#' Export genome browser viewable files
#' Export copy-number-variation state or read counts as genome browser viewable file
#' Use \code{exportCNVs} to export the copy-number-variation state from an \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object in BED format.
#' Use \code{exportReadCounts} to export the binned read counts from an \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object in WIGGLE format.
#' Use \code{exportGRanges} to export a \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object in BED format.
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @name export
#' @author Aaron Taudt
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'files <- list.files(folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Export the CNV states for upload to the UCSC genome browser
#'exportCNVs(files, filename='upload-me-to-a-genome-browser', cluster=TRUE)}
# ==================================
# Replace '1' by 'chr1' if necessary
# ==================================
insertchr <- function( {
mask <- which(!grepl('chr', seqnames(
mcols($chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(
mcols($chromosome[mask] <- sub(pattern='^', replacement='chr', mcols($chromosome[mask])
mcols($chromosome <- as.factor(mcols($chromosome)
stripchr <- function( {
# Change chromosome names from 'chr1' to '1' if necessary
mcols($chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(
mcols($chromosome <- sub(pattern='^chr', replacement='', mcols($chromosome)
mcols($chromosome <- as.factor(mcols($chromosome)
# ==============================================
# Write color-coded tracks with states from HMMs
# ==============================================
#' @describeIn export Export CNV-state as .bed.gz file
#' @param hmms A list of \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects or a character vector with files that contain such objects.
#' @param filename The name of the file that will be written. The appropriate ending will be appended, either ".bed.gz" for CNV-state or ".wig.gz" for read counts. Any existing file will be overwritten.
# #' @param trackname The name that will be used as track name and description in the header. # already described elsewhere
#' @param cluster If \code{TRUE}, the samples will be clustered by similarity in their CNV-state.
#' @param export.CNV A logical, indicating whether the CNV-state shall be exported.
#' @param export.breakpoints A logical, indicating whether breakpoints shall be exported.
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply
#' @export
exportCNVs <- function(hmms, filename, trackname=NULL, cluster=TRUE, export.CNV=TRUE, export.breakpoints=TRUE) {
if (length(hmms) == 1 & cluster==TRUE) {
cluster <- FALSE
warning("Cannot do clustering because only one object was given.")
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class=c("aneuHMM", "aneuBiHMM"))
## Cluster
cl <- clusterHMMs(hmms, cluster=cluster)
hmms <- hmms[rev(cl$IDorder)] # reverse order to match heatmapGenomewide
## Get segments
segments<- GRangesList()
for (i1 in 1:length(hmms)) {
hmm <- hmms[[i1]]
if (is.null(hmm$segments)) {
segments[[hmm$ID]] <- GRanges()
} else {
segments[[hmm$ID]] <- hmm$segments
## Get breakpoints
if (export.breakpoints) {
breakpoints <- GRangesList()
for (i1 in 1:length(hmms)) {
hmm <- hmms[[i1]]
if (is.null(hmm$breakpoints)) {
breakpoints[[hmm$ID]] <- GRanges()
} else {
breakpoints[[hmm$ID]] <- hmm$breakpoints
if (length(breakpoints)==0) {
export.breakpoints <- FALSE
### CNV-state ###
if (export.CNV) {
# Replace '1' by 'chr1' if necessary
segments <- endoapply(segments, insertchr)
# Variables
nummod <- length(segments)
filename.bed <- paste0(filename,"_CNV.bed.gz")
# Generate the colors
colors <- stateColors(levels(segments[[1]]$state))
RGBs <- t(grDevices::col2rgb(colors))
RGBs <- apply(RGBs,1,paste,collapse=",")
# Write first line to file
ptm <- startTimedMessage('Writing to file ',filename.bed, ' ...')
filename.gz <- gzfile(filename.bed, 'w')
cat("", file=filename.gz)
## Write every model to file
for (imod in 1:nummod) {
# message('writing hmm ',imod,' / ',nummod) <- segments[[imod]]
priority <- 51 + 3*imod
if (!is.null(trackname)) {
trackline <- paste0(trackname, ", CNV state for ", names(segments)[imod])
} else {
trackline <- paste0("CNV state for ", names(segments)[imod])
cat(paste0('track name="', trackline, '" description="', trackline,'" visibility=1 itemRgb=On priority=',priority,'\n'), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
df0 <-[,c('chromosome','start','end','state')]
itemRgb <- RGBs[as.character(df0$state)]
df <- cbind(df0, score=0, strand=".", thickStart=df0$start, thickEnd=df0$end, itemRgb=itemRgb)
# Convert from 1-based closed to 0-based half open
df$start <- df$start - 1
df$thickStart <- df$thickStart - 1
# Write to file
utils::write.table(format(df, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep='\t')
### Breakpoints ###
if (export.breakpoints) {
# Replace '1' by 'chr1' if necessary
breakpoints <- endoapply(breakpoints, insertchr)
# Variables
nummod <- length(breakpoints)
filename.bed <- paste0(filename,"_breakpoints.bed.gz")
# Write first line to file
ptm <- startTimedMessage('Writing breakpoints to file ',filename.bed, ' ...')
filename.gz <- gzfile(filename.bed, 'w')
cat("", file=filename.gz)
## Write every model to file
for (imod in 1:nummod) {
# message('writing hmm ',imod,' / ',nummod) <- breakpoints[[imod]]
priority <- 52 + 3*imod
if (!is.null(trackname)) {
trackline <- paste0(trackname, ", breakpoints for ", names(segments)[imod])
} else {
trackline <- paste0("breakpoints for ", names(segments)[imod])
cat(paste0('track name="', trackline, '" description="', trackline,'" visibility=1 itemRgb=On priority=',priority,'\n'), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
if (is.null($start.conf)) {$start.conf <- start($end.conf <- end(
df0 <-[,c('chromosome','start.conf','end.conf','type','start','end')]
if (nrow(df0) > 0) {
df <- cbind(df0[,c('chromosome','start.conf','end.conf','type')], score=0, strand=".", thickStart=df0$start, thickEnd=df0$end)
df$rgb <- apply(col2rgb(breakpointColors()[as.character(df$type)]), 2, function(x) { paste0(x, collapse=',') })
# Convert from 1-based closed to 0-based half open
df$start.conf <- df$start.conf - 1
df$thickStart <- df$thickStart - 1
# Write to file
utils::write.table(format(df, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep='\t')
# =============================
# Write signal tracks from HMMs
# =============================
#' @describeIn export Export binned read counts as .wig.gz file
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply
#' @export
exportReadCounts <- function(hmms, filename) {
## Load models
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class=c("aneuHMM", "aneuBiHMM"))
## Transform to GRanges
grl <- lapply(hmms, '[[', 'bins')
hmm.grl <- endoapply(grl, insertchr)
# Variables
nummod <- length(hmms)
filename <- paste0(filename,".wig.gz")
filename.gz <- gzfile(filename, 'w')
# Write first line to file
ptm <- startTimedMessage('Writing to file ',filename, ' ...')
cat("", file=filename.gz)
### Write every model to file ###
for (imod in 1:nummod) {
# message('writing hmm ',imod,' / ',nummod)
hmm <- hmms[[imod]] <- hmm.grl[[imod]]
priority <- 50 + 3*imod
binsize <- width([1])
cat(paste0("track type=wig_0 name=\"read count for ",hmm$ID,"\" description=\"read count for ",hmm$ID,"\" visibility=full autoScale=on color=90,90,90 maxHeightPixels=100:50:20 graphType=bar priority=",priority,"\n"), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
# Write read data
for (chrom in unique($chromosome)) {
cat(paste0("fixedStep chrom=",chrom," start=1 step=",binsize," span=",binsize,"\n"), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
utils::write.table(mcols([$chromosome==chrom])$counts, file=filename.gz, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
# Export regions from GRanges
#' @describeIn export Export \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object as BED file.
#' @param gr A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @param header A logical indicating whether the output file will have a heading track line (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param trackname The name that will be used as track name and description in the header.
#' @param score A vector of the same length as \code{gr}, which will be used for the 'score' column in the BED file.
#' @param priority Priority of the track for display in the genome browser.
#' @param append Append to \code{filename}.
#' @param chromosome.format A character specifying the format of the chromosomes if \code{assembly} is specified. Either 'NCBI' for (1,2,3 ...) or 'UCSC' for (chr1,chr2,chr3 ...).#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @param thickStart,thickEnd A vector of the same length as \code{gr}, which will be used for the 'thickStart' and 'thickEnd' columns in the BED file.
#' @param as.wiggle A logical indicating whether a variableStep-wiggle file will be exported instead of a BED file. If \code{TRUE}, \code{wiggle.value} must be specified.
#' @param wiggle.val A vector of the same length as \code{gr}, which will be used for the values in the wiggle file.
#' @export
exportGRanges <- function(gr, filename, header=TRUE, trackname=NULL, score=NULL, priority=NULL, append=FALSE, chromosome.format='UCSC', thickStart=NULL, thickEnd=NULL, as.wiggle=FALSE, wiggle.val) {
## Check input
if (header) {
if (is.null(trackname)) {
stop("Argument 'trackname' must be specified if 'header=TRUE'")
if (!is.null(thickStart) | !is.null(thickEnd)) {
if (is.null(thickStart) | is.null(thickEnd)) {
stop("Both 'thickStart' and 'thickEnd' must be specified.")
## Transform to GRanges
if (chromosome.format=='UCSC') {
gr <- insertchr(gr)
} else if (chromosome.format=='NCBI') {
gr <- stripchr(gr)
} else {
stop("Unknown 'chromosome.format'")
# Variables
if (as.wiggle) {
filename <- paste0(filename,".wig.gz")
} else {
filename <- paste0(filename,".bed.gz")
if (append) {
filename.gz <- gzfile(filename, 'a')
} else {
filename.gz <- gzfile(filename, 'w')
# Write first line to file
ptm <- startTimedMessage('Writing to file ',filename, ' ...')
cat("", file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
if (header) {
strand.colors <- paste0(apply(col2rgb(strandColors(c('+','-'))), 2, function(x) { paste0(x, collapse=',') }), collapse=' ')
header.string <- paste0('track name="',trackname,'" description="',trackname,'" visibility=1 colorByStrand="',strand.colors,'" priority=',priority,'\n')
if (as.wiggle) {
header.string <- paste0('track type="wiggle_0" name="',trackname,'" description="',trackname,'" visibility=1 priority=',priority,' autoScale=On alwaysZero=On\n')
cat(header.string, file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
if (length(gr)==0) {
### Write model to file ###
names(gr) <- NULL #delete rownames otherwise can blow up
regions <-[c('start','end','strand')]
regions$name <- 1:nrow(regions)
regions <- cbind(regions,
df <- regions[c('chromosome','start','end','name')]
if (!is.null(score)) {
df$score <- score
} else {
df$score <- 0
df$strand <- gsub('\\*','.',regions$strand)
if (!is.null(thickStart)) {
df$thickStart <- thickStart
if (!is.null(thickEnd)) {
df$thickEnd <- thickEnd
# Convert from 1-based closed to 0-based half open
df$start <- df$start - 1
if (!is.null(df$thickStart)) {
df$thickStart <- df$thickStart - 1
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
warning('No regions in input')
} else {
if (as.wiggle) {
dfwig <- data.frame(start=df$start, value=wiggle.val)
mask.inf <- is.infinite(wiggle.val)
dfwig$value[mask.inf] <- max(wiggle.val[!mask.inf])
for (chrom in unique(df$chromosome)) {
cat(paste0("variableStep chrom=", chrom, "\n"), file=filename.gz, append=TRUE)
utils::write.table(format(dfwig[df$chromosome==chrom,], scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE), file=filename.gz, append=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep='\t')
} else {
utils::write.table(format(df, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE), file=filename.gz, append=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep='\t')
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