
Defines functions createTxnTrack

#' Create a transcript track
#' This function creates a transcript track
#' @param res.df A data frame containing an exon table
#' @param trackLabel Label of a transcript track
#' @param featureName Name of feature
#' @return a GeneRegionTrack object
#' @details This function is borrowed from the \code{maser} package.
#' @references Veiga, D. (2019). maser: Mapping Alternative Splicing Events
#' to pRoteins. R package version 1.2.0. https://github.com/DiogoVeiga/maser
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom Gviz GeneRegionTrack
#' @noRd
createTxnTrack <- function(res.df, trackLabel, featureName) {
    if (nrow(res.df) > 0) {
        res.df$feature <- featureName
        txnTrack <- GeneRegionTrack(range = res.df, name = trackLabel,
                                        transcriptAnnotation = "transcript",
                                        col = NULL, col.line = NULL)
    } else {
        txnTrack <- GeneRegionTrack(range = GRanges(), name = trackLabel,
                                        transcriptAnnotation = "transcript",
                                        col = NULL, col.line = NULL)

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ASpediaFI documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:13 p.m.