test_twoWayAlphabetFrequency <- function() {
## Equivalence classes:
## x, y:
## - length [Set]: (different length), zero, length one, length > one
## - string length: (inconsistent lengths), zero, same, [Set] varying
## - content: some matches, every cell
## - types: XString, DNAString, XStringSet, DNAStringSet, (different)
## as.prob: TRUE, FALSE, (NA), (not logical)
## baseOnly [DNA]: TRUE, FALSE, (NA), (not logical)
## collapse [Set]: TRUE, FALSE, (NA), (not logical)
testMatrix <-
function(x, y, v, as.prob = FALSE, baseOnly = FALSE, collapse = FALSE) {
x.alphabet <- Biostrings:::xscodes(x, baseOnly=baseOnly)
y.alphabet <- Biostrings:::xscodes(y, baseOnly=baseOnly)
dim <- c(length(x.alphabet), length(y.alphabet))
dimnames <- list(names(x.alphabet), names(y.alphabet))
if (baseOnly) {
if (!is.null(dimnames[[1]]))
dimnames[[1]] <- c(dimnames[[1]], "other")
if (!is.null(dimnames[[2]]))
dimnames[[2]] <- c(dimnames[[2]], "other")
dim <- dim + 1L
mode(v) <- "integer"
if (as.prob) {
if (collapse)
v <- v / sum(v)
else v <- v / rep(nchar(x), each = prod(dim(v)))
if (is(x, "XStringSet") || is(y, "XStringSet")) {
dimnames <- c(dimnames, list(NULL))
dim <- c(dim, nchar(x))
a <- array(0L, dim = dim, dimnames = dimnames)
if (is.null(rownames(a))) {
x.ind <- as.integer(sapply(rownames(v), charToRaw)) + 1L
} else {
x.ind <- rownames(v)
if (is.null(colnames(a))) {
y.ind <- as.integer(sapply(rownames(v), charToRaw)) + 1L
} else {
y.ind <- rownames(v)
if (length(dim(a)) == 3)
a[x.ind,y.ind,] <- v
else a[x.ind,y.ind] <- v
some.a <- "ACGTACGTACGT"
some.b <- "ACGTTGCAGGGA"
some.mat <- rbind(A = c(1, 0, 1, 1),
C = c(0, 1, 2, 0),
G = c(0, 1, 2, 0),
T = c(2, 0, 0, 1))
## CASE: different nchar, DNAString
checkException(twoWayAlphabetFrequency(DNAString("ACGT"), DNAString("ACG")),
silent = TRUE)
## CASE: zero, DNAString
x <- y <- DNAString("")
checkIdentical(testMatrix(x, y, 0L), twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y))
## CASE: some, XString, FALSE
x <- BString(some.a)
y <- BString(some.b)
truth <- testMatrix(x, y, some.mat)
checkIdentical(truth, twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y))
## CASE: some, XString, TRUE
truth <- truth / sum(truth)
checkIdentical(truth, twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, as.prob = TRUE))
## CASE: XString, DNAString
x <- BString(some.a)
y <- DNAString(some.b)
truth <- testMatrix(x, y, some.mat)
checkIdentical(truth, twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y))
## CASE: XString, DNAString, baseOnly = TRUE
truth <- testMatrix(x, y, some.mat, baseOnly = TRUE)
checkIdentical(truth, twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, baseOnly = TRUE))
## CASE: some, DNAString, NA, FALSE
x <- DNAString(some.a)
y <- DNAString(some.b)
checkException(twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, as.prob = NA),
silent = TRUE)
## CASE: some, DNAString, "foo", FALSE
checkException(twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, as.prob = "foo"),
silent = TRUE)
## CASE: some, DNAString, FALSE, NA
checkException(twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, baseOnly = NA),
silent = TRUE)
## CASE: some, DNAString, FALSE, "foo"
checkException(twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, baseOnly = "foo"),
silent = TRUE)
## CASE: some, DNAString, TRUE, FALSE
truth <- testMatrix(x, y, some.mat, as.prob = TRUE)
checkIdentical(truth, twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, as.prob = TRUE))
## CASE: some, DNAString, FALSE, TRUE
truth <- testMatrix(x, y, some.mat, baseOnly = TRUE)
checkIdentical(truth, twoWayAlphabetFrequency(x, y, baseOnly = TRUE))
## CASE: some, DNAString, TRUE, TRUE
## CASE: every, DNAString, FALSE, FALSE
## CASE: DNAStringSet, DNAString
## CASE: different length, DNAStringSet
## CASE: different length, XStringSet
## CASE: different widths, DNAStringSet
## CASE: different widths, XStringSet
## CASE: length==0, DNAString, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE
## CASE: length==0, DNAString, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE
## CASE: length==1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE
## CASE: length==1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE
## CASE: length >1, some, XStringSet, FALSE, , FALSE
## CASE: length >1, some, XStringSet, TRUE, , FALSE
## CASE: length >1, some, XStringSet, FALSE, , TRUE
## CASE: length >1, some, XStringSet, TRUE, , TRUE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, FALSE, NA
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, FALSE, "foo"
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE
## CASE: length >1, some, DNAStringSet, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE
## CASE: XString, DNAStringSet
## CASE: XStringSet, DNAString
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