writeBabHeader <- function(con, version, combined, nBytes, twoChannel, useOffset, base2, indexingMethod, res)
## write the file header
writeBin(as.integer(version), con = con, size = 1);
writeBin(as.integer(nrow(combined)), con = con, size = 4)
writeBin(as.integer(length(unique(combined[,1]))), con = con, size = 4)
writeBin(as.integer(c(nBytes, twoChannel, useOffset, base2)), con = con, size = 1);
writeBin(as.integer(indexingMethod), con = con, size = 1);
## if we're using the fitted grid, record the number of segments and the segment information
if(!indexingMethod) {
## number of segments
writeBin(as.integer(res[[5]][1]), con = con, size = 1);
writeBin(as.integer(res[[3]]), con = con, size = 2);
writeBin(as.numeric(res[[4]]), con = con, size = 4);
writeArrayName <- function(txtFile, con)
## given the text file to be read, extract the array name by removing ".txt"
## and any path at the front. Then write the name to the binary file.
tmp <- strsplit(txtFile, "\\.")[[1]][1];
tmp <- strsplit(tmp, .Platform$file.sep)[[1]]
name <- tmp[length(tmp)];
writeBin(name, con = con);
writeCoordinates <- function(coordinates, con, twoChannel, nBytes, useOffset = FALSE, base2 = FALSE) {
## formating to deal with cases where there is only one bead
coords <- matrix(coordinates, ncol = 4)
else {
coords <- matrix(coordinates, ncol = 2);
## is this lossless?
if( nBytes == (ncol(coords) * 2) ) {
writeBin(as.vector(coords[,1:ncol(coords)]), con = con, size = 4);
## if not, start compressing
else if(nBytes) {
##get the fractional parts
frac <- coords[,1:ncol(coords)] - floor(coords[,1:ncol(coords)]);
## determine the number of bits required for each coordinate
nBits <- (2 * 2^(!twoChannel) * nBytes);
## set a multiplier based on base 2 or base 10
mult <- 2^nBits
mult <- 10^(max(which(2^nBits > 10^(1:5))));
tmpInts <- round(mult * frac);
## deal with any cases that have been rounded to the maximal value
## we want to increment the integer part in this case
if(any(tmpInts == mult)) {
idx <- which(tmpInts == mult)
coords[idx] = coords[idx] + 1;
tmpInts[idx] = 0;
## break those ints into blocks of 8 bits and then back to integers
bits <- matrix(as.integer(matrix(sapply(tmpInts, FUN = intToBits), ncol = length(frac))[1:nBits,]), nrow = 8);
ints <- .Call("bitsToInts", bits, PACKAGE = "BeadDataPackR");
## record the integer parts
writeBin(as.integer(coords[,1:2]), con = con, size = 2);
if(twoChannel) {
coords[,3:4] <- floor(coords[,3:4]) - floor(coords[,1:2]);
writeBin(as.integer(coords[,3:4]), con = con, size = 2^(!useOffset) );
## now write the fractional data
writeBin(as.integer(ints), con = con, size = 1);
else { ## if we aren't storing a fractional part, we should round/ceiling the values
coords <- round(coords);
writeBin(as.integer(coords[,1:2]), con = con, size = 2);
if(twoChannel) {
coords[,3:4] <- coords[,3:4] - floor(coords[,1:2]);
writeBin(as.integer(coords[,3:4]), con = con, size = 2^(!useOffset) );
writeIntensities <- function(intensities, con) {
## write intensities as values between 0 and 65535
## if negative or have absolute value greater than 65535
## flag them as such
## identify those values needing flags and normalize the values to [0, 65535]
neg <- (intensities < 0)
intensities <- abs(intensities)
large <- (intensities > 65535)
intensities <- intensities %% 65536
## write the normalized intensities
writeBin(as.integer(intensities), con = con, size = 2)
## write the flags
flags <- .Call("composeIntensityFlags", as.integer(neg), as.integer(large), PACKAGE = "BeadDataPackR")
writeBin(as.integer(flags), con = con, size = 1);
writeBabBody <- function(combined, con, twoChannel, nBytes, useOffset, base2, fullLocsIndex, pb) {
## use the index to create a list, each elemet having probes of one type
divided <- split(combined, combined[,1])
for(i in 1:length(divided)) {
if(i %/% 1000)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0.7 + (0.3 * i/length(divided)))
current <- matrix(divided[[i]], ncol = 5 + (4^twoChannel))
writeBin(c(as.integer(current[1,1]), as.integer(nrow(current))), con = con, size = 4)
if(current[1,1] != 0)
writeIntensities(current[,2], con = con)
## if this is two channel write those intensities
if(twoChannel & (current[1,1] != 0) )
writeIntensities(current[,5], con = con);
## now record the coordinates
if(twoChannel) {
writeCoordinates(current[,c(3,4,6,7)], con = con, twoChannel = twoChannel, nBytes = nBytes, useOffset = useOffset, base2 = base2);
else {
writeCoordinates(current[,3:4], con = con, twoChannel = twoChannel, nBytes = nBytes, useOffset = useOffset, base2 = base2);
## record the index of the locs file
if(fullLocsIndex) {
writeBin(as.integer(current[, ncol(current)-1 ]), con = con, size = 1)
writeBin(as.integer(current[, ncol(current) ]), con = con, size = 2)
else {
writeBin(as.integer(current[, ncol(current) ]), con = con, size = 1);
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