# @RdocClass SNPsNormalization
# @title "The SNPsNormalization class"
# \description{
# @classhierarchy
# This class represents the SNPs normalization method [1], which
# scales copy number values SNP by SNP.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{data}{A named @list with data set named \code{"total"} and
# \code{"fracB"} where the former should be of class
# @see "aroma.core::AromaUnitTotalCnBinarySet" and the latter of
# class @see "aroma.core::AromaUnitFracBCnBinarySet". The
# two data sets must be for the same chip type, have the same
# number of samples and the same sample names.}
# \item{tags}{Tags added to the output data sets.}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
# @allmethods "public"
# }
# \references{
# [1] ...
# }
# \seealso{
# Low-level versions of the SNPs normalization method is available
# via @see "snpsNByTotalAndFracB.matrix" methods.
# }
setConstructorS3("SNPsNormalization", function(data=NULL, tags="*", ...) {
# Validate arguments
if (!is.null(data)) {
if (!is.list(data)) {
throw("Argument 'data' is not a list: ", class(data)[1]);
reqNames <- c("total", "fracB");
ok <- is.element(reqNames, names(data));
if (!all(ok)) {
throw(sprintf("Argument 'data' does not have all required elements (%s): %s", paste(reqNames, collapse=", "), paste(reqNames[!ok], collapse=", ")));
data <- data[reqNames];
# Assert correct classes
className <- "AromaUnitTotalCnBinarySet";
ds <- data$total;
if (!inherits(ds, className)) {
throw(sprintf("The 'total' data set is not of class %s: %s", className, class(ds)[1]));
className <- "AromaUnitFracBCnBinarySet";
ds <- data$fracB;
if (!inherits(ds, className)) {
throw(sprintf("The 'fracB' data set is not of class %s: %s", className, class(ds)[1]));
# Assert that the chip types are compatile
if (getChipType(data$total) != getChipType(data$fracB)) {
throw("The 'total' and 'fracB' data sets have different chip types: ",
getChipType(data$total), " != ", getChipType(data$fracB));
# Assert that the data sets have the same number data files
nbrOfFiles <- nbrOfFiles(data$total)
if (nbrOfFiles != nbrOfFiles(data$fracB)) {
throw("The number of samples in 'total' and 'fracB' differ: ",
nbrOfFiles, " != ", nbrOfFiles(data$fracB));
# Assert that the data sets have the same samples
if (!identical(getNames(data$total), getNames(data$fracB))) {
throw("The samples in 'total' and 'fracB' have different names.");
# Arguments '...':
args <- list(...);
if (length(args) > 0) {
argsStr <- paste(names(args), collapse=", ");
throw("Unknown arguments: ", argsStr);
this <- extend(Object(...), "SNPsNormalization",
.data = data
setTags(this, tags);
setMethodS3("as.character", "SNPsNormalization", function(x, ...) {
# To please R CMD check
this <- x;
s <- sprintf("%s:", class(this)[1]);
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
s <- c(s, sprintf("Data sets (%d):", length(dsList)));
for (kk in seq(along=dsList)) {
ds <- dsList[[kk]];
s <- c(s, sprintf("<%s>:", capitalize(names(dsList)[kk])));
s <- c(s, as.character(ds));
class(s) <- "GenericSummary";
}, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getAsteriskTags", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, collapse=NULL, ...) {
tags <- "NSAN,SNPN";
if (!is.null(collapse)) {
tags <- paste(tags, collapse=collapse);
}, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getName", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ...) {
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
ds <- dsList$total;
setMethodS3("getTags", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, collapse=NULL, ...) {
# "Pass down" tags from input data set
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
ds <- dsList$total;
tags <- getTags(ds, collapse=collapse);
# Get class-specific tags
tags <- c(tags, this$.tags);
# Update default tags
tags[tags == "*"] <- getAsteriskTags(this, collapse=",");
# Collapsed or split?
if (!is.null(collapse)) {
tags <- paste(tags, collapse=collapse);
} else {
tags <- unlist(strsplit(tags, split=","));
if (length(tags) == 0)
tags <- NULL;
setMethodS3("setTags", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, tags="*", ...) {
# Argument 'tags':
if (!is.null(tags)) {
tags <- Arguments$getCharacters(tags);
tags <- trim(unlist(strsplit(tags, split=",")));
tags <- tags[nchar(tags) > 0];
this$.tags <- tags;
setMethodS3("getFullName", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ...) {
name <- getName(this);
tags <- getTags(this);
fullname <- paste(c(name, tags), collapse=",");
fullname <- gsub("[,]$", "", fullname);
setMethodS3("getDataSets", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ...) {
setMethodS3("getRootPath", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ...) {
setMethodS3("getPath", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, create=TRUE, ...) {
# Create the (sub-)directory tree for the data set
# Root path
rootPath <- getRootPath(this);
# Full name
fullname <- getFullName(this);
# Chip type
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
ds <- dsList$total;
chipType <- getChipType(ds, fullname=FALSE);
# The full path
path <- filePath(rootPath, fullname, chipType, expandLinks="any");
# Verify that it is not the same as the input path
inPath <- getPath(ds);
if (getAbsolutePath(path) == getAbsolutePath(inPath)) {
throw("The generated output data path equals the input data path: ", path, " == ", inPath);
# Create path?
if (create) {
if (!isDirectory(path)) {
if (!isDirectory(path))
throw("Failed to create output directory: ", path);
setMethodS3("nbrOfFiles", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ...) {
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
ds <- dsList$total;
setMethodS3("getOutputDataSets", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose);
if (verbose) {
res <- this$.outputDataSets;
if (is.null(res)) {
res <- allocateOutputDataSets(this, ..., verbose=less(verbose, 10));
this$.outputDataSets <- res;
setMethodS3("allocateOutputDataSets", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose);
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Retrieve/allocation output data sets");
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
path <- getPath(this);
res <- list();
for (kk in seq(along=dsList)) {
ds <- dsList[[kk]];
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Data set #%d ('%s') of %d",
kk, getName(ds), length(dsList)));
for (ii in seq(ds)) {
df <- getFile(ds, ii);
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Data file #%d ('%s') of %d",
ii, getName(df), nbrOfFiles(ds)));
filename <- getFilename(df);
pathname <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(filename, path=path,
# Skip?
if (isFile(pathname)) {
verbose && cat(verbose, "Already exists. Skipping.");
verbose && exit(verbose);
# Create temporary file
pathnameT <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname);
pathnameT <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(pathnameT, mustNotExist=TRUE);
# Copy source file
copyFile(getPathname(df), pathnameT);
# Make it empty by filling it will missing values
# AD HOC: We should really allocate from scratch here. /HB 2010-06-21
# if they are "fracB" they can be just copied and leave like that.
dfT <- newInstance(df, pathnameT);
if (kk == 1)
dfT[,1] <- NA;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Renaming temporary file
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Renaming temporary output file");
file.rename(pathnameT, pathname);
if (!isFile(pathname)) {
throw("Failed to rename temporary file ('", pathnameT, "') to final file ('", pathname, "')");
verbose && exit(verbose);
verbose && cat(verbose, "Copied: ", pathname);
verbose && exit(verbose);
} # for (ii ...)
dsOut <- byPath(ds, path=path, ...);
# AD HOC: The above byPath() grabs all *.asb files. /HB 2010-06-20
## keep <- is.element(sapply(dsOut, getFilename), sapply(ds, getFilename));
filenamesOut <- basename(getPathnames(dsOut));
filenames <- basename(getPathnames(ds));
keep <- is.element(filenamesOut, filenames);
dsOut <- extract(dsOut, keep);
res[[kk]] <- dsOut;
rm(ds, dsOut);
verbose && exit(verbose);
} # for (kk ...)
names(res) <- names(dsList);
this$.outputDataSets <- res;
verbose && exit(verbose);
}, protected=TRUE)
setMethodS3("findUnitsTodo", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, units, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose);
if (verbose) {
# verbose && enter(verbose, "Finding units to do");
dsList <- getOutputDataSets(this);
# The last data set is always updated last
ds <- dsList[[1]];
verbose && print(verbose, ds);
# The last file (in lexicographic ordering) is always updated last
fullnames <- getFullNames(ds);
verbose && str(verbose, fullnames);
o <- order(fullnames, decreasing=TRUE);
idx <- o[1];
df <- getFile(ds, idx);
verbose && print(verbose, df);
# Read all values
values <- df[units,1,drop=TRUE];
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of units: ", length(values));
# Identify all missing values
nok <-;
units <- which(nok);
verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of units to do: %d (%.2f%%)\n",
length(units), 100*length(units)/length(values));
verbose && cat(verbose, "Units to do (with missing values):");
verbose && str(verbose, units);
# verbose && exit(verbose);
# @RdocMethod process
# @title "Scaling of the copy number values SNP by SNP"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{this}(Object gerenated by SNPsNormalization.)
# \item{references}{@logical or @numeric @matrix saying which samples should be considered as normal, previously
# calculated by @see "NSANormalization.".}
# \item{units}{@numeric @vector indicating the specific units to scale. The default value is "remaining".}
# \item{force}{@logical flag indicating if the already scaled units have to be scaled again. Initially set to FALSE.}
# \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to @see "SNPsNormalization".}
# \item{verbose}{See @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a @double @vector.
# }
# \seealso{
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("process", "SNPsNormalization", function(this, references = NULL, units="remaining", ..., force=FALSE, ram=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dsList <- getDataSets(this);
dsTCN <- dsList$total;
# Argument 'references':
if (!is.list(references)) {
throw("Argument 'references' is not a list: ", class(references)[1]);
reqName <- c("normalReg");
ok <- is.element(reqName, names(references));
if (!all(ok)) {
throw(sprintf("Argument 'references' does not have all required elements (%s): %s", paste(reqName, collapse=", "), paste(reqName[!ok], collapse=", ")));
references <- references[reqName];
className <- "AromaUnitFracBCnBinarySet";
ds <- references$normalReg;
if (!inherits(ds, className)){
throw(sprintf("The 'normalReg' data set is not of class %s: %s", className, class(ds)[1]));
if(nbrOfFiles(dsTCN) != nbrOfFiles(ds)){
throw("The number of samples in 'data' and 'references' differ: ",
nbrOfFiles, " != ", nbrOfFiles(ds));
if (!identical(getNames(dsTCN), getNames(references$normalReg))) {
throw("The samples in 'data' and 'references' have different names.");
rsNR <- references$normalReg;
# Argument 'units':
df <- getFile(dsTCN, 1);
nbrOfUnits <- nbrOfUnits(df);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Finding units to do
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Finding Units To Do");
if (is.null(units) || units == "remaining") {
units <- seq(length=nbrOfUnits);
units <- Arguments$getIndices(units, max=nbrOfUnits);
units <- findUnitsTodo(this, units, verbose=verbose);
nbrOfUnits <- length(units);
verbose && exit(verbose);
# Argument 'ram':
ram <- getRam(aromaSettings, ram);
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose);
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "SNPs normalization of ASCNs");
nbrOfFiles <- nbrOfFiles(this);
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of arrays: ", nbrOfFiles);
verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of units to do: %d (%.2f%%)\n",
length(units), 100*length(units)/nbrOfUnits(df));
verbose && cat(verbose, "Units:");
verbose && str(verbose, units);
chipType <- getChipType(dsTCN, fullname=FALSE);
verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type: ", chipType);
sampleNames <- getNames(dsTCN);
dimnames <- list(NULL, sampleNames, c("total", "fracB"));
outPath <- getPath(this);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Allocate output data sets
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
res <- getOutputDataSets(this, verbose=less(verbose, 5));
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Process in chunks
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Calculating number of units to fit per chunk");
verbose && cat(verbose, "RAM scale factor: ", ram);
bytesPerChunk <- 100e6; # 100Mb
verbose && cat(verbose, "Bytes per chunk: ", bytesPerChunk);
bytesPerUnitAndArray <- 2*8; # Just a rough number; good enough?
verbose && cat(verbose, "Bytes per unit and array: ", bytesPerUnitAndArray);
bytesPerUnit <- nbrOfFiles * bytesPerUnitAndArray;
verbose && cat(verbose, "Bytes per unit: ", bytesPerUnit);
unitsPerChunk <- ram * bytesPerChunk / bytesPerUnit;
unitsPerChunk <- as.integer(max(unitsPerChunk, 1));
unitsPerChunk <- min(unitsPerChunk, nbrOfUnits);
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of units per chunk: ", unitsPerChunk);
nbrOfChunks <- ceiling(nbrOfUnits / unitsPerChunk);
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of chunks: ", nbrOfChunks);
verbose && exit(verbose);
idxs <- 1:nbrOfUnits;
head <- 1:unitsPerChunk;
count <- 1;
while (length(idxs) > 0) {
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chunk #%d of %d", count, nbrOfChunks));
if (length(idxs) <= unitsPerChunk) {
head <- 1:length(idxs);
uu <- idxs[head];
verbose && cat(verbose, "Units: ");
verbose && str(verbose, units[uu]);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Reading (total,normalReg) data
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading (total) data");
total <- extractMatrix(dsTCN, units=units[uu], verbose=less(verbose,25));
verbose && str(verbose, total);
verbose && exit(verbose);
verbose && enter(verbose, "Reading references");
normalReg <- extractMatrix(rsNR, units=units[uu], verbose=less(verbose,25));
verbose && str(verbose, normalReg);
verbose && exit(verbose);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Normalizing by SNPs
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Normalizing");
dataN <- snpsNByTotalAndFracB(total, references=normalReg, ...,
fit <- attr(dataN, "modelFit");
verbose && str(verbose, fit);
verbose && str(verbose, dataN);
verbose && exit(verbose);
rm(normalReg); # Not needed anymore
gc <- gc();
verbose && print(verbose, gc);
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Storing normalized data
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Storing normalized data");
ds <- res[[1]];
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Data set ('%s')",
# Store in lexicograph ordering
fullnames <- getFullNames(ds);
idxss <- order(fullnames, decreasing=FALSE);
for (ii in idxss) {
df <- getFile(ds, ii);
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Data file #%d ('%s') of %d",
ii, getName(df), nbrOfFiles(ds)));
signals <- dataN[,ii];
verbose && cat(verbose, "Signals:");
verbose && str(verbose, signals);
df[units[uu],1] <- signals;
verbose && exit(verbose);
} # for (ii ...)
verbose && exit(verbose);
verbose && exit(verbose);
# Next chunk
idxs <- idxs[-head];
count <- count + 1;
verbose && exit(verbose);
} # while(length(idxs) > 0)
verbose && exit(verbose);
# 2010-06-28 [MO]
# o Created from CalMaTeNormalization.R.
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