CorrectM <- function(Ms, chr, starts, priorFracWremaining, narrays, userProvidedGC = FALSE,
gmaxvalsInd = 0, jittercorrection = FALSE, tvScore, gcFracBoth, nparts, samplechr,
increms, verbose = FALSE) {
i <- NULL
correctedM <- foreach(i = 1:narrays, .combine = "cbind", .packages = c("ArrayTV",
"DNAcopy")) %dopar% {
if (narrays == 1 | !is.list(priorFracWremaining)) {
priorFracWremainingUse <- priorFracWremaining
} else {
priorFracWremainingUse <- priorFracWremaining[[match(gmaxvalsInd[i],
## Lets Try to Remove Large CNVs Before Calculating the Corrections, otherwise
## they will Interfere
cm <- cumsum(Ms[, i])
cm2 <- cm[200:length(cm)] - c(0, cm[seq_len(length(cm) - 200)])
cm2 <- cm2
inds <- seq(1, length(cm2), 200)
cm3 <- cm2[inds]
chrForCNA <- chr[inds]
startsForCNA <- starts[inds]
CNA.object <- CNA(cm3, chrForCNA, startsForCNA, data.type = c("logratio"),
sampleid = i)
## smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)
segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(CNA.object, verbose = as.numeric(verbose),
min.width = 5)
markrep <- rep(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean, segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$num.mark)
chromrep <- rep(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom, segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$num.mark)
meduse <- mean(markrep)
maduse <- mad(markrep)
blockchrom <- table(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom)
multiblock <- names(blockchrom)[blockchrom > 1]
chromMeans <- aggregate(markrep, list(chromrep), mean)
chromMads <- aggregate(cm3, list(chrForCNA), mad)
segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMean <- chromMeans$x[match(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom,
segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMad <- chromMads$x[match(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom,
toremove <- which(abs(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean - segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMean) >
segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMad & segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom %in%
multiblock & (segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean > meduse +
(maduse * 2.5) | segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean < meduse -
(maduse * 2.5)))
### added this for comparison toremove2 <-
### which(abs(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean -
### segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMean) > maduse &
### segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom %in% multiblock & (
### segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean > meduse + (maduse*2.5) |
### segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean < meduse - (maduse*2.5 ))) end
### added for comparison
locsAsRange <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(start = starts, width = 1))
removestart <- segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$loc.start[toremove]
removeend <- segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$loc.end[toremove]
removechr <- segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom[toremove]
removeAsRange <- GRanges(seqnames = removechr, ranges = IRanges(start = removestart,
end = removeend))
## tokeepLogical <-,
## removeAsRange,match.if.overlap=TRUE))
tokeepLogical <- !overlapsAny(locsAsRange, removeAsRange)
tokeep <- which(tokeepLogical)
toremove <- which(!tokeepLogical)
if (length(toremove) > length(tokeep)) {
tokeep <- seq_along(tokeepLogical)
toremove <- numeric()
## calculate new TV, We only used a sample of the data to get the best window but
## we will use all the data to get correction values ##
newsp <- split(Ms[tokeep, i], paste(chr[tokeep], priorFracWremainingUse[tokeep],
sep = "."))
## this will be only for CNVs that are removed initially and will not be able to
## match on chr and gc Frac
correctionVals <- sapply(newsp, mean)
## correctionVals=sapply(newsp,function(x){x1=median(x);x2=1.5*mad(x);z=x[x<(x1+x2)
## & x>(x1-x2)];ifelse(length(z)>0,mean(z),mean(x));})
names(correctionVals) <- names(newsp)
fsampled <- sum(Ms[tokeep, i])
n <- length(tokeep)
lambda <- fsampled/n
ngc <- sapply(newsp, length)
tvscore <- sum(ngc/n * (abs(correctionVals - lambda)))
if (verbose)
message("for array ", i, " tv score is ", round(tvscore, 3), " when correction is applied to each chromosome")
allcorrections <- vector()
allcorrections[tokeep] <- correctionVals[match(paste(chr[tokeep], priorFracWremainingUse[tokeep],
sep = "."), (names(correctionVals)))]
allcorrections[toremove] <- correctionVals[match(paste(chr[toremove], priorFracWremainingUse[toremove],
sep = "."), (names(correctionVals)))]
nar <- which([toremove]))
if (length(nar) > 2000) {
correctionValsNum <- correctionVals
names(correctionValsNum) <- as.numeric(gsub("\\.0", "", gsub("chr", "",
correctionValsNum <- correctionValsNum[order(as.numeric(names(correctionValsNum)))]
allcorrections[toremove][nar] = correctionValsNum[findInterval(as.numeric(paste(gsub("chr",
"", chr[toremove][nar]), gsub("^0", "", priorFracWremainingUse[toremove][nar]),
sep = "")), as.numeric(names(correctionValsNum)))]
## this should retain information
if (verbose)
message("we removed ", length(toremove), " locations before calculating correction values")
if (verbose)
message(length(which([toremove]))), " point(s) for array ",
i, " will recieve no gc correction")
allcorrections[toremove][which([toremove]))] <- lambda
## ###
if (jittercorrection) {
cnr <- 1
asum <- vector()
for (jj in seq(1, 1.2, 0.05)) {
autocor <- acf(Ms[chr == samplechr[1], i] - allcorrections[chr ==
samplechr[1]] * jj, lag.max = 200, plot = F)
asum[cnr] <- sum(autocor$acf[2:200])
if (verbose)
message("autocorrelation sum for correction factor ", jj, " is ",
cnr <- cnr + 1
mfact <- seq(1, 1.2, 0.05)[which.min(asum)]
} else mfact <- 1
chromMediansAll <- aggregate(Ms[, i], list(chr), median)
correctedM <- chromMediansAll$x[match(chr, chromMediansAll$Group.1)] + Ms[,
i] - allcorrections * mfact
if (verbose) {
if (tvScore[1] != 0) {
newTVscore <- vector()
for (tvind in seq_len(nrow(tvScore))) {
priorFrac <- priorFracs(gcFracBoth, tvind, nparts, tvScore, increms)
newTVscore[tvind] <- correctionTVscore(correctedM[chr %in% samplechr],
priorFrac, i, as.numeric(rownames(tvScore)[tvind]))
names(newTVscore) <- rownames(tvScore)
if (length(which( > 0) {
## comparison metrics
message("mad of corrected array ", i, " is ", round(mad(correctedM),
message("old mad array ", i, " is ", round(mad(Ms[, i]), 3))
if (tvScore[1] != 0)
message("The new Maximum tv Score for array ", i, " is ", round(max(newTVscore),
3), " in window ", names(newTVscore)[which.max(newTVscore)], " bp")
## for(ii in
## unique(chr)){plot(Ms[chr==ii],ylim=c(-.8,.8));plot(correctedM[chr==ii],ylim=c(-.8,.8));readline('')}
as(correctedM, "matrix")
## correctMLite <- function(gcFracBoth, Ms, chr, starts, ##priorFracWremaining,
## ##narrays, ##userProvidedGC=FALSE, ##gmaxvalsInd=0, ##jittercorrection=FALSE,
## ##tvScore, ##gcFracBoth, ##nparts, samplechr, increms, verbose=FALSE){ i <-
## NULL narrays <- ncol(Ms) correctedM <- foreach(i=seq_len(narrays),
## .combine='cbind', .packages='ArrayTV')%dopar% { ## if(narrays==1 |
## !is.list(priorFracWremaining)){ ## priorFracWremainingUse <-
## priorFracWremaining ## }else{ ## priorFracWremainingUse <-
## priorFracWremaining[[match(gmaxvalsInd[i],unique(gmaxvalsInd))]] ## }
## ## Lets Try to Remove Large CNVs Before Calculating the Corrections, otherwise
## they will Interfere cm <- cumsum(Ms[, i]) cm2 <- cm[200:length(cm)] - c(0,
## cm[seq_len(length(cm)-200)]) cm2 <- cm2 inds <- seq(1, length(cm2), 200) cm3 <-
## cm2[inds] chrForCNA <- chr[inds] startsForCNA <- starts[inds] CNA.object <-
## CNA(cm3, chrForCNA, startsForCNA, data.type = c('logratio'), sampleid=i) ##
## smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object) segment.smoothed.CNA.object <-
## segment(CNA.object, verbose = as.numeric(verbose), min.width=5) markrep <-
## rep(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean,segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$num.mark)
## chromrep <-
## rep(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom,segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$num.mark)
## meduse <- mean(markrep) maduse <- mad(markrep) blockchrom <-
## table(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom) multiblock <-
## names(blockchrom)[blockchrom > 1] chromMeans <- aggregate(markrep,
## list(chromrep), mean) segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMean <-
## chromMeans$x[match(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom,chromMeans$Group.1)]
## toremove <- which(abs(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean -
## segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chromMean) > maduse &
## segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom %in% multiblock & (
## segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean > meduse + (maduse*2.5) |
## segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$seg.mean < meduse - (maduse*2.5 ))) ##
## locsAsRange <- GRanges(seqnames=chr, ranges=IRanges(start=starts, width=1))
## removestart <- segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$loc.start[toremove] removeend
## <- segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$loc.end[toremove] removechr <-
## segment.smoothed.CNA.object$output$chrom[toremove] removeAsRange <-
## GRanges(seqnames=removechr, ranges=IRanges(start=removestart, end=removeend))
## ## ##tokeepLogical <-,
## removeAsRange,match.if.overlap=TRUE)) tokeepLogical <-
## !overlapsAny(locsAsRange, removeAsRange) tokeep <-
## which(tokeepLogical) toremove <- which(!tokeepLogical) if(length(toremove) >
## length(tokeep)){ tokeep <- seq_along(tokeepLogical) toremove <- numeric() } ##
## ## calculate new TV, We only used a sample of the data ## to get the best
## window but we will use all the data ## to get correction values newsp <-
## split(Ms[tokeep, i], paste(chr[tokeep], priorFracWremainingUse[tokeep],
## sep='.')) ## ## this will be only for CNVs that are removed initially and will
## not be able to match on chr and gc Frac ## correctionVals <- sapply(newsp,
## mean) ##
## correctionVals=sapply(newsp,function(x){x1=median(x);x2=1.5*mad(x);z=x[x<(x1+x2)
## & x>(x1-x2)];ifelse(length(z)>0,mean(z),mean(x));}) ## names(correctionVals) <-
## names(newsp) fsampled <- sum(Ms[tokeep, i]) ## n <- length(tokeep) lambda <-
## fsampled/n #ngc <- sapply(newsp, length) ##tvscore <- sum(ngc/n *
## (abs(correctionVals - lambda))) ##if(verbose) print(paste('for array', i, 'tv
## score is', tvscore, 'when correction is applied to each chromosome')) ##
## ##allcorrections <- vector() ##allcorrections[tokeep] <-
## correctionVals[match(paste(chr[tokeep], priorFracWremainingUse[tokeep],
## sep='.'), (names(correctionVals)))] ##allcorrections[toremove] <-
## correctionVals[match(paste(chr[toremove], priorFracWremainingUse[toremove],
## sep='.'), (names(correctionVals)))] ## this should retain information ##
## if(verbose) message('we removed ', length(toremove), ' locations before
## calculating correction values') if(verbose)
## message(length(which([toremove]))), ' point(s) for array ',
## i, ' will recieve no gc correction')
## ##allcorrections[toremove][which([toremove]))] <- lambda ##
## mfact <- 1 chromMediansAll <- aggregate(Ms[,i], list(chr), median) correctedM
## <- chromMediansAll$x[match(chr, chromMediansAll$Group.1)] + Ms[, i] -
## allcorrections*mfact ## newTVscore <- vector() for(tvind in
## seq_len(nrow(tvScore))){ priorFrac <- priorFracs(gcFracBoth, tvind, nparts,
## tvScore, increms) newTVscore[tvind] <- correctionTVscore(correctedM[chr %in%
## samplechr], priorFrac, i, as.numeric(rownames(tvScore)[tvind])) }
## names(newTVscore) <- rownames(tvScore) ## if(length(which( >
## 0){ if(verbose) print(priorFracWremaining[][1:20]) } ## ##
## comparison metrics if(verbose) print(paste('mad of corrected array', i, 'is',
## mad(correctedM))) if(verbose) print(paste('old mad array', i, 'is', mad(Ms[,
## i]))) if(verbose) print(paste('The new Maximum tv Score for array', i, 'is',
## max(newTVscore), 'in window', names(newTVscore)[which.max(newTVscore)], 'bp'))
## ## ## ## for(ii in
## unique(chr)){plot(Ms[chr==ii],ylim=c(-.8,.8));plot(correctedM[chr==ii],ylim=c(-.8,.8));readline('')}
## as(correctedM, 'matrix') } return(correctedM) }
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