#' Tune in the peak information: peak position and peak scale
#' Based on the identified peak position, more precise estimation of the peak
#' information, i.e., peak position and peak scale, can be got by this
#' function. The basic idea is to cut the segment of spectrum near the
#' identified peaks, and then do similar procedures as
#' [peakDetectionCWT()], but with more detailed scales around the
#' estimated peak scale.
#' The majorPeakInfo or peakIndex and peakScale must be provided.
#' @param ms the mass spectrometry spectrum
#' @param majorPeakInfo return of [identifyMajorPeaks()]
#' @param peakIndex the m/z index of the identified peaks
#' @param peakScale the scales of the identified peaks
#' @param maxScale the maximum scale allowed for the peak
#' @param \dots other parameters of used by [getLocalMaximumCWT()],
#' [getRidge()], [identifyMajorPeaks()]
#' @return \item{peakCenterIndex}{the updated peak center m/z index}
#' \item{peakScale}{the updated peak scale} \item{peakValue}{the corresponding
#' peak value}
#' @author Pan Du
#' @seealso [peakDetectionCWT()]
#' @references Du, P., Kibbe, W.A. and Lin, S.M. (2006) Improved peak detection
#' in mass spectrum by incorporating continuous wavelet transform-based pattern
#' matching, Bioinformatics, 22, 2059-2065.
#' @keywords methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleMS)
#' SNR.Th <- 3
#' peakInfo <- peakDetectionCWT(exampleMS, SNR.Th = SNR.Th)
#' majorPeakInfo <- peakInfo$majorPeakInfo
#' betterPeakInfo <- tuneInPeakInfo(exampleMS, majorPeakInfo)
#' plot(500:length(exampleMS), exampleMS[500:length(exampleMS)], type = "l", log = "x")
#' abline(v = betterPeakInfo$peakCenterIndex, col = "red")
tuneInPeakInfo <- function(ms, majorPeakInfo = NULL, peakIndex = NULL, peakScale = NULL, maxScale = 128, ...) {
if (!is.null(majorPeakInfo)) {
if (!all(c("peakIndex", "peakCenterIndex", "peakScale") %in% names(majorPeakInfo))) stop("Format of majorPeakInfo is incorrect!")
peakIndex <- majorPeakInfo$peakIndex
peakScale <- majorPeakInfo$peakScale[names(peakIndex)]
peakCenterIndex <- majorPeakInfo$peakCenterIndex[names(peakIndex)]
peakValue <- majorPeakInfo$peakValue[names(peakIndex)]
peakSNR <- majorPeakInfo$peakSNR[names(peakIndex)]
} else {
if (is.null(peakIndex) | is.null(peakScale)) {
stop("majorPeakInfo or peakIndex and peakScale should be provided!")
peakCenterIndex <- peakIndex
peakSNR <- NULL
peakValue <- NULL
peakName <- names(peakIndex)
if (is.null(peakIndex)) peakName <- as.character(peakIndex)
peakCenterIndex.new <- NULL
peakScale.new <- NULL
peakValue.new <- NULL
unProcessedInd <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(peakIndex)) {
peak.i <- peakIndex[i]
# peak.i <- peakCenterIndex[i]
peakScale.i <- peakScale[i]
if (peakScale.i + 4 < maxScale) {
scales.i <- seq(peakScale.i - 4, peakScale.i + 4, 0.5)
} else {
scales.i <- seq(maxScale - 10, maxScale, 0.5)
winSize.i <- 16 * max(scales.i)
## Select the start of the spectrum
if (peak.i - winSize.i / 2 < 1) {
winSize.i <- (peak.i - 1) * 2
scales.i <- scales.i[scales.i < peak.i / 16]
start.i <- 1
} else {
start.i <- peak.i - winSize.i / 2
## Select the end of the spectrum
if (peak.i + winSize.i / 2 > length(ms)) {
winSize.i <- (length(ms) - peak.i) * 2
scales.i <- scales.i[scales.i < (length(ms) - peak.i) / 16]
end.i <- length(ms)
} else {
end.i <- peak.i + winSize.i / 2
if (length(scales.i) <= 1) {
peakScale.new <- c(peakScale.new, peakScale[i])
peakValue.new <- c(peakValue.new, peakValue[i])
peakCenterIndex.new <- c(peakCenterIndex.new, peakCenterIndex[i])
unProcessedInd <- c(unProcessedInd, i)
ms.i <- ms[start.i:end.i]
## Perform Continuous Wavelet Transform
wCoefs.i <- cwt(ms.i, scales = scales.i, wavelet = "mexh")
## -----------------------------------------
## Identify the local maximum by using a slide window
localMax.i <- getLocalMaximumCWT(wCoefs.i, ...)
colnames(localMax.i) <- colnames(wCoefs.i)
## -----------------------------------------
## Identify the ridges from coarse level to more detailed levels
ridgeList.i <- getRidge(localMax.i, gapTh = 3, skip = NULL, ...)
ridgeName.i <- names(ridgeList.i)
ridgeInfo.i <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(ridgeName.i, "_"))), nrow = 2)
ridgeLevel.i <- ridgeInfo.i[1, ]
newPeak.i <- ridgeInfo.i[2, ]
# newPeak.i <- as.numeric(names(ridgeList.i))
selInd.i <- which.min(abs(newPeak.i - winSize.i / 2))
newRidgeLine.i <- ridgeList.i[[selInd.i]]
newRidgeValue.i <- wCoefs.i[cbind(newRidgeLine.i, (1:length(newRidgeLine.i)) + ridgeLevel.i[selInd.i] - 1)]
## Find the maximum points of each route
peakScaleInd.i <- which.max(newRidgeValue.i)
newPeakValue.i <- max(newRidgeValue.i)
peakScale.new <- c(peakScale.new, scales.i[peakScaleInd.i])
peakValue.new <- c(peakValue.new, newPeakValue.i)
peakCenterIndex.new <- c(peakCenterIndex.new, newRidgeLine.i[peakScaleInd.i] + start.i - 1)
if (!is.null(peakSNR)) {
peakSNR.new <- peakSNR * peakValue.new / peakValue
} else {
peakSNR.new <- NULL
names(peakScale.new) <- names(peakValue.new) <- names(peakCenterIndex.new) <- peakName
unProcessedPeak <- peakName[unProcessedInd]
return(list(peakIndex = peakIndex, peakValue = peakValue.new, peakCenterIndex = peakCenterIndex.new, peakSNR = peakSNR.new, peakScale = peakScale.new, unProcessedPeak = unProcessedPeak))
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