# Help files will be automatically generated from the coments starting with #'
# (
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = shift)
#' @import GSEABase
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @title Calculate AUC
#' @description Calculates the 'AUC' for each gene-set in each cell.
#' @param geneSets List of gene-sets (or signatures) to test in the cells.
#' The gene-sets should be provided as \code{\link{GeneSet}},
#' \code{\link{GeneSetCollection}} or character list (see examples).
#' @param rankings 'Rankings' created for this dataset with
#' \code{\link{AUCell_buildRankings}}.
#' @param nCores Number of cores to use for computation.
#' @param normAUC Wether to normalize the maximum possible AUC to 1 (Default: TRUE).
#' @param aucMaxRank Threshold to calculate the AUC (see 'details' section)
#' @param verbose Should the function show progress messages? (TRUE / FALSE)
#' @return Matrix with the AUC values (gene-sets as rows, cells as columns).
#' @details In a simplified way, the AUC value represents the fraction of genes,
#' within the top X genes in the ranking, that are included in the signature.
#' The parameter 'aucMaxRank' allows to modify the number of genes
#' (maximum ranking) that is used to perform this computation.
#' By default, it is set to 5\% of the total number of genes in the rankings.
#' Common values may range from 1 to 20\%.
#' @seealso Previous step in the workflow: \code{\link{AUCell_buildRankings}}.
#' Next step in the workflow: \code{\link{AUCell_exploreThresholds}}.
#' See the package vignette for examples and more details:
#' \code{vignette("AUCell")}
#' @example inst/examples/example_AUCell_calcAUC.R
# @docType methods
#' @rdname AUCell_calcAUC
#' @export
setGeneric("AUCell_calcAUC", signature="geneSets",
function(geneSets, rankings, nCores=1, normAUC=TRUE,
aucMaxRank=ceiling(0.05*nrow(rankings)), verbose=TRUE)
#' @rdname AUCell_calcAUC
#' @aliases AUCell_calcAUC,list-method
setMethod("AUCell_calcAUC", "list",
function(geneSets, rankings, nCores=1, normAUC=TRUE,
aucMaxRank=ceiling(0.05*nrow(rankings)), verbose=TRUE)
.AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets=geneSets, rankings=rankings, nCores=nCores,
aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank, verbose=verbose)
#' @rdname AUCell_calcAUC
#' @aliases AUCell_calcAUC,character-method
setMethod("AUCell_calcAUC", "character",
function(geneSets, rankings, nCores=1, normAUC=TRUE,
aucMaxRank=ceiling(0.05*nrow(rankings)), verbose=TRUE)
geneSets <- list(geneSet=geneSets)
.AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets=geneSets, rankings=rankings, nCores=nCores,
aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank, verbose=verbose)
#' @rdname AUCell_calcAUC
#' @aliases AUCell_calcAUC,GeneSet-method
setMethod("AUCell_calcAUC", "GeneSet",
function(geneSets, rankings, nCores=1, normAUC=TRUE,
aucMaxRank=ceiling(0.05*nrow(rankings)), verbose=TRUE)
geneSets <- setNames(list(GSEABase::geneIds(geneSets)),
.AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets=geneSets, rankings=rankings, nCores=nCores,
aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank, verbose=verbose)
#' @rdname AUCell_calcAUC
#' @aliases AUCell_calcAUC,GeneSetCollection-method
setMethod("AUCell_calcAUC", "GeneSetCollection",
function(geneSets, rankings, nCores=1, normAUC=TRUE,
aucMaxRank=ceiling(0.05*nrow(rankings)), verbose=TRUE)
geneSets <- GSEABase::geneIds(geneSets)
.AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets=geneSets, rankings=rankings, nCores=nCores,
aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank, verbose=verbose)
# Takes named character list as input
.AUCell_calcAUC <- function(geneSets, rankings,
nCores=1, mctype=c("snow","domc")[1],
aucMaxRank=ceiling(0.05*nrow(rankings)), verbose=TRUE)
stop("geneSets should be a named list.")
stop("geneSets should be a named list.")
warning("Ignoring the following empty sets: ", paste0(names(lengths(geneSets))[which(lengths(geneSets)<=0)], collapse=", "))
geneSets <- geneSets[which(lengths(geneSets)>0)]
if(length(geneSets)<=0) stop("No geneSets provided or remaining.")
if(nCores > length(geneSets))
nCores <- length(geneSets) # No point in using more...
if((aucMaxRank < 300) && verbose)
warning("Using only the first ", aucMaxRank,
" genes (aucMaxRank) to calculate the AUC.", immediate.=TRUE)
if(aucMaxRank <=0) stop("aucMaxRank should be a positive value.")
if(!methods::is(rankings,"aucellResults") ||
stop('These rankings were built with a previous AUCell version. \n",
"Please update them with updateAucellResults(..., objectType="ranking")')
stop("Rankings should be a the object returned by AUCell_buildRankings()")
} else{
rankings <- getRanking(rankings)
# if(!key(rankings) == "rn") stop("The rankings key should be 'rn'.")
if(!normAUC) .AUC.geneSet <- .AUC.geneSet_old()
if(normAUC) .AUC.geneSet <- .AUC.geneSet_norm
#### 1. Calculate the AUC for each gene set
gSetName <- NULL
aucMatrix <- sapply(names(geneSets), function(gSetName)
.AUC.geneSet(geneSet=geneSets[[gSetName]], rankings=rankings,
aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank, gSetName=gSetName))
aucMatrix <- t(aucMatrix)
if(!mctype %in% c("domc")) stop("Valid 'mctype': 'snow' or 'doMC'")
# library(parallel)
# library(doSNOW)
# library(plyr)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
if(verbose) message("Using ", length(cl), " cores with SNOW.")
# clusterEvalQ(cl, library(AUCell))
parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("geneSets", "rankings", "aucMaxRank", ".AUC.geneSet", ".auc", ".AUC.geneSet_norm", ".AUC.geneSet_old"), envir=environment())
opts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
# clusterSetRNGStream(cl, seed)
aucMatrix <- suppressWarnings(plyr::llply(.data=names(geneSets),
setNames(list(.AUC.geneSet(geneSet=geneSets[[gSetName]], rankings=rankings, aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank, gSetName=gSetName)), gSetName),
.parallel=TRUE, .paropts=list(.options.snow=opts), .inform=FALSE))
aucMatrix <-,
unlist(aucMatrix, recursive=FALSE))
message("Using ", foreach::getDoParWorkers(), " cores with doMC.")
aucMatrix <- foreach::"%dopar%"(foreach::foreach(gSetName=names(geneSets)),
rankings=rankings, aucMaxRank=aucMaxRank,
aucMatrix <-,
unlist(aucMatrix, recursive=FALSE))
aucMatrix <- aucMatrix[intersect(names(geneSets), rownames(aucMatrix)),,drop=FALSE]
missingSets <- names(geneSets)[which(!names(geneSets) %in% rownames(aucMatrix))]
if(length(missingSets)>0) warning("The AUC for the following sets was not calculated: ", paste(missingSets, collapse=", "))
##### Messages for missing genes
missingGenes <- as.matrix(aucMatrix[,c("missing", "nGenes") , drop=FALSE])
missingPercent <- as.numeric(missingGenes[,"missing"])/
missingPercent <- setNames(missingPercent, rownames(missingGenes))
stop("Fewer than 20% of the genes in the gene sets are included in the rankings.",
"Check wether the gene IDs in the 'rankings' and 'geneSets' match.")
warning("The following gene sets will be excluded from the analysis",
"(less than 20% of their genes are available):\n",
paste(names(missingPercent)[which(missingPercent >= .80)],
collapse=", "),
sep="", immediate.=TRUE)
aucMatrix <- aucMatrix[which(missingPercent < .80),,drop=FALSE]
missingGenes <- missingGenes[rownames(aucMatrix),,drop=FALSE]
msg1 <- "Genes in the gene sets NOT available in the dataset: \n"
msg2 <- sapply(rownames(missingGenes)[which(missingGenes[,"missing"]>0.01)],
paste("\t", gSetName, ": \t",
" (",round(missingPercent[gSetName]*100),"% of ",
message(msg1, paste(msg2, collapse="\n"), sep="")
# (remove missing genes info from AUC matrix)
aucMatrix <- aucMatrix[,1:(ncol(aucMatrix)-2), drop=FALSE]
#### End: Return
names(dimnames(aucMatrix)) <- c("gene sets", "cells")
# add?: AUCThreshold
.AUC.geneSet_old <- function(geneSet, rankings, aucMaxRank, gSetName="")
geneSet <- unique(geneSet)
nGenes <- length(geneSet)
geneSet <- geneSet[which(geneSet %in% rownames(rankings))]
missing <- nGenes-length(geneSet)
gSetRanks <- rankings[which(rownames(rankings) %in% geneSet),,drop=FALSE]
aucThreshold <- round(aucMaxRank)
maxAUC <- aucThreshold * nrow(gSetRanks) # database.gene_count
# Apply by columns (i.e. to each ranking)
auc <- apply(gSetRanks, 2, .auc, aucThreshold, maxAUC)
return(c(auc, missing=missing, nGenes=nGenes))
.AUC.geneSet_norm <- function(geneSet, rankings, aucMaxRank, gSetName="")
geneSet <- unique(geneSet)
nGenes <- length(geneSet)
geneSet <- geneSet[which(geneSet %in% rownames(rankings))]
missing <- nGenes-length(geneSet)
gSetRanks <- rankings[which(rownames(rankings) %in% geneSet),,drop=FALSE]
aucThreshold <- round(aucMaxRank)
########### NEW version: #######################
x_th <- 1:nrow(gSetRanks)
x_th <- sort(x_th[x_th<aucThreshold])
y_th <- seq_along(x_th)
maxAUC <- sum(diff(c(x_th, aucThreshold)) * y_th)
# Apply by columns (i.e. to each ranking)
auc <- apply(gSetRanks, 2, .auc, aucThreshold, maxAUC)
return(c(auc, missing=missing, nGenes=nGenes))
# oneRanking <- gSetRanks[,3, with=FALSE]
.auc <- function(oneRanking, aucThreshold, maxAUC)
x <- unlist(oneRanking)
x <- sort(x[x<aucThreshold])
y <- seq_along(x)
sum(diff(c(x, aucThreshold)) * y)/maxAUC
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