
Defines functions convertHub .Hub_get1 .hub_cache_resource .hub_resource .hub_resource_path .hub_data_path possibleDates .possibleDates .restrictDateByVersion .biocVersionDate refreshHub .db_is_valid .updateHubDB

Documented in convertHub possibleDates refreshHub

.updateHubDB <-
    function(bfc, .class, url, proxy, localHub)
    res <- bfcquery(bfc, paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
                    field="rname", exact=TRUE)
    cnt <- bfccount(res)
    if (is.null(proxy)) proxy=""

    # Using localHub (no internet)
    if (localHub){
        if (cnt == 0){
            stop("Invalid Cache: sqlite file",
                 "\n  Hub has not been added to cache",
                 "\n  Run again with 'localHub=FALSE'")
        }else if (cnt > 1){
            stop("Corrupt Cache: sqlite file",
                 "\n  See vignette section on corrupt cache",
                 "\n  cache: ", bfccache(bfc),
                 "\n  filename: ",
                 paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
        } else {
            rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
            db_path <- bfcpath(bfc, rids=rid)
    # Checking remote file for updates
    } else{
        # hub database yet to be added to cache
        if (cnt == 0){
            remote_db <- paste0(url, "/metadata/", tolower(.class), ".sqlite3")
            db_path <- bfcadd(bfc,
                              rname=paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
                              fpath=remote_db, proxy=proxy)
        } else if (cnt > 1){
            stop("Corrupt Cache: sqlite file",
                 "\n  See vignette section on corrupt cache",
                 "\n  cache: ", bfccache(bfc),
                 "\n  filename: ",
                 paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
        # found! check if needs update
        } else {
            rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
                check_update <- bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rids=rid)
                if(is.na(check_update)) check_update = TRUE
                db_path <- ifelse(check_update,
                                  bfcdownload(bfc, rid=rid, ask=FALSE,
                                  bfcpath(bfc, rids=rid))
            }, error=function(err) {

                warning("Could not check database for updates.\n",
                        "  Database source currently unreachable.\n",
                        "  This should only be a temporary interruption. \n",
                        "  Using previously cached version.", call.=FALSE)
            db_path <- bfcpath(bfc, rids=rid)

.db_is_valid <- function(path) {
    conn <- .db_open(path)
    ## Some very minor testing to make sure metadata DB is intact.
        ## required tables present?
        expected <- c("biocversions", "input_sources", "location_prefixes",
                      "rdatapaths", "recipes", "resources", "statuses",
                      "tags", "timestamp")
        if (!all(expected %in% dbListTables(conn)))
            stop("missing tables")
        ## any resources?
        sql <- "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM resources"
        if (.db_query(conn, sql)[[1]] == 0L)
            warning("empty 'resources' table; database may be corrupt")
    }, error=function(err) {
        stop("Corrupt Hub Database",
             "\n  See vignette section on corrupt database",
             "\n  database: ", sQuote(path),
             "\n  reason: ", conditionMessage(err),

# Redownload Hub sqlite file helper

refreshHub <- function(..., hub, cache, proxy,
                       hubClass=c("AnnotationHub", "ExperimentHub"))

        stop("Please specify hubClass: AnnotationHub or ExperimentHub")

    .class <- match.arg(hubClass)

    if(tolower(.class) == "annotationhub"){
        if(missing(hub)) hub <- getAnnotationHubOption("URL")
        if(missing(cache)) cache <- getAnnotationHubOption("CACHE")
        if(missing(proxy)) proxy <- getAnnotationHubOption("PROXY")
        if(missing(hub)) hub <- ExperimentHub::getExperimentHubOption("URL")
        if(missing(cache)) cache <- ExperimentHub::getExperimentHubOption("CACHE")
        if(missing(proxy)) proxy <- ExperimentHub::getExperimentHubOption("PROXY")
    localHub <- FALSE

    if (is.null(proxy)){
        connect <- curl::has_internet()
    } else {
        connect <- TRUE
        message("Cannot determine internet connection.",
                "\n This operations requires internet connection.",
                "\n If you experience connection issues please try again later")
    if(!connect) stop("This function requires internet connection")

    bfc <- BiocFileCache(cache=cache)
    res <- bfcquery(bfc, paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
                    field="rname", exact=TRUE)
    cnt <- bfccount(res)
    if (is.null(proxy)) proxy=""

    if (cnt == 0){
        remote_db <- paste0(url, "/metadata/", tolower(.class), ".sqlite3")
        db_path <- bfcadd(bfc,
                          rname=paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
                          fpath=remote_db, proxy=proxy)
    } else if (cnt > 1){
        stop("Corrupt Cache: sqlite file",
             "\n  See vignette section on corrupt cache",
             "\n  cache: ", bfccache(bfc),
             "\n  filename: ",
             paste0(tolower(.class), ".sqlite3"),
    } else {
        rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
        bfc_path <- bfcdownload(bfc, rid=rid, ask=FALSE,
    .Hub(.class, url=hub, cache=cache, proxy=proxy, localHub=localHub, ...)

### --------------------------------------------------------------------------
### snapshotDate helpers

## returns the release date for BiocManager::version()
.biocVersionDate <- function(biocversion) {
    if (length(biocversion) > 1L)
        stop("length(biocversion) must == 1")

    yaml <- httr::content(GET("https://bioconductor.org/config.yaml"),
                    encoding="UTF-8", as="text")
    obj <- yaml.load(yaml)
    release_dates <- obj$release_dates
    version_date <- release_dates[biocversion == names(release_dates)]
    ## convert to snapshot format
    if (length(version_date))
        as.character(as.POSIXlt(version_date[[1]], format='%m/%d/%Y'))

## single date closest to the release date for BiocManager::version()
.restrictDateByVersion <- function(path) {
    dates <- as.POSIXlt(.possibleDates(path), format='%Y-%m-%d')
    restrict <- as.POSIXlt(.biocVersionDate(BiocManager::version()),
    if (length(restrict))  ## release
        as.character(max(dates[dates <= restrict]))
    else                   ## devel

## all possible dates
.possibleDates <- function(path) {
    conn <- .db_open(path)
    query <- 'SELECT DISTINCT rdatadateadded FROM resources'
    dateAdded <- .db_query(conn, query)[[1]]
    query <- 'SELECT DATE(timestamp) FROM timestamp'
    dateModified <- .db_query(conn, query)[[1]]
    c(dateAdded, dateModified)

## dates restricted by snapshotDate (and hence BiocManager::version())
possibleDates <- function(x) {
    path <- dbfile(x)
    dates <- .possibleDates(path)
    restrict <- .restrictDateByVersion(path)
    dates[as.POSIXlt(dates) <= as.POSIXlt(restrict)]

## The following helper was previously not used (and now is), but we
## do need a way to have a path for the data that is separate from the
## path for the .sqlite metadata (they don't need to always be at the
## same server) - IOW these should be decoupled anyhow).
.hub_data_path <-
##    "http://gamay:9393/fetch"
##    "https://annotationhub.bioconductor.org/fetch"
    sprintf("%s/fetch", huburl)

# make full fetch for each resource needed
.hub_resource_path <-
    function(hub, resource)
##    "https://annotationhub.bioconductor.org/fetch/5012"
    sprintf("%s/%s", hub, resource)

## This is the function that gets stuff (metadata AND files) from S3
.hub_resource <-
    function(x, resource, cachepath, proxy, verbose=FALSE)
    len <- length(resource)
    if (len > 0L) {
        msg <- sprintf("retrieving %d resource%s", len,
                       if (len > 1L) "s" else "")
        if (verbose) message(msg)
    hub <-  .hub_data_path(hubUrl(x))
    bfc <- .get_cache(x)
    hubpath <- .hub_resource_path(hub, resource)
    mapply(.hub_cache_resource, hubpath, names(cachepath), cachepath, MoreArgs=list(proxy=proxy,

## example of hub resource (sometimes convenient)
## hub = 'https://annotationhub.bioconductor.org/metadata/annotationhub.sqlite3'
.hub_cache_resource <- function(hubpath, namescachepath, cachepath, bfc, proxy)

    if (is.null(proxy)) proxy=""

        rnames <- paste(namescachepath, cachepath, sep=" : ")
        res <- bfcquery(bfc, rnames, fields="rname", exact=TRUE)
        cnt <- bfccount(res)
        rid <- res %>% collect(Inf) %>% `[[`("rid")
        if (cnt > 1){
            stop("Corrupt Cache: resource id",
                 "\n  More than one entry in cache for: ",
                 "\n  See vignette section on corrupt cache", call.=FALSE)
        } else if (cnt == 0){
            bfcadd(bfc, rname=rnames, fpath=hubpath, proxy=proxy)
        } else {
            bfcdownload(bfc, rid=rid, ask=FALSE, proxy=proxy)
    }, error=function(err) {
        warning("download failed",
                "\n  hub path: ", sQuote(hubpath),
                "\n  cache resource: ", sQuote(rnames),
                "\n  reason: ", conditionMessage(err),


### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Subsetting

.Hub_get1 <-
    function(x, force, verbose)
    if (!length(x))
        stop("no records found for the given index")
    if (length(x) != 1L)
        stop("'i' must be length 1")

    ## Add 'Resource' postfix to DispatchClass name
    className <- sprintf("%sResource", .dataclass(x))
    if (is.null(getClassDef(className))) {
        msg <- sprintf("'%s' not available in this version of the
            package; use BiocManager::install() to update?",
        stop(paste(strwrap(msg, exdent=2), collapse="\n"), call.=FALSE)

        class <- new(className, hub=x)
    }, error=function(err) {
        stop("failed to create 'HubResource' instance",
             "\n  name: ", names(x),
             "\n  title: ", x$title,
             "\n  reason: ", conditionMessage(err),

        fls <-  cache(getHub(class), force=force, verbose=verbose)
    }, error=function(err) {
        stop("failed to load resource",
             "\n  name: ", names(x),
             "\n  title: ", x$title,
             "\n  reason: ", conditionMessage(err),

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### converting Legacy to New

convertHub <- function(oldcachepath=NULL, newcachepath=NULL,
                       hubType=c("AnnotationHub", "ExperimentHub"),
                       force=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)

    hubType <- match.arg(hubType)

    if (is.null(oldcachepath)){
        .CACHE_ROOT_orig <- ifelse(hubType=="AnnotationHub", ".AnnotationHub", ".ExperimentHub")
        path <- switch(.Platform$OS.type, unix = path.expand("~/"),
                       windows= file.path(gsub("\\\\", "/",
                           Sys.getenv("HOME")), "AppData"))

        oldcachepath <- file.path(path, .CACHE_ROOT_orig)
    orig_files <- dir(oldcachepath)
    download_files <- setdiff(orig_files,
                              c("annotationhub.sqlite3", "experimenthub.sqlite3",

    if(verbose) message("Attempting to redownload: ", length(download_files), " hub resources")

            hub <- AnnotationHub()
            hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
    } else {
            hub <- AnnotationHub(cache=newcachepath)
            hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub(cache=newcachepath)

    mapping_ids <- .named_cache_path(hub)
    cachepath <- mapping_ids[which(mapping_ids %in% as.numeric(download_files))]

    dxFnd <- as.numeric(download_files) %in% mapping_ids
    notFnd <- download_files[!dxFnd]

    subHub <- hub[which(hub$ah_id %in% names(cachepath))]

                        proxy=proxy, max.downloads=max.downloads,
                        force=force, verbose=verbose)
    }, error = function(err) {
        warning("Not all resources downloaded correctly.",
                "It may be beneficial to rerun 'convertHub()'",
                "\n  reason: ", conditionMessage(err),

    if (length(notFnd) != 0){
        warning("The following files could not be re-downloaded.",
                "\n      ",
                paste0(file.path(oldcachepath, notFnd), collapse = "\n      "),
        #    alldatainfo <- .IdsInfo(hub)
        #    datainfo <- alldatainfo[match(notFnd, alldatainfo$fetch_id),]
                "\n  For more information on these files, See: ?getInfoOnIds")

    # should their be an option to
    # delete old cache and files?
    # could get complicated if older files not found etc.


Try the AnnotationHub package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AnnotationHub documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:01 p.m.