#' @title Load KEGG pathways and names
#' @description Load KEGG pathways and names
#' @param organism organism code. Default value is "hsa" (human)
#' @param updateCache re-download KEGG pathways. Default value is FALSE
#' @return
#' A list of the following components
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{kpg} a list of \code{\link{graphNEL}} objects
#' encoding the pathway information.
#' \item \emph{kpn} a named vector of pathway tiles.
#' The names of the vector are the pathway KEGG IDs.
#' }
#' @author
#' Tin Nguyen and Sorin Draghici
#' @seealso \code{\link{keggPathwayGraphs}}, \code{\link{keggPathwayNames}}
#' @examples
#' x <- loadKEGGPathways()
#' @import ROntoTools
#' @import graph
#' @export
loadKEGGPathways <- function (organism="hsa", updateCache=FALSE) {
# pathwayFile <- paste(system.file("data", package="BLMA"), "/KEGGPathways_", organism, ".RData", sep = "")
# #pathwayFile <- paste("./inst/data/KEGGPathways_", organism, ".RData", sep = "")
# if (updateCache | !file.exists(pathwayFile)) {
# kpg <- keggPathwayGraphs(organism = organism, updateCache=updateCache)
# kpg <- setEdgeWeights(kpg)
# kpg <- setNodeWeights(kpg, defaultWeight = 1)
# suppressMessages(kpn <- keggPathwayNames(organism, updateCache = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))
# kpn <- kpn[names(kpg)]
# #dbInfo=keggInfo("pathway")
# #message(paste("Database info:\n", dbInfo, sep =""))
# save(kpg, kpn, file=pathwayFile)
# } else {
# load(file=pathwayFile)
# #message(paste("Database info:\n", dbInfo, sep =""))
# }
kpg <- keggPathwayGraphs(organism = organism, updateCache=updateCache)
kpg <- setEdgeWeights(kpg)
kpg <- setNodeWeights(kpg, defaultWeight = 1)
suppressMessages(kpn <- keggPathwayNames(organism, updateCache = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))
kpn <- kpn[names(kpg)]
kpn <- kpn[!]
kpg <- kpg[names(kpn)]
list(kpg=kpg, kpn=kpn)
#' @title Over-representation Analysis
#' @description Calculate p-value for over-representation Analysis
#' @param geneSet a vector of gene names belong to the geneset
#' @param DEGenes a vector of differential expressed genes
#' @param measuredGenes a vector of all genes in the analysis
#' @param minSize the minimum number of DE genes in the geneSet
#' @return
#' p-value
#' @import stats
#' @export
pORACalc <- function(geneSet, DEGenes, measuredGenes, minSize =0) {
#minSize is the minimum number of DE genes in the geneSet
universe <- measuredGenes
white <- DEGenes
black <- setdiff(measuredGenes,DEGenes)
sample <- intersect(measuredGenes,geneSet)
sampleWhite <- intersect(sample,DEGenes)
if (length(sampleWhite) < minSize) {
res <- NA
} else {
res <- phyper(q=length(sampleWhite)-1,m=length(white),n=length(black), k=length(sample), lower.tail=FALSE)
#' @title Bi-level meta-analysis -- applied to pathway analysis
#' @description Perform a bi-level meta-analysis conjunction with
#' Impact Analysis to integrate multiple gene expression datasets
#' @param kpg list of pathway graphs as objects of type graph
#' (e.g., \code{\link{graphNEL}})
#' @param kpn names of the pathways.
#' @param dataList a list of datasets to be combined. Each dataset is a data
#' frame where the rows are the gene IDs and the columns are the samples.
#' @param groupList a list of vectors. Each vector represents the phenotypes
#' of the corresponding dataset in dataList, which are either 'c' (control)
#' or 'd' (disease).
#' @param splitSize the minimum number of disease samples in each split
#' dataset. splitSize should be at least 3. By default, splitSize=5
#' @param metaMethod the method used to combine p-values. This should be one
#' of addCLT (additive method [1]), fisherMethod (Fisher's method [5]),
#' stoufferMethod (Stouffer's method [6]), max (maxP method [7]), or
#' min (minP method [8])
#' @param pCutoff cutoff p-value used to identify differentially
#' expressed (DE) genes. This parameter is used only when the enrichment
#' method is "ORA". By default, pCutoff=0.05 (five percent)
#' @param percent percentage of genes with highest foldchange to be considered
#' as differentially expressed (DE). This parameter is used when the enrichment
#' method is "ORA". By default percent=0.05 (five percent). Please note that
#' only genes with p-value less than pCutoff will be considered
#' @param nboot number of bootstrap iterations. By default, nboot=200
#' @param seed seed. By default, seed=1.
#' @param mc.cores the number of cores to be used in parallel computing.
#' By default, mc.cores=1
#' @details The bi-level framework combines the datasets at two levels: an
#' intra-experiment analysis, and an inter-experiment analysis [1]. At the
#' intra-level analysis, the framework splits a dataset into smaller datasets,
#' performs pathway analysis for each split dataset using
#' Impact Analysis [2,3], and then combines the results of these split datasets
#' using \emph{metaMethod}. At the inter-level analysis, the results obtained
#' for individual datasets are combined using \emph{metaMethod}
#' @return
#' A data frame (rownames are geneset/pathway IDs) that consists of the
#' following information:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{Name:} name/description of the corresponding pathway/geneset
#' \item Columns that include the pvalues obtained from the intra-experiment
#' analysis of individual datasets
#' \item \emph{pBLMA:} p-value obtained from the inter-experiment
#' analysis using addCLT
#' \item \emph{rBLMA:} ranking of the geneset/pathway using addCLT
#' \item \emph{pBLMA.fdr:} FDR-corrected p-values
#' }
#' @author
#' Tin Nguyen and Sorin Draghici
#' @references
#' [1] T. Nguyen, R. Tagett, M. Donato, C. Mitrea, and S. Draghici. A novel
#' bi-level meta-analysis approach -- applied to biological pathway analysis.
#' Bioinformatics, 32(3):409-416, 2016.
#' [2] A. L. Tarca, S. Draghici, P. Khatri, S. S. Hassan, P. Mittal,
#' J.-s. Kim, C. J. Kim, J. P. Kusanovic, and R. Romero. A novel signaling
#' pathway impact analysis. Bioinformatics, 25(1):75-82, 2009.
#' [3] S. Draghici, P. Khatri, A. L. Tarca, K. Amin, A. Done, C. Voichita,
#' C. Georgescu, and R. Romero. A systems biology approach for pathway
#' level analysis. Genome Research, 17(10):1537-1545, 2007.
#' [4] R. A. Fisher. Statistical methods for research workers.
#' Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1925.
#' [5] S. Stouffer, E. Suchman, L. DeVinney, S. Star, and J. Williams, RM.
#' The American Soldier: Adjustment during army life, volume 1.
#' Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1949.
#' [6] L. H. C. Tippett. The methods of statistics.
#' The Methods of Statistics, 1931.
#' [7] B. Wilkinson. A statistical consideration in psychological research.
#' Psychological Bulletin, 48(2):156, 1951.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bilevelAnalysisGeneset}}, \code{\link{pe}}, \code{\link{phyper}}
#' @examples
#' # load KEGG pathways
#' x <- loadKEGGPathways()
#' # load example data
#' dataSets <- c("GSE17054", "GSE57194", "GSE33223", "GSE42140")
#' data(list=dataSets, package="BLMA")
#' names(dataSets) <- dataSets
#' dataList <- lapply(dataSets, function(dataset) get(paste0("data_", dataset)))
#' groupList <- lapply(dataSets, function(dataset) get(paste0("group_", dataset)))
#' IAComb <- bilevelAnalysisPathway(x$kpg, x$kpn, dataList, groupList)
#' head(IAComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])
#' @import ROntoTools
#' @import graph
#' @import limma
#' @import parallel
#' @import Biobase
#' @import utils
#' @import stats
#' @import methods
#' @export
bilevelAnalysisPathway <- function (kpg, kpn, dataList, groupList, splitSize=5, metaMethod=addCLT, pCutoff=0.05, percent=0.05, mc.cores=1, nboot=200, seed=1) {
if (splitSize < 3) {
stop("splitSize should be at least 3")
allGenes <- unique(unlist(lapply(kpg,FUN=function(x){return (x@nodes)})))
Results <- list()
for (i in 1:length(dataList)) {
cat("Working on dataset ", names(dataList)[[i]], ", " , ncol(dataList[[i]]), " samples \n", sep="")
data <- dataList[[i]]
group <- groupList[[i]]
data <- data[rownames(data)%in%allGenes,]
# make sure that we are not dividing by very small number
if (min(data) < 2) {
data <- data - min(data) + 2
diseases <- names(group)[which(group=="d")]
l <- splitS(diseases, splitSize)
resList <- mclapply(l,
FUN= function (sample, group, data, kpg) {
ret <- rep(1, length(kpg))
names(ret) <- names(kpg)
message(paste(sample, collapse=", "))
s <- c(names(group)[which(group=="c")], sample)
g <- group[s]
d <- data[,names(g)]
gset <- ExpressionSet(as.matrix(d))
fl <- as.factor(g)
gset$description <- fl
design <- model.matrix(~ description + 0, gset)
colnames(design) <- levels(fl)
fit <- lmFit(gset, design)
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(d-c, levels=design)
fit2 <-, cont.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
tT <- topTable(fit2, adjust="none","logFC", number=nrow(d)*percent, p.value=pCutoff)
measuredGenes <- rownames(d)
geneFC <- tT$logFC; names(geneFC) <- rownames(tT)
a <- capture.output(
peRes <- pe(x=geneFC,graphs=kpg, ref=measuredGenes,
nboot=nboot, seed=seed, verbose=FALSE))
res <- Summary(peRes)
if (length(geneFC)<length(measuredGenes)) {
ret[rownames(res)] <- as.numeric(res$pComb)
} else ret[rownames(res)] <- as.numeric(res$pAcc)
, group=group, data=data, kpg=kpg, mc.cores=mc.cores)
result <- data.frame(row.names=names(kpg), Names=kpn[names(kpg)])
result <- cbind(result,, resList))
if ((1+length(diseases)/splitSize)>=3) {
result$pIntra <- apply(result[,2:(1+length(diseases)/splitSize)], 1, FUN = metaMethod)
} else {
result$pIntra <- result[,2]
Results[[i]] <- result
r <- names(kpn)
FinalResults <- data.frame(row.names=r, Name=kpn[r])
for (i in 1:length(dataList)) {
FinalResults[r, i+1] <- Results[[i]][r,"pIntra"]
colnames(FinalResults) <- c("Name", names(dataList))
if (length(dataList)>1) {
FinalResults$pBLMA <- apply(FinalResults[,2:(length(dataList)+1)], 1, FUN = metaMethod)
} else {
FinalResults$pBLMA <- FinalResults[,2]
FinalResults$rBLMA[order(FinalResults$pBLMA)] <- seq(length(kpg))
FinalResults$pBLMA.fdr <- p.adjust(FinalResults$pBLMA, method="fdr")
FinalResults <- FinalResults[order(FinalResults$pBLMA),]
#' @title Bi-level meta-analysis -- applied to geneset enrichment analysis
#' @description Perform a bi-level meta-analysis in conjunction with
#' geneset enrichment methods (ORA/GSA/PADOG) to integrate
#' multiple gene expression datasets.
#' @param gslist a list of gene sets.
#' @param gs.names names of the gene sets.
#' @param dataList a list of datasets to be combined. Each dataset is a
#' data frame where the rows are the gene IDs and the columns are the samples.
#' @param groupList a list of vectors. Each vector represents the phenotypes
#' of the corresponding dataset in dataList.
#' The elements of each vector are either 'c' (control) or 'd' (disease).
#' @param splitSize the minimum number of disease samples in each split
#' dataset. splitSize should be at least 3. By default, splitSize=5
#' @param metaMethod the method used to combine p-values. This should be one
#' of addCLT (additive method [1]), fisherMethod (Fisher's method [5]),
#' stoufferMethod (Stouffer's method [6]), max (maxP method [7]),
#' or min (minP method [8])
#' @param enrichment the method used for enrichment analysis. This should be
#' one of "ORA", "GSA", or "PADOG". By default, enrichment is set to "ORA".
#' @param pCutoff cutoff p-value used to identify differentially
#' expressed (DE) genes. This parameter is used only when the enrichment
#' method is "ORA". By default, pCutoff=0.05 (five percent)
#' @param percent percentage of genes with highest foldchange to be considered
#' as differentially expressed (DE). This parameter is used when the
#' enrichment method is "ORA". By default percent=0.05 (five percent). Please
#' note that only genes with p-value less than pCutoff will be considered
#' @param mc.cores the number of cores to be used in parallel computing.
#' By default, mc.cores=1
#' @param ... additional parameters of the GSA/PADOG functions
#' @details The bi-level framework combines the datasets at two levels:
#' an intra- experiment analysis, and an inter-experiment analysis [1]. At the
#' intra-level analysis, the framework splits a dataset into smaller datasets,
#' performs enrichment analysis for each split dataset (using ORA [2],
#' GSA [3], or PADOG [4]), and then combines the results of these split
#' datasets using \emph{metaMethod}. At the inter-level analysis, the results
#' obtained for individual datasets are combined using \emph{metaMethod}
#' @return
#' A data frame (rownames are geneset/pathway IDs) that consists of the
#' following information:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{Name:} name/description of the corresponding pathway/geneset
#' \item Columns that include the pvalues obtained from the intra-experiment
#' analysis of individual datasets
#' \item \emph{pBLMA:} p-value obtained from the inter-experiment analysis
#' using addCLT
#' \item \emph{rBLMA:} ranking of the geneset/pathway using addCLT
#' \item \emph{pBLMA.fdr:} FDR-corrected p-values
#' }
#' @author
#' Tin Nguyen and Sorin Draghici
#' @references
#' [1] T. Nguyen, R. Tagett, M. Donato, C. Mitrea, and S. Draghici. A novel
#' bi-level meta-analysis approach -- applied to biological pathway analysis.
#' Bioinformatics, 32(3):409-416, 2016.
#' [2] S. Draghici, P. Khatri, R. P. Martin, G. C. Ostermeier, and
#' S. A. Krawetz. Global functional profiling of gene expression.
#' Genomics, 81(2):98-104, 2003.
#' [3] B. Efron and R. Tibshirani. On testing the significance of sets of
#' genes. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 1(1):107-129, 2007.
#' [4] A. L. Tarca, S. Draghici, G. Bhatti, and R. Romero. Down-weighting
#' overlapping genes improves gene set analysis.
#' BMC Bioinformatics, 13(1):136, 2012.
#' [5] R. A. Fisher. Statistical methods for research workers.
#' Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1925.
#' [6] S. Stouffer, E. Suchman, L. DeVinney, S. Star, and J. Williams, RM.
#' The American Soldier: Adjustment during army life, volume 1.
#' Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1949.
#' [7] L. H. C. Tippett. The methods of statistics.
#' The Methods of Statistics, 1931.
#' [8] B. Wilkinson. A statistical consideration in psychological research.
#' Psychological Bulletin, 48(2):156, 1951.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bilevelAnalysisPathway}}, \code{\link{phyper}}, \code{\link{GSA}}, \code{\link{padog}}
#' @examples
#' # load KEGG pathways and create gene sets
#' x <- loadKEGGPathways()
#' gslist <- lapply(x$kpg,FUN=function(y){return (nodes(y));})
#' gs.names <- x$kpn[names(gslist)]
#' # load example data
#' dataSets <- c("GSE17054", "GSE57194", "GSE33223", "GSE42140")
#' data(list=dataSets, package="BLMA")
#' names(dataSets) <- dataSets
#' dataList <- lapply(dataSets, function(dataset) get(paste0("data_", dataset)))
#' groupList <- lapply(dataSets, function(dataset) get(paste0("group_", dataset)))
#' # perform bi-level meta-analysis in conjunction with ORA
#' ORAComb <- bilevelAnalysisGeneset(gslist, gs.names, dataList, groupList, enrichment = "ORA")
#' head(ORAComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])
#' # perform bi-level meta-analysis in conjunction with GSA
#' GSAComb <- bilevelAnalysisGeneset(gslist, gs.names, dataList, groupList, enrichment = "GSA", nperms = 200, random.seed = 1)
#' head(GSAComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])
#' # perform bi-level meta-analysi in conjunction with PADOG
#' set.seed(1)
#' PADOGComb <- bilevelAnalysisGeneset(gslist, gs.names, dataList, groupList, enrichment = "PADOG", NI=200)
#' head(PADOGComb[, c("Name", "pBLMA", "pBLMA.fdr", "rBLMA")])
#' @import GSA
#' @import PADOG
#' @import limma
#' @import stats
#' @import parallel
#' @import Biobase
#' @import utils
#' @export
bilevelAnalysisGeneset <- function (gslist, gs.names, dataList, groupList, splitSize=5, metaMethod=addCLT, enrichment = "ORA", pCutoff=0.05, percent=0.05, mc.cores=1, ...) {
if (splitSize < 3) {
stop("splitSize should be at least 3")
if (!is.element(enrichment, c("GSA","PADOG","ORA"))) {
stop("enrichment must be GSA, PADOG, or ORA")
allGenes <- unique(unlist(gslist))
Results <- list()
for (i in 1:length(dataList)) {
cat("Working on dataset ", names(dataList)[[i]], ", " , ncol(dataList[[i]]), " samples \n", sep="")
data <- dataList[[i]]
group <- groupList[[i]]
data <- data[rownames(data)%in%allGenes,]
group <- sort(group)
data <- data[,names(group)]
diseases <- paste(names(group)[which(group=="d")])
l <- splitS(diseases, splitSize)
resList <- mclapply(l,
FUN = function (sample, group, data, gslist) {
ret <- rep(NA, length(gslist))
names(ret) <- names(gslist)
message(paste(sample, collapse=", "))
s <- c(names(group)[which(group=="c")], sample)
g <- group[s]
d <- data[,names(g)]
if (enrichment == "GSA") {
x <- as.character(g); x[x=="c"] <- 1; x[x=="d"] <- 2; x <- as.numeric(x)
a <- capture.output(resgsa <- GSA(x = as.matrix(d), y = x,
genesets = gslist,
genenames = rownames(data),
resp.type = "Two class unpaired",
ret <- 2 * apply(cbind(resgsa$pvalues.lo,
resgsa$pvalues.hi), 1, min)
} else if (enrichment == "PADOG") {
a <- capture.output(respadog <- padog(
ret[rownames(respadog)] <- as.numeric(paste(respadog[,"Ppadog"]))
} else if (enrichment == "ORA") {
gset <- ExpressionSet(as.matrix(d))
fl <- as.factor(g)
gset$description <- fl
design <- model.matrix(~ description + 0, gset)
colnames(design) <- levels(fl)
fit <- lmFit(gset, design)
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(d-c, levels=design)
fit2 <-, cont.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
tT <- topTable(fit2, adjust="none","logFC", number=nrow(d)*percent, p.value=pCutoff)
measuredGenes <- rownames(d)
DEGenes <- rownames(tT[tT$p])
resORA <- unlist(lapply(gslist, FUN=pORACalc, DEGenes = DEGenes, measuredGenes = measuredGenes))
ret[names(resORA)] <- resORA
, group=group, data=data, gslist=gslist, mc.cores=mc.cores)
result <- data.frame(row.names=names(gslist), Names=gs.names[names(gslist)])
result <- cbind(result,, resList))
if ((1+length(diseases)/splitSize)>=3) {
result$pIntra <- apply(result[,2:(1+length(diseases)/splitSize)], 1, FUN = metaMethod)
} else {
result$pIntra <- result[,2]
Results[[i]] <- result
r <- names(gslist)
FinalResults <- data.frame(row.names=r, Name=gs.names[r])
for (i in 1:length(dataList)) {
FinalResults[r, i+1] <- Results[[i]][r,"pIntra"]
colnames(FinalResults) <- c("Name", names(dataList))
if (length(dataList)>1) {
FinalResults$pBLMA <- apply(FinalResults[,2:(length(dataList)+1)], 1, FUN = metaMethod)
} else {
FinalResults$pBLMA <- FinalResults[,2]
FinalResults$rBLMA[order(FinalResults$pBLMA)] <- seq(length(gslist))
FinalResults$pBLMA.fdr <- p.adjust(FinalResults$pBLMA, method="fdr")
FinalResults <- FinalResults[order(FinalResults$pBLMA),]
#' Gene expression dataset GSE17054 from Majeti et al.
#' @name GSE17054
#' @aliases
#' data_GSE17054
#' group_GSE17054
#' @docType data
#' @description This dataset consists of 5 acute myeloid leukemia and
#' 4 control samples. The data frame data_GSE17054 includes the expression data
#' while the vector group_GSE17054 includes the grouping information.
#' @references
#' Majeti et al. Dysregulated gene expression networks in human acute
#' myelogenous leukemia stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of
#' Sciences, 106(9):3396-3401, 2009.
#' @source
#' Obtained from \url{}
#' @usage data(GSE17054)
#' @format data_GSE17054 is a data frame with 4738 rows and 9 columns.
#' The rows represent the genes and the columns represent the samples.
#' group_GSE17054 is a vector that represents the sample grouping for data_GSE17054.
#' The elements of \emph{group_GSE17054} are either 'c' (control) or 'd' (disease).
#' @keywords dataset
#' Gene expression dataset GSE57194 from Abdul-Nabi et al.
#' @name GSE57194
#' @aliases
#' data_GSE57194
#' group_GSE57194
#' @docType data
#' @description This dataset consists of 6 acute myeloid leukemia and
#' 6 control samples. The data frame data_GSE57194 includes the expression data
#' while the vector group_GSE57194 includes the grouping information.
#' @references
#' Abdul-Nabi et al. In vitro transformation of primary human CD34+ cells by
#' AML fusion oncogenes: early gene expression profiling reveals possible drug
#' target in AML. PLoS One, 5(8):e12464, 2010.
#' @source
#' Obtained from \url{}
#' @usage data(GSE57194)
#' @format data_GSE57194 is a data frame with 4114 rows and 12 columns.
#' The rows represent the genes and the columns represent the samples.
#' group_GSE57194 is a vector that represents the sample grouping for data_GSE57194.
#' The elements of \emph{group_GSE57194} are either 'c' (control) or 'd' (disease).
#' @keywords dataset
#' Gene expression dataset GSE33223 from Bacher et al.
#' @name GSE33223
#' @aliases
#' data_GSE33223
#' group_GSE33223
#' @docType data
#' @description This dataset consists of 20 acute myeloid leukemia and
#' 10 control samples. The data frame data_GSE33223 includes the expression data
#' while the vector group_GSE33223 includes the grouping information.
#' @references
#' Bacher et al. Multilineage dysplasia does not influence prognosis in
#' CEBPA-mutated AML, supporting the WHO proposal to classify these patients
#' as a unique entity. Blood, 119(20):4719-22, 2012.
#' @source
#' Obtained from \url{}
#' @usage data(GSE33223)
#' @format data_GSE33223 is a data frame with 4114 rows and 30 columns.
#' The rows represent the genes and the columns represent the samples.
#' group_GSE33223 is a vector that represents the sample grouping for
#' data_GSE33223. The elements of \emph{group_GSE33223} are either
#' 'c' (control) or 'd' (disease).
#' @keywords dataset
#' The gene expression dataset GSE42140 obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus
#' @name GSE42140
#' @aliases
#' data_GSE42140
#' group_GSE42140
#' @docType data
#' @description This dataset consists of 26 acute myeloid leukemia and
#' 5 control samples. The data frame data_GSE42140 includes the expression data
#' while the vector group_GSE42140 includes the grouping information.
#' @references \url{}
#' @usage data(GSE42140)
#' @format data_GSE42140 is a data frame with 4114 rows and 31 columns.
#' The rows represent the genes and the columns represent the samples.
#' group_GSE42140 is a vector that represents the sample grouping for data_GSE42140.
#' The elements of \emph{group_GSE42140} are either 'c' (control) or 'd' (disease).
#' @keywords dataset
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