#' Function to load the package built-in RData
#' \code{xRDataLoader} is supposed to load the package built-in RData.
#' @param RData which built-in RData to load. It can be one of "GWAS2EF", "GWAS_LD", "IlluminaHumanHT", "IlluminaOmniExpress", "ig.DO", "ig.EF", "ig.GOBP", "ig.GOCC", "ig.GOMF", "ig.HPCM", "ig.HPMA", "ig.HPMI", "ig.HPPA", "ig.MP", "", "org.Hs.egDGIdb", "org.Hs.egDO", "org.Hs.egGOBP", "org.Hs.egGOCC", "org.Hs.egGOMF", "org.Hs.egHPCM", "org.Hs.egHPMA", "org.Hs.egHPMI", "org.Hs.egHPPA", "org.Hs.egMP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC1", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2BIOCARTA", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CGP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CPall", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2KEGG", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2REACTOME", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC3MIR", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC3TFT", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC4CGN", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC4CM", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC5BP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC5CC", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC5MF", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC6", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC7", "org.Hs.egMsigdbH", "org.Hs.egPS", "org.Hs.egSF", "org.Hs.egPfam", "org.Hs.string", "org.Hs.PCommons_DN", "org.Hs.PCommons_UN", "org.Hs.egGTExV4", "org.Hs.egGTExV6"
#' @param RData.customised a file name for RData-formatted file. By default, it is NULL. It is designed when the user wants to import customised RData that are not listed in the above argument 'RData'. However, this argument can be always used even for those RData that are listed in the argument 'RData'
#' @param verbose logical to indicate whether the messages will be displayed in the screen. By default, it sets to TRUE for display
#' @param RData.location the characters to tell the location of built-in RData files. By default, it remotely locates at \url{}; the development version locates at \url{}. For the user equipped with fast internet connection, this option can be just left as default. But it is always advisable to download these files locally. Especially when the user needs to run this function many times, there is no need to ask the function to remotely download every time (also it will unnecessarily increase the runtime). For examples, these files (as a whole or part of them) can be first downloaded into your current working directory, and then set this option as: \eqn{RData.location="."}. Surely, the location can be anywhere as long as the user provides the correct path pointing to (otherwise, the script will have to remotely download each time)
#' @return
#' any use-specified variable that is given on the right side of the assigement sign '<-', which contains the loaded RData. If the data cannot be loaded, it returns NULL.
#' @note If there are no use-specified variable that is given on the right side of the assigement sign '<-', then no RData will be loaded onto the working environment.
#' @export
#' @import dnet
#' @import igraph
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps distance mcols seqnames GRangesList GRanges split start end
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges width pintersect reduce
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle queryHits subjectHits as.matrix
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette dev.cur rgb rainbow hcl extendrange pdf col2rgb jpeg
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines legend contour text par hist curve abline
#' @importFrom supraHex visColormap visTreeBootstrap visHeatmapAdv
#' @importFrom stats sd median mad ecdf na.omit predict prcomp lm quantile as.dist hclust cor as.dendrogram order.dendrogram wilcox.test coef p.adjust
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics unlist start end
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter arrange mutate group_by summarise desc n arrange_all slice
#' @importFrom ggnetwork ggnetwork geom_nodes geom_edges
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel geom_label_repel GeomTextRepel
#' @importFrom Matrix Diagonal colSums Matrix t
#' @importFrom MASS fitdistr
#' @seealso \code{\link{xRDataLoader}}
#' @include xRDataLoader.r
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ImmunoBase <- xRDataLoader(RData.customised='ImmunoBase')
#' <- xRDataLoader(RData='')
#' ig.HPPA <- xRDataLoader(RData='ig.HPPA')
#' org.Hs.egHPPA <- xRDataLoader(RData='org.Hs.egHPPA')
#' org.Hs.egHPPA <- xRDataLoader(RData.customised='org.Hs.egHPPA')
#' }
xRDataLoader <- function(RData=c(NA,"GWAS2EF", "GWAS_LD", "IlluminaHumanHT", "IlluminaOmniExpress", "ig.DO", "ig.EF", "ig.GOBP", "ig.GOCC", "ig.GOMF", "ig.HPCM", "ig.HPMA", "ig.HPMI", "ig.HPPA", "ig.MP", "", "org.Hs.egDGIdb", "org.Hs.egDO", "org.Hs.egGOBP", "org.Hs.egGOCC", "org.Hs.egGOMF", "org.Hs.egHPCM", "org.Hs.egHPMA", "org.Hs.egHPMI", "org.Hs.egHPPA", "org.Hs.egMP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC1", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2BIOCARTA", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CGP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CPall", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2KEGG", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC2REACTOME", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC3MIR", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC3TFT", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC4CGN", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC4CM", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC5BP", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC5CC", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC5MF", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC6", "org.Hs.egMsigdbC7", "org.Hs.egMsigdbH", "org.Hs.egPS", "org.Hs.egSF", "org.Hs.egPfam", "org.Hs.string", "org.Hs.PCommons_DN", "org.Hs.PCommons_UN"), RData.customised=NULL, verbose=T, RData.location="")
startT <- Sys.time()
message(paste(c("Start at ",as.character(startT)), collapse=""), appendLF=TRUE)
message("", appendLF=TRUE)
RData <- RData[1]
# RData now is primarily hosted in github
my_https_downloader <- function (url, method=c("auto","internal","wininet","libcurl","wget","curl"), quiet=T, mode=c("w","wb","a","ab"), cacheOK=T, extra=getOption("download.file.extra")){
method <- match.arg(method)
mode <- match.arg(mode)
## specify the temporary image files
tdir <- tempdir()
destfile <- file.path(tdir, "temp.RData")
## remove the existing temporary RData file
unlink(destfile, recursive=T, force=T)
if(base::grepl("^https?://", url)){
isR32 <- base::getRversion() >= "3.2"
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
method <- "wininet"
seti2 <- utils::"setInternet2"
internet2_start <- seti2(NA)
method <- "internal"
#suppressWarnings(utils::download.file(url, destfile=destfile, method=method, quiet=quiet, mode=mode, cacheOK=cacheOK, extra=extra))
if(isR32 && capabilities("libcurl")){
method <- "libcurl"
}else if(nzchar(Sys.which("wget")[1])){
method <- "wget"
}else if(nzchar(Sys.which("curl")[1])){
method <- "curl"
orig_extra_options <- getOption("download.file.extra")
on.exit(options(download.file.extra = orig_extra_options))
options(download.file.extra = paste("-L", orig_extra_options))
}else if(nzchar(Sys.which("lynx")[1])) {
method <- "lynx"
stop("no download method found")
#suppressWarnings(utils::download.file(url, destfile=destfile, method=method, quiet=quiet, mode=mode, cacheOK=cacheOK, extra=extra))
#suppressWarnings(utils::download.file(url, destfile=destfile, method=method, quiet=quiet, mode=mode, cacheOK=cacheOK, extra=extra))
if(class(suppressWarnings(try(utils::download.file(url, destfile=destfile, method=method, quiet=quiet, mode=mode, cacheOK=cacheOK, extra=extra), T)))=="try-error"){
res_RData <- NULL
res_flag <- F
if(file.exists(destfile) &$size!=0){
if(class(suppressWarnings(try(load(destfile), T)))=="try-error"){
res_RData <- NULL
res_flag <- F
res_RData <- get(load(destfile))
res_flag <- T
res_RData <- NULL
res_flag <- F
res <- list(RData = res_RData,
flag = res_flag)
if( & !is.null(RData.customised)){
RData <- RData.customised
}else if( & is.null(RData.customised)){
stop("There is no input! Please input one of two parameters ('RData' or 'RData.customised').\n")
RData <- gsub('.RData$', "", RData,, perl=T)
RData <- gsub(".RDa$", "", RData,, perl=T)
## make sure there is no "/" at the end
path_host <- gsub("/$", "", RData.location)
if(path_host=="" || length(path_host)==0 ||{
path_host <- ""
## load
load_remote <- paste(path_host, "/", RData, ".RData", sep="")
load_local1 <- file.path(path_host, paste("data/", RData, ".RData", sep=""))
load_local2 <- file.path(path_host, paste(RData, ".RData", sep=""))
load_package <- RData
## first, load data from the package itself (NOW DISABLE THIS OPTION)
#if(length(suppressWarnings(tryCatch(eval(parse(text=paste("data(",load_package,", package='XGR')",sep=""))), error=function(e) e, warning=function(w) w)))==2){
## second, load local R files
RData_local <- c(load_local1, load_local2)
load_flag <- sapply(RData_local, function(x){
if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows") x <- gsub("/", "\\\\", x)
ifelse(file.exists(x), TRUE, FALSE)
## otherwise, load remote R files
flag_failed <- F
load_remote <- paste(load_remote, "?raw=true", sep="")
res <- my_https_downloader(load_remote, mode="wb")
flag_failed <- T
eval(parse(text=paste(RData, " <- res$RData", sep="")))
res <- my_https_downloader(load_remote, mode="wb")
flag_failed <- T
eval(parse(text=paste(RData, " <- res$RData", sep="")))
#if(class(suppressWarnings(try(load(url(load_remote)), T)))=="try-error"){
# flag_failed <- T
load_remotes <- c(
paste("", RData, ".RData?raw=true", sep=""),
paste("", RData, ".RData", sep=""),
paste("", RData, ".RData", sep="")
for(i in 1:length(load_remotes)){
load_remote <- load_remotes[i]
now <- Sys.time()
message(sprintf("Attempt to download from %s (at %s)", load_remote, as.character(now)), appendLF=T)
res <- my_https_downloader(load_remote, mode="wb")
warnings("Built-in Rdata files cannot be loaded. Please check your internet connection or their location in your local machine.\n")
eval(parse(text=paste(RData, " <- res$RData", sep="")))
eval(parse(text=paste(RData, " <- res$RData", sep="")))
load_RData <- load_remote
out <- base::get(RData)
load_RData <- RData_local[load_flag]
out <- base::get(load(load_RData))
load_RData <- sprintf("package 'XGR' version %s", utils::packageVersion("XGR"))
out <- base::get(RData)
now <- Sys.time()
message(sprintf("'%s' (from %s) has been loaded into the working environment (at %s)", RData, load_RData, as.character(now)), appendLF=T)
message(sprintf("'%s' CANNOT be loaded (at %s)", RData, as.character(now)), appendLF=T)
endT <- Sys.time()
runTime <- as.numeric(difftime(strptime(endT, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), strptime(startT, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), units="secs"))
message(paste(c("\nEnd at ",as.character(endT)), collapse=""), appendLF=TRUE)
message(paste(c("Runtime in total is: ",runTime," secs\n"), collapse=""), appendLF=TRUE)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.