
Defines functions to_ChemoSpec show_progress_bar tibble_lists_columns_to_vector_columns list_of_lists_to_tibble

Documented in to_ChemoSpec

# This script has utilities not related to NMR.

#' Convert a list of lists to a tibble
#' Each element of \code{ls} corresponds to 1 row of the output tibble. This
#' element is a list, and each subelement corresponds to a column of the
#' output tibble.
#' One nice thing about this function is that if there are elements with missing
#' columns, those values will be filled with \code{NA}.
#' The other nice thing of this function is that if any of those elements is
#' itself a list or a vector, it will be nicely preserved inside the tibble cell.
#' @param ls A list
#' @return A tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data_as_list <- list(list(Gender = "Male", Height = 170),
#'                                            list(Gender = "Female", Height = 160),
#'                                            list(Gender = "Male", Weight = 80))
#' mydata <- list_of_lists_to_tibble(data_as_list)
list_of_lists_to_tibble <- function(ls) {
    # Get all the column names per sample:
    all_columns_per_sample <- lapply(ls, function(x)
    # all_columns_per_sample
    #    list(c("Gender", "Height), c("Gender", "Height"), c("Gender", "Weight"))
    # Concatenate and get a unique list of all column names:
    all_names <- unique(do.call(c, all_columns_per_sample))
    # all_names
    #    c("Gender", "Height", "Weight")
    # For each sample:
    ls_ordered <- lapply(ls,
                         function(sampl) {
                             # If the sample is NULL, then return a list of
                             # missing values with the column names:
                             if (is.null(sampl)) {
                                 sampl <- as.list(rep(NA, length(all_names)))
                                 names(sampl) <-
                             # Otherwise reorder list elements so they match the names
                             sampl <-
                             # If the sample does not have all the columns,
                             # the missing columns are named `NA` with value NULL.
                             # Make sure the names are properly set:
                             names(sampl) <-
                             # Finally replace NULL values in the list with NA:
                             sampl <-
                                 lapply(sampl, function(value) {
                                     if (is.null(value)) {
                                     } else {
                             # Return the sample:
    data <- tibble::as_tibble(do.call(rbind, ls_ordered))
    # dataframe with lists on each column. Let's convert them if possible
    data <- tibble_lists_columns_to_vector_columns(data)

#' Simplifies a tibble with lists columns of length 1 of the same type
#' @param data a tibble
#' @return a tibble with converted columns
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
tibble_lists_columns_to_vector_columns <- function(data) {
    # based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40046603/tibble-with-list-columns-convert-to-array-if-possible/
    ### Step 1: Find which columns have to be converted:
    # 1.1 Convert only columns of type "list"
    to_simplify_cols <- which(vapply(
        FUN = function(x)
            "list" %in% class(x),
        FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
    # 1.1b If there are none, return:
    if (length(to_simplify_cols) == 0) {
        # Restore original colnames
    # 1.2 Convert only list columns that have all elements of length 1:
    # Max length of the lists columns:
    length_column_elements <- apply(data[, to_simplify_cols], 2,
                                        max(vapply(x, length, numeric(1))))
    # We just simplify list columns of length 1
    to_simplify_cols <-
        to_simplify_cols[length_column_elements == 1]
    # 1.2.b No list columns can be simplified:
    if (length(to_simplify_cols) == 0) {
    # 1.3 Convert only list columns that have all elements of length 1 and belong
    #         to the same class (allowing for NA values)
    # For each list column of length 1:
    types <- apply(data[, to_simplify_cols], 2,
                   function(data_column) {
                       # For each value in this column get the class, missing values are given
                       # their own class because they are always allowed
                       value_classes <-
                                  function(value) {
                                      if (is.na(value)) {
                                      } else {
                       # Remove repeated types in the column:
                       value_classes <-
                       # Remove the missing value placeholders:
                       idx <- vapply(value_classes,
                                         ! identical(value_class, "__NAVALUE__"),
                       value_classes <-
                       if (length(value_classes) == 0) {
                           value_classes <- list("logical")
    # types is a list of the same length than to_simplify_cols.
    # types[[1]] is a list corresponding to the column to_simplify_cols[1]
    # types[[1]] contains the classes of the column to_simplify_cols[1]
    # We simplify only columns with just one class, so we check which types have length 1
    number_of_types <- vapply(types, length, numeric(1))
    # filter columns of a single class
    number_of_types <- number_of_types[number_of_types == 1]
    # Keep those columns only
    to_simplify_cols <- to_simplify_cols[names(number_of_types)]
    # No list columns can be simplified:
    if (length(to_simplify_cols) == 0) {
    # Get all column names:
    data_col_names <- colnames(data)
    # Get the column names of the columns to simplify
    to_simplify <- data_col_names[to_simplify_cols]
    # Do the conversion
    data2 <-
        tidyr::unnest(data, cols = tidyselect::one_of(to_simplify))
    data2 <-
        data2[, colnames(data)] # Preserve original column order

#' Determine if there is a need to show a progress bar
#' @noRd
#' @param ... Conditions that must be all fullfilled
#' @return A logical
show_progress_bar <- function(...) {
    all(...) && interactive() && is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))

#' Convert to ChemoSpec Spectra class
#' @param nmr_dataset An [nmr_dataset_1D] object
#' @param desc a description for the dataset
#' @return A Spectra object from the ChemoSpec package
#' @export
#' @family import/export functions
#' @family nmr_dataset_1D functions
#' @examples 
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' dataset_1D <- nmr_interpolate_1D(dataset, axis = c(min = -0.5, max = 10, by = 2.3E-4))
#' chemo_spectra <- to_ChemoSpec(dataset_1D)
to_ChemoSpec <- function(nmr_dataset, desc = "A nmr_dataset") {
    if (!requireNamespace("ChemoSpec", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("ChemoSpec needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
    # Now build the Spectra object
    Spectra <- vector("list", 9)
    Spectra[[1]] <- nmr_dataset$axis
    Spectra[[2]] <- nmr_dataset$data_1r
    Spectra[[3]] <- nmr_dataset$metadata$external$NMRExperiment
    Spectra[[4]] <- as.factor(rep(NA_character_, nmr_dataset$num_samples)) # groups
    Spectra[[5]] <- rep("black", nmr_dataset$num_samples) # colors
    Spectra[[6]] <- rep(1L, nmr_dataset$num_samples) # sym
    Spectra[[7]] <- rep("a", nmr_dataset$num_samples) # alt.sym
    Spectra[[8]] <- c("ppm", "a.u.") # units
    Spectra[[9]] <- desc # desc
    # Clean up and verify
    class(Spectra) <- "Spectra"
    names(Spectra) <- c("freq", "data", "names", "groups", "colors", "sym", "alt.sym", "units", "desc")

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AlpsNMR documentation built on April 1, 2021, 6:02 p.m.