range(Xp[,1]), ylim=range(Xp[,2:3]), zlim=range(Xp[,2:3]))
# abclines3d(0,0,0, a=diag(3), col="black")
# for(i in seq_along(MGlist)){
# points3d(Xp[MGlist[[i]], 1:3], col= rainbow(3)[i], size = 8)
# }
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# library(rgl)
# clear3d()
# Xproj <- XWProj(data, PCAmat(rCAM))
# Xp <- Xproj[,-1]
# plot3d(Xp[, 1:3], col='gray', size=3,
# xlim=range(Xp[,1:3]), ylim=range(Xp[,1:3]), zlim=range(Xp[,1:3]))
# abclines3d(0,0,0, a=diag(3), col="black")
# for(i in seq_along(MGlist)){
# points3d(Xp[MGlist[[i]], 1:3], col= rainbow(3)[i], size = 8)
# }
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
cor(Aest, ratMix3$A)
cor(Sest, ratMix3$S)
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
unlist(lapply(seq_len(3), function(k) {
k.match <- which.max(cor(Aest[,k], ratMix3$A));
mgk <- MGlist.FCboot[[k]];
corr <- cor(Sest[mgk, k], ratMix3$S[mgk, k.match]);
names(corr) <- colnames(ratMix3$A)[k.match];
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
#Data preprocession
rPrep <- CAMPrep(data, thres.low = 0.30, thres.high = 0.95)
#Marker gene cluster detection with a fixed K
rMGC <- CAMMGCluster(3, rPrep)
#A and S matrix estimation
rASest <- CAMASest(rMGC, rPrep, data)
#Obtain A and S matrix
Aest <- Amat(rASest)
Sest <- Smat(rASest)
#obtain marker gene list detected by CAM and used for A estimation
MGlist <- MGsforA(PrepResult = rPrep, MGResult = rMGC)
#obtain a full list of marker genes
MGstat <- MGstatistic(data, Aest, boot.alpha = 0.05, nboot = 1000)
MGlist.FC <- lapply(seq_len(3), function(x)
rownames(MGstat)[MGstat$idx == x & MGstat$OVE.FC > 10])
MGlist.FCboot <- lapply(seq_len(3), function(x)
rownames(MGstat)[MGstat$idx == x & MGstat$OVE.FC.alpha > 10]) <- reselectMG(data, MGlist, fc.thres='q0.2', err.thres='q1.2')
## ---- echo=TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------
apres <- apclusterK(negDistMat(r=2), t(data), K = 10)
#You can also use apcluster(), but need to make sure the number of clusters is large than potential subpopulation number.
data.clusterMean <- lapply(slot(apres,"clusters"),
function(x) rowMeans(data[, x, drop = FALSE]))
data.clusterMean <-, data.clusterMean)
rCAM <- CAM(data.clusterMean, K = 2:5, thres.low = 0.30, thres.high = 0.95)
# or rPrep <- CAMPrep(data.clusterMean, thres.low = 0.30, thres.high = 0.95)
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
Sest <- Smat(rCAM,3)
MGlist <- MGsforA(rCAM, K = 3)
Aest <- AfromMarkers(data, MGlist)
#(Optional) alternative re-estimation of A and S matrix
rre <- redoASest(data, MGlist, maxIter = 10)
## ---- echo=TRUE, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------
#download data and phenotypes
gsm<- getGEO('GSE11058')
pheno <- pData(phenoData(gsm[[1]]))$characteristics_ch1
mat <- exprs(gsm[[1]])
mat <- mat[-grep("^AFFX", rownames(mat)),]
mat.aggre <- sapply(unique(pheno), function(x) rowMeans(mat[,pheno == x]))
data <- mat.aggre[,5:8]
#running CAM
rCAM <- CAM(data, K = 4, thres.low = 0.70, thres.high = 0.95)
Aest <- Amat(rCAM, 4)
#Use ground truth A to validate CAM-estimated A matrix
Atrue <- matrix(c(2.50, 0.50, 0.10, 0.02,
1.25, 3.17, 4.95, 3.33,
2.50, 4.75, 1.65, 3.33,
3.75, 1.58, 3.30, 3.33), 4,4,
dimnames = list(c("MixA", "MixB", "MixC","MixD"),
c("Jurkat", "IM-9", "Raji", "THP-1")))
Atrue <- Atrue / rowSums(Atrue)
cor(Aest, Atrue)
## ---- echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------
# #download data
# library(GEOquery)
# gsm <- getGEO('GSE41826')
# mixtureId <- unlist(lapply(paste0('Mix',seq_len(9)),
# function(x) gsm[[1]]$geo_accession[gsm[[1]]$title==x]))
# data <- gsm[[1]][,mixtureId]
# #Remove CpG sites in sex chromosomes if tissues are from both males and females
# #Not necessary in this example as mixtures are from the same subject
# #gpl<- getGEO('GPL13534')
# #annot<-dataTable(gpl)@table[,c('Name','CHR')]
# #rownames(annot) <- annot$Name
# #annot <- annot[rownames(data),]
# #data <- data[annot$CHR != 'X' & annot$CHR != 'Y',]
# #downsample CpG sites
# featureId <- sample(seq_len(nrow(data)), 50000)
# #Running CAM
# #When input data has too many probes, lof has to be disabled due to space limit.
# #When cluster.num is large, can be enable to increase the speed
# rCAM <- CAM(data[featureId,], K = 2, thres.low = 0.10, thres.high = 0.60,
# cluster.num = 100, MG.num.thres = 10,
# lof.thres = 0, = 20)
# MGlist <- MGsforA(rCAM, K = 2)
# #Identify markers from all CpG sites
# <- reselectMG(data, MGlist, fc.thres='q0.2', err.thres='q1.2')
# #re-esitmation with methylation constraint
# rre <- redoASest(data,, maxIter = 20, methy = TRUE)
# #Validation using ground truth A matrix
# Atrue <- cbind(seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), seq(0.9, 0.1, -0.1))
# cor(rre$Aest, Atrue)
## ---- echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------
# rCAM <- CAM(1 - exprs(data[featureId,]),
# K = 2, thres.low = 0.10, thres.high = 0.60,
# cluster.num = 100, MG.num.thres = 10,
# lof.thres = 0, = 20)
## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# Aest <- AfromMarkers(data, MGlist)
# #MGlist is a list of vectors, each of which contains known markers for one subpopulation
## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# rre <- redoASest(data, MGlist, maxIter = 10)
# #MGlist is a list of vectors, each of which contains known markers for one subpopulation
# #maxIter = 0: No re-estimation by ALS
# #rre$Aest: estimated A matrix
# #rre$Sest: estimated S matrix
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
data <- ratMix3$X
S <- ratMix3$S #known S matrix
#Identify markers
pMGstat <- MGstatistic(S, c("Liver","Brain","Lung"))
pMGlist.FC <- lapply(c("Liver","Brain","Lung"), function(x)
rownames(pMGstat)[pMGstat$idx == x & pMGstat$OVE.FC > 10])
#Estimate A matrix
Aest <- AfromMarkers(data, pMGlist.FC)
#(Optional) alternative re-estimation
rre <- redoASest(data, pMGlist.FC, maxIter = 10)
## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# Aest <- redoASest(data, pMGlist.FC, S=S, maxIter = 0)$Aest
## ---- echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------
data <- ratMix3$X
A <- ratMix3$A #known A matrix
#Estimate S matrix
Sest <- t(NMF::.fcnnls(A, t(data))$coef)
#Identify markers
pMGstat <- MGstatistic(data, A)
pMGlist.FC <- lapply(unique(pMGstat$idx), function(x)
rownames(pMGstat)[pMGstat$idx == x & pMGstat$OVE.FC > 10])
#(Optional) alternative re-estimation
rre <- redoASest(data, pMGlist.FC, A=A, maxIter = 10)
## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# Aest <- AfromMarkers(data, MGlist)
# #MGlist is a list of vectors, each of which contains known markers and/or CAM-detected markers for one subpopulation
## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# rre <- redoASest(data, MGlist, maxIter = 10)
# #MGlist is a list of vectors, each of which contains known markers and/or CAM-detected markers for one subpopulation
# #maxIter = 0: No re-estimation by ALS
# #rre$Aest: estimated A matrix
# #rre$Sest: estimated S matrix
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