#' Randomize features into transcriptome
#' @export randomizeTransByOrder
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @description This function receives a \code{GRangesList} object and picks a random region within each list element of this object. The length of the region to be picked is decided by the input \code{random_length} argument.
#' @usage randomizeTransByOrder(regions_A, random_length = 20)
#' @param regions_A A \code{GRangesList} object. The name of each list element should be the corresponding transcript id.
#' @param random_length A \code{numeric} object.
#' @return A \code{GRangesList} object. The name of each list element should be the corresponding transcript id.
#' @seealso \code{\link{randomizeTx}}, \code{\link{randomizeFeaturesTx}}, \code{\link{randomizeFeaturesTxIA}}
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
#' exons.tx0 <- exonsBy(txdb)
#' trans.ids <- sample(names(exons.tx0), 3)
#' regions.A <- exons.tx0[trans.ids]
#' RS <- randomizeTransByOrder(regions.A, random_length = 200)
randomizeTransByOrder <-
random_length = 20){
random.length <- random_length
regions.A <- regions_A
A.widths <- width(regions.A)
A.cumsum <- cumsum(A.widths)
A.length <- max(A.cumsum)
random.num <- length(regions.A)
p.index <- which(data.frame(unique(strand(regions.A)))[, 'value'] == '+')
n.index <- which(data.frame(unique(strand(regions.A)))[, 'value'] == '-')
dist <- round(runif(random.num)*(A.length - random.length))
dist[dist <= 0] <- 0
if(length(random.length) == 1){
random.length.p <-random.length
random.length.n <-random.length
random.length.p <-random.length[p.index]
random.length.n <-random.length[n.index]
# positive strand
if(length(p.index) != 0){
dist.p <- dist[p.index]
regions.p <- regions.A[p.index]
r.start.p <- min(start(regions.p))
r.names.p <- names(regions.p)
disp.p <- data.frame(start = r.start.p,
distance = dist.p,
names = r.names.p)
R.p <- calculateShift(regions = regions.p,
disp = disp.p,
direction = 'right',
strand = '+')
disp.B.p <- data.frame(start = end(R.p),
distance = random.length.p -1,
names = r.names.p)
B.p <- calculateShift(regions = regions.p,
disp = disp.B.p,
direction = 'right',
strand = '+')
B.p.exons <- extractRegions(regions_A = regions.p, B.p, strand = '+')
randomResults <- B.p.exons
B.p.exons <- c()
# negative strand
if(length(n.index) != 0){
dist.n <- dist[n.index]
regions.n <- regions.A[n.index]
r.start.n <- max(end(regions.n))
r.names.n <- names(regions.n)
disp.n <- data.frame(start = r.start.n,
distance = dist.n,
names = r.names.n,
strand = '-')
R.n <- calculateShift(regions = regions.n,
disp = disp.n,
direction = 'right',
strand = '-')
disp.B.n <- data.frame(start = start(R.n),
distance = random.length.n -1,
names = r.names.n,
strand = '-')
B.n <- calculateShift(regions = regions.n,
disp = disp.B.n,
direction = 'right',
strand = '-')
B.n.exons <- extractRegions(regions_A = regions.n, B.n, strand = '-')
if(length(B.p.exons) != 0){
B.n.exons$group <- B.n.exons$group + max(B.p.exons$group)
randomResults <- c(B.p.exons, B.n.exons)
randomResults <- B.n.exons
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