### =========================================================================
### OnDiskNamedSequences objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
setClass("OnDiskNamedSequences") # VIRTUAL class with no slots
### OnDiskNamedSequences API
### ------------------------
### Concrete subclasses need to implement the following:
### - names()
### - seqlengthsFilepath()
### - seqinfo API (implementing seqinfo() is enough to make seqlengths(),
### seqlevels(), etc... work)
### - getListElement() -- load full sequence as XString derivative
### Default methods are provided for the following:
### - length()
### - seqnames()
### - show()
### - loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence()
function(x) standardGeneric("seqlengthsFilepath")
function(x, seqname, ranges)
### Low-level utilities
.check_getListElement_index <- function(i, what)
if (!is.character(i))
stop(wmsg(what, " can only be subsetted by name"))
if (length(i) < 1L)
stop(wmsg("attempt to select less than one element"))
if (length(i) > 1L)
stop(wmsg("attempt to select more than one element"))
### Works on an XString derivative or any object 'x' for which seqlengths()
### is defined.
.get_seqlength <- function(x, seqname)
if (!isSingleString(seqname))
stop(wmsg("'seqname' must be a single string"))
if (is(x, "XString"))
x_seqlengths <- seqlengths(x)
idx <- match(seqname, names(x_seqlengths))
if (
stop(wmsg("invalid sequence name: ", seqname))
### Default methods
setMethod("length", "OnDiskNamedSequences", function(x) length(names(x)))
setMethod("seqnames", "OnDiskNamedSequences", function(x) seqlevels(x))
setMethod("show", "OnDiskNamedSequences",
cat(class(object), " instance of length ", length(object),
":\n", sep="")
### Load regions from a single sequence as an XStringSet derivative.
### 'seqname' is ignored.
setMethod("loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence", "XString",
function(x, seqname, ranges)
xvcopy(extractAt(x, ranges)) # ignores 'seqname'
setMethod("loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence", "OnDiskNamedSequences",
function(x, seqname, ranges)
seq <- getListElement(x, seqname)
loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence(seq, seqname, ranges)
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### RdsNamedSequences objects
### The 'dirpath' slot should point to a directory that contains one .rds
### file per XString derivative + a seqlengths.rds file that contains a
### serialized named integer vector with the sequence names and lengths.
contains=c("RdsCollection", "OnDiskNamedSequences"),
setMethod("seqlevels", "RdsNamedSequences", function(x) names(x))
setMethod("seqlengthsFilepath", "RdsNamedSequences",
function(x) file.path(path(x), "seqlengths.rds")
.read_seqlengths_from_file <- function(x) readRDS(seqlengthsFilepath(x))
setMethod("seqlengths", "RdsNamedSequences",
noext_ends <- nchar(x@filenames) - nchar(".rds")
noext_filenames <- substr(x@filenames, 1L, noext_ends)
setNames(.read_seqlengths_from_file(x)[noext_filenames], names(x))
setMethod("seqinfo", "RdsNamedSequences",
x_seqlengths <- seqlengths(x)
Seqinfo(names(x_seqlengths), unname(x_seqlengths))
setAs("RdsCollection", "RdsNamedSequences",
ans <- new2("RdsNamedSequences", from, elementType="XString",
seqlengths_from_file <- .read_seqlengths_from_file(ans)
if (!is.integer(seqlengths_from_file))
stop(wmsg("object serialized in ",
"file '", seqlengthsFilepath(ans), "' ",
"must be a named integer vector"))
if (!all(names(from) %in% names(seqlengths_from_file)))
stop(wmsg("the names on the RdsCollection object to coerce ",
"to RdsNamedSequences must be a subset of ",
"the names on the integer vector serialized ",
"in file '", seqlengthsFilepath(ans), "'"))
### Constructor.
RdsNamedSequences <- function(path, seqnames)
filenames <- paste0(seqnames, ".rds")
as(RdsCollection(path, filenames), "RdsNamedSequences")
### Load a full sequence as an XString derivative.
setMethod("getListElement", "RdsNamedSequences",
function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
.check_getListElement_index(i, "an RdsNamedSequences object")
ans <- callNextMethod()
if (!is(ans, "XString")) {
filepath <- file.path(path(x), x@filenames[[i]])
stop(wmsg("serialized object in file '", filepath, "' ",
"must be an XString derivative"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### RdaNamedSequences objects
### June 2020: THE RdaNamedSequences CLASS IS SUPERSEDED BY THE
### RdsNamedSequences CLASS!
### TODO: Deprecate the RdaNamedSequences class.
### The "dirpath" slot should contain 1 serialized XString derivative
### per sequence + a serialized named integer vector ('seqlengths.rda')
### containing the sequence names and lengths.
contains=c("RdaCollection", "OnDiskNamedSequences"),
setMethod("seqlengthsFilepath", "RdaNamedSequences",
function(x) rdaPath(x@seqlengths, "seqlengths")
setMethod("seqlevels", "RdaNamedSequences", function(x) names(x))
setMethod("seqlengths", "RdaNamedSequences",
ans <- x@seqlengths[["seqlengths"]]
if (!is.integer(ans) || is.null(names(ans)))
stop(wmsg("serialized object in file '", seqlengthsFilepath(x),
"' must be a named integer vector"))
setMethod("seqinfo", "RdaNamedSequences",
x_seqlengths <- seqlengths(x)
x_seqlevels <- seqlevels(x)
Seqinfo(x_seqlevels, x_seqlengths)
### Constructor.
RdaNamedSequences <- function(dirpath, seqnames)
sequences <- RdaCollection(dirpath, seqnames)
seqlengths <- RdaCollection(dirpath, "seqlengths")
new("RdaNamedSequences", sequences, seqlengths=seqlengths)
### Load a full sequence as an XString derivative.
setMethod("getListElement", "RdaNamedSequences",
function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
.check_getListElement_index(i, "an RdaNamedSequences object")
ans <- x[[i]]
if (!is(ans, "XString"))
stop(wmsg("serialized object in file '", rdaPath(x, i), "' ",
"must be an XString derivative"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### FastaNamedSequences objects
## FaFile object pointing to the .fa/.fa.fai (or .fa.rz/.fa.rz.fai
## if RAZip compressed) files containing the sequences/index.
setMethod("names", "FastaNamedSequences", function(x) seqlevels(x@fafile))
setMethod("seqlengthsFilepath", "FastaNamedSequences",
function(x) path(x@fafile)
setMethod("seqinfo", "FastaNamedSequences", function(x) seqinfo(x@fafile))
### Constructor.
FastaNamedSequences <- function(filepath)
fafile <- FaFile(filepath)
new("FastaNamedSequences", fafile=fafile)
### Load a full sequence as a DNAString object.
setMethod("getListElement", "FastaNamedSequences",
function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
.check_getListElement_index(i, "a FastaNamedSequences object")
fafile <- x@fafile
seqlength <- .get_seqlength(fafile, i)
param <- GRanges(i, IRanges(1L, seqlength))
scanFa(fafile, param=param)[[1L]]
### Load regions from a single sequence as a DNAStringSet object.
### TODO: Try the following optimization: reduce 'ranges' before calling
### scanFa(), then extract the regions from the DNAStringSet returned by
### scanFa(). This way, a given nucleotide is loaded only once.
setMethod("loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence", "FastaNamedSequences",
function(x, seqname, ranges)
if (!is(ranges, "IntegerRanges"))
stop(wmsg("'ranges' must be an IntegerRanges object"))
fafile <- x@fafile
seqlength <- .get_seqlength(fafile, seqname)
if (length(ranges) != 0L &&
(min(start(ranges)) < 1L || max(end(ranges)) > seqlength))
stop(wmsg("trying to load regions beyond the boundaries ",
"of non-circular sequence \"", seqname, "\""))
param <- GRanges(seqname, ranges)
scanFa(fafile, param=param)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### TwobitNamedSequences objects
## TwoBitFile object pointing to the .2bit file containing the
## sequences.
setMethod("names", "TwobitNamedSequences", function(x) seqlevels(x@twobitfile))
setMethod("seqlengthsFilepath", "TwobitNamedSequences",
function(x) path(x@twobitfile)
setMethod("seqinfo", "TwobitNamedSequences", function(x) seqinfo(x@twobitfile))
### Constructor.
TwobitNamedSequences <- function(filepath)
twobitfile <- TwoBitFile(filepath)
new("TwobitNamedSequences", twobitfile=twobitfile)
### Load a full sequence as a DNAString object.
setMethod("getListElement", "TwobitNamedSequences",
function(x, i, exact=TRUE)
.check_getListElement_index(i, "a TwobitNamedSequences object")
twobitfile <- x@twobitfile
seqlength <- .get_seqlength(twobitfile, i)
which <- GRanges(i, IRanges(1L, seqlength))
import(twobitfile, which=which)[[1L]]
### Load regions from a single sequence as a DNAStringSet object.
setMethod("loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence", "TwobitNamedSequences",
function(x, seqname, ranges)
if (!is(ranges, "IntegerRanges"))
stop(wmsg("'ranges' must be an IntegerRanges object"))
twobitfile <- x@twobitfile
seqlength <- .get_seqlength(twobitfile, seqname)
if (length(ranges) != 0L &&
(min(start(ranges)) < 1L || max(end(ranges)) > seqlength))
stop(wmsg("trying to load regions beyond the boundaries ",
"of non-circular sequence \"", seqname, "\""))
which <- GRanges(seqname, ranges)
import(twobitfile, which=which)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### loadSubseqsFromStrandedSequence()
.loadSubseqsFromCircularSequence <- function(x, seqname, ranges)
if (!is(ranges, "IntegerRanges"))
stop(wmsg("'ranges' must be an IntegerRanges object"))
seqlength <- .get_seqlength(x, seqname)
LRranges <- splitLRranges(ranges, seqlength, seqname)
Lans <- loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence(x, seqname, LRranges$L)
Rans <- loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence(x, seqname, LRranges$R)
xscat(Lans, Rans)
loadSubseqsFromStrandedSequence <- function(x, seqname, ranges, strand,
if (length(ranges) != length(strand))
stop(wmsg("'ranges' and 'strand' must have the same length"))
if (!is.logical(is_circular) || length(is_circular) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("'is_circular' must be a single logical"))
if (is_circular %in% c(NA, FALSE)) {
loadFUN <- loadSubseqsFromLinearSequence
} else {
loadFUN <- .loadSubseqsFromCircularSequence
ans <- loadFUN(x, seqname, ranges)
idx <- which(strand == "-")
if (length(idx) != 0L)
ans[idx] <- reverseComplement(ans[idx])
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### OnDiskNamedSequences() constructor
OnDiskNamedSequences <- function(dirpath, seqnames=NULL)
filename <- "seqlengths.rds"
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (file.exists(filepath))
return(RdsNamedSequences(dirpath, seqnames))
filename <- "seqlengths.rda"
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (file.exists(filepath))
return(RdaNamedSequences(dirpath, seqnames))
filename <- "single_sequences.fa"
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (file.exists(filepath))
filename <- "single_sequences.fa.rz"
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (file.exists(filepath))
filename <- "single_sequences.2bit"
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (file.exists(filepath))
stop(wmsg("invalid directory content at ", dirpath))
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