#' GC correction
#' Correct a list of \code{\link{}} by GC content.
#' Two methods are available for GC correction: Option \code{method='quadratic'} uses the method described in the Supplementary of \code{citation("AneuFinder")}. Option \code{method='loess'} uses a loess fit to adjust the read count.
#' @param A \code{list} with \code{\link{}} objects or a list of filenames containing such objects.
#' @param GC.BSgenome A \code{BSgenome} object which contains the DNA sequence that is used for the GC correction.
#' @param same.binsize If \code{TRUE} the GC content will only be calculated once. Set this to \code{TRUE} if all \code{\link{}} objects describe the same genome at the same binsize and stepsize.
#' @param method One of \code{c('quadratic', 'loess')}. Option \code{method='quadratic'} uses the method described in the Supplementary of \code{citation("AneuFinder")}. Option \code{method='loess'} uses a loess fit to adjust the read count.
#' @param return.plot Set to \code{TRUE} if plots should be returned for visual assessment of the GC correction.
#' @param bins A \code{\link{}} object with meta-data column 'GC'. If this is specified, \code{GC.BSgenome} is ignored. Beware, no format checking is done.
#' @return A \code{list()} with \code{\link{}} objects with adjusted read counts. Alternatively a \code{list()} with \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} objects if \code{return.plot=TRUE}.
#' @author Aaron Taudt
#' @importFrom Biostrings Views alphabetFrequency
#' @importFrom stats lm predict loess
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
#'## Get a BED file, bin it and run GC correction
#'bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "KK150311_VI_07.bam.bed.gz", package="AneuFinderData")
#'binned <- binReads(bedfile, assembly='mm10', binsize=1e6,
#' chromosomes=c(1:19,'X','Y'))
#'plot(binned[[1]], type=1)
#'if (require(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)) {
#' binned.GC <- correctGC(list(binned[[1]]), GC.BSgenome=BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
#' plot(binned.GC[[1]], type=1)
correctGC <- function(, GC.BSgenome, same.binsize=FALSE, method='loess', return.plot=FALSE, bins=NULL) {
if (is.null(bins)) {
## Determine format of GC.BSgenome
if (grepl('^chr', seqlevels(GC.BSgenome)[1])) {
bsgenome.format <- 'UCSC'
} else {
bsgenome.format <- 'NCBI'
} else {
## Determine format of bins
if (grepl('^chr', seqlevels(bins)[1])) {
bsgenome.format <- 'UCSC'
} else {
bsgenome.format <- 'NCBI'
### Loop over all bin entries ### <- loadFromFiles(, check.class=c('GRanges','GRangesList'))
same.binsize.calculated <- FALSE
for (i1 in 1:length( { <-[[i1]]
if (is.null(bins)) {
## Check if seqlengths of data and GC.correction are consistent
# Replace 1->chr1 if necessary
chromlengths <- seqlengths(
chroms <- names(chromlengths)
if (bsgenome.format == 'UCSC') {
mask <- !grepl('^chr', chroms)
chroms[mask] <- paste0('chr',chroms[mask])
} else if (bsgenome.format == 'NCBI') {
mask <- grepl('^chr', chroms)
chroms[mask] <- sub('^chr', '', chroms[mask])
names(chromlengths) <- chroms
# Compare
compare <- chromlengths[chroms] == seqlengths(GC.BSgenome)[chroms]
if (any(compare==FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)) {
warning(paste0(attr(,'ID'),": Incorrect 'GC.BSgenome' specified. seqlengths() differ. GC correction skipped. Please use the correct genome for option 'GC.BSgenome'."))[[i1]] <-
if (class( == 'GRanges') {
blist <- GRangesList('0'
attr(blist, 'qualityInfo') <- attr(, 'qualityInfo')
} else if (is(, "GRangesList")) {
blist <-
## Calculate GC content per bin
if (same.binsize & !same.binsize.calculated | !same.binsize) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Calculating GC content per bin and stepsize ...")
GC <- list()
for (i2 in 1:length(blist)) {
iblist <- blist[[i2]]
GC.content <- list()
for (chrom in seqlevels(iblist)) {
if (!grepl('^chr', chrom) & bsgenome.format == 'UCSC') {
chr <- paste0('chr', chrom)
} else if (grepl('^chr', chrom) & bsgenome.format == 'NCBI') {
chr <- sub('^chr', '', chrom)
} else {
chr <- chrom
if (is.null(bins)) {
if (chr %in% seqlevels(GC.BSgenome)) {
view <- Biostrings::Views(GC.BSgenome[[chr]], ranges(iblist)[seqnames(iblist)==chrom])
freq <- Biostrings::alphabetFrequency(view, as.prob = TRUE, baseOnly=TRUE)
GC.content[[as.character(chrom)]] <- rowSums(freq[, c("G","C"), drop=FALSE])
} else {
GC.content[[as.character(chrom)]] <- rep(NA, length(iblist[seqnames(iblist)==chrom]))
warning(paste0(attr(iblist,'ID'),": No sequence information for chromosome ",chr," available."))
} else {
GC.content[[as.character(chrom)]] <- bins[[i2]][seqnames(bins[[i2]])==chrom]$GC
GC.content <- unlist(GC.content)
GC[[i2]] <- GC.content
same.binsize.calculated <- TRUE
### GC correction ###
ptm <- startTimedMessage("GC correction for sample ", i1, " ...")
blist.gc <- GRangesList()
plots <- list()
for (i2 in 1:length(blist)) {
iblist <- blist[[i2]]
iblist$GC <- GC[[i2]]
counts <- iblist$counts
mcounts <- iblist$mcounts
pcounts <- iblist$pcounts
if (method == 'quadratic') {
## Correction factors
gc.categories <- seq(from=0, to=1, length=20)
intervals.per.bin <- findInterval(iblist$GC, gc.categories)
intervals <- sort(unique(intervals.per.bin)) <- mean(iblist$counts, trim=0.05)
correction.factors <- NULL
weights <- NULL
for (interval in intervals) {
mask <- intervals.per.bin==interval
counts.with.same.GC <- iblist$counts[mask]
weights[as.character(gc.categories[interval])] <- length(counts.with.same.GC)
mean.counts.with.same.GC <- mean(counts.with.same.GC, na.rm=TRUE, trim=0.05)
if (mean.counts.with.same.GC == 0) {
correction.factor <- 0
} else {
correction.factor <- / mean.counts.with.same.GC
correction.factors[as.character(gc.categories[interval])] <- correction.factor
## Fit x^2 to correction.factors
y <- correction.factors[-1][correction.factors[-1]<10]
x <- as.numeric(names(y))
w <- weights[-1][correction.factors[-1]<10]
df <- data.frame(x,y,weight=w)
weight <- w # dummy assignment to pass R CMD check, doesn't affect the fit
fit <- stats::lm(y ~ poly(x, 2, raw=TRUE), data=df, weights=weight)
fitted.correction.factors <- stats::predict(fit, data.frame(x=gc.categories[intervals]))
names(fitted.correction.factors) <- intervals
for (interval in intervals) {
mask <- which(intervals.per.bin==interval)
correction.factor <- fitted.correction.factors[as.character(interval)]
counts[mask] <- counts[mask] * correction.factor
mcounts[mask] <- mcounts[mask] * correction.factor
pcounts[mask] <- pcounts[mask] * correction.factor
if (return.plot) {
# Produce fit to check
# ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes_string(x='x', y='y', size='weight')) + geom_line(aes_string(x='x', y='y'), col='red', data=data.frame(x=gc.categories[intervals], y=fitted.correction.factors)) + theme_bw() + ggtitle('GC correction') + xlab('GC content') + ylab('correction factor')
df <- data.frame(counts=iblist$counts, GC=iblist$GC)
df$counts.GC <- counts
dfplot <- df[,c('counts','GC','counts.GC')]
dfplot <- reshape2::melt(dfplot, id.vars='GC','method','counts')
dfplot$method <- c(counts='counts', counts.GC='GC-corrected counts')[dfplot$method]
ggplt <- ggplot(dfplot) + geom_point(aes_string(x='GC', y='counts'), alpha=0.1) + theme_bw() + ggtitle('GC correction') + xlab('GC content') + ylab('counts') + facet_wrap(~ method)
# Mean counts
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_hline(yintercept =, linetype=2)
# Add quadratic fit
dffit <- data.frame(GC=df$GC, / stats::predict(fit, data.frame(x=gc.categories[intervals.per.bin])), fit.GC=NA)
dfplot <- reshape2::melt(dffit, id.vars='GC','method','counts')
dfplot$method <- c(fit='counts', fit.GC='GC-corrected counts')[dfplot$method]
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_line(mapping = aes_string(x='GC', y='counts'), data=dfplot, col='red')
plots[[i2]] <- ggplt
ggplt + coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,1))
} else if (method == 'loess') { <- mean(iblist$counts, trim=0.05)
df <-
fit <- stats::loess(counts ~ GC, data=df)
correction.factor <- / fit$fitted
counts <- counts * correction.factor
mcounts <- mcounts * correction.factor
pcounts <- pcounts * correction.factor
if (return.plot) {
# Produce fit to check
# df$counts.scaled <- df$counts /
# df$correction.factor <- correction.factor
# ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes_string(x='GC', y='counts.scaled'), alpha=0.1) + geom_line(aes_string(x='GC', y='correction.factor'), col='red') + theme_bw() + ggtitle('GC correction') + xlab('GC content') + ylab('correction factor')
df$counts.GC <- counts
dfplot <- df[,c('counts','GC','counts.GC')]
dfplot <- reshape2::melt(dfplot, id.vars='GC','method','counts')
dfplot$method <- c(counts='counts', counts.GC='GC-corrected counts')[dfplot$method]
ggplt <- ggplot(dfplot) + geom_point(aes_string(x='GC', y='counts'), alpha=0.1) + theme_bw() + ggtitle('GC correction') + xlab('GC content') + ylab('counts') + facet_wrap(~ method)
# Mean counts
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_hline(yintercept =, linetype=2)
# Add loess fit
dffit <- data.frame(GC=df$GC, fit=fit$fitted, fit.GC=NA)
dfplot <- reshape2::melt(dffit, id.vars='GC','method','counts')
dfplot$method <- c(fit='counts', fit.GC='GC-corrected counts')[dfplot$method]
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_line(mapping = aes_string(x='GC', y='counts'), data=dfplot, col='red')
plots[[i2]] <- ggplt
iblist$counts <- as.integer(round(counts))
iblist$mcounts <- as.integer(round(mcounts))
iblist$pcounts <- as.integer(round(pcounts))
iblist$counts[iblist$counts<0] <- 0
iblist$pcounts[iblist$pcounts<0] <- 0
iblist$mcounts[iblist$mcounts<0] <- 0
blist.gc[[i2]] <- iblist
names(blist.gc) <- names(blist)
attr(blist.gc, 'qualityInfo') <- attr(blist, 'qualityInfo')
if (!return.plot) {
## Spikyness
attr(blist.gc, 'qualityInfo')$spikiness <- qc.spikiness(blist.gc[[1]]$counts)
## Shannon entropy
attr(blist.gc, 'qualityInfo')$entropy <- qc.entropy(blist.gc[[1]]$counts)
## ID
attr(blist.gc, 'ID') <- attr(, 'ID')
# Return[[i1]] <- blist.gc
} else {[[i1]] <- plots
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