# @RdocDefault weightedVar
# @alias weightedSd
# @alias weightedSd.default
# @title "Weighted variance"
# @synopsis
# \description{
# Computes a weighted variance of a numeric vector.
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{x}{a @numeric @vector containing the values whose
# weighted variance is to be computed.}
# \item{w}{a vector of weights the same length as \code{x} giving the weights
# to use for each element of \code{x}. Negative weights are treated
# as zero weights. Default value is equal weight to all values.}
# \item{na.rm}{a logical value indicating whether @NA values in
# \code{x} should be stripped before the computation proceeds,
# or not. If @NA, no check at all for @NAs is done.
# Default value is @NA (for effiency).}
# \item{center}{Optional @numeric scalar specifying the center
# location of the data. If @NULL, it is estimated from data.}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a @numeric scalar.
# }
# \section{Missing values}{
# Missing values are dropped at the very beginning, if argument
# \code{na.rm} is @TRUE, otherwise not.
# }
# \seealso{
# For the non-weighted variance, see @see "stats::var".
# }
# @author "HB"
# @keyword "univar"
# @keyword "robust"
setMethodS3("weightedVar", "default", function(x, w, na.rm=FALSE, center=NULL, ...) {
# Argument 'x':
n <- length(x);
# Argument 'w':
if (missing(w)) {
# By default use weights that are one.
w <- rep(1, times=n);
} else if (length(w) != n) {
throw("The number of elements in arguments 'w' and 'x' does not match: ", length(w), " != ", n);
# Argument 'na.rm':
naValue <- NA;
storage.mode(naValue) <- storage.mode(x);
# Remove values with zero (and negative) weight. This will:
# 1) take care of the case when all weights are zero,
# 2) it will most likely speed up the sorting.
tmp <- (w > 0);
if (!all(tmp)) {
x <- .subset(x, tmp);
w <- .subset(w, tmp);
n <- length(x);
tmp <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# Drop missing values?
if (na.rm) {
keep <- which(! & !;
x <- .subset(x, keep);
w <- .subset(w, keep);
n <- length(x);
keep <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
} else if (anyMissing(x)) {
# Are any weights Inf? Then treat them with equal weight and all others
# with weight zero.
tmp <- is.infinite(w);
if (any(tmp)) {
keep <- tmp;
x <- .subset(x, keep);
n <- length(x);
w <- rep(1, times=n);
keep <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
tmp <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# Are there any values left to calculate the weighted median of?
# This is consistent with how stats::mad() works.
if (n == 0L) {
} else if (n == 1L) {
zeroValue <- 0;
storage.mode(zeroValue) <- storage.mode(x);
# Standardize weights to sum to one
w <- w / sum(w);
# Estimate the mean?
if (is.null(center)) {
center <- sum(w*x);
# Estimate the variance
x <- x - center; # Residuals
x <- x^2; # Squared residuals
sigma2 <- sum(w*x) * (n / (n-1L))
x <- w <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
}) # weightedVar()
setMethodS3("weightedSd", "default", function(...) {
# 2014-03-26
# o Created from weightedMad.R.
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