# ========================================================================= #
# Format GRanges datasets for base-pair resolution analysis
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Constructing and checking for base-pair resolution GRanges objects
#' \code{makeGRangesBRG} splits up all ranges in \code{} to be each 1
#' basepair wide. For any range that is split up, all metadata information
#' belonging to that range is inherited by its daughter ranges, and therefore
#' the transformation is non-destructive. \code{isBRG} checks whether an object
#' is a basepair resolution GRanges object.
#' @param A disjoint GRanges object, or a list of such objects.
#' @param ncores If \code{} is a list, the number of cores to use for
#' computations.
#' @return \code{makeGRangesBRG} returns a GRanges object for which
#' \code{length(output) == sum(width(}, and for which
#' \code{all(width(output) == 1)}.
#' \code{isBRG(x)} returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a GRanges object with
#' the above characteristics.
#' @details Note that \code{makeGRangesBRG} doesn't perform any transformation
#' on the metadata in the input. This function assumes that for an input
#' GRanges object, any metadata for each range is equally correct when
#' inherited by each individual base in that range. In other words, the
#' dataset's "signal" (usually readcounts) fundamentally belongs to a single
#' basepair position.
#' @section Motivation: The motivating case for this function is a bigWig file
#' (e.g. one imported by \code{rtracklayer}), as bigWig files typically use
#' run-length compression on the data signal (the 'score' column), such that
#' adjacent bases sharing the same signal are combined into a single range. As
#' basepair-resolution genomic data is typically sparse, this compression has
#' a minimal impact on memory usage, and removing it greatly enhances data
#' handling as each index (each range) of the GRanges object corresponds to a
#' single genomic position.
#' @section Generating basepair-resolution GRanges from whole reads: If working
#' with a GRanges object containing whole reads, one can obtain base-pair
#' resolution information by using the strand-specific function
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:intra-range-methods]{GenomicRanges::resize}} to
#' select a single base from each read: set \code{width = 1} and use the
#' \code{fix} argument to choose the strand-specific 5' or 3' end. Then,
#' strand-specific coverage can be calculated using
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:getStrandedCoverage]{getStrandedCoverage}}.
#' @section On the use of GRanges instead of GPos: The
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GPos-class]{GPos}} class is a more suitable
#' container for data of this type, as the GPos class is specific to 1-bp-wide
#' ranges. However, in early testing, we encountered some kind of
#' compatibility limitations with the newer GPos class, and have not re-tested
#' it since. If you have feedback on switching to this class, please contact
#' the author. Users can readily coerce a basepair-resolution GRanges object
#' to a GPos object via \code{gp <- GPos(gr, score = score(gr))}.
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @seealso \code{\link[BRGenomics:getStrandedCoverage]{getStrandedCoverage}},
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:intra-range-methods]{GenomicRanges::resize()}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width GPos mcols mcols<- isDisjoint findOverlaps
#' GRanges sort
#' @importFrom S4Vectors from
#' @examples
#' if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Make a bigWig file single width
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # get local address for an included bigWig file
#' bw_file <- system.file("extdata", "",
#' package = "BRGenomics")
#' # BRGenomics::import_bigWig automatically applies makeGRangesBRG;
#' # therefore will import using rtracklayer
#' bw <-
#' strand(bw) <- "+"
#' range(width(bw))
#' length(bw)
#' # make basepair-resolution (single-width)
#' gr <- makeGRangesBRG(bw)
#' isBRG(gr)
#' range(width(gr))
#' length(gr)
#' length(gr) == sum(width(bw))
#' sum(score(gr)) == sum(score(bw) * width(bw))
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Reverse using getStrandedCoverage
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # -> for more examples, see getStrandedCoverage
#' undo <- getStrandedCoverage(gr, ncores = 1)
#' isBRG(undo)
#' range(width(undo))
#' length(undo) == length(bw)
#' all(score(undo) == score(bw))
#' }
makeGRangesBRG <- function(, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
if (is.list( || is(, "GRangesList"))
return(mclapply(, makeGRangesBRG, mc.cores = ncores))
if (!isDisjoint(
stop("Input is not disjoint. See documentation")
# separate wide granges
is_wide <- width( > 1L
gr_wide <-[is_wide]
# make width 1, reverse map, and add metadata
gp <- GPos(gr_wide)
hits <- findOverlaps(gr_wide, gp)
mcols(gp) <- mcols(gr_wide)[from(hits), , drop = FALSE]
# combine and sort
sort(c([!is_wide], GRanges(gp)))
#' @rdname makeGRangesBRG
#' @param x Object to be tested.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width isDisjoint
#' @export
isBRG <- function(x) {
is(x, "GRanges") && all(width(x) == 1L) && isDisjoint(x)
#' Get strand-specific coverage
#' Computes strand-specific coverage signal, and returns a GRanges object.
#' Function also works for non-strand-specific data.
#' @param A GRanges object either containing ranges for each read, or
#' one in which readcounts for individual ranges are contained in metadata
#' (typically in the "score" field). \code{} can also be a list of
#' such GRanges objects.
#' @param field The name of the metadata field that contains readcounts. If no
#' metadata field contains readcounts, and each range represents a single
#' read, set to NULL.
#' @param ncores Number of cores to use for calculating coverage. For a single
#' dataset, the max that will be used is 3, one for each possible strand
#' (plus, minus, and unstranded). More cores can be used if \code{}
#' is a list.
#' @return A GRanges object with signal in the "score" metadata column. Note
#' that the output is \emph{not} automatically converted into a
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:makeGRangesBRG]{"basepair-resolution"}} GRanges
#' object.
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @seealso \code{\link[BRGenomics:makeGRangesBRG]{makeGRangesBRG}},
#' \code{\link[IRanges:coverage-methods]{GenomicRanges::coverage}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
#' @examples
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Using included full-read data
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # -> whole-read coverage sacrifices meaningful readcount
#' # information, but can be useful for visualization,
#' # e.g. for looking at RNA-seq data in a genome browser
#' data("PROseq_paired")
#' PROseq_paired[1:6]
#' getStrandedCoverage(PROseq_paired, ncores = 1)[1:6]
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Getting coverage from single bases of single reads
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # included PROseq data is already single-base coverage
#' data("PROseq")
#' range(width(PROseq))
#' # undo coverage for the first 100 positions
#' ps <- PROseq[1:100]
#' ps_reads <- rep(ps, times = ps$score)
#' mcols(ps_reads) <- NULL
#' ps_reads[1:6]
#' # re-create coverage
#' getStrandedCoverage(ps_reads, field = NULL, ncores = 1)[1:6]
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Reversing makeGRangesBRG
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # -> getStrandedCoverage doesn't return single-width
#' # GRanges, which is useful because getting coverage
#' # will merge adjacent bases with equivalent scores
#' # included PROseq data is already single-width
#' range(width(PROseq))
#' isDisjoint(PROseq)
#' ps_cov <- getStrandedCoverage(PROseq, ncores = 1)
#' range(width(ps_cov))
#' sum(score(PROseq)) == sum(score(ps_cov) * width(ps_cov))
#' # -> Look specifically at ranges that could be combined
#' neighbors <- c(shift(PROseq, 1), shift(PROseq, -1))
#' hits <- findOverlaps(PROseq, neighbors)
#' idx <- unique(from(hits)) # indices for PROseq with neighbor
#' PROseq[idx]
#' getStrandedCoverage(PROseq[idx], ncores = 1)
getStrandedCoverage <- function(, field = "score",
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
if (is.list( || is(, "GRangesList")) {
if (is.null(field))
field <- list(NULL)
return(mcMap(getStrandedCoverage,, field, ncores = 1L,
mc.cores = ncores))
if (!is.null(field) && !(field %in% names(mcols(
stop(.nicemsg("The given value for 'field' is not found in
mcols( If no field contains signal counts for
each range, set field = NULL"))
cvg_ls <- mclapply(c("+", "-", "*"), .get_stranded_cvg,, field,
mc.cores = min(ncores, 3L))
sort(, cvg_ls))
#' @import GenomicRanges
.get_stranded_cvg <- function(strand.i,, field) {
gr <-[strand( == strand.i]
if (is.null(field)) {
cvg <- coverage(gr)
} else {
cvg <- coverage(gr, weight = mcols(gr)[[field]])
cvg_gr <- GRanges(cvg, seqinfo = seqinfo(
strand(cvg_gr) <- strand.i # (setting within GRanges() fails if length=0)
cvg_gr[abs(score(cvg_gr)) > 1e-12] # precision issues with coverage()
#' Randomly subsample reads from GRanges dataset
#' Random subsampling is not performed on ranges, but on reads. Readcounts
#' should be given as a metadata field (usually "score"). This function can also
#' subsample ranges directly if \code{field = NULL}, but the \code{sample}
#' function can be used in this scenario.
#' @param A GRanges object in which signal (e.g. readcounts) are
#' contained within metadata, or a list of such GRanges objects.
#' @param n,prop Either the number of reads to subsample (\code{n}), or the
#' proportion of total \emph{signal} to subsample (\code{prop}). Either
#' \code{n} or \code{prop} can be given, but not both. If \code{} is
#' a list, or if \code{length(field) > 1}, users can supply a vector or list
#' of \code{n} or \code{prop} values to match the individual datasets, but
#' care should be taken to ensure that a value is given for each and every
#' dataset.
#' @param field The metadata field of \code{} that contains readcounts
#' for reach position. If each range represents a single read, set \code{field
#' = NULL}. If multiple fields are given, and \code{} is not a list,
#' then \code{} will be treated as a multiplexed GRanges, and each
#' field will be treated as an indpendent dataset. See
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:mergeGRangesData]{mergeGRangesData}}.
#' @param expand_ranges Logical indicating if ranges in \code{} should
#' be treated as descriptions of single molecules (\code{FALSE}), or if ranges
#' should be treated as representing multiple adjacent positions with the same
#' signal (\code{TRUE}). See \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{
#' getCountsByRegions}}.
#' @param ncores Number of cores to use for computations. Multicore only used
#' when \code{} is a list, or if \code{length(field) > 1}.
#' @return A GRanges object identical in format to \code{}, but
#' containing a random subset of its data. If \code{field != NULL}, the length
#' of the output cannot be known \emph{a priori}, but the sum of its score
#' can.
#' @section Use with normalized readcounts: If the metadata field contains
#' normalized readcounts, an attempt will be made to infer the normalization
#' factor based on the lowest signal value found in the specified field.
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols mcols<- countOverlaps
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
#' @examples
#' data("PROseq") # load included PROseq data
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # sample 10% of the reads of a GRanges with signal coverage
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' ps_sample <- subsampleGRanges(PROseq, prop = 0.1)
#' # cannot predict number of ranges (positions) that will be sampled
#' length(PROseq)
#' length(ps_sample)
#' # 1/10th the score is sampled
#' sum(score(PROseq))
#' sum(score(ps_sample))
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # Sample 10% of ranges (e.g. if each range represents one read)
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' ps_sample <- subsampleGRanges(PROseq, prop = 0.1, field = NULL)
#' length(PROseq)
#' length(ps_sample)
#' # Alternatively
#' ps_sample <- sample(PROseq, 0.1 * length(PROseq))
#' length(ps_sample)
subsampleGRanges <- function(, n = NULL, prop = NULL,
field = "score", expand_ranges = FALSE,
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
.check_xor_args(n, prop)
if (is.list( || is(, "GRangesList")) {
if (is.null(field)) field <- list(NULL)
if (is.null(n)) n <- list(NULL)
if (is.null(prop)) prop <- list(NULL)
mcMap(.subsample_gr,, n, prop, field, expand_ranges,
ncores = 1L, mc.cores = ncores)
} else if (length(field) > 1L) {
if (is.null(n)) n <- list(NULL)
if (is.null(prop)) prop <- list(NULL)
grl <- mcMap(.subsample_gr, list(, n, prop, field,
expand_ranges, ncores = 1L, mc.cores = ncores)
names(grl) <- field
mergeGRangesData(grl, field = field, multiplex = TRUE, ncores = ncores)
} else {
.subsample_gr(, n, prop, field, expand_ranges, ncores)
.subsample_gr <- function(, n, prop, field, expand_ranges, ncores) {
if (is.null(field)) {
if (is.null(n)) n <- floor(prop * length(
return(sample(, n))
signal_counts <- mcols([[field]]
if (expand_ranges)
signal_counts <- signal_counts * width(
if (normed_signal <- !.close_int(signal_counts)) {
lcm <- min(signal_counts[signal_counts != 0L])
signal_counts <- .try_unnorm_signal(signal_counts, lcm)
nreads <- sum(signal_counts)
if (is.null(n)) n <- round(prop * nreads)
if (expand_ranges) {
# 1. Sample read numbers (integers 1 to nreads)
samp_reads <- sort(, n))
# 2. For each range, get the associated read numbers
csumreads <- cumsum(signal_counts)
# 3. For each sampled read:
# - Get the associated range index -> idx.range
# - Get its number within each range (e.g. "2nd read in that range")
# - Get its position within each range (offset from start, in bp)
idx.range <- findInterval(samp_reads + 1L, csumreads)
read_in_range <- samp_reads - ( c(0L, csumreads)[idx.range] )
pos_in_range <- ceiling( read_in_range / signal_counts[idx.range] )
gr_sample <- shift(resize([idx.range], 1L), pos_in_range)
gr_out <- getStrandedCoverage(gr_sample, field = NULL, ncores = ncores)
names(mcols(gr_out)) <- field
} else {
# avoid modifying GRanges, and sample associated indices (w/o replace)
idx <-, times = signal_counts)
gr_sample <-[sample(idx, n)] # critical to not use 'prob' arg
gr_out <- unique(gr_sample)
mcols(gr_out)[field] <- countOverlaps(gr_out, gr_sample)
if (normed_signal)
mcols(gr_out)[field] <- mcols(gr_out)[[field]] * lcm
.try_unnorm_signal <- function(signal_counts, lcm) {
unnorm_signal <- signal_counts / lcm
if (!.close_int(unnorm_signal))
stop(.nicemsg("Signal given in 'field' are not whole numbers, and
unable to infer a normalization factor."))
warning(.nicemsg("Signal given in 'field' are not whole numbers. A
normalization factor was inferred based on the lowest
signal value."))
#' Merge GRanges objects
#' Merges 2 or more GRanges objects by combining all of their ranges and
#' associated signal (e.g. readcounts). If \code{multiplex = TRUE}, the input
#' datasets are reversibly combined into a multiplexed GRanges containing a
#' field for each input dataset.
#' @param ... Any number of GRanges objects in which signal (e.g. readcounts)
#' are contained within metadata. Lists of GRanges can also be passed, but
#' they must be named lists if \code{multiplex = TRUE}. Multiple lists can be
#' passed, but if any inputs are lists, then all inputs must be lists.
#' @param field One or more \emph{input} metadata fields to be combined,
#' typically the "score" field. Fields typically contain coverage information.
#' If only a single field is given (i.e. all input GRanges use the same
#' field), that same field will be used for the output. Otherwise, the
#' \code{"score"} metadata field will be used by default. The output metadata
#' fields are different if \code{multiplex} is enabled.
#' @param multiplex When set to \code{FALSE} (the default), input GRanges are
#' merged irreversibly into a single new GRange, effectively combining the
#' reads from different experiments. When \code{multiplex = TRUE}, the input
#' GRanges data are reversibly combined into a multiplexed GRanges object,
#' such that each input GRanges object has its own metadata field in the
#' output.
#' @param makeBRG If \code{TRUE} (the default), the output GRanges will be made
#' "basepair-resolution" via \code{\link[BRGenomics:makeGRangesBRG]{
#' makeGRangesBRG}}. This is always set to code{FALSE} if
#' \code{exact_overlaps = TRUE}.
#' @param exact_overlaps By default (\code{FALSE}), any ranges that cover more
#' than a single base are treated as "coverage" signal (see
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:getCountsByRegions]{getCountsByRegions}}). If
#' \code{exact_overlaps = TRUE}, all input ranges are conserved exactly as
#' they are; ranges are only combined if they overlap exactly, and the signal
#' of any combined range is the sum of the input ranges that were merged.
#' @param ncores Number of cores to use for computations.
#' @return A disjoint, basepair-resolution (single-width) GRanges object
#' comprised of all ranges found in the input GRanges objects.
#' If \code{multiplex = FALSE}, single fields from each input are combined
#' into a single field in the output, the total signal of which is the sum of
#' all input GRanges.
#' If \code{multiplex = TRUE}, each field of the output corresponds to an
#' input GRanges object.
#' @section Subsetting a multiplexed GRanges object: If \code{multiplex = TRUE},
#' the datasets are only combined into a single object, but the data
#' themselves are not combined. To subset \code{field_i}, corresponding to
#' input \code{dataset_i}:
#' \code{ <- mergeGRangesData(gr1, gr2, multiplex = TRUE)}
#' \code{subset(, gr1 != 0, select = gr1)} # select gr1
#' @author Mike DeBerardine
#' @seealso \code{\link[BRGenomics:makeGRangesBRG]{makeGRangesBRG}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is as
#' @examples
#' data("PROseq") # load included PROseq data
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # divide & recombine PROseq (no overlapping positions)
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' thirds <- floor( (1:3)/3 * length(PROseq) )
#' ps_1 <- PROseq[1:thirds[1]]
#' ps_2 <- PROseq[(thirds[1]+1):thirds[2]]
#' ps_3 <- PROseq[(thirds[2]+1):thirds[3]]
#' # re-merge
#' length(PROseq)
#' length(ps_1)
#' length(mergeGRangesData(ps_1, ps_2, ncores = 1))
#' length(mergeGRangesData(ps_1, ps_2, ps_3, ncores = 1))
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # combine PRO-seq with overlapping positions
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' gr1 <- PROseq[10:13]
#' gr2 <- PROseq[12:15]
#' PROseq[10:15]
#' mergeGRangesData(gr1, gr2, ncores = 1)
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # multiplex separate PRO-seq experiments
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' <- mergeGRangesData(gr1, gr2, multiplex = TRUE, ncores = 1)
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' # subset a multiplexed GRanges object
#' #--------------------------------------------------#
#' subset(, gr1 > 0)
#' subset(, gr1 > 0, select = gr1)
mergeGRangesData <- function(..., field = "score", multiplex = FALSE,
makeBRG = TRUE, exact_overlaps = FALSE,
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
data_in <- list(...)
is_list <- function(x) is.list(x) || is(x, "GRangesList")
if (any(vapply(data_in, is_list, logical(1L))))
data_in <- unlist(data_in)
if (is(data_in, "GRangesList")) # no performance difference w/ unlist, etc.
data_in <- as(data_in, "list")
# check field names match inputs
if (length(field) == 1L) {
if (is.null(field))
field <- "score"
field <-, length(data_in))
} else if (length(field) != length(data_in)) {
stop("Given fields not equal to number of datasets")
if (multiplex) {
if (is.null(names(data_in))) {
exclude <- c("field", "multiplex", "ncores")
in.names <- as.list([-1L]
names(data_in) <- in.names[!names(in.names) %in% exclude]
.multiplex_gr(data_in, field, ncores)
} else if (exact_overlaps) {
.merge_gr_exact(data_in, field, ncores)
} else {
.merge_gr(data_in, field, makeBRG, ncores)
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols mcols<-
.merge_gr <- function(data_in, field, makeBRG, ncores) {
if (any(field != "score"))
data_in <- mcMap(.rename_field_score, data_in, field, mc.cores = ncores)
gr <- getStrandedCoverage(, c(data_in, use.names = FALSE)),
field = "score", ncores = ncores)
# keep field name if only one given
if (length(unique(field)) == 1L)
names(mcols(gr)) <- field[1L]
if (makeBRG) return(makeGRangesBRG(gr, ncores = ncores))
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols mcols<-
.rename_field_score <- function(gr, field) {
mcols(gr) <- mcols(gr)[field]
names(mcols(gr)) <- "score"
#' @importFrom parallel mcMap
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges sort duplicated findOverlaps score score<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors from to
.merge_gr_exact <- function(data_in, field, ncores) {
if (any(field != "score"))
mcMap(.rename_field_score, data_in, field, mc.cores = ncores)
gr <-, c(data_in, use.names = FALSE))
dupes <- duplicated(gr)
gr_out <- sort(gr[!dupes])
gr_dp <- gr[dupes]
# get exact hits to redundant ranges, and aggregate their scores
hits <- findOverlaps(gr_out, gr_dp, type = "equal")
dpsc <- aggregate(score(gr_dp)[to(hits)], by = list(from(hits)), FUN = sum)
names(dpsc) <- c("idx", "score")
# add the scores from the redundant ranges
score(gr_out)[dpsc$idx] <- score(gr_out)[dpsc$idx] + dpsc$score
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply mcmapply
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width sort mcols mcols<-
.multiplex_gr <- function(data_in, field, ncores) {
# data must be *sorted*, base-pair resolution coverage data
if (all( vapply(data_in, function(x) all(width(x) == 1L), logical(1L)) )) {
data_in <- mclapply(data_in, sort, mc.cores = ncores)
} else {
warning(.nicemsg("One or more inputs are not 'basepair resolution
GRanges' objects. Coercing them using
makeGRangesBRG()..."), immediate. = TRUE)
data_in <- mclapply(data_in, makeGRangesBRG, mc.cores = ncores)
# merge ranges
gr <-, c(data_in, use.names = FALSE))
mcols(gr) <- NULL
gr <- unique(sort(gr))
# (Fastest to keep these next steps separated, esp. for large datasets)
# get dataframe of signal counts for each dataset in the output GRanges
idx <- mclapply(data_in, function(x) which(gr %in% x), mc.cores = ncores)
counts <- mcmapply(function(dat, idx, field) {
out <-, length(gr))
out[idx] <- mcols(dat)[[field]]
}, data_in, idx, field, mc.cores = ncores, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
mcols(gr)[names(data_in)] <- counts
#' Merge replicates of basepair-resolution GRanges objects
#' This simple convenience function uses
#' \code{\link[BRGenomics:mergeGRangesData]{ mergeGRangesData}} to combine
#' replicates (e.g. biological replicates) of basepair-resolution GRanges
#' objects.
#' @param ... Either a list of GRanges objects, or any number of GRanges objects
#' (see \code{\link[BRGenomics:mergeGRangesData]{mergeGRangesData}}). However,
#' the names of the datasets must end in \code{"_rep#"}, where "#" is one or
#' more characters indicating the replicate.
#' @param field The metadata field that contains count information for each
#' range. \code{length(field)} should either be 1, or equal to the number of
#' datasets.
#' @param sample_names Optional character vector with which to rename the
#' datasets. This is useful if the sample names do not conform to the "_rep"
#' naming scheme.
#' @param makeBRG,exact_overlaps See \code{\link[BRGenomics:mergeGRangesData]{
#' mergeGRangesData}}.
#' @param ncores The number of cores to use. This function will try to maximize
#' the use of the \code{ncores} given, but care should be taken as
#' \code{mergeGRangesData} can be memory intensive. Excessive memory usage can
#' cause dramatic reductions in performance.
#' @return A list of GRanges objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("PROseq")
#' ps_list <- list(a_rep1 = PROseq[seq(1, length(PROseq), 4)],
#' b_rep1 = PROseq[seq(2, length(PROseq), 4)],
#' a_rep2 = PROseq[seq(3, length(PROseq), 4)],
#' b_rep2 = PROseq[seq(4, length(PROseq), 4)])
#' mergeReplicates(ps_list, ncores = 1)
mergeReplicates <- function(..., field = "score", sample_names = NULL,
makeBRG = TRUE, exact_overlaps = FALSE,
ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L)) {
data_in <- list(...)
if (any(vapply(data_in, is.list, logical(1))))
data_in <- unlist(data_in)
if (!is.null(sample_names))
names(data_in) <- sample_names
if (is.null(names(data_in))) {
in.names <- as.list([-1L]
names(data_in) <- setdiff(in.names, c("field", "multiplex", "ncores"))
if (!all(grepl("_rep.+", names(data_in), perl = TRUE)))
stop(.nicemsg("All sample names must end with \"_rep\" followed by one
or more characters that indicate the replicate"))
if (length(field) == 1L)
field <-, length(data_in))
basenames <- unique(sub("_rep.*", "", names(data_in)))
nreps <- length(data_in) / length(basenames)
if (length(basenames) > nreps) {
ncores_out <- ncores
ncores_in <- 1L
} else {
ncores_out <- 1L
ncores_in <- ncores
mrg <- function(basename) {
idx <- grep(basename, names(data_in))
mergeGRangesData(data_in[idx], field = field[idx], makeBRG = makeBRG,
exact_overlaps = exact_overlaps, ncores = ncores_in)
data_out <- mclapply(basenames, mrg, mc.cores = ncores_out)
names(data_out) <- basenames
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