`qa3prime` <-
function (object, parameters, outputFile = "QA.html", mydir=getwd())
targetsFile <- pData(object)
num <- match(parameters, colnames(targetsFile))
if (length(num) < 1 | sum( > 0)
stop("Please check your parameter names, which must match the
\n colnames of phenotype files.")
targetsFile <- targetsFile[, num, drop=F]
nchip <- nrow(targetsFile )
targetSort<-targetsFile["order", targetsFile[,num, drop=F]),, drop=F]
temp <- as.vector(table(targetSort))
targetSort$SampleID<- unlist(lapply(temp[temp !=0], seq))
targetTag <- apply(sapply(targetSort, as.character), 1, paste, collapse=".")
targetSort$SampleID<- targetTag ## index column
object <- object[, match(rownames(targetSort), rownames(pData(object)))]
genome <- cdfName(object)
testchip <- grep("^Test3", genome)
if (length(testchip) > 0) {
genome <- "test3"
object@cdfName <- "test3"
genome <- cleancdfname(cdfName(object))
included <- qc.get.alpha1()
## Set directory to save files
cur.dir <- mydir
result.dir <- paste(cur.dir, "Result", sep="/")
dir.create(path=result.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
QA.dir <- paste(result.dir, "Quality_Control_Assessment", sep="/")
dir.create(path=QA.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
emptyPlot <-function(figureName){
png(filename = figureName)
plot(1, 1, col = "white", yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
text(1, 1, label = "Your Chip is not supported by simplyaffy", col = "red")
lineGraph <- function(figure, QC, axisName, title, mydir=getwd(),
margin=c(6, 4, 3, 1), figWidth= 540, figHt = 360, titleSize = 1.2, axisSize = 0.7,
legd=TRUE, logvalue=FALSE) {
nchip <- nrow(QC)
png(filename=paste(mydir, "/", figure, sep=""), width=figWidth, height=figHt)
ymin <- min(QC) / 1.25
ymax <- ifelse (legd==TRUE, max(QC) * 1.5, max(QC) * 1.25)
par(xaxt="n",mar=margin , las=2, cex.main=titleSize, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=axisSize)
if (ncol(QC) == 1) {
plot(as.numeric(QC[,1]), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), pch=1,
col=rainbow(1), type="b", ylab="", xlab="", cex=1.5, lty=3, lwd=3)
axis(side=1, at=1:nchip, labels=axisName)
} else {
for (i in 1:ncol(QC)) {
plot(as.numeric(QC[,i]), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), pch=i,
col=rainbow(ncol(QC))[i], type="b", ylab="", xlab="", cex=1.5,
lty=i, lwd=2)
axis(side=1, at=1:nchip, labels=axisName)
if (legd== TRUE){
legend(x=1, y=ymax*0.98, legend=colnames(QC), lty=1:ncol(QC),
pch=1:ncol(QC), col=rainbow(ncol(QC)), ncol=2, cex=0.8)
title(main=toupper(title), xlab="", ylab="")
par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
## Start HTML file
titl <- as.title("<p align=center>Quality Assessment</p>")
HTML(titl, file = outputFile , append = FALSE)
HTML(targetSort, file = outputFile, Border=1, innerBorder=1)
HTML("<li> Figure 1 -<a href= #fig1> Intensity Distribution </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 2 -<a href= #fig2> Average Background </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 3 -<a href= #fig3> Scaling Factor </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 4 -<a href= #fig4> Hybridization Controls </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 5 -<a href= #fig5> Housekeeping Controls </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 6 -<a href= #fig6> RNA Quality Assessment </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 7 -<a href= #fig7> Hierarchical Clustering of Samples </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 8 -<a href= #fig8> Pseudo-chip Images </a>",
file = outputFile )
HTML("<li> Figure 9 -<a href= #fig9> Normalized Unscaled Standard Error Plot and Relative Log Expression Plot </a>",
file = outputFile )
## Figure 1
figure1 <- "Figure1.png"
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig1\"></a>", file = outputFile)
intensityPlot(figure1, object, targetTag, mycol=rainbow(nchip), mydir=QA.dir)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure1, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 1: Raw Intensity",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
figure2 <- "Figure2.png"
figure3 <- "Figure3.png"
figure4 <- "Figure4.png"
figure5 <- "Figure5.png"
if ( {
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig2\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure2, file = outputFile,
Caption = "Figure 2: Average Background/Percentage Present",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig3\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure3, file = outputFile,
Caption = "Figure 3: Scaling Factor",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig4\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure4, file = outputFile,
Caption = "Figure 4: Hybridization Controls",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig5\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure5, file = outputFile,
Caption = "Figure 5: Housekeeping Controls",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
else {
data_mas5 <- call.exprs(object, sc = 500, "mas5")
qc <- qc(object, data_mas5)
## Figure2
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig2\"></a>", file = outputFile)
png(filename = figure2)
##layout(matrix(c(1, 2), nr = 1, ncol = 2), TRUE)
##margin=c(10, 4, 3, 1)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 2, mar = c(8, 2, 2, 1))
barplot(avbg(qc), names = targetTag, cex.axis = 0.7, col = rainbow(nchip),
cex.main = 0.9, font.main = 2, main = "Average background",
barplot(percent.present(qc), names = targetTag, cex.axis = 0.7,
col = rainbow(nchip), cex.main = 0.9, font.main = 2,
main = "Percentage Present",las=2)
par(mar=c(6, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
HTMLInsertGraph(figure2, file = outputFile,
Caption = "Figure 2: Average Background/Percentage Present",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=540)
## Figure3
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig3\"></a>", file = outputFile)
lineGraph(figure3,, targetTag, "Scaling Factor", legd=FALSE)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure3, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 3: Scaling Factor",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
## Figure4
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig4\"></a>", file = outputFile)
spikeInQC <- data.frame(spikeInProbes(qc))
colnames(spikeInQC) <- c("BioB", "BioC", "BioD", "Cre")
lineGraph(figure4, spikeInQC , targetTag, "Hybridization Controls")
HTMLInsertGraph(figure4, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 4: Hybridization Controls",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
## Figure5
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig5\"></a>", file = outputFile)
qc2 <- data.frame(2^ratios(qc))
colnames(qc2) <- c("ACTIN 3'/5'", "GAPDH 3'/5'", "ACTIN 3'/M", "GAPDH 3'/M")
lineGraph(figure5, qc2 , targetTag, "Housekeeping Controls")
HTMLInsertGraph(figure5, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 5: Housekeeping Controls",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
## Figure 6
figure6 <- "Figure6.png"
deg <- AffyRNAdeg(object)
flag <- FALSE
for (i in 1:dim(deg$[1]) {
for (j in 1:dim(deg$[2]) {
if (deg$[i, j] < 0) {
deg$[i, j] <- NA
flag <- TRUE
if (flag == TRUE) {
for (i in 1:dim(deg$[1]) {
for (j in 1:dim(deg$[2]) {
if ($[i, j])) {
deg$[i, j] <- mean(deg$[i,], na.rm = TRUE)
deg$ses[i, j] <- mean(deg$ses[i, ], na.rm = TRUE)
png(filename = figure6)
plotAffyRNAdeg(deg, cols = rainbow(nchip))
legend("topleft", col = rainbow(nchip), lty = 1, cex = 0.7, legend = targetTag)
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig6\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure6, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 6: RNA Quality Assessment",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
## Figure 7
normal <- rma(object)
figure7 <- "Figure7.png"
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig7\"></a>", file = outputFile)
plotCluster (figure7, exprs(normal), targetTag , "Hierarchical Clustering of Samples",
HTMLInsertGraph(figure7, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 7: Hierarchical
Clustering of Samples", GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE,
WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=360)
## Figure 8
row <- round(sqrt(nchip))
for (x in row:nchip) {
if (((row * x) - nchip) >= 0) {
col <- x
figure8 <- "Figure8.png"
png(filename = figure8)
sampleNames(object) <- targetTag
data_PLM <- fitPLM(object, output.param = list(varcov = "none"))
par(mar = c(1, 1, 2, 1), mfrow = c(row, col))
for (i in 1:nchip) image(data_PLM, which = i)
HTML("<hr><a name= \"fig8\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure8, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 8: Pseudo-chip Images",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=540)
figure9 <- "Figure9.png"
png(filename = figure9)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 2, mar = c(6, 2, 2, 1))
boxplot(data_PLM, main = "NUSE Plot", cex.axis = 0.7, names = targetTag, col = rainbow(nchip))
Mbox(data_PLM, main = "RLE Plot", names = targetTag, cex.axis = 0.7, col = rainbow(nchip))
HTML("<a name= \"fig9\"></a>", file = outputFile)
HTMLInsertGraph(figure9, file = outputFile, Caption = "Figure 9: Normalized Unscaled Standard Error Plot and Relative Log Expression Plot",
GraphBorder = 1, Align = "center", append = TRUE, WidthHTML=540, HeightHTML=540)
HTML("<hr>This report was generated by ", file = outputFile)
HTML(paste("<li>", "affy Version", package.version("affy"),
"(by Rafael A. Irizarry, Laurent Gautier and Benjamin Bolstad),"),
file = outputFile)
HTML(paste("<li>", "affyPLM Version", package.version("affyPLM"),
"(by Benjamin Bolstad),"), file = outputFile)
HTML(paste("<li>", "limma Version", package.version("limma"),
"(by Gordon Smyth),"), file = outputFile)
HTML(paste("<li>", "R2HTML Version", package.version("R2HTML"),
"(by Eric Lecoutre),"), file = outputFile)
HTML(paste("<li>", "simpleaffy Version", package.version("simpleaffy"),
"(by Crispin J. Miller), and"), file = outputFile)
HTML(paste("<hr>Generated on: ", date()), file = outputFile)
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