
Defines functions affiXcanImpute computeCorrelation computeRSquared computeExpr affiXcanGReX computePcs affiXcanPcs overlookRegions computeBs assoc2list affiXcanBs computePca affiXcanPca subsetKFold affiXcanTrain

Documented in affiXcanBs affiXcanGReX affiXcanImpute affiXcanPca affiXcanPcs affiXcanTrain assoc2list computeBs computeCorrelation computeExpr computePca computePcs computeRSquared overlookRegions subsetKFold

#' Train the model needed to impute a GReX for each gene 
#' @param exprMatrix A SummarizedExperiment object containing expression data
#' @param assay A string with the name of the object in
#' SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix) that contains expression values 
#' @param tbaPaths A vector of strings, which are the paths to
#' MultiAssayExperiment RDS files containing the tba values
#' @param regionAssoc A data.frame with the association between regulatory
#' regions and expressed genes and with colnames = c("REGULATORY_REGION",
#' @param cov Optional. A data.frame with covariates values for the population 
#' structure where the columns are the PCs and the rows are the individual IIDs
#' Default is NULL
#' @param varExplained An integer between 0 and 100; varExplained=80 means that
#' the principal components selected to fit the models must explain at least
#' 80 percent of variation of TBA values; default is 80
#' @param scale A logical; if scale=FALSE the TBA values will be only centered,
#' not scaled before performing PCA; default is TRUE
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @param kfold An integer. The k definition of k-fold cross-validation on the
#' training dataset. Default is 1. This argument controls the behavior of the
#' function in the following way:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item kfold<2: train the models on the whole dataset, not performing the
#'   cross-validation
#'  \item kfold>=2: perform the k-fold cross-validation
#' }
#' @return The output depends on the parameter kfold
#' If kfold<2: a list containing three objects: pca, bs, regionsCount
#' \itemize{
#'  \item pca: A list containing lists named as the
#'  MultiAssayExperiment::experiments() found in the MultiAssayExperiment
#'  objects listed in the param tbaPaths. Each of these lists contain two
#'  objects:
#'  \itemize{
#'      \item eigenvectors: A matrix containing eigenvectors for those principal
#'      components of the TBA selected according to the param varExplained
#'      \item pcs: A matrix containing the principal components values of the 
#'      TBA selected according to the param varExplained
#'      \item eigenvalues: A vector containing eigenvalues for those principal
#'      components of the TBA selected according to the param varExplained
#'  }
#'  \item bs: A list containing lists named as the EXPRESSED_REGIONS found in
#'  the param regionAssoc that have a correspondent rowname in the expression
#'  values stored SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix)$assay.
#'  Each of the lists in bs contains three objects:
#'  \itemize{
#'      \item coefficients: The coefficients of the principal components used in the
#'      model, completely similar to the "coefficients" from the results of lm()
#'      \item p.val: The uncorrected anova pvalue of the model
#'      \item r.sq: The coefficient of determination between the real total expression
#'      values and the imputed GReX, retrived from summary(model)$r.squared
#'      \item corrected.p.val: The p-value of the model, corrected for multiple
#'      testing with benjamini-hochberg procedure
#'  }
#'  \item regionsCount: An integer, that is the number of genomic regions taken into
#'  account during the training phase
#' }
#' If kfold>=2: a list containing k-fold objects, named from 1 to kfold and
#' corresponding to the different cross-validations [i]; each one of these
#' objects is a list containing lists named as the expressed gene IDs [y] (i.e.
#' the rownames() of the object in SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix)
#' containing the expression values), for which a GReX could be imputed. Each of
#' these inner lists contain two objects:
#' \itemize{     
#'  \item rho: the pearson's correlation coefficient (R) between the real
#'  expression values and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on
#'  the expressed gene y, computed with cor()
#'  \item rho.sq: the coefficient of determination (R^2) between the real
#'  expression values and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on
#'  the expressed gene y, computed as pearson^2
#'  \item cor.test.p.val: the p-value of the cor.test() between the real expression values
#'  and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on the expressed gene y
#'  \item model.p.val: The uncorrected anova pvalue of the model
#'  \item model.corrected.p.val: The p-value of the model, corrected for
#'  multiple testing with benjamini-hochberg procedure
#'  \item model.r.sq: the model's coefficient of determination (R^2) on the
#'  training data
#' }
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment SummarizedExperiment BiocParallel crayon
#' @importFrom stats anova cor cor.test lm p.adjust pf prcomp setNames var
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE, kfold=3)
#' }
affiXcanTrain <- function(exprMatrix, assay, tbaPaths, regionAssoc, cov=NULL,
    varExplained=80, scale=TRUE, BPPARAM=bpparam(), kfold=1) {
    regionsCount <- overlookRegions(tbaPaths)
    sampleNames <- colnames(exprMatrix)
    nSamples <- length(sampleNames)
    sampGroups <- subsetKFold(kfold, nSamples)
    for (i in seq(length(sampGroups))) {
        sampGroups[[i]] <- colnames(exprMatrix)[sampGroups[[i]]]
    trainingOutput <- vector('list', length=kfold)
    for (i in seq(kfold)) {
        if (kfold > 1) {
            cat(green(bold("\nAffiXcan")),": ",cyan("Performing Training With",
                kfold, "Fold Cross-Validation (",i,"/",kfold,")\n"), sep="")
            testingSamples <- sampGroups[[i]]
            trainingSamples <- sampleNames[!sampleNames %in% testingSamples]
        else {
            cat(green(bold("\nAffiXcan")),": ", cyan("Training The Models\n"),
            trainingSamples <- sampleNames

            green("Performing Principal Components Analysis\n"))
        pca <- affiXcanPca(tbaPaths, varExplained, scale, regionsCount,
                           BPPARAM, trainingSamples)
        cat(bold(cyan("\t-->")), green("Training Linear Models\n"))
        bs <- affiXcanBs(exprMatrix, assay, regionAssoc, pca, cov, BPPARAM,
        affiXcanTraining <- list(pca=pca, bs=bs, regionsCount=regionsCount)

        if (kfold > 1) {
                green("Computing Principal Components On Validation Set\n"))
            pcs <- affiXcanPcs(tbaPaths, affiXcanTraining, scale, BPPARAM,
            cat(bold(cyan("\t-->")), green("Imputing GReX Values\n"))
            imputedExpr <- affiXcanGReX(affiXcanTraining, pcs, BPPARAM)
            cat(bold(cyan("\t-->")), green("Computing Cross-Validated R^2\n"))
            correlation <- computeRSquared(exprMatrix, imputedExpr, assay,
                                         testingSamples, BPPARAM)
            for (gene in names(correlation)) {
                correlation[[gene]]$model.p.val <- bs[[gene]]$p.val
                correlation[[gene]]$model.corrected.p.val <-
                correlation[[gene]]$model.r.sq <- bs[[gene]]$r.sq
            trainingOutput[[i]] <- correlation
        else {
            trainingOutput <- affiXcanTraining

#' Split the numbers from 1 to n in k equally-sized lists
#' @param k An integer. The number of groups in which the first n natural
#' numbers are to be splitted
#' @param n An integer. Defines the interval 1..n 
#' @return A list of lists; the first natural n numbers equally distributed 
#' across k lists
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sampGroups <- subsetKFold(k=5, n=23)
subsetKFold <- function(k, n) {
    sampGroups <- as.vector(seq(n))
    sampGroups <- split(sampGroups, seq_along(sampGroups)%%k + 1)

#' Perform a PCA on each experiment found in MultiAssayExperiment objects
#' @param tbaPaths A vector of strings, which are the paths to
#' MultiAssayExperiment RDS files containing the tba values
#' @param varExplained An integer between 0 and 100; varExplained=80 means that
#' the principal components selected to fit the models must explain at least
#' 80 percent of variation of TBA values; default is 80
#' @param scale A logical; if scale=FALSE the TBA values will be only centered,
#' not scaled before performing PCA; default is TRUE
#' @param regionsCount An integer, that is the summation of length(assays()) of
#' every MultiAssayExperiment RDS object indicated in the param tbaPaths; it is
#' the returning value from overlookRegions()
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @param trainingSamples A vector of strings. The identifiers (e.g. row names
#' of MultiAssayExperiment objects from tbaPaths) of the samples that have to
#' be considered in the training phase, and not used for the cross-validation 
#' @return pca: A list containing lists named as the 
#' MultiAssayExperiment::experiments() found in the MultiAssayExperiment objects
#' listed in the param tbaPaths. Each of these lists contain two objects:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item eigenvectors: A matrix containing eigenvectors for those principal
#'  components selected according to the param varExplained
#'  \item pcs: A matrix containing the principal components values selected
#'  according to the param varExplained
#'  \item eigenvalues: A vector containing eigenvalues for those principal
#'  components selected according to the param varExplained
#' }
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment BiocParallel 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' tbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' regionsCount <- overlookRegions(tbaPaths)
#' sampleNames <- colnames(exprMatrix)
#' nSamples <- length(sampleNames)
#' sampGroups <- subsetKFold(k=3, n=nSamples)
#' for (i in seq(length(sampGroups))) {
#'      sampGroups[[i]] <- colnames(exprMatrix)[sampGroups[[i]]]
#' }
#' testingSamples <- sampGroups[[1]]
#' trainingSamples <- sampleNames[!sampleNames %in% testingSamples]
#' pca <- affiXcanPca(tbaPaths=tbaPaths, varExplained=80, scale=TRUE,
#' regionsCount=regionsCount, trainingSamples=trainingSamples)
#' }
affiXcanPca <- function(tbaPaths, varExplained=80, scale=TRUE, regionsCount,
                        BPPARAM=bpparam(), trainingSamples) {

    pca <- vector("list", regionsCount)
    index <- 0

    for(i in seq(1,length(tbaPaths))) {

        tbaMatrixMAE <- readRDS(tbaPaths[i])
        tbaMatrixMAE <- MultiAssayExperiment::subsetByRow(tbaMatrixMAE,
        tbaMatrix <- MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(tbaMatrixMAE)

        newPca <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=tbaMatrix, FUN=computePca,
        varExplained, scale, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

        for(l in seq(1,length(newPca))) {
            pca[index + l] <- newPca[l]
            names(pca)[index + l] <- names(newPca)[l]

        index <- index + length(newPca)



#' Perform a PCA on a matrix where columns are variables
#' @param data A matrix containing the TBA values for a certain genomic region;
#' columns are PWMs, rows are individuals IIDs
#' @param varExplained An integer between 0 and 100; varExplained=80 means that
#' the principal components selected to fit the models must explain at least
#' 80 percent of variation of TBA values; default is 80
#' @param scale A logical; if scale=FALSE the TBA values will be only centered,
#' not scaled before performing PCA; default is TRUE
#' @return A list containing two objects:
#' \itemize{ 
#'  \item eigenvectors: A matrix containing eigenvectors for those principal
#'  components selected according to the param varExplained
#'  \item pcs: A matrix containing the principal components values selected
#'  according to the param varExplained
#'  \item eigenvalues: A vector containing eigenvalues for those principal
#'  components selected according to the param varExplained
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' sampleNames <- colnames(exprMatrix)
#' nSamples <- length(sampleNames)
#' sampGroups <- subsetKFold(k=3, n=nSamples)
#' for (i in seq(length(sampGroups))) {
#'      sampGroups[[i]] <- colnames(exprMatrix)[sampGroups[[i]]]
#' }
#' testingSamples <- sampGroups[[i]]
#' trainingSamples <- sampleNames[!sampleNames %in% testingSamples]
#' tbaMatrixMAE <- readRDS(system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan"))
#' tbaMatrixMAE <- MultiAssayExperiment::subsetByRow(tbaMatrixMAE,
#'                                                   trainingSamples)
#' tbaMatrix <- MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(tbaMatrixMAE)
#' tba <- tbaMatrix$ENSG00000256377.1
#' pca <- computePca(data=tba, varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' }
computePca <- function(data, varExplained=80, scale=TRUE) {

    tryCatch (
            notScalablePwm <- vector('character')
            for(pwm in colnames(data)) {
                if(TRUE %in% is.na(data[[pwm]]) || var(data[[pwm]])==0) {        
                    notScalablePwm <- c(notScalablePwm, pwm)
                    data[[pwm]] <- NULL

            dataPrcomp <- prcomp(data, center = TRUE, scale. = scale)
            dataPcs <- dataPrcomp$x
            pcVar <- dataPrcomp$sdev^2
            totVar <- sum(pcVar)
            eigenvalues <- pcVar * 100 / totVar 
            eigenvectors <- dataPrcomp$rotation
            nWantedPcs <- which.max(cumsum(eigenvalues) >= varExplained)
            wantedPcs <- subset(dataPcs, select=colnames(dataPcs)[1:nWantedPcs])
            wantedEigenvectors <- subset(eigenvectors,

            for(pwm in notScalablePwm) {
                newLine <- matrix(rep(0, nWantedPcs), nrow=1)
                wantedEigenvectors <- rbind(wantedEigenvectors, newLine)
                rownames(wantedEigenvectors)[nrow(wantedEigenvectors)] <- pwm

            wantedEigenvectors <- as.data.frame(wantedEigenvectors)
            wantedEigenvectors <- 
            wantedEigenvectors <- as.matrix(wantedEigenvectors)

            wantedEigenvalues <- eigenvalues[1:nWantedPcs]
            names(wantedEigenvalues) <- colnames(wantedEigenvectors)

            return(list(eigenvectors=wantedEigenvectors, pcs=wantedPcs,
        error=function(e) {
            wantedEigenvectors <- NA
            wantedPcs <- NA
            wantedEigenvalues <- NA
            return(list(eigenvectors=wantedEigenvectors, pcs=wantedPcs,

#' Fit linear models and compute ANOVA p-values
#' @param exprMatrix A SummarizedExperiment object containing expression data
#' @param assay A string with the name of the object in
#' SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix) that contains expression values
#' @param regionAssoc A data.frame with the associations between regulatory
#' regions and expressed genes, and with colnames = c("REGULATORY_REGION",
#' @param pca A list, which is the returningObject$pca from affiXcanPca()
#' @param cov Optional; a data.frame with covariates values for the population
#' structure where the columns are the PCs and the rows are the individual IDs;
#' default is NULL
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @param trainingSamples A vector of strings. The identifiers (e.g. row names
#' of MultiAssayExperiment objects from tbaPaths) of the samples that have to
#' be considered in the training phase, and not used for the cross-validation
#' @return A list containing lists named as the EXPRESSED_REGIONS found in the
#' param regionAssoc.
#' Each of these lists contain three objects:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item coefficients: An object containing the coefficients of the principal
#'  components used in the model, completely similar to the "coefficients"
#'  from the results of lm()
#'  \item p.val: The uncorrected anova p-value of the model
#'  \item r.sq: The coefficient of determination between the real total expression
#'  values and the imputed GReX, retrived from summary(model)$r.squared
#'  \item corrected.p.val: The p-value of the model, corrected for multiple
#'  testing with benjamini-hochberg procedure 
#' }
#' @import SummarizedExperiment BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' tbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' regionsCount <- overlookRegions(tbaPaths)
#' assay <- "values"
#' sampleNames <- colnames(exprMatrix)
#' nSamples <- length(sampleNames)
#' sampGroups <- subsetKFold(k=5, n=nSamples)
#' for (i in seq(length(sampGroups))) {
#'      sampGroups[[i]] <- colnames(exprMatrix)[sampGroups[[i]]]
#' }
#' testingSamples <- sampGroups[[1]]
#' trainingSamples <- sampleNames[!sampleNames %in% testingSamples]
#' pca <- affiXcanPca(tbaPaths=tbaPaths, varExplained=80, scale=TRUE,
#' regionsCount=regionsCount, trainingSamples=trainingSamples)
#' bs <- affiXcanBs(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay, regionAssoc=regionAssoc,
#' pca=pca, cov=trainingCovariates, trainingSamples=trainingSamples)
#' }
affiXcanBs <- function(exprMatrix, assay, regionAssoc, pca, cov=NULL,
                       BPPARAM=bpparam(), trainingSamples) {

    if (is.null(cov)==FALSE) {
        cov <- cov[rownames(cov) %in% trainingSamples,]
    expr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix)[[assay]]
    expr <- expr[,colnames(expr) %in% trainingSamples]

    expressedRegions <- as.vector(unique(regionAssoc$EXPRESSED_REGION))
    assocList <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=expressedRegions, FUN=assoc2list,
        regionAssoc, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
    names(assocList) <- expressedRegions

    bs <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=assocList, FUN=computeBs, pca,
        tDfExprMatrix, cov, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

    ## Remove ensg for which the model is NA
    for(i in names(bs)) {
        if(is.na(bs[[i]]$r.sq)) {
            bs[[i]] <- NULL

    ## Compute multitest pvalue correction (benjamini-hochberg)
    pvalues <- vector("numeric", length=length(bs))
    for(i in seq(1:length(pvalues))) {
        pvalues[[i]] <- bs[[i]]$p.val
    multi.test.pvals <- p.adjust(pvalues, method="BH")
    for(i in seq(1:length(bs))) {
        bs[[i]]$corrected.p.val <- multi.test.pvals[[i]]

#' Reorganize associations table in a list
#' @param gene A string; the name of an expressed gene
#' @param regionAssoc A data.frame with the associations between regulatory
#' regions and expressed genes, and with colnames = c("REGULATORY_REGION",
#' @return A list of data frames, each of which has the same structure of the
#' param regionAssoc, except that contains the information relative to one
#' expressed gene
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' expressedRegions <- as.list(as.vector(unique(regionAssoc$EXPRESSED_REGION)))
#' gene <- expressedRegions[[1]]
#' assocList <- assoc2list(gene, regionAssoc)
#' }
assoc2list <- function(gene, regionAssoc) {

#' Fit a linear model to impute a GReX for a certain gene
#' @param assocRegions A data.frame with the associations between regulatory
#' regions and one expressed gene, and with colnames = c("REGULATORY_REGION",
#' @param pca The returningObject$pca from affiXcanTrain()
#' @param expr A matrix containing the real total expression values, where the
#' columns are genes and the rows are individual IIDs
#' @param covariates Optrional; a data.frame with covariates values for the
#' population structure where the columns are the PCs and the rows are the
#' individual IIDs; default is NULL
#' @return A list containing three objects:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item coefficients: An object containing the coefficients of the principal
#'  components used in the model, completely similar to the "coefficients"
#'  from the results of lm()
#'  \item p.val: The uncorrected anova pvalue of the model
#'  \item r.sq: The coefficient of determination between the real total expression
#'  values and the imputed GReX, retrived from summary(model)$r.squared
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' tbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' regionsCount <- overlookRegions(tbaPaths)
#' assay <- "values"
#' sampleNames <- colnames(exprMatrix)
#' nSamples <- length(sampleNames)
#' sampGroups <- subsetKFold(k=5, n=nSamples)
#' for (i in seq(length(sampGroups))) {
#'      sampGroups[[i]] <- colnames(exprMatrix)[sampGroups[[i]]]
#' }
#' testingSamples <- sampGroups[[1]]
#' trainingSamples <- sampleNames[!sampleNames %in% testingSamples]
#' pca <- affiXcanPca(tbaPaths=tbaPaths, varExplained=80, scale=TRUE,
#' regionsCount=regionsCount, trainingSamples=trainingSamples)
#' cov <- trainingCovariates
#' cov <- cov[rownames(cov) %in% trainingSamples,]
#' expr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix)[[assay]]
#' expr <- expr[,colnames(expr) %in% trainingSamples]
#' expr <- t(as.data.frame(expr))
#' expressedRegions <- as.vector(unique(regionAssoc$EXPRESSED_REGION))
#' assocList <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=expressedRegions, FUN=assoc2list,
#' regionAssoc)
#' names(assocList) <- expressedRegions
#' assocRegions <- assocList[[1]]
#' bs <- computeBs(assocRegions=assocRegions, pca=pca, expr=expr,
#' covariates=cov)
#' }
computeBs <- function(assocRegions, pca, expr, covariates=NULL) {
    expressedRegion <- as.vector(unique(assocRegions$EXPRESSED_REGION))
    expression <- as.vector(as.data.frame(expr)[[expressedRegion]])
    tryCatch (
            myPcs <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(expr)))
            myPcsColnames <- vector("character")

            for(regulRegion in assocRegions$REGULATORY_REGION) {

                ## Discards the pcs for those regions that are NA in the model
                if(is.null(pca[[regulRegion]]$pcs[[1]]) ||
                    is.na(pca[[regulRegion]]$pcs[[1]])) {


                } else {

                    nNames <- length(colnames(pca[[regulRegion]]$pcs))
                    regionColnames <- colnames(pca[[regulRegion]]$pcs)
                    regionColnames <- paste(regionColnames, regulRegion,
                    myPcsColnames <- c(myPcsColnames, regionColnames)
                    regulRegionPcs <- pca[[regulRegion]]$pcs
                    myPcs <- cbind(myPcs, regulRegionPcs)


            if (is.null(covariates)==FALSE) {
                myPcsColnames <- c(myPcsColnames, names(covariates))
                myPcs <- cbind(myPcs, covariates)

            myPcs <- as.matrix(subset(myPcs, select=-V1))
            colnames(myPcs) = myPcsColnames

            model <- lm(expression~myPcs)
            if (is.null(covariates)==FALSE) {
                modelReduced <- lm(expression~as.matrix(covariates))
                a <- anova(model, modelReduced, test="F")
                pval <- a$'Pr(>F)'[2]
            } else {
                f <- summary(model)$fstatistic
                pval <- pf(f[1],f[2],f[3],lower.tail=F)
                attributes(pval) <- NULL

            if (is.null(covariates)==FALSE) {
                betas <- model$coefficients[seq(1,
            } else {
                betas <- model$coefficients

            r.sq <- summary(model)$r.squared
            results <- list(coefficients=betas, p.val=pval, r.sq=r.sq)
        error = function(e) {
            ## TODO: throw warning
            betas <- NA
            pval <- NA
            r.sq <- NA
            results <- list(coefficients=betas, p.val=pval, r.sq=r.sq)

#' Count the number of genomic regions on which the TBA was computed
#' @param tbaPaths, A vector of strings, which are the paths to
#' MultiAssayExperiment RDS files containing the tba values
#' @return An integer, that is the summation of length(assays()) of every
#' MultiAssayExperiment RDS object indicated in the param tbaPaths
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' testingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","testing.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' regionsCount <- overlookRegions(tbaPaths=testingTbaPaths)
#' }
overlookRegions <- function(tbaPaths) {

    regionsCount <- 0 
    for(path in tbaPaths) {
        tba <- readRDS(path)
        assaysNum <- length(assays(tba))
        regionsCount <- regionsCount + assaysNum


#' Compute PCs in MultiAssayExperiment objects using eigenvectors given by user
#' @param tbaPaths A vector of strings, which are the paths to
#' MultiAssayExperiment RDS files containing the tba values
#' @param affiXcanTraining The returning object from affiXcanTrain()
#' @param scale A logical; if scale=FALSE the TBA values will be only centered,
#' not scaled before performing PCA
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @param testingSamples A vector of strings. The identifiers (e.g. row names
#' of MultiAssayExperiment objects from tbaPaths) of the samples that have not
#' been considered in the training phase, to be used in the cross-validation;
#' default is NULL; if is.null(testingSamples)==TRUE then no filtering is
#' performed
#' @return A list of matrices containing the principal components values of TBA
#' for each region; each object of the list is named after the
#' MultiAssayExperiment object from which it derives
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' testingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","testing.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' pcs <- affiXcanPcs(tbaPaths=testingTbaPaths, affiXcanTraining=training,
#' scale=TRUE)
#' }
affiXcanPcs <- function(tbaPaths, affiXcanTraining, scale, BPPARAM=bpparam(),
                        testingSamples=NULL) {

    pcs <- vector("list", affiXcanTraining$regionsCount)
    index <- 0

    for(i in seq(1,length(tbaPaths))) {

        pca <- affiXcanTraining$pca
        tbaMatrixMAE <- readRDS(tbaPaths[i])
        if (is.null(testingSamples)==FALSE) {
            tbaMatrixMAE <- MultiAssayExperiment::subsetByRow(tbaMatrixMAE,
        tbaMatrix <- MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(tbaMatrixMAE)
        regionsList <- setNames(as.list(names(tbaMatrix)), names(tbaMatrix))
        newPcs <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=regionsList, FUN=computePcs,
            tbaMatrix, scale, pca, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
        for(l in seq(1,length(newPcs))) {
            pcs[index + l] <- newPcs[l]
            names(pcs)[index + l] <- names(newPcs)[l]

        index <- index + length(newPcs)


#' Compute a matrix product between variables and eigenvectors
#' @param region A string, which is the name of the object in the list
#' MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(tbaMatrix) that contains the TBA values of
#' the genomic region of interest (see the param tbaMatrix)
#' @param tbaMatrix A MultiAssayExperiment object containing the TBA values
#' @param scale A logical; if scale=FALSE the TBA values will be only centered,
#' not scaled before performing PCA
#' @param pca The returningObject$pca from affiXcanTrain()
#' @return A data.frame containing the principal components values of the TBA
#' in a certain genomic region, as the result of the matrix product between the
#' TBA values and the eigenvectors
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' region <- "ENSG00000256377.1"
#' tbaMatrixMAE <- readRDS(system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan"))
#' pca <- training$pca
#' pcs <- computePcs(region=region, tbaMatrix=tbaMatrixMAE, scale=TRUE, pca=pca)
#' }
computePcs <- function(region, tbaMatrix, scale, pca) {

    myRegion <- region[[1]]
    myTbaMatrix <- tbaMatrix[[myRegion]]

    tryCatch (
            myEigenvectors <- as.matrix(pca[[myRegion]]$eigenvectors)
            dataScaled <- as.matrix(scale(myTbaMatrix, center = TRUE,
                scale = scale))
            myPcs <- as.data.frame(dataScaled %*% myEigenvectors)
        error = function(e) {
            myPcs <- NA

#' Compute a GReX from variables and their coefficients for a set of genes
#' @param affiXcanTraining The returning object from affiXcanTrain()
#' @param pcs A list, which is the returning object from affiXcanPcs()
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment object containing the imputed GReX values
#' @import SummarizedExperiment BiocParallel 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' testingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","testing.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' pcs <- affiXcanPcs(tbaPaths=testingTbaPaths, affiXcanTraining=training,
#' scale=TRUE)
#' exprmatrix <- affiXcanGReX(affiXcanTraining=training, pcs=pcs)
#' }
affiXcanGReX <- function(affiXcanTraining, pcs, BPPARAM=bpparam()) {
    bs <- affiXcanTraining$bs
    expr <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=bs, FUN=computeExpr, pcs, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

    exprmatrix <- matrix(nrow = nrow(pcs[[1]]), ncol=0)
    rownames(exprmatrix) <- rownames(pcs[[1]])
    for(i in seq(1:length(expr))) {
        if(is.na(expr[[i]][[1]])==FALSE) {
            exprMatrixPart <- matrix(expr[[i]], ncol=1)
            colnames(exprMatrixPart)[[1]] <- ls(expr[i])
            exprMatrixPart <- as.matrix(exprMatrixPart, ncol=1)
            exprmatrix <- cbind(exprmatrix, exprMatrixPart)
    ## TODO: possibly include a colData given by the user in the SE object
    Summarized.GReX <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(GReX=t(exprmatrix)))

#' Compute the imputed GReX for a certain gene on a set of individuals
#' @param bs A list containing three objects:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item coefficients: An object containing the coefficients of the principal
#'  components used in the model, completely similar to the "coefficients"
#'  object from the results of lm()
#'  \item p.val: The uncorrected anova pvalue of the model
#'  \item r.sq: The coefficient of determination between the real total expression
#'  values and the imputed GReX, retrived from summary(model)$r.squared
#' }
#' @param pcs A list, which is the returning object of affiXcanPcs()
#' @return A vector of imputed GReX values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' testingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","testing.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' pcs <- affiXcanPcs(tbaPaths=testingTbaPaths, affiXcanTraining=training,
#' scale=TRUE)
#' region <- "ENSG00000256377.1"
#' bs <- training$bs[[region]]
#' exprmatrix <- computeExpr(bs=bs, pcs=pcs)
#' }
computeExpr <- function(bs, pcs) {

    tryCatch (
            ## ANOVA p-value is not used anymore (changes in version 1.3.1)
            #if(is.na(bs$correctedP) == TRUE || bs$correctedP > 0.05) {
            #    exprVector <- NA
            #    return(exprVector)
            #} else {
            ## create vector with all regulatory region names associated
            ## with the expressed region
            regulRegions <- names(bs$coefficients[-1])
            for(i in seq(1:length(regulRegions))) {

                name <- strsplit(regulRegions[[i]], split="@", fixed=TRUE)
                regulRegions[[i]] <- name[[1]][[2]]

            regulRegions <- unique(regulRegions)
            ## create data frame with all the predictors 
            pcVals <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(pcs[[regulRegions]]),
            rownames(pcVals) <- as.vector(rownames(pcs[[regulRegions]]))
            for(region in regulRegions) {
                pcValsPart <- pcs[[region]]
                colnames(pcValsPart) <- paste(colnames(pcValsPart), "@",
                    region, sep="")
                pcVals <- cbind(pcVals, pcValsPart)
            ## create vector with imputed expression values
            exprVector <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nrow(pcVals))
            intercept <- bs$coefficients[[1]]
            coefficients <- as.vector(bs$coefficients[-1])
            for(j in seq(1, nrow(pcVals))) {
                expr <- sum(coefficients * as.vector(pcVals[j, ]))
                    + intercept
                exprVector[j] <- expr

        error = function(e) {
            exprVector <- NA

#' Compute R and R^2 between rows of two SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @param realExpr A SummarizedExperiment object containing expression data
#' @param imputedExpr The returning object of affiXcanImpute()
#' @param assay A string with the name of the object in
#' SummarizedExperiment::assays(realExpr) that contains expression values
#' @param testingSamples A vector of strings. The identifiers of the samples
#' that have to be considered by the function; default is NULL; if 
#' is.null(testingSamples)==TRUE then no filtering is performed
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @return A list of lists; inner lists are named after the rows for which the
#' correlation between realExpr and imputedExpr have been computed; inner
#' lists contain two objects:
#' \itemize{     
#'  \item rho: the pearson's correlation coefficient (R) between the real
#'  expression values and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on
#'  the expressed gene y, computed with cor()
#'  \item rho.sq: the coefficient of determination (R^2) between the real
#'  expression values and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on
#'  the expressed gene y, computed as pearson^2
#'  \item cor.test.p.val: the p-value of the cor.test() between the real expression values
#'  and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on the expressed gene y
#' }
#' @import SummarizedExperiment BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' imputedExpr <- affiXcanImpute(tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths,
#' affiXcanTraining=training, scale=TRUE)
#' realExpr <- exprMatrix
#' correlation <- computeRSquared(realExpr, imputedExpr, assay)
#' }
computeRSquared <- function(realExpr, imputedExpr, assay,
                            testingSamples=NULL, BPPARAM=bpparam()) {
    geneNames <- rownames(imputedExpr)
    names(geneNames) <- geneNames

    if (is.null(testingSamples)==FALSE) {
        realExpr <- realExpr[,colnames(exprMatrix) %in% testingSamples]
    ## check/correct the consistency of the order of the samples
        imputedExpr <- imputedExpr[,colnames(realExpr)]
    imputedExpr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(imputedExpr)$GReX
    realExpr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(realExpr)[[assay]] 
    correlation <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X=geneNames, FUN=computeCorrelation,
                                       realExpr, imputedExpr, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

#' Compute R and R^2 on a particular row of two SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @param geneName A string. The row name in realExpr and imputedExpr objects
#' that identifies the vectors between which R and R^2 have to be computed
#' @param realExpr A SummarizedExperiment object containing expression data
#' @param imputedExpr The returning object of affiXcanImpute()
#' @return A list of two objects:
#' \itemize{     
#'  \item rho: the pearson's correlation coefficient (R) between the real
#'  expression values and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on
#'  the expressed gene y, computed with cor()
#'  \item rho.sq: the coefficient of determination (R^2) between the real
#'  expression values and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on
#'  the expressed gene y, computed as pearson^2
#'  \item cor.test.p.val: the p-value of the cor.test() between the real expression values
#'  and the imputed GReX for the cross-validation i on the expressed gene y
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc, cov=trainingCovariates,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' imputedExpr <- affiXcanImpute(tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths,
#' affiXcanTraining=training, scale=TRUE)
#' realExpr <- exprMatrix
#' geneName <- "ENSG00000256377.1"
#' imputedExpr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(imputedExpr)$GReX
#' realExpr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(realExpr)[[assay]]
#' correlation <- computeCorrelation(geneName, realExpr, imputedExpr) 
#' }
computeCorrelation <- function(geneName, realExpr, imputedExpr) {
    realExpr <- realExpr[rownames(realExpr)==geneName]
    imputedExpr <- imputedExpr[rownames(imputedExpr)==geneName]
    pearson <- cor(imputedExpr, realExpr)
    pearson.sq <- pearson^2
    pvalue <- cor.test(imputedExpr, realExpr)$p.value
    correlation <- list("rho"=pearson, "rho.sq"=pearson.sq, "cor.test.p.val"=pvalue)

#' Impute a GReX for each gene for which a model was generated
#' @param tbaPaths A vector of strings, which are the paths to
#' MultiAssayExperiment RDS files containing the tba values
#' @param affiXcanTraining The returning object from affiXcanTrain()
#' @param scale A logical; if scale=FALSE the TBA values will be only centered,
#' not scaled before performing PCA; default is TRUE
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallelParam object. Default is bpparam(). For
#' details on BiocParallelParam virtual base class see 
#' browseVignettes("BiocParallel")
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment object containing imputed GReX values
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment SummarizedExperiment BiocParallel crayon
#' @export
#' @examples
#' trainingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","training.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' data(exprMatrix)
#' data(regionAssoc)
#' data(trainingCovariates)
#' assay <- "values"
#' training <- affiXcanTrain(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, assay=assay,
#' tbaPaths=trainingTbaPaths, regionAssoc=regionAssoc,
#' varExplained=80, scale=TRUE)
#' testingTbaPaths <- system.file("extdata","testing.tba.toydata.rds",
#' package="AffiXcan")
#' exprmatrix <- affiXcanImpute(tbaPaths=testingTbaPaths,
#' affiXcanTraining=training, scale=TRUE)
affiXcanImpute <- function(tbaPaths, affiXcanTraining, scale=TRUE,
                           BPPARAM=bpparam()) {
    regionsCount <- overlookRegions(tbaPaths)
    if(regionsCount!=affiXcanTraining$regionsCount) {
        warning(cat("The amount of genomic regions included in the training
                    phase is different from those found in the TBA matrices:\n
                    TBA in the training set was computed on ",
                    affiXcanTraining$regionsCount, " regions\n TBA provided in
                    tbaPaths refers to ", regionsCount, " regions\n"))
    cat(bold(green("\nAffiXcan")),": ",
        cyan("Imputing Genetically Regulated Expression (GReX)\n"), sep="")
    cat(bold(cyan("\t--> ")), green("Computing Principal Components\n"), sep="")
    pcs <- affiXcanPcs(tbaPaths, affiXcanTraining, scale, BPPARAM)
    cat(bold(cyan("\t--> ")), green("Imputing GReX values\n"), sep="")
    exprmatrix <- affiXcanGReX(affiXcanTraining, pcs, BPPARAM)

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AffiXcan documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:07 p.m.