.createGRangesGenes <- function( genomeTxDb, geneSymbols ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Se generan los rangos de los bins que corresponden a los bins exonicos.
# Pimero se extraen los exones anotados para cada gen y despues se entrecruzan
# los exones del mismo gen ( con la funcion disjoin ) dando los rangos de los
# bins
exons <- exonsBy( genomeTxDb, by="gen" ) #extract exons by gene <- disjoin( exons )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrega datos de la coordenadas genomicas, el solapamiento de genes y
# simbolos de los genes
geneCoordinates <- .createGRangesGenes.getGeneCoordinates( , genomeTxDb )
locusOverlap <- .createGRangesGenes.getLocusOverlap( )
symbol <- geneSymbols[ names( ), ]
metadata <- DataFrame( gene_coordinates = geneCoordinates,
locus_overlap = locusOverlap,
symbol = symbol )
mcols( ) <- append(
mcols( ), metadata )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
return( )
.createGRangesGenes.getGeneCoordinates <- function ( binsGRangesList , aTxDb) {
geneChr <- as.character( seqnames( genes( aTxDb ) ) )
geneStarts <- sapply( start( binsGRangesList ), min )
geneEnds <- sapply( end( binsGRangesList ), max )
geneCoordinates <- paste0( geneChr, ':', geneStarts, '-', geneEnds )
return( geneCoordinates )
# deprecated
.createGRangesGenes.getGeneCoordinates.old <- function ( binsGRangesList ) {
chromosome <- sapply( seqnames( binsGRangesList ),unique )
chromosome <- as.character( chromosome )
geneStarts <- sapply( start( binsGRangesList ), min )
geneEnds <- sapply( end( binsGRangesList ), max )
browser <- paste( chromosome, geneStarts, sep=":" )
geneCoordinates <- paste( browser, geneEnds, sep="-" )
return (geneCoordinates)
.createGRangesGenes.getLocusOverlap <- function ( binsGRangesList ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Busca los rangos que se solapan, debido a que se espera que los rangos de
# binsGRangesList sean disjuntos ( es decir, no se solapan para un mismo gen),
# los solapamientos que se encuentran deben ser entre rangos de genes
# diferentes.
if ( packageVersion("IRanges") < 2.6 ) {
locus <- findOverlaps( binsGRangesList, ignoreSelf=TRUE, ignore.strand = TRUE )
} else {
locus <- findOverlaps( binsGRangesList, drop.self=TRUE, ignore.strand = TRUE )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
locusOverlap <- rep("-", length( binsGRangesList ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Si hay genes que se solapan, se recuperan todos los nombres de los genes
if ( length( locus ) > 0 ) {
names <- names( binsGRangesList[ to( locus ) ] )
geneIndex <- from ( locus )
aggregated <- data.frame( aggregate( names ~ geneIndex,
FUN = paste, collapse = ';' ) )
locusOverlap[ aggregated$geneIndex ] <- aggregated$names
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
return ( locusOverlap )
.createGRangesExons <- function( aTxDb, geneSymbols ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Recupera los exones de los genes con mas de un exon
exonsM <- .createGRangesExons.getExonsFromMultiExonicGenes( aTxDb )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Genera los bins para los exones seleccionados
exon.bins <- .createGRangesExons.getExonBins ( exonsM )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Genera nombres para los bins creados
exonData <- .createGRangesExons.getExonBinNames ( exon.bins )
exon.bins.names <- exonData [[1]]
exon.gene.names.repeated <- exonData [[2]] <- exonData [[3]]
# Setea los nombres de los bins
names( exon.bins ) <- exon.bins.names
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrega metadatos
feature.exon <- rep("E", length(
geneSymbolIndex <- match( exon.gene.names.repeated, rownames( geneSymbols ) )
symbol <- geneSymbols[geneSymbolIndex, ]
metadata <- DataFrame( locus = exon.gene.names.repeated,
bin =,
feature = feature.exon,
symbol = symbol )
mcols( exon.bins ) <- append ( mcols( exon.bins ), metadata )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
return (exon.bins)
.createGRangesExons.getExonBinNames <- function ( aGRanges ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Recupera el numero de exones para cada gen.
nExonsByGene <- table( names( aGRanges ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Genera un lista que contiene el numero de orden de cada exon
exon.bins.num <- unlist( lapply( nExonsByGene, seq ) )
# Genera identificadores de orden para los bins
exonBinIds <- sprintf('E%03d', exon.bins.num)
# Genera los nombre de los bins
exonGeneNames <- rep( names(nExonsByGene), nExonsByGene)
exonBinNames <- paste(exonGeneNames, exonBinIds ,sep=":")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Devuelve los nombre de los bins, genes y los identificadores de orden de los
# bins
return ( list( exonBinNames, exonGeneNames, exonBinIds) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.createGRangesExons.getExonsFromMultiExonicGenes <- function ( aTxDb ) {
# Extrae todos los exones
exons <- exonsBy(aTxDb, by="gen" ) #extract exons by gen
# se queda con los GRanges de los genes que tienen mas de un exon
multipleExons <- exons[ lengths( exons ) > 1 ]
return ( multipleExons )
.createGRangesExons.getExonBins <- function ( aGRangesList ) {
# Genera los segmentos que corresponden a los bins <- disjoin( aGRangesList )
# Convierte el GRangeList a un GRanges.
# Se mezclan los GRanges de todos lo genes, es una sola lista <- unlist( )
# Se eliminan GRanges duplicados, esto es porque pueden tener origen en
# distintos genes.
exon.bins <-[ ! duplicated( ) ]
return( exon.bins )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# .createGRangesIntrons
.createGRangesIntrons <- function( aTxDb, geneSymbols ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Recupera los intrones de la anotacion por transcripto
introns <- intronsByTranscript( aTxDb, use.names=TRUE )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Convierte el GRangesList de los intrones por transcripto en un GRanges de
# todos los intrones solamente.
introns.ulst <- unlist( introns )
# Elimina intrones duplicados <- introns.ulst[ ! duplicated( introns.ulst ) ]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Recupera los nombres de los genes de cada transcripto
introns.tx.names <- names( )
suppressMessages ( <- select(
keys = introns.tx.names,
keytype = 'TXNAME',
columns = 'GENEID' )
# Elimina posibles datos con nombres de gen no valido. <-[ !$GENEID ) , ] <-[ !$GENEID ) , ]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrupa los intrones por gen. Devuelve un GRangesList <- split(,$GENEID )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Recupera todos los rangos del GrangesList en un unico GRanges.
nIntronsByGene <- lengths( )
intronOrig <- unlist( )
geneNames <- rep( names( ), nIntronsByGene )
names( intronOrig ) <- geneNames
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Procesa los intrones originales
intronOrigIndex <- sprintf( 'Io%03d', unlist( lapply( nIntronsByGene, seq ) ) )
names(ranges(intronOrig)) <- paste( geneNames, intronOrigIndex, sep=":" )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrega metadatos
feature.o.intron <- rep( "Io", length( intronOrigIndex ) )
metadata <- DataFrame( locus = geneNames ,
bin = intronOrigIndex,
feature = feature.o.intron )
mcols( intronOrig ) <- append( mcols(intronOrig) , metadata)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Procesa los bins intronicos.
# Obtiene los rangos de los bins. <- disjoin( )
# Recupera el numero de intrones por gen
nIntronsByGene <- lengths( )
# Recupera los nombres del gen para cada intron
geneNames <- rep (names(,nIntronsByGene )
# Junta todos los rangos de GRangeList de los intrones en un unido GRanges.
intron.bins <- unlist( )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Genera los identificadores de cada intron
intron.bins.num <- sprintf( 'I%03d',
unlist( lapply( nIntronsByGene, seq ) ) )
# Agrega los nombes de los genes a cada intron
intron.bin.names <- paste( geneNames ,
intron.bins.num, sep=":" )
names( intron.bins ) <- intron.bin.names
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrega metadatos
feature.intron <- rep("I", length(intron.bins.num) )
metadata <- DataFrame( locus = geneNames,
bin = intron.bins.num, #add metadata
feature = feature.intron ) #add metadata
mcols(intron.bins) <- append( mcols( intron.bins ), metadata )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Junta los intrones originales y los bins intronicos.
# Si hay un intron originales que es igual a uno intronico, se elimina.
# La eliminacion se hace implicitamente con la funcion unique. Se eliminan
# los originales porque estan despues que los bins intronicos.
intrones.totales <- c( intron.bins, intronOrig )
intron.tot.u <- sort( unique( intrones.totales ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrega los simbolos de los genes
symbolIndex <- match( mcols(intron.tot.u)[, 'locus'], rownames( geneSymbols ) )
symbol <- geneSymbols[symbolIndex, ]
mcols(intron.tot.u) <- append( mcols( intron.tot.u ), DataFrame( symbol = symbol ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
return (intron.tot.u)
# Fin de createGRangesIntrons
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# .createGRangesTranscripts
.createGRangesTranscripts <- function(genome) {
transcripts <- transcriptsBy(genome)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# .createGRangesJunctions
.createGRangesJunctions <- function( aTxDb ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Recupera los intrones por transcripto <- .createGRangesJunctions.getUniqueIntrons( aTxDb )
# Recupera los nombres de los transcriptos para cada intron
introns.tx.names <- names( )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrupa los intrones por gen <- .createGRangesJunctions.intronsByGene( aTxDb,
introns.tx.names , )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Genera las junturas a partir de los intrones
nIntronsByGene <- lengths( )
geneNames <- rep( names( ) , nIntronsByGene )
junctions <- .createGRangesJunctions.getJunctions(, nIntronsByGene, geneNames )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Modifica el rangos de las junturas
start( junctions ) <- start( junctions ) - 1
end( junctions ) <- end( junctions ) + 1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Agrega metadatos
mcols( junctions) <- append( mcols( junctions ), DataFrame( locus = geneNames ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Ordena las junturas
junctions <- sort( junctions )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
return (junctions)
.createGRangesJunctions.getUniqueIntrons <- function ( aTxDb ) {
introns <- intronsByTranscript( aTxDb, use.names=TRUE )
introns.ulst <- unlist( introns ) <- introns.ulst[ !duplicated( introns.ulst ) ]
return ( )
.createGRangesJunctions.intronsByGene <- function ( aTxDb, transcripts, ) {
suppressMessages( <- select( aTxDb,
keys = transcripts,
keytype = 'TXNAME',
columns = 'GENEID' )
) <-[ !$GENEID ), ] <-[ !$GENEID ) ]
# Agrupa los intrones por gen <- split(,$GENEID )
return ( )
.createGRangesJunctions.getJunctions <- function ( intronsByGene, nIntronsByGene, geneNames ) {
junctions <- unlist( intronsByGene )
introns.num <- sprintf( 'J%03d', unlist( lapply( nIntronsByGene, seq ) ) )
junction.names <- paste( geneNames, introns.num, sep = ":" )
names( junctions ) <- junction.names
return( junctions )
# Fin de .createGRangesJunctions
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.shiftVector <- function ( x, positions, dir="right", default = NA ) {
invert <- positions < 0
positions <- if (invert) -positions else positions
positions <- positions %% length(x)
dir <- tolower( dir )
dir <- if (dir == 'right') 0 else if (dir == 'left') 1 else NA
dir <- if (invert) dir <- 1 - dir else dir
if ( dir == 0 ) {
return( c( rep( default, times=positions ), x[1:(length(x)-positions )] ) )
} else
if ( dir == 1 ) {
return( c( x[(positions+1):length(x)], rep( default, times=positions )) )
warning("Direction no recognized. Return unmodified value.")
return (x)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# .findAsBin
.findAsBin <- function( exons, exon.bins, intron.bins, transcripts, junctions, logTo = NULL) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Get all alternative bins. I.e. those that are shared between exons bins and
# intron bins.
as.bins <- findOverlaps( exon.bins, intron.bins, type = c( "equal" ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Add 'as' tag to alternative bins <- rep( "-", length( exon.bins ) ) <- rep( "-", length( intron.bins ) )[ from( as.bins ) ] <- "Undefined AS"[ to( as.bins ) ] <- "Undefined AS"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Looks for terminal bins.
# A bin has one 5' and 3' terminal bin for each transcript.
transcripts.unlist <- unlist( transcripts )
find.external.start <- findOverlaps( exon.bins, transcripts.unlist, type=c( "start" ) )
find.external.end <- findOverlaps( exon.bins, transcripts.unlist, type=c( "end" ) )
# Add the 'terminal' tag to a bin. If a bin has a 'as' tag already, the new
# 'tag' overwrites the older one.[ find.external.start@from ] <- "external"[ find.external.end@from ] <- "external"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Add 'as' and 'external' tags to introns
mcols(intron.bins) <- append( mcols( intron.bins ), DataFrame(
# and exons.
mcols(exon.bins) <- append( mcols( exon.bins ), DataFrame(
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Join all bins
bins <- unique ( sort( append( exon.bins, intron.bins ) ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Assign a splice event to each alternative bin y putative junctions if
# possible.
auxdf <- data.frame( feature = as.character( mcols( bins )$feature),
class = as.character( mcols( bins )$class),
strand = as.character( strand( bins) ) )
# Preassign default values
auxdf$events <- as.character(auxdf$class)
auxdf$eventsJ <- as.character(auxdf$class)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Add class information of neighbor bins.
auxdf$classPrev <- .shiftVector(as.character(auxdf$class),1, default = '-')
auxdf$classNext <- .shiftVector(as.character(auxdf$class),-1, default = '-')
isAS <- auxdf$class == 'Undefined AS'
neighbourIsAS <- auxdf$classPrev =='Undefined AS' | auxdf$classNext == 'Undefined AS'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Looks for bins that overlap perfectly with a junction
ji <- junctions
start(ji) <- start(junctions)+1
end(ji) <- end(junctions)-1
over <- findOverlaps( bins, ji, type="equal")
binOverlapsJunction <- rep( FALSE , nrow(auxdf) )
binOverlapsJunction[queryHits(over)] <- TRUE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Looks for bins that overlap perfectly with an exon
over <- findOverlaps( bins, exons, type="equal")
binOverlapsExon <- rep( FALSE , nrow(auxdf) )
binOverlapsExon[queryHits(over)] <- TRUE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Looks for bins that overlaps with the start or the end of a junction
jranges.start <- junctions
start(jranges.start) <- end(jranges.start)
st <- findOverlaps(type = "start", bins, jranges.start )
binOverlapsJunctionStart <- rep( FALSE , nrow(auxdf) )
binOverlapsJunctionStart[ queryHits( st ) ] <- TRUE
jranges.end <- junctions
end(jranges.end) <- start(jranges.end)
end <- findOverlaps( type="end", bins, jranges.end )
binOverlapsJunctionEnd <- rep( FALSE , nrow(auxdf) )
binOverlapsJunctionEnd[ queryHits( end ) ] <- TRUE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
isPlusStrand <- auxdf$strand == '+'
isMinusStrand <- auxdf$strand == '-'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Add information about the neighbor bins
auxdf$featurePrev <- .shiftVector( as.character( auxdf$feature ), 1 , default = "-")
auxdf$featureNext <- .shiftVector( as.character( auxdf$feature ), -1 , default = "-")
neighborsAreExons <- auxdf$featurePrev == "E" & auxdf$featureNext == "E"
neighborsAreIntrons <- auxdf$featurePrev == "I" & auxdf$featureNext == "I"
neighborsAreExonAndIntron <- auxdf$featurePrev == "E" & auxdf$featureNext == "I"
neighborsAreIntronAndExon <- auxdf$featurePrev == "I" & auxdf$featureNext == "E"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Assign a splicing event type to bins and junctions.
# If at least one of the neighbor bins is AS (i.e.), the classification is
# made using annotated junctions. Otherwise is made using exon or intron
# annotation.
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & binOverlapsJunction , 'events' ] <- "IR*"
#auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsJunctionStart & binOverlapsJunctionEnd, 'events' ] <- "ES*"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsExon, 'events' ] <- "ES*"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsJunctionStart & ! binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isPlusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt3ss*"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsJunctionStart & ! binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isMinusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt5ss*"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & ! binOverlapsJunctionStart & binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isPlusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt5ss*"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & ! binOverlapsJunctionStart & binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isMinusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt3ss*"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & binOverlapsJunction , 'eventsJ' ] <- "IR"
#auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsJunctionStart & binOverlapsJunctionEnd, 'eventsJ' ] <- "ES"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsExon, 'eventsJ' ] <- "ES"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsJunctionStart & ! binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isPlusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt3ss"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & binOverlapsJunctionStart & ! binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isMinusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt5ss"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & ! binOverlapsJunctionStart & binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isPlusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt5ss"
auxdf[ isAS & neighbourIsAS & ! binOverlapsJunction & ! binOverlapsJunctionStart & binOverlapsJunctionEnd & isMinusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt3ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreExons , 'events' ] <- "IR"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreIntrons , 'events' ] <- "ES"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreExonAndIntron & isPlusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt5ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreExonAndIntron & isMinusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt3ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreIntronAndExon & isPlusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt3ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreIntronAndExon & isMinusStrand, 'events' ] <- "Alt5ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreExons , 'eventsJ' ] <- "IR"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreIntrons , 'eventsJ' ] <- "ES"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreExonAndIntron & isPlusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt5ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreExonAndIntron & isMinusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt3ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreIntronAndExon & isPlusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt3ss"
auxdf[ isAS & !neighbourIsAS & neighborsAreIntronAndExon & isMinusStrand, 'eventsJ' ] <- "Alt5ss"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Count events by type.
AsNotExternal <- sum( == "Undefined AS" )
totAS <- sum( auxdf$class == "Undefined AS" )
ES <- sum( auxdf$events == "ES" )
IR <- sum( auxdf$events == "IR" )
Alt5ss <- sum( auxdf$events == "Alt5ss" )
Alt3ss <- sum( auxdf$events == "Alt3ss" )
mult <- sum( isAS & neighbourIsAS )
multES <- sum( auxdf$events == "ES*" )
multIR <- sum( auxdf$events == "IR*" )
multAlt5ss <- sum( auxdf$events == "Alt5ss*" )
multAlt3ss <- sum( auxdf$events == "Alt3ss*" )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Append junction metadata to bins
mcols(bins) <- append(mcols(bins), DataFrame(event=auxdf$events))
mcols(bins) <- append(mcols(bins), DataFrame(eventJ=auxdf$eventsJ))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
exportTextMessage <- function (totAS, AsNotExternal, ES, IR, Alt5ss, Alt3ss,
mult, multES,multIR, multAlt5ss, multAlt3ss ) {
paste0("* Number of AS bins (not include external) = ", totAS, "\n",
"* Number of AS bins (include external) = ", AsNotExternal,"\n",
"* Classified as: \n",
"\tES bins = ", ES, "\t(",round(ES/totAS*100), "%)\n",
"\tIR bins = " , IR,"\t(",round(IR/totAS*100), "%)\n",
"\tAlt5'ss bins = ", Alt5ss, "\t(",round(Alt5ss/totAS*100), "%)\n",
"\tAlt3'ss bins = ", Alt3ss,"\t(",round(Alt3ss/totAS*100), "%)\n",
"\tMultiple AS bins = ", mult, "\t","(",round(mult/totAS*100), "%)\n",
"\tclassified as:\n",
"\t\t\t", "ES bins = ", multES, "\t(",round(multES/mult*100), "%)\n",
"\t\t\t","IR bins = " , multIR,"\t(",round(multIR/mult*100), "%)\n",
"\t\t\t","Alt5'ss bins = ", multAlt5ss, "\t(",round(multAlt5ss/mult*100), "%)\n",
"\t\t\t","Alt3'ss bins = ", multAlt3ss,"\t(",round(multAlt3ss/mult*100), "%)\n" )
textMsg <- exportTextMessage( totAS, AsNotExternal, ES, IR, Alt5ss, Alt3ss,
mult, multES,multIR, multAlt5ss, multAlt3ss )
if ( sink.number() > 0 ) {
cat( textMsg )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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