#' @include CAGEr.R
# Functions for exporting results (graphical and textual)
#' @name plotReverseCumulatives
#' @title Plot reverse cumulative number of CAGE tags per CTSS
#' @description Plots the reverse cumulative distribution of the number of CAGE
#' tags per CTSS for all CAGE datasets present in the [`CAGEr`] object.
#' The plots should be used as help in choosing the parameters for power-law
#' normalization: the range of values to fit the power-law and the slope of the
#' referent power-law distribution (Balwierz _et al_., Genome Biology 2009).
#' @param object A CAGEr object
#' @param values Which values should be plotted: `raw` (default) for raw CAGE
#' tag counts or `normalized` for normalized tag count values.
#' @param fitInRange An integer vector with two values specifying a range of tag
#' count values to be used for fitting a power-law distribution to reverse
#' cumulatives. Ignored is set to `NULL`. See Details.
#' @param onePlot Logical, should all CAGE datasets be plotted in the same
#' plot (`TRUE`) or in separate plots (`FALSE`).
#' @param main Main title for the plot.
#' @param legend Set to `NULL` to prevent the display of the sample legend.
#' @param xlab,ylab Axis labels passed to [`plot`].
#' @param xlim,ylim Axis range parameters passed to [`plot`].
#' @details Number of CAGE tags (X-axis) is plotted against the number of TSSs that
#' are supported by >= of that number of tags (Y-axis) on a log-log scale for each
#' sample. In addition, a power-law distribution is fitted to each reverse cumulative
#' using the values in the range specified by `fitInRange` parameter. The fitted
#' distribution is defined by `y = -1 * alpha * x + beta` on the log-log scale,
#' and the value of `alpha` for each sample is shown on the plot. In addition,
#' a suggested referent power-law distribution to which all samples should be
#' normalized is drawn on the plot and corresponding parameters (slope alpha and total
#' number of tags T) are denoted on the plot. Referent distribution is chosen so
#' that its slope (alpha) is the median of slopes fitted to individual samples and
#' its total number of tags (T) is the power of 10 nearest to the median number of tags
#' of individual samples. Resulting plots are helpful in deciding whether power-law
#' normalization is appropriate for given samples and reported `alpha` values aid
#' in choosing optimal `alpha` value for referent power-law distribution to
#' which all samples will be normalized. For details about normalization see
#' [`normalizeTagCount`] function.
#' @return Plots of reverse cumulative number of CAGE tags per CTSS for each CAGE
#' dataset within CAGEr object. Alpha values of fitted power-laws and suggested
#' referent power-law distribution are reported on the plot in case `values = "raw"`.
#' @references Balwierz _et al_. (2009) Methods for analyzing deep sequencing
#' expression data: constructing the human and mouse promoterome with deepCAGE data,
#' _Genome Biology_ **10**(7):R79.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @seealso [`normalizeTagCount`]
#' @family CAGEr plot functions
#' @examples
#' plotReverseCumulatives(exampleCAGEset, fitInRange = c(10,500), onePlot = TRUE)
#' plotReverseCumulatives(exampleCAGEset, values = "normalized", onePlot = TRUE)
#' plotReverseCumulatives( exampleCAGEexp, xlim = c(1, 1e4), ylim = c(1, 1e5)
#' , fitInRange = c(5,100), onePlot = TRUE)
#' plotReverseCumulatives( exampleCAGEexp, values = "normalized"
#' , fitInRange = c(200, 2000), onePlot = TRUE)
#' plotReverseCumulatives( exampleCAGEexp[,4:5], fitInRange = c(5,100)
#' , onePlot = TRUE, main = "prim6 replicates")
#' @importFrom graphics abline box legend par plot strwidth text
#' @importFrom stats cor median
#' @importFrom VGAM zeta
#' @export
setGeneric( "plotReverseCumulatives"
, function( object, values = c("raw", "normalized")
, fitInRange = c(10, 1000)
, onePlot = FALSE, main = NULL, legend = TRUE
, xlab = "number of CAGE tags"
, ylab = "number of CTSSs (>= nr tags)"
, xlim = c(1, 1e5)
, ylim = c(1, 1e6))
#' @rdname plotReverseCumulatives
setMethod( "plotReverseCumulatives", "CAGEr"
, function ( object, values, fitInRange, onePlot, main, legend
, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim) {
sample.labels <- sampleLabels(object)
values <- match.arg(values)
#pdf(file = paste("CTSS_reverse_cumulatives_", values, "_all_samples.pdf", sep = ""), width = 8, height = 8, onefile = T, bg = "transparent", family = "Helvetica", fonts = NULL)
old.par <- par(mar = c(5,5,5,2))
cols <- names(sample.labels)
tag.count <- switch( values
, raw = CTSStagCountDF(object)
, normalized = CTSSnormalizedTpmDF(object))
if(! is.null(fitInRange)) {
fit.coefs.m <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(tag.count, function(x) { = decode(x), val.range = fitInRange)})))
fit.slopes <- fit.coefs.m[1,]
names(fit.slopes) <- sample.labels
reference.slope <- min(median(fit.slopes), -1.05)
reference.library.size <- 10^floor(log10(median(sapply(tag.count, sum))))
#reference.intercept <- log(reference.library.size/zeta(-1*reference.slope)) # intercept on natural logarithm scale
reference.intercept <- log10(reference.library.size/VGAM::zeta(-1*reference.slope)) # intercept on log10 scale used for plotting with abline
if(onePlot == TRUE){
.plotReverseCumulative( values = tag.count[, 1]
, col = cols[1]
, title = ifelse(is.null(main), "All samples", main)
, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab
, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
if(length(sample.labels) > 1){
sapply(c(2:length(sample.labels)), function(x)
.plotReverseCumulative( values = tag.count[, sample.labels[x]]
, col = cols[x]
, add = TRUE))
if(!is.null(fitInRange)) {
abline(v = fitInRange, lty = "dotted")
abline(a = reference.intercept, b = reference.slope, col = "#7F7F7F7F", lty = "longdash")
main.legend.text <- sprintf("(%.2f) %s", -1 * fit.slopes, sample.labels)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Ref. distribution:", paste(" alpha = ", sprintf("%.2f", -1*reference.slope), sep = ""), paste(" T = ", reference.library.size, sep = "")), bty = "n", col = NA, text.col = "#7F7F7F", cex = 1.3, y.intersp = 1.2)
} else {
main.legend.text <- sample.labels
if (isTRUE(legend))
legend( "topright"
, legend = main.legend.text
, bty = "n"
, col = cols
, text.col = cols
, lwd = 2
, cex = 1.3
, y.intersp = 1.2)
if(!is.null(fitInRange)) {
sapply(sample.labels, function(x) {
.plotReverseCumulative( values = tag.count[, x]
, col = cols[which(sample.labels == x)]
, title = x
, col.title = cols[which(sample.labels == x)]
, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab
, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
abline(v = fitInRange, lty = "dotted"); abline(a = reference.intercept, b = reference.slope, col = "#7F7F7F7F", lty = "longdash"); text(min(fitInRange), 10^6, labels = paste(" alpha =", formatC(-1*fit.slopes[x], format = "f", digits = 2), sep = " "), adj = c(0,1), col = cols[which(sample.labels == x)], cex = 1.3); legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Ref. distribution:", paste(" alpha = ", sprintf("%.2f", -1*reference.slope), sep = ""), paste(" T = ", reference.library.size, sep = "")), bty = "n", col = NA, text.col = "#7F7F7F", cex = 1.3, y.intersp = 1.2)})
} else {
sapply( sample.labels, function(x)
.plotReverseCumulative( values = tag.count[, x]
, col = cols[which(sample.labels == x)]
, title = x
, col.title = cols[which(sample.labels == x)]
, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab
, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
#' @name exportCTSStoBedGraph
#' @title Creating bedGraph/bigWig tracks of CAGE transcription starts sites
#' @description Creates bedGraph or BigWig file(s) with track(s) of CAGE signal supporting
#' each TSS that can be visualised in the UCSC Genome Browser.
#' @param object A \code{\link{CAGEr}} object.
#' @param values Specifies which values will be exported to the bedGraph file. Can be either
#' \code{"raw"} to export raw tag count values or \code{"normalized"} to export
#' normalized values.
#' @param format The format of the output.
#' @param oneFile Logical, should all CAGE datasets be exported as individual tracks into the
#' same bedGraph file (TRUE) or into separate bedGraph files (FALSE). Used only when
#' \code{format="bedGraph"}, otherwise ignored.
#' @return Creates bedGraph or BigWig file(s) in the working directory that can be directly
#' visualised as custom tracks in the UCSC Genome Browser. If \code{format="bedGraph"} and
#' \code{oneFile = TRUE} one bedGraph file containing multiple annotated tracks will be created,
#' otherwise two files per CAGE dataset will be created, one for plus strand and one for minus
#' strand CTSSs, and they will be named according to the labels of individual datasets. All
#' bedGraph files contain headers with track description and can be directly uploaded as custom
#' tracks to the UCSC Genome Browser.
#' When \code{format="bigWig"}, two binary BigWig files per CAGE dataset are created, one for
#' plus strand and one for minus strand CTSSs. Since BigWig files cannot contain headers with
#' track description, a separate file named "CTSS.normalized.all.samples.track.description.txt"
#' is created, which contains track headers for all BigWig files. To use these headers for
#' adding custom tracks to the UCSC Genome Browser, move the BigWig files to a web location and
#' edit the bigDataUrl sections in the headers file to point to corresponding BigWig files.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @family CAGEr export functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{normalizeTagCount}}
#' @examples
#' exportCTSStoBedGraph(exampleCAGEset, values = "normalized", format = "bedGraph", oneFile = TRUE)
#' exportCTSStoBedGraph(exampleCAGEset, values = "normalized", format = "BigWig", oneFile = TRUE)
#' @export
setGeneric( "exportCTSStoBedGraph"
, function(object, values = "normalized", format = "BigWig", oneFile = TRUE)
#' @rdname exportCTSStoBedGraph
setMethod("exportCTSStoBedGraph", "CAGEr", function (object, values, format, oneFile) {
rr <- CTSScoordinatesGR(object)
genome <- getRefGenome(genomeName(object))
seqinfo(rr) <- seqinfo(genome)[seqlevels(rr)]
if (values == "raw") {
data <- SummarizedExperiment( rowRanges = rr
, assays = SimpleList(CTSStagCountDF(object)))
} else if (values == "normalized"){
data <- SummarizedExperiment( rowRanges = rr
, assays = SimpleList(CTSSnormalizedTpmDF(object)))
} else {
stop("'values' parameter must be one of the (\"raw\", \"normalized\")")
if (format == "BigWig"){ = data, sample.labels = sampleLabels(object), v = values, genome = genome)
} else if (format == "bedGraph"){
.export.bedgraph.all(data = data, sample.labels = sampleLabels(object), v = values, oneFile = oneFile)
} else {
stop("'format' parameter must be one of the (\"BigWig\", \"bedGraph\")")
message("\n", format, " file(s) for CTSS ", values, " counts have been created in your working directory (", getwd(), ")")
#' @name plotInterquantileWidth
#' @title Plot cluster widths
#' @description Plots histograms of the interquantile width of tag clusters or
#' consensus clusters in each CAGE dataset.
#' @param object A \code{\link{CAGEr}} object
#' @param clusters Which clusters to be used. (\code{"tagClusters"} for \emph{tag clusters}
#' or \code{"consensusClusters"} for \emph{consensus clusters}.
#' @param tpmThreshold Exclude clusters with normalized signal \code{< tpmThreshold}.
#' @param qLow,qUp Position of which "lower" (resp. "upper") quantile should be used as 5'
#' (resp. 3') boundary. See Details.
#' @param xlim The x axis limits of the plot.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{plot()} function, such as \code{ylim},
#' \emph{etc.}.
#' @details Interquantile width is a width (in base-pairs) of the central part of the genomic
#' region (bounded by the positions of specified \code{qLow} and \code{qUp} quantiles) that
#' contains \code{>= (qUp - qLow) * 100\%} of the CAGE signal. Positions of specified quantiles
#' within each cluster have to be calculated beforehand by calling \code{\link{quantilePositions}}
#' function. Interquantile width is a more robust measure of the promoter width than the total
#' span of the region, because it takes into account the magnitude of the expression in the
#' region.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @family CAGEr plot functions
#' @family CAGEr clusters functions
#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @examples
#' plotInterquantileWidth( object = exampleCAGEset, clusters = "tagClusters"
#' , tpmThreshold = 50, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9)
#' plotInterquantileWidth( exampleCAGEexp, clusters = "consensusClusters"
#' , tpmThreshold = 50, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9)
#' @export
setGeneric( "plotInterquantileWidth"
, function( object
, clusters = c("tagClusters", "consensusClusters")
, tpmThreshold = 5
, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9, xlim = c(0,150), ...)
#' @rdname plotInterquantileWidth
setMethod( "plotInterquantileWidth", "CAGEr"
, function (object, clusters, tpmThreshold, qLow, qUp, xlim, ...) {
sample.labels <- sampleLabels(object)
cols <- names(sample.labels)
clusters <- match.arg(clusters)
getClustFun <- switch( clusters
, tagClusters = tagClustersGR
, consensusClusters = consensusClustersGR)
old.par <- par(mar = c(5,5,5,1))
sapply(sample.labels, function(x) {
gr <- getClustFun(object, x, returnInterquantileWidth = TRUE, qLow = qLow, qUp = qUp)
gr <- gr[score(gr) >= tpmThreshold]
width <- decode(gr$interquantile_width)
h <- hist(width, breaks = round(max(width)/2), plot = F)
h$counts <- h$counts/sum(h$counts)
col <- as.integer(col2rgb(cols[which(sample.labels == x)]))/255
plot( h
, xlim = xlim
, main = x
, xlab = paste0(clusters, " interquantile width q", qLow, "-q", qUp, " (bp)")
, ylab = "relative frequency"
, col = rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], 0.5)
, border = cols[which(sample.labels == x)]
, cex.axis = 1.8
, cex.lab = 1.8
, cex.main = 2.5
, col.main = cols[which(sample.labels == x)]
, ...)
#' @name plotExpressionProfiles
#' @title Plotting expression profiles derived from CAGE data
#' @description Creates a chart with beanplots representing distribution of normalized
#' expression across CAGE experiments for individual expression classes. Different
#' expression classes are shown in different colors and are labeled according to the labels
#' returned by expression clustering.
#' @param object A \code{\link{CAGEset}} object.
#' @param what Which level of expression clustering should be used. Can be either
#' \code{"CTSS"} to plot expression profiles of individual CTSSs or \code{"consensusClusters"}
#' to plot expression profiles of consensus clusters.
#' @details The created file contains beanplots representing distribution of normalized
#' expression across CAGE experiments for individual expression classes shown in separate
#' boxes. Each labeled box represents one expression class and contains a set of
#' beanplots - one per CAGE experiment. Individual CAGE experiments are shown on X-axis and
#' scaled normalized expression on Y-axis. Individual beanplots show distribution of
#' normalized expression values of elements belonging to specific expression class in
#' particular CAGE experiment, and the entire box represents single expression profile.
#' Different expression classes (boxes) are plotted in different colors and are labeled with
#' labels returned by expression clustering.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @family CAGEr plot functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{getExpressionProfiles}}, \code{\link{expressionClasses}},
#' \code{\link{extractExpressionClass}}.
#' @examples
#' plotExpressionProfiles(object = exampleCAGEset, what = "CTSS")
#' @export
setGeneric( "plotExpressionProfiles"
, function(object, what) standardGeneric("plotExpressionProfiles"))
#' @rdname plotExpressionProfiles
setMethod( "plotExpressionProfiles", "CAGEset", function (object, what){
if(what == "CTSS") {
cl <- CTSSexpressionClasses(object)
if(length(cl)>0){ <- object@normalizedTpmMatrix <-[as.integer(names(cl)),]
cl.method <- object@CTSSexpressionClusteringMethod
stop("No CTSS expression profiling has been done yet! Run getExpressionProfiles function first!")
}else if(what == "consensusClusters"){
cl <- consensusClustersExpressionClasses(object)
if(length(cl)>0){ <- consensusClustersTpm(object) <-[as.integer(names(cl)),]
cl.method <- consensusClustersExpressionClusteringMethod(object)
stop("No consensusClusters expression profiling has been done yet! Run getExpressionProfiles function first!")
stop("'what' parameter must be one of the (\"CTSS\", \"consensusClusters\")")
l <-, cl)
cl <- l[[1]]
m <- l[[2]]
# file_name = paste(what, "_expression_profiles.pdf", sep = "")
# pdf(file = file_name, height = 5.5 * (max(cl[,2]) + 1) + 3, width = 6 * (max(cl[,1]) + 1))
old.par <- par(mfrow = c(max(cl[,2]) + 1, max(cl[,1]) + 1))
suppressWarnings(.plot.clusters.beanplots(value.matrix = m, cl = cl, cl.method = cl.method, dim.som.x = max(cl[,1]) + 1, dim.som.y = max(cl[,2]) + 1, cex.axis = 1, las = 2))
# message("\nFile '", file_name, "' has been created in your working directory (", getwd(), ")"
#' @name exportToBed
#' @title Create BED tracks of TSSs and clusters of TSSs
#' @description Creates BED file(s) with track(s) of individual CTSSs, tag
#' clusters or consensus clusters. CTSSs and consensus clusters can be
#' optionally colored in the color of their expression class. _Tag clusters_
#' and _consensus clusters_ can be displayed in a gene-like representation with
#' a line showing full span on the cluster, filled block showing interquantile
#' range and a thick box denoting position of the dominant (most frequently
#' used TSS.
#' @param object A [`CAGEr`] object.
#' @param what Which elements should be exported to BED track. `CTSS` to export
#' individual CTSSs, `tagClusters` to export tag clusters or `consensusClusters`
#' to export consensus clusters.
#' @param qLow,qUp Position of which "lower" (resp. "upper") quantile should be
#' used as 5' (resp. 3') boundary of the filled block in gene-like
#' representation of the cluster. Default value `NULL` uses start (resp. end)
#' position of the cluster. Ignored when `what = "CTSS"`.
#' @param colorByExpressionProfile Logical, should blocks be colored in the
#' color of their corresponding expression class. Ignored when
#' `what = "tagClusters"`.
#' @param oneFile Logical, should all CAGE datasets be exported as individual
#' tracks into the same BED file (`TRUE`) or into separate BED files (`FALSE`).
#' Ignored when `what = "CTSS"`, which by default produces only one track.
#' @details The BED representations of _CTSSs_, _tag cluster_ and
#' _consensus clusters_ can be directly visualised in the ZENBU or UCSC Genome
#' Browsers.
#' When `what = "CTSS"`, one BED file with single track of 1Â bp blocks
#' representing all detected CTSSs (in all CAGE samples) is created. CTSSs can
#' be colored according to their expression class (provided the expression
#' profiling of CTSSs was done by calling [`getExpressionProfiles`] function).
#' Colors of expression classes match the colors in which they are shown in the
#' plot returned by the [`plotExpressionProfiles`] function. For
#' `colorByExpressionProfile = FALSE`, CTSSs included in the clusters are
#' shown in black and CTSSs that were filtered out in gray.
#' When `what = "tagClusters"`, one track per CAGE dataset is created, which can
#' be exported to a single BED file (by setting `oneFile = TRUE`) or separate
#' BED files (`FALSE`). If no quantile boundaries were provided (`qLow` and
#' `qUp` are `NULL`, TCs are represented as simple blocks showing the full
#' span of TC fromthe start to the end. Setting `qLow` and/or `qUp` parameters
#' to a value of the desired quantile creates a gene-like representation with a
#' line showing full span of the TC, filled block showing specified
#' interquantile range and a thick 1Â bp block denoting position of the dominant
#' (most frequently used) TSS. All TCs in one track (one CAGE dataset) are
#' shown in the same color.
#' When `what = "consensusClusters"` _consensus clusters_ are exported to BED
#' file. Since there is only one set of consensus clusters common to all CAGE
#' datasets, only one track is created in case of a simple representation. This
#' means that when `qLow = NULL` and `qUp = NULL` one track with blocks showing
#' the full span of consensus cluster from the start to the end is created.
#' However, the distribution of the CAGE signal within consensus cluster can be
#' different in different CAGE samples, resulting in different positions of
#' quantiles and dominant TSS. Thus, when `qLow` and/or `qUp` parameters
#' are set to a value of the desired quantile, a separate track with a gene-like
#' representation is created for every CAGE dataset. These tracks can be
#' exported to a single BED file (by setting `oneFile = TRUE`) or separate
#' BED files (by setting `oneFile = FALSE`). The gene-like representation is
#' analogous to the one described above for the TCs. In all cases consensus
#' clusters can be colored according to their expression class (provided the
#' expression profiling of consensus clusters was done by calling
#' `getExpressionProfiles` function). Colors of expression classes match the
#' colors in which they are shown in the plot returned by the
#' `plotExpressionProfiles` function. For `colorByExpressionProfile = FALSE`
#' all consensus clusters are shown in black.
#' @return Creates BED file(s) in the working directory.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @family CAGEr export functions
#' @examples
#' ### exporting CTSSs colored by expression class
#' exportToBed(object = exampleCAGEset, what = "CTSS", colorByExpressionProfile = TRUE)
#' ### exporting tag clusters in gene-like representation
#' exportToBed( object = exampleCAGEset, what = "tagClusters"
#' , qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9, oneFile = TRUE)
#' exportToBed( object = exampleCAGEexp, what = "tagClusters"
#' , qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9, oneFile = TRUE)
#' @export
setGeneric( "exportToBed"
, function( object, what = c("CTSS", "tagClusters", "consensusClusters")
, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL
, colorByExpressionProfile = FALSE, oneFile = TRUE)
#' @rdname exportToBed
setMethod("exportToBed", "CAGEr", function( object, what, qLow, qUp
, colorByExpressionProfile, oneFile) {
sample.labels <- sampleLabels(object)
what <- match.arg(what)
if(what == "CTSS") {
oneFile <- TRUE
use.blocks <- F
ctss <- CTSScoordinates(object)
#filtered_ctss <- object@filteredCTSSidx
if(colorByExpressionProfile == TRUE){
cl <- CTSSexpressionClasses(object)
n <- names(cl)
cl <- = cl)
cl <- data.frame(ctss = n, x.cor = cl[,1], y.cor = cl[,2])
ctss <- merge(cl, ctss, by.x = "ctss", by.y = 0, all.x = T, all.y = F)
ctss <- data.frame(ctss = ctss$ctss, chr = ctss$chr, start = ctss$pos-1, end = ctss$pos, strand = ctss$strand, x.cor = ctss$x.cor, y.cor = ctss$y.cor)
track.file <- ""
track.names <- list("CTSS (colored by expression profile)")
clustering.method <- CTSSexpressionClusteringMethod(object)
ctss <- data.frame(chr = ctss$chr, start = ctss$pos-1, end = ctss$pos, strand = ctss$strand)
track.file <- "CTSS.pooled.samples.bed"
track.names <- list("CTSS (pooled samples)")
#filtered_cols <- c("TRUE" = c("0,0,0"), "FALSE" = c("127,127,127"))
#cols = list(filtered_cols[as.character(filtered_ctss)])
cols = list(c("0,0,0"))
clusters.q.list = list(ctss)
}else if(what == "tagClusters") {
colorByExpressionProfile <- FALSE
if(!is.null(qLow)) {
use.blocks <- T
q.low <- tagClustersQuantileLow(object, q = qLow)
q.low <- lapply(q.low, function(x) {colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)] <- paste("qLow_",, strsplit(colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)], split = "_", fixed = T))[,2], sep = ""); return(x)})
q.up <- tagClustersQuantileUp(object, q = qUp)
q.up <- lapply(q.up, function(x) {colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)] <- paste("qUp_",, strsplit(colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)], split = "_", fixed = T))[,2], sep = ""); return(x)})
q <- lapply(as.list(1:length(sample.labels)), function(x) {merge(q.low[[x]], q.up[[x]], by.x = "cluster", by.y = "cluster")})
names(q) <- sample.labels
clusters <- lapply(as.list(sample.labels), function(x) {tagClusters(object, samples = x)})
names(clusters) <- sample.labels
clusters.q.list <- lapply(as.list(sample.labels), function(x) {merge(clusters[[x]], q[[x]], by.x = "cluster", by.y = "cluster")})
track.names <- paste(sample.labels, paste(" (tag clusters (TC) q(", qLow, ")-q(",qUp,"))", sep = ""), sep = "")
r <- paste(".qLow", qLow, "_qUp", qUp, sep = "")
use.blocks <- F
clusters.q.list <- lapply(as.list(sample.labels), function(x) {tagClusters(object, samples = x)})
track.names <- paste(sample.labels, paste(" (tag clusters (TC))", sep = ""), sep = "")
r <- ""
names(clusters.q.list) <- sample.labels
itemRgb = FALSE
cols <- names(sample.labels)
cols <- as.list(apply(sapply(cols, function(x) {as.integer(col2rgb(x))}), 2, function(y) {paste(y, collapse = ",")}))
names(cols) <- sample.labels
track.file <- rep(paste("All.samples.tagClusters", r, ".bed", sep = ""), length(clusters.q.list))
track.file <- paste(sample.labels, ".tagClusters", r, ".bed", sep = "")
}else if(what == "consensusClusters"){
clusters <- consensusClusters(object)
colnames(clusters)[1] = "cluster"
cols <- as.list(rep("0,0,0", length(sample.labels)))
clustering.method <- consensusClustersExpressionClusteringMethod(object)
cl <- consensusClustersExpressionClasses(object)
n <- names(cl)
cl <- = cl)
cl <- data.frame(cluster = n, x.cor = cl[,1], y.cor = cl[,2])
clusters <- merge(clusters, cl, by.x = "cluster", by.y = "cluster")
if(!is.null(qLow) & (length(consensusClustersQuantileLow(object))>0 & length(consensusClustersQuantileUp(object))>0)) {
if(paste("q_", qLow, sep = "") %in% colnames(consensusClustersQuantileLow(object)[[1]]) & paste("q_", qUp, sep = "") %in% colnames(consensusClustersQuantileUp(object)[[1]])){
use.blocks <- T
q.low <- consensusClustersQuantileLow(object)
q.low <- lapply(q.low, function(x) {colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)] <- paste("qLow_",, strsplit(colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)], split = "_", fixed = T))[,2], sep = ""); return(x)})
q.up <- consensusClustersQuantileUp(object)
q.up <- lapply(q.up, function(x) {colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)] <- paste("qUp_",, strsplit(colnames(x)[2:ncol(x)], split = "_", fixed = T))[,2], sep = ""); return(x)})
q <- lapply(as.list(1:length(sample.labels)), function(x) {merge(q.low[[x]], q.up[[x]], by.x = "cluster", by.y = "cluster")})
names(q) <- sample.labels
cumsums <- CTSScumulativesCC(object)
dom.pos <- list()
for(i in 1:length(cumsums)){
a <- lapply(cumsums[[i]], function(y) {.get.dominant.ctss(as.numeric(y), isCumulative = T)})
b <- data.frame(cluster = as.integer(names(a)), dominant_ctss = unlist(a))
dom.pos[[i]] <- b
names(dom.pos) <- names(cumsums)
clusters.q.list <- lapply(as.list(sample.labels), function(x) {a <- merge(clusters, dom.pos[[x]], by.x = "cluster", by.y = "cluster", all.x = F, all.y = T); a$dominant_ctss <- a$start + a$dominant_ctss; b <- merge(a, q[[x]], by.x = "cluster", by.y = "cluster"); return(b)})
track.names <- paste(sample.labels, paste(" (consensus clusters q(", qLow, ")-q(",qUp,"))", sep = ""), sep = "")
r <- paste(".qLow", qLow, "_qUp", qUp, sep = "")
quantiles <- T
stop("No data for given quantile positions! Run 'quantilePositions()' function for desired quantiles first, or omit 'qLow' and 'qUp' parameters to use start and end coordinates instead!")
}else if(!is.null(qLow)){
stop("No data for given quantile positions! Run 'quantilePositions()' function for desired quantiles first, or omit 'qLow' and 'qUp' parameters to use start and end coordinates instead!")
use.blocks <- F
clusters.q.list <- list(clusters)
track.names <- "Consensus clusters"
r <- ""
oneFile <- T
quantiles <- F
track.file <- rep(paste("All.samples.consensusClusters", r, ".bed", sep = ""), length(clusters.q.list))
track.file <- "ConsensusClusters.bed"
track.file <- paste(sample.labels, ".consensusClusters.", r, ".bed", sep = "")
if(colorByExpressionProfile == TRUE){
itemRgb <- TRUE
cols.init <- c("red", "gold", "green", "blue")
color.matrix.solid <- .myColorMatrix(matrix(cols.init, nrow = 2), nrows = max(cl$y.cor)+1, ncols = max(cl$x.cor)+1)
color.matrix.solid <- matrix(as.vector(color.matrix.solid), ncol = max(cl$x.cor)+1, byrow = F)
cols <- lapply(clusters.q.list, function(x) {m <- as.matrix(x[,c("y.cor", "x.cor")]); a <- apply(t(col2rgb(color.matrix.solid[m+1])), 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = ',')}); return(a)})
if(clustering.method == "som"){
names <- lapply(clusters.q.list, function(x) {paste(x[,"x.cor"], x[,"y.cor"], sep = "_")})
}else if(clustering.method == "kmeans"){
names <- lapply(clusters.q.list, function(x) {x[,"x.cor"]})
itemRgb <- FALSE
names <- as.list(rep(".", length(clusters.q.list)))
track.descriptions <- track.names
for(i in 1:length(clusters.q.list)){
if(i == 1){
app <- F
app <- T
.make.cluster.bed.track(clusters.q = clusters.q.list[[i]], use.blocks = use.blocks, q.low = qLow, q.up = qUp, track.file = track.file[i], = track.names[i], track.description = track.descriptions[i], cols = cols[[i]], name = names[[i]], itemRgb = itemRgb, app = app)
message("\nFile '", track.file[1], "' has been created in your working directory (", getwd(), ")")
message("\nFiles '", sub(sample.labels[1], "*", track.file[1]), "' for all samples have been created in your working directory (", getwd(), ")")
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