# Annotation translation functions
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab AnnotationFuncs\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' Version: \tab 1.3.0\cr
#' Date: \tab 2011-06-10\cr
#' License: \tab GPL-2\cr
#' LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#' }
#' Functions for handling translations between different identifieres using
#' the Biocore Data Team data-packages (e.g. \code{}).
#' Primary functions are \code{\link{translate}} for translating
#' and \code{\link{getOrthologs}} for efficient lookup of homologes
#' using the Inparanoid databases.
#' Other functions include functions for selecting Refseqs or Gene Ontologies (GO).
#' @name AnnotationFuncs-package
#' @aliases AnnotationFuncs
#' @docType package
#' @title Annotation translation functions
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @keywords package
#' @seealso \code{\link{translate}}, \code{\link{getOrthologs}}
#' @examples
#' library(
#' gene.symbols <- c('DRBP1','SERPINA1','FAKE','BLABLA')
#' # Find entrez identifiers of these genes.
#' eg <- translate(gene.symbols, org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG)
#' # Note that not all symbols were translated.
#' # Go directly to Refseq identifiers.
#' refseq <- translate(gene.symbols, from=org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG, to=org.Bt.egREFSEQ)
#' # Pick the proteins:
#' pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NP','XP'), reduce='all')
#' Translate between different identifiers
#' Function for translating from one annotation to another, eg. from RefSeq to
#' Ensemble. This function takes a vector of annotation values and translates
#' first to the primary annotation in the Biocore Data Team package (ie. entrez gene identifier for
#' and then to the desired product, while removing non-translated annotations
#' and optionally reducing the result so there is only a one-to-one relation.
#' If you want to do some further mapping on the result, you will have to use
#' either \code{unlist} og \code{lapply}, where the first returns all the end-products
#' of the first mapping, returning a new list, and the latter produces a list-within-list.
#' If \code{from} returns GO identifiers (e.g. \code{from = org.Bt.egGO}), then the
#' returned resultset is more complex and consists of several layers of lists instead of
#' the usual list of character vectors. If \code{to} has also been specified, the GO IDs
#' must be extracted (internally) and you have the option of filtering for evidence and category at this point.
#' See \code{\link{pickGO}}.
#' @note Requires user to deliver the annotation packages such as org.Bt.egREFSEQ.
#' @param values Vector of annotations that needs translation. Coerced to character vector.
#' @param from Type of annotation \code{values} are given in. NB! take care in the
#' orientation of the package, ie. if you have RefSeq annotations, use
#' \code{org.Bt.egREFSEQ2EG} or (in some cases) \code{revmap(org.Bt.egREFSEQ)}.
#' @param to Desired goal, eg. \code{org.Bt.egENSEMBLPROT}. If \code{NULL} (default), goal
#' if the packages primary annotation (eg. entrez gene for
#' Throws a warning if the organisms in \code{from} and \code{to} are not the same.
#' @param reduce Reducing method, either return all annotations (one-to-many relation)
#' or the first or last found annotation. The reducing step is applied
#' after translating to the goal:
#' \code{all}: returns all annotations
#' \code{first} or \code{last}: choose first or last of arbitrarily ordered list.
#' @param return.list Logical, when \code{TRUE}, returns the translation as a list where names
# are the given values that could be translated. The function works
# on lists, so this is just as easy to return.
# When \code{FALSE}, a table. Convenience for calling on the result.
#' @param remove.missing Logical, whether to remove non-translated values, defaults \code{TRUE}.
#' @param simplify Logical, unlists the result. Defaults to FALSE. Usefull when using \code{translate} in
#' a \code{lapply} or \code{sapply}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments sent to \code{\link{pickGO}} if \code{from} returns GO set.
#' @return List; names of elements are \code{values} and the elements are the translated elements,
#' or \code{NULL} if not translatable with \code{remove.missing = TRUE}.
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pickRefSeq}}, \code{\link{pickGO}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(
#' genes <- c(280705, 280706, 100327208)
#' translate(genes, org.Bt.egSYMBOL)
#' symbols <- c("SERPINA1","KERA","CD5")
#' refseq <- translate(symbols, from=org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG, to=org.Bt.egREFSEQ)
#' # Pick the proteins:
#' pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NP','XP'), reduce='all')
#' # If you wanted do do some further mapping on the result from
#' # translate, simply use lapply.
#' library(GO.db)
#' GO <- translate(genes, org.Bt.egGO)
#' # Get all biological processes:
#' pickGO(GO, category='BP')
#' # Get all ontologies with experimental evidence:
#' pickGO(GO, evidence=c('IMP','IGI','IPI','ISS','IDA','IEP','IEA'))
translate <- function(values, from, to=NULL,
return.list = TRUE,
...) {
# Roadmap:
# Check validity of attributes.
# Check that the organisms of from and to match.
# Translate to primary annotation.
# Optionally translate to end.
# Optionally reduce result.
# Optionally unstack.
# Check validity of attributes
values <- unique(as.vector(values, mode='character'))
values <- values[!]
values <- values[which(sapply(values, nchar)>0)] # Removes zero-length entries.
reduce <- match.arg(reduce)
return.list <- as.logical(return.list)
#l <- NULL # R compiler complains about l not being binded? Half a year later and I am still not sure what this does.
# Check organisms - throw warning if not.
if (!is.null(to)) {
# Compare taxid:
org.from <- NULL <- NULL
try( org.from <- dbmeta(dbconn(from), "ORGANISM"), silent=TRUE)
try( <- dbmeta(dbconn(to), "ORGANISM"), silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(org.from) & !is.null( {
if (org.from != {
warning(sprintf("TAXID for 'to' and 'from' does not match! We found:
\t From:\t%s
\tFor cross species (ie. homologes) look at e.g. hom.Hs.inp.db.", org.from,
# End of warning message.
# Translate to primary id:
primary <- AnnotationDbi::mget(values, from, ifnotfound=NA)
# primary is now a list.
# Remove nulls and NAs
primary <- primary[!]
# primary is now a list with non-empty, multiple length entries
# Provide a method for reducing.
pickOne <- switch(reduce,
all = function(x) x,
first = function(x) x[1],
last = function(x) x[length(x)])
# Translate all primary ids to goal annotation
if (is.null(to) == FALSE) {
# Check for special case where the from-package is into GO.
# If it is, then the primary must be reduced to only the GO identifiers and not the set of GO ID, evidence and category.
try(isGO <- from@objName == 'GO', silent=TRUE)
if (isGO) {
primary <- pickGO(primary, ...)
# Remember to unlist, so we get every entry of primary, which is every
# possible translation of the starting values.
goal <- AnnotationDbi::mget(unlist(primary, use.names=F), to, ifnotfound=NA)
# Map all goal-annotations to the starting annotations:
# lapply over primary, so we get primary's names.
goal <- lapply(primary, function(x) {
x <- unlist(goal[x], use.names=FALSE) # x is vector, so we get all entries in goal for all x.
if (length(x) == 0 ||[1]))
x <- pickOne(x)
} else {
# If goal is primary annotation, reduce accordingly.
goal <- primary
if (reduce != 'all')
goal <- lapply(goal, pickOne)
# Remove nulls and NAs
if (remove.missing) {
goal <- goal[!]
} else {
missing <- values[!(values %in% names(goal))]
#missing.list <- as.list(rep(NA, length(missing)))
#names(missing.list) <- missing
#goal <- c(goal, missing.list)
goal[missing] <- NA
# Return result if a list is desired,
# else unstack to a table.
if (simplify) return(unlist(goal, use.names=FALSE))
if (return.list) {
} else {
if (length(goal) == 0)
goal <- stack(goal)
new.c <- c('from','to') # Matching 'ind' and 'values'.
colnames(goal) <- new.c[match(c('ind','values'), colnames(goal))]
#' Picks a prioritised RefSeq identifier from a list of identifiers
#' When translating to RefSeq, typically multiple identifiers are returned,
#' referring to different types of products, such as genomic molecule, mature
#' mRNA or the protein, and they can be predicted, properties that can be read
#' from the prefix (\url{}). E.g. "XM_" is
#' predicted mRNA and "NP_" is a protein. Run \code{?org.Bt.egREFSEQ}.
#' @param l Vector or list of RefSeqs accessions to pick from. If list given, applies the
#' prioritation to each element in the list.
#' @param priorities Character vector of prioritised prefixes to pick by. Eg. \code{c("NP","NM")}
#' returns RefSeqs starting 'NP', and if none found, those starting
#' 'NM'. If no RefSeqs are found according to the priorities, Null
#' is returned, unless the last element in priorities is '*'.
#' Uses grepl, so see these for pattern matching.
#' Default: c('NP','XP','NM','XM')
#' @param reduce Reducing method, either return all annotations (one-to-many relation)
#' or the first or last found annotation. The reducing step is applied
#' after translating to the goal:
#' \code{all}: returns all annotations
#' \code{first} or \code{last}: choose first or last of arbitrarily ordered list.
#' @return If vector given, returns vector. If list given, returns list without element where nothing could be picked.
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(
#' symbols <- c("SERPINA1","KERA","CD5")
#' refseq <- translate(symbols, from=org.Bt.egSYMBOL2EG, to=org.Bt.egREFSEQ)
#' mRNA <- pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NM','XM'))
#' proteins <- pickRefSeq(refseq, priorities=c('NP','XP'))
#' # The same.
#' mRNA <- pickRefSeq.mRNA(refseq)
#' proteins <- pickRefSeq.Protein(refseq)
pickRefSeq <- function(l, priorities=c('NP','XP','NM','XM'),
reduce=c('all','first','last')) {
if (is.list(l)) {
res <- lapply(l, .pickRef, priorities=priorities, reduce=reduce)
res <- res[!sapply(res, is.null)]
} else {
return(.pickRef(l, priorities = priorities, reduce=reduce))
#' Secret function that does the magic for pickRefSeq.
#' Do not use it, use \code{\link{pickRefSeq}}!
#' @param l List.
#' @param priorities How to prioritize.
#' @param reduce How to reduce.
#' @return List.
#' @note Hey, you found a secret function! Keep it that way!
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pickRefSeq}}
.pickRef <- function(l, priorities, reduce=c('all','first','last')){
# Roadmap:
# Check attributes
# Get prioritised element
# Reduce
# Check attributes
l <- as.vector(l, mode="character")
reduce <- match.arg(reduce)
# Get prioritised element, by iterating over 'priorities' and grepping by it.
for (p in priorities) {
res <- grep(p, l,, value=TRUE)
if (length(res) > 0) break
if (length(res) == 0) return(NULL)
# Reduce
# Provide a method for reducing.
pickOne <- switch(reduce,
all = function(x) x,
first = function(x) x[1],
last = function(x) x[length(x)])
#' As pickRefSeq, but defaults for picking the first NP or XP
#' Alias of pickRefSeq
#' @export
pickRefSeq.Protein <- function(l) {
return(pickRefSeq(l, c('NP','XP'), reduce='first'))
#' As pickRefSeq, but defaults for picking the first NM or XM
#' Alias of pickRefSeq
#' @export
pickRefSeq.mRNA <- function(l) {
return(pickRefSeq(l, c('NM','XM'), reduce='first'))
#' Replaces contents of list A with elements of list B
#' Combines two lists, \code{A} and \code{B}, such that \code{names(A)} are preserved, mapping to the
#' values of \code{B}, using \code{names(B)} as look up. Ie. replaces values in \code{A} with values
#' in \code{B}, using \code{names(B)} as look up for values in \code{A}.
#' Once more? See examples.
#' \emph{NB!} None-mapped entries are returned as NA, but can be removed using \code{\link{removeNAs}}.
#' @param A List, elements are coerced to character for mapping to B.
#' @param B List.
#' @param removeNAs Boolean, whether to remove the \code{NA}s that occur because an element was not found in \code{B}.
#' @return List.
#' @seealso \code{\link{removeNAs}}
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- list('a1'='alpha','a2'='beta','a3'=c('gamma','delta'))
#' B <- list('alpha'='b1', 'gamma'=c('b2', 'b3'), 'delta'='b4')
#' mapLists(A, B)
# # Returns: list('a1'='b1', 'a2'=NA, 'a3'=c('b2','b3','b4'))
mapLists <- function(A, B, removeNAs=TRUE) {
res <- lapply(A, function(x) {
x <- unlist(B[as.character(x)], use.names=FALSE)
if (length(x) == 0 ||[1])) return(NA)
if (removeNAs) res <- removeNAs(res)
#' Removes entries equal \code{NA} from list or vector
#' Removes entries equal \code{NA}, but not mixed entries containing, amongst others, \code{NA}.
#' Good for use after \code{\link{mapLists}} that might return entries equal \code{NA}.
#' @param l Vector or list.
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' removeNAs(list('a'=NA, 'b'=c(NA, 'B'), 'c'='C'))
removeNAs <- function(l) { return(l[!]) }
#' Cleans up result from org.Xx.egGO and returns specific GO identifiers
#' Cleans up result from org.Xx.egGO and returns GO identifier for either
#' biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), or molecular function (MF).
#' Can be used on list of GOs from \code{\link{translate}}, or a single list of GOs from an annotation package.
#' May reduce list, if the (sub)list does not contain the chosen class!
#' @param l Character vector, or list of, og GO identifiers.
#' @param evidence Character vector, filters on which kind of evidence to return; for a larger list see \code{\link{getEvidenceCodes}}. \\*
#' Evidence codes may be: \code{c('IMP','IGI','IPI','ISS','IDA','IEP','IEA','TAS','NAS','ND','IC')}. \\*
#' Leave as \code{NA} to ignore filtering on this part.
#' @param category Character vector, filters on which ontology to return: biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), or molecular function (MF). \\*
#' Leave as \code{NA} to ignore filtering on this part.
#' @return List with only the picked elements.
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pickRefSeq}}, \code{\link{getEvidenceCodes}}, \code{\link{translate}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(
#' genes <- c(280705, 280706, 100327208)
#' GO <- translate(genes, org.Bt.egGO)
#' # Get all biological processes:
#' pickGO(GO, category='BP')
#' # Get all ontologies with experimental evidence:
#' pickGO(GO, evidence=c('IMP','IGI','IPI','ISS','IDA','IEP','IEA'))
#pickGO <- function(l, evidence=c('IMP','IGI','IPI','ISS','IDA','IEP','IEA','TAS','NAS','ND','IC'), category=c('BP','CC','MF')) {
pickGO <- function(l, evidence=NA, category=NA) {
evidence <- toupper(evidence)
category <- toupper(category)
if (length(l) == 3) {
if (names(l) == c('GOID','Evidence','Ontology')) {
if (is.list(l)) l <- unlist(l, use.names=FALSE)
if ( evidence = l[2]
if ( category = l[3]
if (l[2] %in% evidence & l[3] %in% category) return(l[1])
if (all(substr(names(l), 1, 3) == 'GO:')) {
gos <- l[which(substr(names(l), 1, 3) == 'GO:')]
gos <- matrix(unlist(gos, use.names=FALSE), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
if (length(evidence) == 1 && {
from.evi <- rep(TRUE, nrow(gos))
} else {
from.evi <- gos[,2] %in% evidence
if (length(category) == 1 && { <- rep(TRUE, nrow(gos))
} else { <- gos[,3] %in% category
return(gos[from.evi &,1])
lapply(l, pickGO, evidence=evidence, category=category)
#' Returns GO evidence codes.
#' @references \code{?org.Bt.egGO}
#' @return Matrix of two columns, first column with codes, second column with description of codes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pickGO}}
#' @export
#' @author Stefan McKinnon Edwards \email{}
#' @examples
#' getEvidenceCodes()
getEvidenceCodes <- function() {
codes <- c('IMP','inferred from mutant phenotype',
'IGI','inferred from genetic interaction',
'IPI','inferred from physical interaction',
'ISS','inferred from sequence similarity',
'IDA','inferred from direct assay',
'IEP','inferred from expression pattern',
'IEA','inferred from electronic annotation',
'TAS','traceable author statement',
'NAS','non-traceable author statement',
'ND','no biological data available',
'IC','inferred by curator ')
return(matrix(codes, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(c(), c('Code','Description'))))
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