#' Extract real cell matrix from \code{CB2FindCell} output and optionally
#' filter out low-quality cells
#' Handy function to extract real cell matrix from \code{CB2FindCell} output.
#' It provides the option to filter out broken cells based on proportion
#' of mitochondrial gene expressions. The input can also be a sparse matrix
#' only for cell filtering.
#' @param CBout Output object from \code{CB2FindCell}, or a sparse matrix
#' (for example, from \code{QuickCB2}).
#' @param MTfilter Numeric value between 0 and 1. Default: \code{0.25}.
#' For each barcode, if the proportion of mitochondrial
#' gene expression exceeds \code{MTfilter}, this barcode will be filtered out.
#' By default, cell barcodes with more than 25% mitochondrial UMI counts are
#' filtered out. Set \code{MTfilter = 1} for no filtering.
#' The proportion of mitochondrial
#' gene expressions is usually a criterion for evaluating cell quality,
#' and is calculated using the scaled sum of all genes starting
#' with "MT-" (human) or "mt-" (mouse) if row names are gene symbols,
#' or customized mitochondrial genes specified by \code{MTgene}.
#' @param MTgene Character vector. User may specify customized mitochondrial
#' gene names to perform the filtering. This should correspond to a subset
#' of row names in raw data.
#' @return A \code{dgCMatrix} count matrix of real cells.
#' @examples
#' # Please also refer to the example in function CB2FindCell.
#' # Simulate CB2FindCell output object.
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' data(mbrainSub)
#' mbrainReal <- mbrainSub[,Matrix::colSums(mbrainSub)>500]
#' CBOut <- SummarizedExperiment(
#' list(cell_matrix = mbrainReal[,sample(ncol(mbrainReal),
#' 200, replace = TRUE)]))
#' # Get cell matrix, filtering out barcodes with
#' # more than 10% of counts from mitochondrial genes.
#' RealCell <- GetCellMat(CBOut, MTfilter = 0.1)
#' str(RealCell)
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
GetCellMat <- function(CBout,
MTfilter = 0.25,
MTgene = NULL) {
if (!(is.numeric(MTfilter) && MTfilter >= 0 && MTfilter <= 1)) {
stop("\"MTfilter\" should be a numeric value between 0 and 1.")
xmat <- assay(CBout)
xmat <- CBout
if (is.null(MTgene)) {
MTgene <- c(grep(pattern = "\\<MT-", x = rownames(xmat)),
grep(pattern = "\\<mt-", x = rownames(xmat)))
} else if (!all(is.character(MTgene))) {
stop("\"MTgene\" should be a character vector of row names.")
if (length(MTgene) > 0) {
MTprop <- colSums(xmat[MTgene,]) / colSums(xmat)
brokenCell <- MTprop > MTfilter
xmat <- xmat[,!brokenCell]
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