### =========================================================================
### extractAt() & replaceAt()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Extracts multiple subsequences from XString object 'x', or from the
### sequences of XStringSet object 'x', at the ranges of positions specified
### thru 'at'.
setGeneric("extractAt", signature="x",
function(x, at) standardGeneric("extractAt")
### Performs multiple subsequence replacements (a.k.a. substitutions) in
### XString object 'x', or in the sequences of XStringSet object 'x', at the
### ranges of positions specified thru 'at'.
setGeneric("replaceAt", signature="x",
function(x, at, value="") standardGeneric("replaceAt")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Helper functions for checking that the ranges in an IntegerRanges or
### IntegerRangesList object are within specified limits.
### Checks that the ranges in 'at' are within the limits specified by single
### integer values 'min_start' and 'max_end'.
.is_within_limits1 <- function(at, min_start, max_end)
stopifnot(is(at, "IntegerRanges"))
at_len <- length(at)
if (at_len == 0L)
at_min_start <- min(start(at))
at_max_end <- max(end(at))
at_min_start >= min_start && at_max_end <= max_end
### For all valid 'i', checks that the ranges in 'at[[i]]' are within the
### limits specified by 'limits[i]'.
.is_within_limits2 <- function(at, limits)
stopifnot(is(at, "IntegerRangesList"))
stopifnot(is(limits, "IntegerRanges"))
stopifnot(length(at) == length(limits))
unlisted_at <- unlist(at, use.names=FALSE)
tmp <-, elementNROWS(at))
min_starts <- start(tmp)
max_ends <- end(tmp)
all(start(unlisted_at) >= min_starts) && all(end(unlisted_at) <= max_ends)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Helper functions for "vertical" and "horizontal" recycling.
### TODO: This stuff is very generic. Move it to IRanges so it can be shared
### and re-used across the IRanges/GenomicRanges/XVector/Biostrings
### infrastructure.
.wrap_msg <- function(...)
paste0(strwrap(paste0(...)), collapse="\n ")
### Vertical recycling (of any vector-like object).
.V_recycle <- function(x, skeleton, x_what, skeleton_what)
x_len <- length(x)
skeleton_len <- length(skeleton)
if (x_len == skeleton_len)
if (x_len > skeleton_len && x_len != 1L)
"'", x_what, "' cannot be longer than ", skeleton_what
if (x_len == 0L)
"'", x_what, "' is a zero-length object but ", skeleton_what,
" is not zero"
if (skeleton_len %% x_len != 0L)
skeleton_what, " is not a multiple of 'length(", x_what, ")'"
rep(x, length.out=skeleton_len)
### Horizontal recycling (of a list-like object only).
.H_recycle <- function(x, skeleton, x_what, skeleton_what, more_blahblah=NA)
## TODO: Remove this when utils::relist() is fixed.
## See for
## the original bug report.
if (is.list(skeleton))
"because of a bug in utils::relist(), 'skeleton' cannot be ",
"a list at the moment. Please use a List object instead ",
"(e.g. by passing 'as(skeleton, \"List\")' instead of 'skeleton')."
stopifnot(is.list(x) || is(x, "List"))
stopifnot(is.list(skeleton) || is(skeleton, "List"))
x_len <- length(x)
skeleton_len <- length(skeleton)
stopifnot(x_len == skeleton_len)
x_what2 <- paste0("some list elements in '", x_what, "'")
if (!
x_what2 <- paste0(x_what2, " (", more_blahblah, ")")
x_eltNROWS <- unname(elementNROWS(x))
skeleton_eltNROWS <- unname(elementNROWS(skeleton))
idx <- which(x_eltNROWS != skeleton_eltNROWS)
if (length(idx) == 0L)
longer_idx <- which(x_eltNROWS > skeleton_eltNROWS)
shorter_idx <- which(x_eltNROWS < skeleton_eltNROWS)
if (length(longer_idx) == 0L && length(shorter_idx) == 0L)
if (length(longer_idx) != 0L) {
if (max(x_eltNROWS[longer_idx]) >= 2L)
x_what2, " are longer than their corresponding ",
"list element in '", skeleton_what, "'"
if (length(shorter_idx) != 0L) {
tmp <- x_eltNROWS[shorter_idx]
if (min(tmp) == 0L)
x_what2, " are of length 0, but their corresponding ",
"list element in '", skeleton_what, "' is not"
if (max(tmp) >= 2L)
x_what2, " are shorter than their corresponding ",
"list element in '", skeleton_what, "', but have ",
"a length >= 2. \"Horizontal\" recycling only supports ",
"list elements of length 1 at the moment."
## From here 'x[idx]' is guaranteed to contain list elements of length 1.
## We use an "unlist => stretch => relist" algo to perform the horizontal
## recycling. Because of this, the returned value is not necessary of the
## same class as 'x' (e.g. can be an IntegerList if 'x' is an ordinary
## list of integers and 'skeleton' a List object).
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
times <-, length(unlisted_x))
idx2 <- cumsum(x_eltNROWS)[idx]
times[idx2] <- skeleton_eltNROWS[idx]
unlisted_ans <-, times)
ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, skeleton)
names(ans) <- names(x)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Helper functions for normalizing the 'at' argument.
### The integers in 'at' are interpreted as the start positions of zero-width
### ranges.
.make_IRanges_from_numeric <- function(at) IRanges(at, width=0L)
.make_CompressedIRangesList_from_IntegerList <- function(at)
relist(.make_IRanges_from_numeric(unlist(at, use.names=FALSE)), at)
.make_IRanges_from_at <- function(at)
if (is.numeric(at))
at <- .make_IRanges_from_numeric(at)
if (!is(at, "IntegerRanges"))
"'at' must be an IntegerRanges object (or a numeric vector ",
"containing the start positions of zero-width ranges)"
as(at, "IRanges", strict=FALSE)
.make_CompressedIRangesList_from_at <- function(at)
if (is.numeric(at))
at <- .make_IRanges_from_numeric(at)
if (is(at, "IntegerRanges"))
at <- IRangesList(at)
if (is.list(at))
at <- IntegerList(at)
if (is(at, "IntegerList"))
at <- .make_CompressedIRangesList_from_IntegerList(at)
if (!is(at, "IntegerRangesList"))
"'at' must be an IntegerRangesList object (or an IntegerList ",
"object or a list of numeric vectors, containing the start ",
"positions of zero-width ranges). ",
"Also it can be an IntegerRanges object (or a numeric vector ",
"containing the start positions of zero-width ranges) and in ",
"that case is interpreted as a IntegerRangesList object of ",
"length 1."
as(at, "CompressedIRangesList", strict=FALSE)
.normarg_at1 <- function(at, x)
at <- .make_IRanges_from_at(at)
if (!.is_within_limits1(at, 1L, length(x)))
stop("some ranges in 'at' are off-limits with respect to sequence 'x'")
### Returns an IntegerRangesList object of the same length as 'x'.
.normarg_at2 <- function(at, x)
at <- .make_CompressedIRangesList_from_at(at)
if (!is.null(names(at))) {
names(at) <- NULL
warning("'at' names were ignored")
at <- .V_recycle(at, x, "at", "'length(x)'")
if (!.is_within_limits2(at, IRanges(1L, width(x))))
"some ranges in 'at' are off-limits with respect to ",
"their corresponding sequence in 'x'"
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Helper functions for normalizing the 'value' argument.
.make_XStringSet_from_value <- function(value, x_seqtype)
if (!is(value, "XStringSet")) {
value_class <- paste0(x_seqtype, "StringSet")
value <- try(as(value, value_class), silent=TRUE)
if (is(value, "try-error"))
stop("failed to coerce 'value' to a ", value_class, " object")
} else if (seqtype(value) != x_seqtype) {
seqtype(value) <- x_seqtype
.make_XStringSetList_from_value <- function(value, x_seqtype)
if (is.character(value)) {
value_class <- paste0(x_seqtype, "StringSet")
value <- as(value, value_class)
if (is(value, "XStringSet"))
value <- relist(value, list(seq_along(value)))
if (is.list(value))
value <- CharacterList(value)
if (is(value, "CharacterList")) {
unlisted_value <- unlist(value, use.names=FALSE)
unlisted_value <- .make_XStringSet_from_value(unlisted_value, x_seqtype)
value <- relist(unlisted_value, value)
if (!is(value, "XStringSetList"))
stop("invalid type of 'value'")
if (seqtype(value) != x_seqtype)
seqtype(value) <- x_seqtype
.normarg_value1 <- function(value, at, x_seqtype)
value <- .make_XStringSet_from_value(value, x_seqtype)
.V_recycle(value, at, "value", "the number of replacements")
### 'at' is assumed to be normalized so it has the length of 'x'.
.normarg_value2 <- function(value, at, x_seqtype)
value <- .make_XStringSetList_from_value(value, x_seqtype)
value <- .V_recycle(value, at, "value", "'length(x)'")
.H_recycle(value, at, "value", "at",
"after recycling of 'at' and 'value' to the length of 'x'")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### extractAt()
setMethod("extractAt", "XString",
function(x, at)
at <- .make_IRanges_from_at(at)
## extractList() will check that all the ranges in 'at' are within
## the limits of sequence 'x'.
extractList(x, at)
setMethod("extractAt", "XStringSet",
function(x, at)
at <- .normarg_at2(at, x)
at_eltNROWS <- elementNROWS(at)
x2 <-, at_eltNROWS)
unlisted_at <- unlist(at, use.names=FALSE)
unlisted_ans <- subseq(x2, start=start(unlisted_at),
names(unlisted_ans) <- names(unlisted_at)
ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, at)
names(ans) <- names(x)
if (FALSE) { # <<<--- begin testing extractAt() --->>>
### From an XStringSet object
### =========================
### Only compare the classes, the shapes (i.e. lengths + elementNROWS +
### names), the inner names, and the sequence contents. Doesn't look at
### the metadata or the metadata columns (outer or inner).
identical_XStringSetList <- function(target, current)
ok1 <- identical(class(target), class(current))
ok2 <- identical(elementNROWS(target), elementNROWS(current))
unlisted_target <- unlist(target, use.names=FALSE)
unlisted_current <- unlist(current, use.names=FALSE)
ok3 <- identical(names(unlisted_target), names(unlisted_current))
ok4 <- all(unlisted_target == unlisted_current)
ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4
x <- BStringSet(c(seq1="ABCD", seq2="abcdefghijk", seq3="XYZ"))
at <- IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 1), c(3, 0)),
IRanges(c(7, 2, 12, 7), c(6, 5, 11, 8)),
IRanges(2, 2))
### Set inner names on 'at'.
unlisted_at <- unlist(at)
names(unlisted_at) <- paste0("rg", sprintf("%02d", seq_along(unlisted_at)))
at <- relist(unlisted_at, at)
res1a <- extractAt(x, at)
res1b <- BStringSetList(mapply(extractAt, x, at))
stopifnot(identical_XStringSetList(res1a, res1b))
res2a <- extractAt(x, at[3])
res2b <- BStringSetList(mapply(extractAt, x, at[3]))
stopifnot(identical_XStringSetList(res2a, res2b))
res2c <- extractAt(x, at[[3]])
stopifnot(identical_XStringSetList(res2a, res2c))
### Testing performance with 2 millions small extractions at random
### locations in Fly upstream sequences:
dm3_upstream_filepath <- system.file("extdata",
dm3_upstream <- readDNAStringSet(dm3_upstream_filepath)
dm3_upstream <- dm3_upstream[width(dm3_upstream) == 2000L]
NE <- 2000000L # total number of extractions
sample_size <- NE * 1.1
some_ranges <- IRanges(sample(2001L, sample_size, replace=TRUE),
width=sample(0:75, sample_size, replace=TRUE))
some_ranges <- head(some_ranges[end(some_ranges) <= 2000L], n=NE)
split_factor <- factor(sample(length(dm3_upstream), NE, replace=TRUE),
at <- unname(split(some_ranges, split_factor))
### Takes < 1s on my machine.
system.time(res3a <- extractAt(dm3_upstream, at))
### Equivalent but about 250x slower than the above on my machine.
system.time(res3b <- DNAStringSetList(mapply(extractAt, dm3_upstream, at)))
stopifnot(identical_XStringSetList(res3a, res3b))
} # <<<--- end testing extractAt() --->>>
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### replaceAt()
setMethod("replaceAt", "XString",
function(x, at, value="")
if (length(at) == 0L && length(value) == 0L)
at <- .normarg_at1(at, x)
value <- .normarg_value1(value, at, seqtype(x))
NR <- length(at) # same as length(value) -- nb of replacements
if (NR == 0L)
.Call2("XString_replaceAt", x, at, value,
setMethod("replaceAt", "XStringSet",
function(x, at, value="")
if (length(at) == 0L && length(value) == 0L)
at <- .normarg_at2(at, x)
value <- .normarg_value2(value, at, seqtype(x))
ans <- .Call2("XStringSet_replaceAt", x, at, value,
names(ans) <- names(x)
mcols(ans) <- mcols(x)
if (FALSE) { # <<<--- begin testing replaceAt() --->>>
### On an XString object
### ====================
### Testing performance with half-million small substitutions at random
### locations in Celegans chrI:
genome <- BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2
chrI <- genome$chrI
### A very amateurish random disjoint ranges generator. Not for serious use!
randomDisjointRanges <- function(min_start, max_end, min_width, max_width, n)
offset <- min_start - 1L
n1 <- n * (1.1 + max_width/(max_end-offset+1L)) # very approximative
some_starts <- sample(max_end-offset+1L, n1, replace=TRUE) + offset
some_widths <- sample(min_width:max_width, n1, replace=TRUE)
some_ranges <- IRanges(some_starts, width=some_widths)
some_ranges <- some_ranges[end(some_ranges) <= max_end]
ans <- disjoin(some_ranges)
if (min_width == 0L) {
is_empty <- width(some_ranges) == 0L
some_empty_ranges <- some_ranges[is_empty]
ans <- sample(c(ans, some_empty_ranges))
if (length(ans) < n)
stop("internal error, sorry")
head(ans, n=n)
at4 <- randomDisjointRanges(1L, nchar(chrI), 0L, 20L, 500000L)
### Takes < 1s on my machine (64-bit Ubuntu).
system.time(current <- replaceAt(chrI, at4, Views(chrI, at4)))
stopifnot(current == chrI)
### Testing performance with half-million single-letter insertions at random
### locations in Celegans chrI:
at5 <- randomDisjointRanges(1L, nchar(chrI), 0L, 0L, 500000L)
### Takes < 1s on my machine (64-bit Ubuntu).
system.time(current <- replaceAt(chrI, at5, value="-"))
m <- matchPattern("-", current)
stopifnot(identical(sort(start(at5)), start(m) - seq_along(at5) + 1L))
system.time(current2 <- replaceAt(chrI, start(at5), value="-"))
stopifnot(identical(current, current2))
matchPattern("---", current)
### On an XStringSet object
### =======================
### Only compare the classes, lengths, names, and sequence contents.
### Doesn't look at the metadata or the metadata columns.
identical_XStringSet <- function(target, current)
ok1 <- identical(class(target), class(current))
ok2 <- identical(names(target), names(current))
ok3 <- all(target == current)
ok1 && ok2 && ok3
x <- BStringSet(c(seq1="ABCD", seq2="abcdefghijk", seq3="XYZ"))
at <- IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 1), c(3, 0)),
IRanges(c(7, 2, 12, 7), c(6, 5, 11, 8)),
IRanges(2, 2))
### Set inner names on 'at'.
unlisted_at <- unlist(at)
names(unlisted_at) <- paste0("rg", sprintf("%02d", seq_along(unlisted_at)))
at <- relist(unlisted_at, at)
current <- replaceAt(x, at, value=extractAt(x, at)) # no-op
stopifnot(identical_XStringSet(x, current))
res1a <- replaceAt(x, at) # deletions
res1b <- mendoapply(replaceAt, x, at)
stopifnot(identical_XStringSet(res1a, res1b))
### Testing performance with half-million single-letter insertions at random
### locations in Fly upstream sequences:
split_factor <- factor(sample(length(dm3_upstream), 500000L, replace=TRUE),
at5 <- unname(split(sample(2001L, 500000L, replace=TRUE),
### Takes < 1s on my machine.
system.time(res5a <- replaceAt(dm3_upstream, at5, value="-"))
### Equivalent but about 1400x slower than the above on my machine.
system.time(res5b <- mendoapply(replaceAt,
dm3_upstream, as(at5, "List"), as("-", "List")))
stopifnot(identical_XStringSet(res5a, res5b))
} # <<<--- end testing replaceAt() --->>>
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