# @RdocFunction weightedMedian
# \encoding{latin1}
# @title "Weighted Median Value"
# @synopsis
# \description{
# Computes a weighted median of a numeric vector.
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{x}{a @numeric @vector containing the values whose weighted median is
# to be computed.}
# \item{w}{a vector of weights the same length as \code{x} giving the weights
# to use for each element of \code{x}. Negative weights are treated
# as zero weights. Default value is equal weight to all values.}
# \item{na.rm}{a logical value indicating whether @NA values in
# \code{x} should be stripped before the computation proceeds,
# or not. If @NA, no check at all for @NAs is done.
# Default value is @NA (for effiency).}
# \item{interpolate}{If @TRUE, linear interpolation is used to get a
# consistent estimate of the weighted median.}
# \item{ties}{If \code{interpolate == FALSE},
# a character string specifying how to solve ties between two
# \code{x}'s that are satisfying the weighted median criteria.
# Note that at most two values can satisfy the criteria.
# When \code{ties} is \code{"min"}, the smaller value of the two
# is returned and when it is \code{"max"}, the larger value is
# returned.
# If \code{ties} is \code{"mean"}, the mean of the two values is
# returned and if it is \code{"both"}, both values are returned.
# Finally, if \code{ties} is \code{"weighted"} (or @NULL) a
# weighted average of the two are returned, where the weights are
# weights of all values \code{x[i] <= x[k]} and \code{x[i] >= x[k]},
# respectively.}
# \item{method}{If \code{"shell"}, then \code{order()} is used and when
# \code{method="quick"}, then internal \code{qsort()} is used.}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a @numeric scalar.
# }
# \details{
# For the \code{n} elements \code{x = c(x[1], x[2], ..., x[n])} with positive
# weights \code{w = c(w[1], w[2], ..., w[n])} such that \code{sum(w) = S},
# the \emph{weighted median} is defined as the element \code{x[k]} for which
# the total weight of all elements \code{x[i] < x[k]} is less or equal to
# \code{S/2} and for which the total weight of all elements \code{x[i] > x[k]}
# is less or equal to \code{S/2} (c.f. [1]).
# If \code{w} is missing then all elements of \code{x} are given the same
# positive weight. If all weights are zero, \code{NA} is returned.
# If one or more weights are \code{Inf}, it is the same as these weights
# have the same weight and the others has zero. This makes things easier for
# cases where the weights are result of a division with zero. In this case
# \code{median()} is used internally.
# When all the weights are the same (after values with weight zero are excluded
# and \code{Inf}'s are taken care of), \code{median} is used internally.
# The weighted median solves the following optimization problem:
# \deqn{\alpha^* = \arg_\alpha \min \sum_{k=1}{K} w_k |x_k-\alpha|}
# where \eqn{x=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_K)} are scalars and
# \eqn{w=(w_1,w_2,\ldots,w_K)} are the corresponding "weights" for
# each individual \eqn{x} value.
# }
# \section{Benchmarks}{
# When implementing this function speed has been highly prioritized and
# it also making use of the internal quick sort algorithm (from \R v1.5.0).
# The result is that \code{weightedMedian(x)} is about half as slow as
# \code{median(x)}.
# Initial test also indicates that \code{method="shell"}, which uses
# \code{order()} is slower than \code{method="quick"}, which uses internal
# \code{qsort()}. Non-weighted median can use partial sorting which is
# faster because all values do not have to be sorted.
# See examples below for some simple benchmarking tests.
# }
# @examples "../incl/weightedMedian.Rex"
# \seealso{
# @see "stats::median", @see "base::mean" and @see "stats::weighted.mean".
# }
# \references{
# [1] T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms,
# The MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989.
# }
# \author{
# Henrik Bengtsson and Ola \enc{Hössjer}{Hossjer}, Centre for Mathematical
# Sciences, Lund University.
# Thanks to Roger Koenker, Econometrics, University of Illinois, for
# the initial ideas.
# }
# @keyword "univar"
# @keyword "robust"
weightedMedian <- function(x, w, na.rm=NA, interpolate=is.null(ties), ties=NULL, method=c("quick", "shell"), ...) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'w':
n <- length(x);
if (missing(w)) {
# By default use weights that are one.
w <- rep(1, times=n);
naValue <- NA;
storage.mode(naValue) <- storage.mode(x);
# Argument 'na.rm':
if ( {
# There are no NAs
} else if (identical(na.rm, TRUE)) {
# Remove values that are NA's
tmp <- which(!( |;
if (length(tmp) < n) {
x <- .subset(x, tmp);
w <- .subset(w, tmp);
n <- length(x);
tmp <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
} else if (anyMissing(x)) {
# Remove values with zero (and negative) weight. This will:
# 1) take care of the case when all weights are zero,
# 2) make sure that possible tied values are next to each others, and
# 3) it will most likely speed up the sorting.
tmp <- which(w > 0);
if (length(tmp) < n) {
x <- .subset(x, tmp);
w <- .subset(w, tmp);
n <- length(x);
tmp <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# Are there any values left to calculate the weighted median of?
if (n == 0L) {
} else if (n == 1L) {
# Are any weights Inf? Then treat them with equal weight and all others
# with weight zero. If they have equal weight, regular median can be used
# instead, which is assumed to be faster.
tmp <- which(is.infinite(w));
if (length(tmp) > 0L) {
x <- .subset(x, tmp);
# Here we know there are no NAs; we can do better than stats::median(),
# because we do not have to check for NAs etc.
n <- length(x);
half <- (n+1L)/2;
if (n%%2 == 1) {
# Get x(half), where x(k) is k:th sorted value in x;
return(.psortKM(x, k=half));
} else {
# Average x(half) and x(half+1).
return(sum(.psortKM(x, k=half+1L, m=2L))/2);
tmp <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# If all weights are equal, the regular median could be used instead,
# which is assumed to be faster.
# DO NOT DO THIS: For efficiency reasons when length(x) is small
# diff() is expensive!
# if (all(diff(w) == 0)) {
# return(median(x)); # na.rm is already taken care of.
# }
# Order the values and order the weights
if (identical(method, "quick")) {
# Using new (from R v1.5.0) internal quick sort.
l <- qsort(x); # index.return=TRUE
x <- .subset2(l, 1L); # l$x
w <- .subset(w, .subset2(l, 2L)); # l$index
l <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
} else {
# .Internal() calls are no longer allowed. /HB 2012-04-16
## ord <- .Internal(order(TRUE, FALSE, x)); # == order(x)
ord <- order(x);
x <- .subset(x, ord);
w <- .subset(w, ord);
ord <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# Calculate the cumulative sum, the total weight and the middle total weight.
wcum <- cumsum(w);
wsum <- .subset(wcum, n);
wmid <- wsum/2;
if (interpolate) {
# Adjusting the cumulative weights by subtracting of half the weights.
wcum <- wcum - (w/2);
w <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# Find the position k such that
# i) sum(w[i], i=1:(k-1)) < wmid, and
# ii) sum(w[i], i=1:k) >= wmid
# In other words, it is the (k+1):th value that brings the cumulative
# sum of weights above half the total weight.
# Find the "lower half" of the weights:
if (n < 1e5) {
# Alt 1: faster for short vectors
lows <- (wcum < wmid);
k <- max(1, sum(lows));
lows <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
} else {
# Alt 2 (020627): faster for long vectors
# Design example:
# 1 2 3 4<5>6 7 8 9 10
# . . dk = 9, 4, wcum[k] = 5
# 1 2 3 4 5 6<7>8 9 10
# . . dk = 5, 2, wcum[k] = 7
# 1 2 3 4 5<6>7 8 9 10
# . . dk = 2, 1, wcum[k] = 6
# 1 2 3 4<5>6 7 8 9 10
# . . dk = 1, 0, wcum[k] = 5
k0 <- 1; k1 <- n;
while ((dk <- (k1 - k0)) > 1) {
k <- k0 + dk %/% 2;
if (.subset(wcum, k) < wmid) k0 <- k else k1 <- k;
k <- k0;
# The width and the height of the "rectangle".
Dx <- .subset(x, k+1L) - .subset(x, k);
Dy <- .subset(wcum, k+1L) - .subset(wcum, k);
# The width and the height of the triangle which upper corner touches
# the level where the cumulative sum of weights *equals* half the
# total weight.
dy <- wmid - .subset(wcum, k);
wcum <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
dx <- (dy/Dy) * Dx;
# The corresponding x value
xm <- dx + .subset(x, k);
## if (FALSE == TRUE) {
## x0 <- x[k];
## x1 <- x[k+1];
## y0 <- wcum[k];
## y1 <- wcum[k+1];
## ym <- wmid;
## plot(c(x0,x1), c(y0,y1), type="l", pch="*", col="blue");
## abline(h=wmid, lty=3, col="red");
## lines(x0+c(0,0), y0+w[k]/2*c(0,1));
## lines(c(x0,x1), y0+w[k]/2+c(0,0));
## lines(x1+c(0,0), y1-w[k+1]/2*c(0,1));
## lines(x0+dx*c(1,1), y0+dy*c(0,1), lty=3, col="red");
## }
} # if (interpolate)
w <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# The code below has become more obsolete after interpolation has been added.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Find the position where the sum of the weights of the elements such that
# x[i] < x[k] is less or equal than half the sum of all weights.
# (these two lines could probably be optimized for speed).
lows <- (wcum <= wmid);
k <- sum(lows);
lows <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
# Two special cases where more than half of the total weight
# is at a) the first, or b) the last value
if (k == 0L) return(.subset(x, 1L));
if (k == n) return(.subset(x, n));
# At this point we know that:
# 1) at most half the total weight is in the set x[1:k],
# 2) that the set x[(k+2):n] contains less than half the total weight
# The question is whether x[(k+1):n] contains *more* than
# half the total weight (try x=c(1,2,3), w=c(1,1,1)). If it is then
# we can be sure that x[k+1] is the weighted median we are looking
# for, otherwise it is any function of x[k:(k+1)].
wlow <- .subset(wcum, k); # the weight of x[1:k]
whigh <- wsum - wlow; # the weight of x[(k+1):n]
wcum <- NULL; # Not needed anymore
if (whigh > wmid)
return(.subset(x, k+1L));
if (is.null(ties) || ties == "weighted") { # Default!
(wlow*.subset(x, k) + whigh*.subset(x, k+1L)) / wsum;
} else if (ties == "max") {
.subset(x, k+1L);
} else if (ties == "min") {
.subset(x, k);
} else if (ties == "mean") {
(.subset(x, k)+.subset(x, k+1L))/2;
} else if (ties == "both") {
.subset(x, k, k+1L);
} # weightedMedian()
# Used by weightedMedian()
qsort <- function(x) {
## .Internal(qsort(x, TRUE)); # index.return=TRUE, index.return=TRUE, method="quick");
} # qsort()
# 2014-06-03
# o SPEEDUP: Made weightedMedian() a plain function (was an S3 method).
# 2013-11-23
# o MEMORY: Now weightedMad() cleans out allocated objects sooner.
# 2013-09-26
# o Now utilizing anyMissing().
# 2012-09-10
# o Replaced an .Internal(psort(...)) call with new .psortKM().
# 2012-04-16
# o Added local function qsort() to weightedMedian(), which was adopted
# from calculateResidualSet() for ProbeLevelModel in aroma.affymatrix 2.5.0.
# o Added local function psortGet() to weightedMedian().
# 2011-04-08
# o Now weightedMedian() returns NA:s of the same mode as argument 'x'.
# 2006-04-21
# o Now negative weights are not check for, but instead treated as zero
# weights. This was done to minimize the overhead of the function.
# o Replace all "[[" and "[" with .subset2() and .subset() to minimize
# overhead from method dispatching.
# o Remove all calls to rm().
# o It is now possible to specify via na.rm=NA that there are no NAs.
# o Small speed up, especially when all weights were the same.
# 2006-01-31
# o Rdoc bug fix: 'reference' to 'references'.
# 2005-07-26
# o Argument 'interpolate' defaults to TRUE only if 'ties' is NULL.
# 2005-06-03
# o Renamed from weighted. median() to weightedMedian().
# o Made into a default function.
# o Now using setMethodS3().
# 2003-02-01
# o Update the Rdoc with comments about the method and interpolate argument.
# 2002-06-27
# * Reduced memory usage a little bit by calling rm() when possible; minimized
# the risk for automatic garbage collecting.
# * Improved speed when looking for largest index k s.t. wcum[k] < wmid.
# * Improved speed by making use of the R v1.5.0 internal quick sort.
# * Made na.rm=FALSE by default for efficiency.
# 2002-02-28
# * Calls plain median(x) in two cases: i) all weights are equal, ii) some of
# the weights are Inf's. See code for more information.
# 2002-02-14
# * BUG FIX: If interpolate==TRUE and sum(lows) == 0 then use k <- 1.
# * Added the interpolation version of the weighted median for consistent
# estimates.
# 2002-02-07
# * Optimized the code for speed.
# * Added support for zero and Inf weights.
# * Added the 'ties' argument.
# * Created!
# * Thanks to the following people for helping me out with this one:
# - David Brahm,
# - David Eppstein,
# - Frank E Harrell Jr,
# - Markus Jantti,
# - Roger Koenker,
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