#' Read MCMC chain associated with a BayesSpace clustering or enhancement
#' BayesSpace stores the MCMC chain associated with a clustering or enhancement
#' on disk in an HDF5 file. The \code{mcmcChain()} function reads any parameters
#' specified by the user into a \code{coda::mcmc} object compatible with
#' TidyBayes.
#' @details
#' To interact with the HDF5 file directly, obtain the filename from the
#' SingleCellExperiment's metadata: \code{metadata(sce)$chain.h5}. Each
#' parameter is stored as a separate dataset in the file, and is represented as
#' a matrix of size (n_iterations x n_parameter_indices).
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment with a file path stored in its metadata.
#' @param params List of model parameters to read
#' @return Returns an \code{mcmc} object containing the values of the requested
#' parameters over the constructed chain.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(149)
#' sce <- exampleSCE()
#' sce <- spatialCluster(sce, 7, nrep=100,, save.chain=TRUE)
#' chain <- mcmcChain(sce)
#' removeChain(sce)
#' @name mcmcChain
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5createFile h5createDataset h5write
.write_chain <- function(chain, h5.fname = NULL, params = NULL,
chunk.length = 1000) {
if (is.null(h5.fname)) {
h5.fname <- tempfile(fileext=".h5")
if (is.null(params)) {
params <- names(chain)
for ( in params) {
param <- chain[[]]
dims <- dim(param)
chunk <- c(min(chunk.length, dims[1]), dims[2])
h5createDataset(h5.fname,, dims, chunk=chunk)
attr(param, "dims") <- .infer_param_dims(colnames(param))
suppressWarnings(h5write(param, h5.fname,, write.attributes=TRUE))
#' Infer original dimensions of parameter (per iteration) from colnames
#' Used to avoid writing colnames directly to HDF5 as attribute, which fails
#' for large parameters (e.g. Y)
#' @param cnames List of column names
#' @return Numeric vector (nrow, ncol)
#' @keywords internal
.infer_param_dims <- function(cnames) {
n_idxs <- length(cnames)
dims <- list()
if (n_idxs == 1) {
dims <- c(1, 1)
} else if (!grepl(",", cnames[n_idxs])) {
dims <- c(n_idxs, 1)
} else {
dims <- gsub("[a-zA-Z_\\.]|\\[|\\]", "", cnames[n_idxs])
dims <- as.numeric(strsplit(dims, ",")[[1]])
#' Load saved chain from disk.
#' @param h5.fname Path to hdf5 file containing chain
#' @param params List of parameters to read from file (will read all by default)
#' @return MCMC chain, represented as a \code{coda::mcmc} object
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls h5read
#' @importFrom coda mcmc
#' @importFrom purrr map
.read_chain <- function(h5.fname, params = NULL, is.enhanced = FALSE) {
if (is.null(params)) {
params <- h5ls(h5.fname)$name
.read_param <- function( {
param <- as.matrix(h5read(h5.fname,, read.attributes=TRUE))
dims <- attr(param, "dims")
colnames(param) <- .make_index_names(, dims[1], dims[2])
xs <- map(params, .read_param)
x <-, xs)
## Enhanced chain includes initialization and is thinned to every 100 iters
## Cluster chain does not include init and is not thinned
if (is.enhanced)
mcmc(x, start=0, end=(nrow(x) - 1) * 100, thin=100)
#' Make colnames for parameter indices.
#' Scalar parameters are named \code{"name"}.
#' Vector parameters are named \code{"name[i]"}.
#' Matrix parameters are named \code{"name[i,j]"}.
#' @param name Parameter name
#' @param m,n Dimensions of parameter (m=nrow, n=ncol)
#' @param dim Dimensionality of parameter (0=scalar, 1=vector, 2=matrix)
#' @return List of names for parameter values
#' @keywords internal
.make_index_names <- function(name, m = NULL, n = NULL, dim = 1) {
if (is.null(m) || m == 1) {
} else if (is.null(n) || n == 1) {
paste0(name, "[", rep(seq_len(m)), "]")
} else if (dim == 1) {
paste0(name, "[", rep(seq_len(m), each=n), ",", rep(seq_len(n), m), "]")
} else {
paste0(name, "[", rep(seq_len(m), n), ",", rep(seq_len(n), each=m), "]")
#' Tidy C++ outputs before writing to disk.
#' 1) Convert each parameter to matrix (n_iterations x n_indices)
#' 2) Add appropriate colnames
#' 3) Thin evenly (for enhance)
#' @param out List returned by \code{cluster()} or \code{deconvolve()}.
#' @param method Whether the output came from clustering or enhancement.
#' (Different params are included in each.)
#' @param thin Thinning rate. Some enhanced parameters are thinned within C++
#' loop, others (\code{mu} and \code{Ychange}) need to be thinned afterwards.
#' @return List with standardized parameters
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom purrr map
.clean_chain <- function(out, method = c("cluster", "enhance"), thin=100)
method <- match.arg(method)
n_iter <- nrow(out$z) # this is technically n_iters / 100 for enhance
## Only one iteration included; need to cast vectors back to matrices
if (is.null(n_iter)) {
out$z <- matrix(out$z, nrow=1)
out$mu <- matrix(out$mu, nrow=1)
if ("weights" %in% names(out)) {
out$weights <- matrix(out$mu, nrow=1)
n <- ncol(out$z)
d <- ncol(out$lambda[[1]])
q <- ncol(out$mu)/d
colnames(out$z) <- .make_index_names("z", n)
colnames(out$mu) <- .make_index_names("mu", q, d)
out$lambda <- .flatten_matrix_list(out$lambda, "lambda", d, d)
if ("weights" %in% names(out)) {
colnames(out$weights) <- .make_index_names("weights", n)
## Include function-specific chain parameters
if (method == "cluster") {
out$plogLik <- as.matrix(out$plogLik)
colnames(out$plogLik) <- c("pLogLikelihood")
} else if (method == "enhance") {
out$Y <- .flatten_matrix_list(out$Y, "Y", n, d)
out$Ychange <- as.matrix(out$Ychange)
colnames(out$Ychange) <- c("Ychange")
if (method == "enhance") {
## manually thin mu until updated in c++;
## keep init values for consistency with others
thinned_idx <- c(1, seq(thin, (n_iter - 1) * thin, thin))
out$mu <- out$mu[thinned_idx, ]
## Subset of a one-column matrix is a vector, not a matrix
out$Ychange <- as.matrix(out$Ychange[thinned_idx, ])
colnames(out$Ychange) <- c("Ychange")
#' Convert a list of matrices to a single matrix, where each row is a flattened
#' matrix from the original list
#' @param xs List of matrices
#' @return Matrix
#' @keywords internal
.flatten_matrix_list <- function(xs, ...) {
xs <- map(xs, function(x) as.vector(t(x)))
x <-, xs)
colnames(x) <- .make_index_names(...)
#' @export
#' @rdname mcmcChain
mcmcChain <- function(sce, params = NULL) {
if (!("chain.h5" %in% names(metadata(sce)))) {
stop("Path to chain file not available in object metadata.")
is.enhanced <- metadata(sce)$$is.enhanced
.read_chain(metadata(sce)$chain.h5, params, is.enhanced)
#' @export
#' @rdname mcmcChain
removeChain <- function(sce) {
if ("chain.h5" %in% names(metadata(sce))) {
if (file.exists(metadata(sce)$chain.h5)) {
metadata(sce)$chain.h5 <- NULL
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