#' permutationMultipleLm
#' permutationMultipleLm is a permutation test to calculate the empirical p
#' values for a weighted multiple linear regression.
#' @param fc a vector of numeric values representing gene expression fold
#' change
#' @param net a matrix of numeric values in the size of gene number x gene set
#' number, representing the connectivity between genes and gene sets
#' @param weights a vector of numeric values representing the weights of
#' permuated genes
#' @param num an integer value representing the number of permutations
#' @param verbose an boolean value indicating whether or not to print output to
#' the screen
#' @return a data frame comprising the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {term} a vector of character incidating the names of gene sets.
#' \item {usedGenes} a vector of numeric values indicating the number of genes
#' used in the model.
#' \item {Estimate} a vector of numeric values indicating the regression
#' coefficients.
#' \item {Std..Error} a vector of numeric values indicating the standard
#' errors of regression coefficients.
#' \item {t.value} a vector of numeric values indicating the t-statistics of
#' regression coefficients.
#' \item {observedPval} a vector of numeric values [0,1] indicating the p
#' values from the multiple weighted regression model.
#' \item {empiricalPval} a vector of numeric values [0,1] indicating the
#' empirical p values from the permutation test.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' data(heart.metaXcan)
#' gene <- heart.metaXcan$gene_name
#' # extract the imputed Z-score of differential gene expression, which follows
#' # the normal distribution
#' fc <- heart.metaXcan$zscore
#' # use as weights the prediction R^2 and the fraction of imputation-used SNPs
#' usedFrac <- heart.metaXcan$n_snps_used / heart.metaXcan$n_snps_in_cov
#' r2 <- heart.metaXcan$pred_perf_r2
#' weights <- usedFrac*r2
#' # build a new data frame for the following weighted linear regression-based
#' # enrichment analysis
#' data <- data.frame(gene,fc,weights)
#' head(data)
#' net <- MSigDB.KEGG.Pathway$net
#' # intersect the imputed genes with the gene sets of interest
#' data2 <- orderedIntersect( x = data[,c("fc","weights")] , by.x = data$gene ,
#' by.y = rownames(net) )
#' net2 <- orderedIntersect( x = net , by.x = rownames(net) ,
#' by.y = data$gene )
#' all( rownames(net2) == rownames(data2) )
#' # the MGSEA.res1 uses the weighted multiple linear regression to do
#' # permutation test,
#' # while MGSEA.res2 used the solution of weighted matrix operation. The
#' # latter one takes substantially less time.
#' # system.time( MGSEA.res1<-permutationMultipleLm(fc=data2$fc, net=net2,
#' # weights=data2$weights, num=1000))
#' # system.time( MGSEA.res2<-permutationMultipleLmMatrix(fc=data2$fc,
#' # net=net2, weights=data2$weights, num=1000))
#' # head(MGSEA.res2)
#' @author Shijia Zhu, \email{shijia.zhu@@mssm.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{orderedIntersect}};
#' \code{\link{permutationMultipleLmMatrix}};
permutationMultipleLm <- function( fc, net, weights=rep(1,nrow(net)),
num=100, verbose=TRUE )
net <- as.matrix(net) # to transform the sparseMatrix to matrix
shuffle <- lapply( seq_len(num), function(i) {
if( verbose ) reportProgress(i,num,10)
#randomfc <- rnorm(nrow(net))
shuffledFC <- sample(fc,length(fc))
shuffledLM <- lm( shuffledFC~net , weights=weights )
p <- summary(shuffledLM)$coef[-1,4]
f <- summary(shuffledLM)$fstatistic[1]
list( p=p , f=f )
} )
shuffledPval <- do.call( cbind , lapply(shuffle,function(x) x$p ) )
shuffledF <- do.call( c , lapply(shuffle,function(x) x$f ) )
trueLM <- lm( fc~net , weights=weights )
observedCoef <- summary(trueLM)$coef[-1,-4]
observedPval <- summary(trueLM)$coef[-1,4]
observedF <- summary(trueLM)$fstatistic[1]
empiricalPval <- vector("numeric", nrow(shuffledPval))
for( i in seq_len(nrow(shuffledPval)) )
empiricalPval[i] <- mean( shuffledPval[i,]<observedPval[i] )
nonNaRange <- which( !is.na(trueLM$coefficients[-1]) )
term <- colnames(net)[nonNaRange]
usedGenes <- apply(as.matrix(net), 2,
function(x) sum(x!=0,na.rm=TRUE) )[nonNaRange]
# usedWeightedGenes = colSums( net*weights )
pval <- data.frame(term,usedGenes,observedCoef,observedPval,empiricalPval)
rownames(pval) = NULL
pval <- pval[order(pval$empiricalPval),]
fval <- c( f=observedF , f.pval=mean( shuffledF<observedF ) )
#list( fval=fval , pval=pval )
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