Man pages for zwdzwd/sesame
SEnsible Step-wise Analysis of DNA MEthylation BeadChips

addMaskAdd probes to mask
assemble_plotsassemble plots
betasCollapseToPfxCollapse betas by averagng probes with common probe ID prefix
BetaValueToMValueConvert beta-value to M-value
binSignalsBin signals from probe signals
bisConversionControlCompute internal bisulfite conversion control
calcEffectSizeCompute effect size for different variables from prediction...
checkLevelsfilter data matrix by factor completeness only works for...
chipAddressToSignalLookup address in one sample
cnSegmentationPerform copy number segmentation
compareMouseStrainReferenceCompare Strain SNPs with a reference panel
compareMouseTissueReferenceCompare mouse array data with mouse tissue references
compareReferenceCompare array data with references (e.g., tissue, cell types)
controlsget the controls attributes
convertProbeIDConvert Probe ID
createUCSCtrackTurn beta values into a UCSC browser track
dataFrame2sesameQCConvert data frame to sesameQC object
deidentifyDe-identify IDATs by removing SNP probes
detectionPnegEcdfDetection P-value based on ECDF of negative control
diffRefSetRestrict refset to differentially methylated probes use with...
dmContrastsList all contrasts of a DMLSummary
DMLTest differential methylation on each locus
DMLpredictPredict new data from DML
DMRFind Differentially Methylated Region (DMR)
dyeBiasCorrCorrect dye bias in by linear scaling.
dyeBiasCorrMostBalancedCorrect dye bias using most balanced sample as the reference
dyeBiasLCorrect dye bias in by linear scaling.
dyeBiasNLDye bias correction by matching green and red to mid point
ELBARELiminate BAckground-dominated Reading (ELBAR)
estimateLeukocyteEstimate leukocyte fraction using a two-component model
formatVCFConvert SNP from Infinium array to VCF file
getAFsGet allele frequency
getAFTypeIbySumAllelesGet allele frequency treating type I by summing alleles
getBetasGet beta Values
getBinCoordinatesGet bin coordinates
getMaskget probe masking by mask names
getRefSetRetrieve reference set
imputeBetasImpute of missing data of specific platform
imputeBetasByGenomicNeighborsImpute missing data based on genomic neighbors.
imputeBetasMatrixByMeanImpute Missing Values with Mean This function replaces...
inferEthnicityInfer Ethnicity
inferInfiniumIChannelInfer and reset color channel for Type-I probes instead of...
inferSexInfer sex.
inferSpeciesInfer Species
inferStrainInfer strain information for mouse array
inferTissueinferTissue infers the tissue of a single sample (as...
initFileSetinitialize a fileSet class by allocating appropriate storage
liftOverliftOver, see mLiftOver (renamed)
listAvailableMaskslist existing quality masks for a SigDF
mapFileSetDeposit data of one sample to a fileSet (and hence to file)
mapToMammal40Map the SDF (from overlap array platforms) Replicates are...
matchDesignnormalize Infinium I probe betas to Infinium II
meanIntensityWhole-dataset-wide Mean Intensity
medianTotalIntensityWhole-dataset-wide Median Total Intensity (M+U)
mLiftOverLift over beta values or SigDFs to another Infinium platform...
MValueToBetaValueConvert M-value to beta-value
negControlsget negative control signal
noMaskedremove masked probes from SigDF
noobNoob background subtraction
normControlsget normalization control signal
openSesameThe openSesame pipeline
openSesameToFileopenSesame pipeline with file-backed storage
palgenGenerate some additional color palettes
parseGEOsignalMUConvert signal M and U to SigDF
pOOBAHDetection P-value based on ECDF of out-of-band signal
predictAgePredict age using linear models
predictAgeHorvath353Horvath 353 age predictor
predictAgeSkinBloodHorvath Skin and Blood age predictor
predictMouseAgeInMonthMouse age predictor
prefixMaskMask SigDF by probe ID prefix
prefixMaskButCMask all but C probes in SigDF
prefixMaskButCGMask all but CG probes in SigDF
prepSesameApply a chain of sesame preprocessing functions in an...
prepSesameListList supported prepSesame functions
print.DMLSummaryPrint DMLSummary object
print.fileSetPrint a fileSet
probeID_designTypeExtract the probe type field from probe ID This only works...
probeSuccessRateWhole-dataset-wide Probe Success Rate
qualityMaskMask beta values by design quality
readFileSetRead an existing fileSet from storage
readIDATpairImport a pair of IDATs from one sample
recommendedMaskNamesRecommended mask names for each Infinium platform
reIdentifyRe-identify IDATs by restoring scrambled SNP intensities
resetMaskReset Masking
scrubSCRUB background correction
scrubSoftSCRUB background correction
SDFcollapseToPfxcollapse to probe prefix
sdfPlatformConvenience function to output platform attribute of SigDF
sdf_read_tableread a table file to SigDF
sdf_write_tablewrite SigDF to table file
searchIDATprefixesIdentify IDATs from a directory
segmentBinsSegment bins using DNAcopy
sesameAnno_attachManifestAnnotate a data.frame using manifest
sesameAnno_buildAddressFileBuild sesame ordering address file from tsv
sesameAnno_buildManifestGRangesBuild manifest GRanges from tsv
sesameAnno_downloadDownload SeSAMe annotation files
sesameAnno_readManifestTSVRead manifest file to a tsv format
sesame_checkVersionCheck SeSAMe versions
sesame-packageAnalyze DNA methylation data
sesameQC_calcStatsCalculate QC statistics
sesameQC-classAn S4 class to hold QC statistics
sesameQC_getStatsGet stat numbers from an sesameQC object
sesameQC_plotBarBar plots for sesameQC
sesameQC_plotBetaByDesignPlot betas distinguishing different Infinium chemistries
sesameQC_plotHeatSNPsPlot SNP heatmap
sesameQC_plotIntensVsBetasPlot Total Signal Intensities vs Beta Values This plot is...
sesameQC_plotRedGrnQQPlot red-green QQ-Plot using Infinium-I Probes
sesameQC_rankStatsThis function compares the input sample with public data....
sesameQCtoDFConvert a list of sesameQC to data frame
sesamizesesamize function is deprecated. Please check...
setMaskSet mask to only the probes specified
SigDFSigDF validation from a plain data frame
signalMUreport M and U for regular probes
sliceFileSetSlice a fileSet with samples and probes
summaryExtractTestExtract slope information from DMLSummary
totalIntensitiesM+U Intensities Array
twoCompsEst2Estimate the fraction of the 2nd component in a 2-component...
updateSigDFSet color and mask using strain/species-specific manifest
visualizeGeneVisualize Gene
visualizeProbesVisualize Region that Contains the Specified Probes
visualizeRegionVisualize Region
visualizeSegmentsVisualize segments
zwdzwd/sesame documentation built on Jan. 8, 2025, 4:50 a.m.