# Filter junctions that has in at least one condition a given (threshold) number
# of junction for all samples.
.filterJunctionBySample <- function( df0, targets, threshold) {
# Simple function to compute the minimum of values of two vectors, by position
# Example:
# vecMin( c(1,2,3), c(2,0,0) ) -> c(1,0,0)
vecMin <- function ( a, b ) {
at <- a < b
bt <- a >= b
av <- rep( NA, length( a ) )
bv <- rep( NA, length( b ) )
av[ at ] <- a[ at ]
av[ !at ] <- 0
bv[ bt ] <- b[ bt ]
bv[ !bt ] <- 0
return( av + bv )
cropped <- .extractCountColumns( df0, targets )
uniqueConditions <- unique( targets$condition )
# Creates an matrix with Inf ( the neutral element for Min function)
filter <- matrix( Inf ,
ncol = length( uniqueConditions ) ,
nrow = nrow( cropped ) )
# Iterates over conditions and over samples of each condition
# uses filter matrix to compute partial min operations
for ( i in 1:length( uniqueConditions ) ) {
byCond <- cropped[ , targets$condition == uniqueConditions[ i ] , drop = FALSE]
for ( j in 1:ncol( byCond ) ) {
filter[ , i ] <- vecMin( filter[ , i ] , byCond[ , j ] )
# Filter the initial dataframe
filter <- rowSums( filter > threshold ) > 0
return( df0[ filter, ] )
# Recover junctions that corresponds exactly to introns.
.e1e2JPIR <- function( intronGRanges, jcounts, targets ) {
# Creates a GRanges from junction names and modifies its to match the
# corresponding intron.
jranges <- sort( .createGRangesExpJunctions( rownames( jcounts ) ) )
start( jranges ) <- start( jranges ) + 1
end( jranges ) <- end( jranges ) - 1
# Looks junctions that overlaps exactly with introns
overlapped <- findOverlaps( jranges, intronGRanges, type="equal" )
# reorder junction counts by query names
queryNames <- names( jranges )[ queryHits( overlapped ) ]
subjectNames <- names( intronGRanges )[ subjectHits( overlapped ) ]
queryOrder <- match( queryNames, rownames( jcounts ) )
jc <- .extractCountColumns( jcounts, targets )[ queryOrder, ]
result <- data.frame( J3 = queryNames,
jbin = subjectNames,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
return( result )
# Get junction PSI for junction overlapping different exon regions.
# The possible overlapping types are: start, end and within
.getJPSIByOverlap <- function ( jranges, exonGRanges, jcounts, targets, overlapType ) {
jranges.edge <- jranges
if ( overlapType == 'start' ) {
start( jranges.edge ) <- end( jranges.edge )
} else if ( overlapType == 'end' ){
end( jranges.edge ) <- start( jranges.edge )
overlapped <- findOverlaps( exonGRanges, jranges.edge, type = overlapType )
overlappedQueryNames <- names( exonGRanges[ queryHits( overlapped ) ] )
overlappedSubjectNames <- names( jranges.edge[ subjectHits( overlapped ) ] )
df1 <- data.frame(
names = overlappedQueryNames ,
.extractCountColumns( jcounts[ subjectHits( overlapped ), ] ,targets ),
row.names = NULL )
result <- merge(
x = data.frame( aggregate( . ~ names, data = df1, sum ) ),
y = data.frame( aggregate(
overlappedSubjectNames ~ overlappedQueryNames,
FUN = paste, collapse=";")),
by.x = 1,
by.y = 1
rownames( result ) <- result$names
result[ , 1 ] <- NULL
return( result )
.createGRangesExpJunctions <- function( jnames ) {
split <- data.frame( matrix( unlist( strsplit( jnames, "[.]" ) ),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3 ),
row.names = jnames,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
colnames(split) <- c("chrom","start","end")
split$start <- as.numeric(split$start)
split$end <- as.numeric(split$end)
split$chrom <- as.character(split$chrom)
jranges <- GRanges( seqnames = split$chrom,
ranges = IRanges(
start= split$start,
end = split$end,
names = jnames) )
# jranges <- sort(jranges)
return( jranges )
.junctionsDiscover <- function( df,
# This function get the counts of the junctions that overlaps the an
# intron/exon region of a bin. The junction must overlap completely and at
# least an minAnchor% into the exon region and the intron region.
# The regions can be exon1-intron or intron-exon2. All junctions are assumed
# to correspond to a intron.
getExonIntronCounts <- function( jranges,
minAnchor ) {
cores = 1
exonIntron <- jranges
minAnchor <- round( minAnchor * minReadLength / 100 )
start( exonIntron ) <- if ( regionType == 'e1i' ) start( jranges ) else end( jranges )
start( exonIntron ) <- start( exonIntron ) - ( minReadLength - minAnchor ) - 1
end( exonIntron ) <- if ( regionType == 'e1i' ) start( jranges ) else end( jranges )
end( exonIntron ) <- end( exonIntron ) + ( minReadLength - minAnchor ) - 1
hits <- lapply( bams, function( x ) {
x <- GRanges(x)
countOverlaps( exonIntron, x, ignore.strand = TRUE, minoverlap = minReadLength )
} )
hits <-, hits )
return( hits )
# Get the counts of junctions
jcounts <- .extractCountColumns( df, targets )
# Convert junctions names to GRanges (the GRanges object do noy have the same
# order that the initial data ).
jranges <- sort( .createGRangesExpJunctions( rownames( df ) ) )
# Extract the junction that has no gaps
ungappedBams <- lapply( bam, function( x ) { x[ njunc( x ) == 0 , ] } )
# Get counts for junction overlapping the exon1-intron region and intron-exon2
# region
e1i <- getExonIntronCounts( jranges,
ie2 <- getExonIntronCounts( jranges,
minReadLength ,
# Calculates the PIR value
j1 <- .sumByCond( e1i, targets )
j2 <- .sumByCond( ie2, targets )
j3 <- .sumByCond( jcounts, targets )
pirValues <- ( j1 + j2 ) / ( j1 + j2 + 2 * j3 )
# Search junctions that overlaps exacly with annotated introns
intronBins <- featuresb( features )
start( intronBins ) <- start( intronBins ) - 1
end( intronBins ) <- end( intronBins ) + 1
overlapped <- findOverlaps( jranges, intronBins, ignore.strand = TRUE,
type="equal" )
queryNames <- names( jranges[ queryHits( overlapped ) ] )
subjectNames <- names( intronBins[ subjectHits( overlapped ) ] )
# sort the names of the junctions-matching bins and the event type of those
# bins by the order of the junction data in the GRanges object .
orderIndex <- match( names( jranges ), queryNames )
hitIntron <- subjectNames[ orderIndex ]
hitIntronEvent <- mcols( intronBins )[ subjectHits( overlapped ) ,
'event' ][ orderIndex ]
# Creates string representing genomic coordinates of each junction
genomicCoordinates <- paste(
seqnames( jranges ),
start( jranges ),
end( jranges ),
# Creates result data.frame
# construir con cbind )
result <- cbind ,
list( hitIntron = hitIntron,
hitIntronEvent = hitIntronEvent,
pirValues ) )
rownames( result ) <- genomicCoordinates
return( result )
.junctionsPSI_SUM <- function( df, targets ) {
# This function gets the complete set of all junctions and returns a data
# frame containing information of junctions that shares its start or end.
# The result value is a data.frame that has :
# 1. the names of the junctions shared by each junction (the 'Hit' column of
# the data frame),
# 2. the sums ( by sample ) of the shared junctions
# 3. the junction ratio ( counts of given junction / sum of counts of shared junctions ).
getBoundarySharedData <- function(
boundaryType = "start" ) {
junctionNames <- rownames( allJunctionCounts )
j.boundary <- findOverlaps( jranges, drop.self=TRUE, drop.redundant=FALSE, type=boundaryType)
# Search for the names of the junctions that share the boundary
queryNames <- names( jranges[ queryHits( j.boundary ) ] )
subjectNames <- names( jranges[ subjectHits( j.boundary ) ] )
sharedNames <- data.frame(
aggregate( subjectNames ~ queryNames, FUN = paste, collapse = ";" ) )
# extract the counts of junctions 'indexed' by the name of the query junctions
junctionCounts <- data.frame(
names = queryNames,
.extractCountColumns( allJunctionCounts[ subjectNames, ], targets ),
row.names = NULL )
# Sum the rows of the junctions that share the boundary
sharedRowSum <- data.frame( aggregate( . ~ names, data = junctionCounts, sum ) )
colnames( sharedRowSum )[-1] <- rownames(targets)
rownames( sharedRowSum ) <- sharedRowSum$names
sharedRowSum <- .extractCountColumns( sharedRowSum, targets )
# Creates an new empty data.frame to store the counts of summed counts
# ordered by the original junction data frame
sharedRowSumOrdered <- data.frame(
row.names = junctionNames,
matrix( NA,
nrow = nrow( allJunctionCounts ),
ncol = ncol( sharedRowSum ) ) )
colnames( sharedRowSumOrdered ) <- colnames( sharedRowSum )
orderIndex <- match( row.names( sharedRowSum ), junctionNames )
sharedRowSumOrdered[ orderIndex, ] <- sharedRowSum#OK
sharedRowSumOrdered[ sharedRowSumOrdered ) ] <- 0
# Reorder shared names
orderIndex <- match( sharedNames$queryNames, junctionNames )
sharedNamesOrdered <- as.character( rep("-", nrow( sharedRowSumOrdered ) ) )
sharedNamesOrdered[ orderIndex ] <- sharedNames$subjectNames
# Calculates jratio
j1 <- .sumByCond( .extractCountColumns( allJunctionCounts, targets ), targets )
j2 <- .sumByCond( sharedRowSumOrdered , targets )
jratioResult <- j1 / ( j1 + j2 )
colnames( jratioResult ) <- paste( colnames( jratioResult ), boundaryType, sep="." )
#Fix for the columns starting with X (targets starting with a number)
result <- data.frame( sharedNamesOrdered, sharedRowSumOrdered, jratioResult, check.names=FALSE )
# Sets the name of the 'Hit' column in the result dataframe
colnames( result ) [1] <- if ( boundaryType == 'start' ) 'StartHit' else 'EndHit'
return( result )
# Get names of the junctions
junctionNames <- rownames( df )
# Create a Granges object from the names ( the names has the pattern:
# 'chromosome.start.end' )
jranges <- sort( .createGRangesExpJunctions( junctionNames ) )
# Retrieve data from junctions that shares their starts
sharedStartData <- getBoundarySharedData( df, jranges, "start" )
# Retrieve data from junctions that shares their ends
sharedEndData <- getBoundarySharedData( df, jranges, "end" )
# Assign putative events
# pAS <- rep( "-", nrow( df ) )
# pAS[ ( sharedStartData[ , 1 ] != "-" & df$strand == "-" ) | ( sharedEndData[ , 1 ] != "-" & df$strand == "+" ) ] <- "Alt5ss"
# pAS[ ( sharedStartData[ , 1 ] != "-" & df$strand == "+" ) | ( sharedEndData[ , 1 ] != "-" & df$strand == "-" ) ] <- "Alt3ss"
# pAS[ sharedStartData[ , 1 ] != "-" & sharedEndData[ , 1 ] != "-"] <- "ES"
#: construir con cbind, ... ) para evitar que aparezcan .1 y .2
# en los nombre de las muestras y puedan filtrarse
result <- cbind, list (
# , pAS )
) )
return( result )
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