
Defines functions `IsopvalPlotVec`

`IsopvalPlotVec` <-
function() {

if (!exists("exprs") | !exists("dose"))  
      ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="Error Message",message="Load the data first!",icon="error",type="ok")
if (tclvalue(ReturnVal)== "ok") tkfocus(tt)
  else {

isopvalplot <-tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(isopvalplot ,"Permutation p-values Plot ") 
spec.frm <- tkframe(isopvalplot ,borderwidth=2)
frame1 <- tkframe(spec.frm, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)

buttonFrameisoplot  <-tkframe(isopvalplot ,borderwidth=2)

#rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frame1)
#rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frame1)
#rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frame1)

#rbValue1 <- tclVar("row")
#tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue1,value="gene",text="Gene Name(s), e.g., gene1,gene3")
#tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue1,value="row", text="Row Number(s),e.g., 2,3,4         ")
#tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue1,value="rowrange", text="Range of Row Number         From: ")

# genename<- tclVar("")
# GeneName<-tkentry(frame1 ,width="20",textvariable=genename)
rownum<- tclVar(1)
RowNum<-tkentry(frame1 ,width="20",textvariable=rownum)
# fromrow<- tclVar("")
# FromNum<-tkentry(frame1 ,width="6",textvariable=fromrow)
# torow <- tclVar("")
# ToNum<-tkentry(frame1 ,width="6",textvariable=torow)

# tkgrid(tklabel(frame1 ,text="Insert Gene name/ row name you want to draw:"))
# tkgrid(rb1,GeneName)
# tkgrid.configure(rb1,sticky="w")

# tkgrid(rb2,RowNum)
# tkgrid.configure(rb2,sticky="w")
# tkgrid(rb3,FromNum,tklabel(frame1 ,text="To"),ToNum)
# tkgrid.configure(rb3,sticky="w")

numperm <- tclVar("100")
NumPerm <-tkentry(frame1 ,width="5",textvariable=numperm)
label.numperm <- tklabel(frame1 ,text="      Number of Permutation: ")
tkgrid(label.numperm,NumPerm )


### Statistics Check button ##

frame2 <- tkframe(spec.frm, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)

rb4 <- tkradiobutton(frame2 )
rb5 <- tkradiobutton(frame2 )
rb6 <- tkradiobutton(frame2 )
rb7 <- tkradiobutton(frame2 )
rb8 <- tkradiobutton(frame2 )

rbValue2 <- tclVar("M")
tkconfigure(rb5,variable=rbValue2,value="E2", text="E2")
tkconfigure(rb6,variable=rbValue2,value="Marcus", text="Marcus")
tkconfigure(rb7,variable=rbValue2,value="Williams", text="Williams")
tkconfigure(rb8,variable=rbValue2,value="ModifM", text="M'")

label.stat <- tklabel(frame2,text="Statistic: ")
tkgrid(label.stat )
tkgrid.configure(label.stat ,sticky="w")


OnOK <- function()

  if (!exists("exprs"))  
ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="Error Message",message="No data set loaded, please load the dataset first!",icon="info",type="ok")
if (tclvalue(ReturnVal)== "ok") tkfocus(tt)
 else {
#rbVal1 <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue1))
rbVal2 <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue2))

NumPerm <- as.numeric(tclvalue(numperm))

stat <- rbVal2 
#       if (rbVal1=="rowrange") {
# range <- as.numeric(tclvalue(fromrow):tclvalue(torow))
# nrange <- length(range)
#       plotIso <- function() 
# {
# nrange [nrange > 3 & nrange <= 12] <- 3
# nrange [nrange > 12] <- 6
# lengthplot <- round ((length(range)+1)/nrange)
# lengthplot [nrange <= 2] <- 1
#       par(mfrow=c((lengthplot*2),nrange ))
#       for (i in (1:length(range )))
#     {
#     params <- par(bg="white")
#     IsopvaluePlot(dose,as.matrix(exprs[range[i],]), niter=NumPerm , seed=SeedNum, stat = stat)
#            }
# }
# Myhscale <- 2
# Myvscale <- 2 
#  Myvscale[nrange > 2 & nrange < 6] <- 2.5
# Myhscale[nrange > 1 & nrange <12] <- 3
# Myvscale[nrange >  6 ] <- 2.5
# Myhscale[nrange > 12] <- 4
# Plot2(plotIso,Myhscale , Myvscale, title="Windows Graph Output: Permutation p-values Plot" )
#       }

 #    if (rbVal1=="row") {
# a <- tclvalue(rownum)
# b <- strsplit(a,",")
# e <-0
# for (i in (1:length(b[[1]])))
# {
# c <- strsplit(b[[1]][i]," ")
# d <- as.numeric(c[[1]])
# e[i] <- na.omit(d)
# }

 range <- 1 #as.numeric(e)
 nrange <- length(range)
       plotIso <- function() 
# nrange [nrange > 3 & nrange < 13] <- 3
# nrange [nrange > 12] <- 6
# lengthplot <- round ((length(range)+1)/nrange)
# lengthplot [nrange <= 2] <- 1
lengthplot <- 1
 #     for (i in (1:length(range)))
#    {
    params <- par(bg="white")
    #IsopvaluePlot(dose,as.matrix(exprs[range,]), niter=NumPerm , seed=SeedNum, stat = stat)
IsopvaluePlotVec(dose,exprs, niter=NumPerm , seed=SeedNum, stat = stat)

Myhscale <- 2
Myvscale <- 2 

 Myvscale[nrange > 2 & nrange < 6] <- 2.5
Myhscale[nrange > 1 & nrange <12] <- 3
Myvscale[nrange >  6 ] <- 3
Myhscale[nrange > 12] <-4
Plot2(plotIso,Myhscale , Myvscale,title="Windows Graph Output: Permutation p-values Plot" )

   #   }

#      if (rbVal1=="gene") {
# genenameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(genename))
# b <- strsplit(genenameVal  ,",")
# f <-0
# for (i in (1:length(b[[1]])))
# {
# c <- unlist(strsplit(b[[1]][i]," "))
# loc <- which(nchar(c)!=0)
# d <-c[loc]
#       e <- which(rownames(exprs)== d)
# try( f[i] <- na.omit(e),silent=T)
# }
# g <- which(is.na(f))
# if ( length(g) > 0) tkmessageBox(title="Error Message",message=" Some genes are not found or wrong input. Follow the instructions!! ",icon="warning",type="ok")
# range <- na.omit(f)
#         if (length(range)!= 0){
#         nrange <- length(range)
#         plotIso <- function() 
#     {
# nrange [nrange > 3 & nrange < 13] <- 3
# nrange [nrange > 12] <- 6
# lengthplot <- round ((length(range)+1)/nrange)
# lengthplot [nrange <= 2] <- 1
#       par(mfrow=c(2*lengthplot,nrange ))
#       for (i in (1:length(range )))
#     {
#     params <- par(bg="white")
#     IsopvaluePlot(dose,as.matrix(exprs[range[i],]), niter=NumPerm , seed=SeedNum, stat = stat)
#           }
#           }
#   Myhscale <- 2
#   Myvscale <- 2 
#    Myvscale[nrange > 2 & nrange < 6] <- 2.5
#   Myhscale[nrange > 1 & nrange <12] <- 3
#   Myvscale[nrange >  6 ] <- 3
#   Myhscale[nrange > 12] <-4
#    Plot2(plotIso,Myhscale , Myvscale,title="Windows Graph Output: Permutation p-values Plot" )
#      }
#         if (length(range) == 0){
#         tkmessageBox(message = "The gene is not found!")
#            }
#      }

onCancel <- function()
      tkgrab.release(isopvalplot )
tkdestroy(isopvalplot )

OK.but <-tkbutton(buttonFrameisoplot  ,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
Cancel.but <-tkbutton(buttonFrameisoplot  ,text=" Cancel ",command=onCancel)
tkgrid(buttonFrameisoplot )


Try the IsoGeneGUI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

IsoGeneGUI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.