.create_workspace <-
function(namespace, name)
createWorkspace <- .get_terra()$createWorkspace
response <- createWorkspace(
namespace = namespace, name = name,
attributes = list(description = "New workspace")
if (status_code(response) >= 400L)
.stop(response, namespace, name, "create workspace failed")
.name_from_path <-
package <- basename(path)
directory <- dirname(path)
descr <- tryCatch({
packageDescription(package, directory, c("Package", "Type"))
}, warning = function(w) {
stop("no DESCRIPTION found at '", path, "'", call. = FALSE)
type <- ifelse($Type), "Package", descr$Type)
paste0(type, "-", descr$Package)
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription citation
#' @importFrom stats setNames
.package_description <-
package <- basename(path)
directory <- dirname(path)
descr <- packageDescription(package, directory)
if (is.null(descr[["Author"]])) {
parsed = tools:::.expand_package_description_db_R_fields(unlist(descr))
descr[["Author"]] <- parsed[["Author"]]
descr[["Maintainer"]] <- parsed[["Maintainer"]]
descr[["Authors"]] <- lapply(
strsplit(descr[["Author"]], "\n")[[1]],
function(x) setNames(sub(",$", "", trimws(x)), "Author")
citn <- citation(package, directory)
descr[["Citation"]] <- format(citn, "text")
.package_depenencies <-
package <- basename(path)
directory <- dirname(path)
descr <- packageDescription(package, directory)
pkgs <- c(descr$Depends, descr$Imports, descr$Suggests, descr$LinkingTo)
if (is.null(pkgs)) {
descr[["NotebookPackages"]] <- character()
pkgs <- unlist(strsplit(pkgs, "[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]+"))
pattern <- "^R([[:space:]]*\\(.*\\))?$"
pkgs <- pkgs[grep(pattern, pkgs, invert = TRUE)]
pkgs <- sub(" .*", "", pkgs)
txt <- paste0('"', pkgs, '"', collapse=", ")
txt <- paste(strwrap(txt, indent = 4, exdent = 4), collapse="\n")
descr[["NotebookPackages"]] <- paste("\n", txt, "\n")
#' @importFrom rmarkdown yaml_front_matter
.rmd_vignette_description <-
rmd <- .vignette_paths(path)
yaml <- lapply(rmd, yaml_front_matter)
vignette_description <- list(Vignettes = yaml)
ipynb <- sub("\\.[Rr]md", ".ipynb", basename(rmd))
for (i in seq_along(vignette_description[[1]]))
vignette_description[[1]][[i]][["ipynb"]] <- ipynb[[i]]
titles <- vapply(vignette_description[[1]], function(x) {
if (!is.null(x$title)) {
} else {
}, character(1))
vignette_description[[1]] <- vignette_description[[1]][order(titles)]
.set_dashboard <-
function(dashboard, namespace, name)
setAttributes <- .get_terra()$setAttributes
response <- setAttributes(
namespace, name,
list(description = dashboard)
if (status_code(response) >= 400L)
.stop(response, namespace, name, "set dashboard failed")
#' @rdname as_workspace
#' @title Render R packages as AnVIL workspaces
#' @description `as_workspace()` renders a package source tree (e.g.,
#' from a git checkout) as an AnVIL workspace.
#' @details Information from the DESCRIPTION file and Rmd YAML files
#' are used to populate the 'DASHBOARD' tab.
#' See `?as_notebook()` for details on how vignettes are processed
#' to notebooks, and the limitations of the current approach.
#' @param path `character(1)` path to the location of the package
#' source code.
#' @param namespace `character(1)` AnVIL namespace (billing project)
#' to be used.
#' @param name `character(1)` AnVIL workspace name or NULL. If NULL,
#' the workspace name is set to
#' `"Bioconductor-Package-<pkgname>"`, where `<pkgname>` is the
#' name of the package (from the DESCRIPTION file) at `path`.
#' @param create `logical(1)` Create a new project?
#' @param update `logical(1)` Update (over-write the existing
#' DASHBOARD and any similarly named notebooks) an existing
#' workspace? If niether `create` nore `update` is TRUE, the code
#' to create a workspace is run but no output generated; this can
#' be useful during debugging.
#' @return `as_workspace()` returns the URL of the updated workspace,
#' invisibly.
#' @importFrom whisker whisker.render
#' @export
as_workspace <-
function(path, namespace, name = NULL, create = FALSE, update = FALSE)
.is_scalar_character(path), dir.exists(path),
.is_scalar_character(name) || is.null(name),
if (is.null(name))
name <- paste0("Bioconductor-", .name_from_path(path))
## create / update workspace
if (create) {
.create_workspace(namespace, name)
} else if (!update) {
message("use 'update = TRUE' to make changes to the workspace")
## populate dashboard from package and vignette metadata
description <- .package_description(path)
vignette_description <- .rmd_vignette_description(path)
processing <- list(
ProcessDate = Sys.time(),
RVersion = paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor),
BioconductorVersion = BiocManager::version()
data <- c(description, vignette_description, processing)
data$namespace <- namespace
data$name <- name
tmpl <- .template("dashboard.tmpl")
dashboard <- whisker.render(tmpl, data)
!(create || update) || .set_dashboard(dashboard, namespace, name)
## create setup notebook
setup <- .package_depenencies(path)
data <- c(data, setup)
tmpl <- .template("setup-notebook.tmpl")
setup_notebook <- whisker.render(tmpl, data)
tmpdir <- tempfile()
rmd_setup_file <- paste0("00-", name, ".Rmd")
rmd_setup_path <- file.path(tmpdir, rmd_setup_file)
writeLines(setup_notebook, rmd_setup_path)
## build vignettes and add to workspace
rmd_paths <- c(.vignette_paths(path), rmd_setup_path)
!(create || update) || {
as_notebook(rmd_paths, namespace, name, update = update || create)
wkspc <-
paste0("", namespace, "/", name)
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