#' @name ceRNACustomize
#' @title A function for uploading customized data
#' @description A function to allow users to upload their own data
#' @import utils
#' @param path_prefix user's working directory
#' @param project_name the project name that users can assign (default: demo)
#' @param disease_name the abbreviation of disease that users are interested in
#' (default: DLBC)
#' @param gene_exp location of gene expression data (default: gene_exp)
#' @param mirna_exp location of miRNA expression data (default: mirna_exp)
#' @param surv_data location of survival data (default: surv_data)
#' @returns file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gene_exp)
#' data(mirna_exp)
#' data(surv_data)
#' ceRNACustomize(
#' path_prefix = NULL,
#' project_name = 'demo',
#' disease_name = 'DLBC',
#' gene_exp = gene_exp,
#' mirna_exp = mirna_exp,
#' surv_data = surv_data
#' )
ceRNACustomize <- function(path_prefix = NULL,
project_name = 'demo',
disease_name = 'DLBC',
gene_exp = gene_exp,
mirna_exp = mirna_exp,
surv_data = surv_data){
if (is.null(path_prefix)){
path_prefix <- tempdir()
path_prefix <- path_prefix
if (!stringr::str_detect(path_prefix, '/$')){
path_prefix <- paste0(path_prefix, '/')
if (dir.exists(paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name)) == FALSE){
dir.create(paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name))
if (dir.exists(paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name,'/01_rawdata')) == FALSE){
dir.create(paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name,'/01_rawdata'))
time1 <- Sys.time()
message('\u25CF Step 1 for Customized data: Checking the data...')
# check input
if (is.null(project_name)|is.null(disease_name)|is.null(gene_exp)|is.null(mirna_exp)){
stop("project_name/disease_name/gene_exp/mirna_exp has not provided!")
if (!is(gene_exp, "character")){
exp <- gene_exp
exp <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(gene_exp,header = TRUE))
row.names(exp) <- exp[,1]
exp <- exp[,-1]
if (!is(mirna_exp, "character")){
mirna <- mirna_exp
mirna <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(mirna_exp,header = TRUE))
row.names(mirna) <- mirna[,1]
mirna <- mirna[,-1]
if (!is.null(surv_data)){
if (!is(surv_data, "character")){
surv <- surv_data
surv <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(surv_data,header = TRUE))
message('(\u2714) Input data involve mRNA, miRNA and survival data.')
message('(\u2714) Input data ONLY involve mRNA and miRNA.')
# check geneid
#gtf_df <- ceRNAR:::gencode_v22_annot
ensem2symbol <- get0("ensem2symbol", envir = asNamespace("ceRNAR"))
genecode_v22 <- unique(ensem2symbol$gene_name)
exp_gene_name <- row.names(exp)
if (sum(exp_gene_name %in% genecode_v22) == 0){
stop("Gene names in this dataset ate not matched!")
message('(\u2714) All the gene names are matched!')
# check mirnaid
# ID_converter <- ceRNAR:::hsa_pre_mature_matching
ID_converter <- get0("hsa_pre_mature_matching", envir = asNamespace("ceRNAR"))
mature_mirna <- unique(ID_converter$Mature_ID)
mirna_name <- row.names(mirna)
if (sum(mirna_name %in% mature_mirna) == 0){
stop("Mature miRNA names in this dataset ate not matched!")
message('(\u2714) All the mature miRNA names are matched!')
# check survival data
if (sum(colnames(surv) %in% c('OS','OS.time')) == 0){
stop("Survival data did not contain 'OS' and 'OS.time' columns!")
message("(\u2714) Survival data contains 'OS' and 'OS.time' columns!")
# check whether the sample id is matched
if (length(row.names(surv)) != length(colnames(exp)) && length(row.names(surv)) != length(colnames(mirna))){
if (sum(row.names(surv) %in% colnames(exp)) == 0 && sum(row.names(surv) %in% colnames(mirna)) ==0 ){
stop("(\u2714) Sample ids are not matched!")
stop("The number of samples are not euqal!")
message("(\u2714) Sample ids are matched!")
data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(exp),paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name,'/01_rawdata/',project_name,'-', disease_name,'_mrna.csv'), row.names = TRUE)
data.table::fwrite(as.data.frame(mirna),paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name,'/01_rawdata/',project_name,'-', disease_name,'_mirna.csv'), row.names = TRUE)
data.table::fwrite(surv, paste0(path_prefix, project_name,'-',disease_name,'/01_rawdata/',project_name,'-', disease_name,'_survival.csv'), row.names = TRUE)
time2 <- Sys.time()
diftime <- difftime(time2, time1, units = 'min')
message(paste0('\u2605 Consuming time: ',round(as.numeric(diftime)), ' minutes.'))
message('\u2605\u2605\u2605 All the files are checked for further next step! \u2605\u2605\u2605')
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