#' computeAllBjellValues
#' This function compute the isoelectric point for all the pK sets
#' @param seq
computeAllBjellValues <- function(seq){
expasy <- pIBjell(sequence = seq, pkSetMethod = "expasy")
skoog <- pIBjell(sequence = seq, pkSetMethod = "skoog")
calibrated <- pIBjell(sequence = seq, pkSetMethod = "calibrated")
values <- data.frame(method=c("expasy", "skoog","calibrated"), values=c(expasy, skoog, calibrated))
colnames(values) <- c("method", "values")
#' pIBjell
#' This function compute the isoelectric point of ami anocid sequences using the Bjell method
#' @param sequence The amino acid sequence
#' @param pKSetMethod The pK set method
#' @param gamma The parameter to fix precision
pIBjell <- function(sequence, pkSetMethod = "expasy", gamma=0.001){
sequence <- reformat(seq= sequence)
NtermPK <- loadNTermPK(pkSet = pkSetMethod)
CtermPK <- loadCTermPK(pkSet= pkSetMethod)
GroupPK <- loadGroupPK(pkSet = pkSetMethod)
pH = 7.0
#compute pI at reducied pH range 0.0-7.0. It avoid to
#use the whole pH range.
if(getcharge(sequence, NtermPK, CtermPK, GroupPK, pH) < 0){
pHs <- seq(0, 7, gamma)
charges <- getcharge(sequence, NtermPK, CtermPK, GroupPK, pHs)
pH <- pHs[which.min(abs(charges))]
return(specify_decimal(pH, 4))
#compute pI at reducied pH range 7.0-14.0. It avoid to
#use the whole pH range.
if(getcharge(sequence,NtermPK, CtermPK, GroupPK, pH) > 0){
pHs <- seq(7, 14, gamma)
charges <- getcharge(sequence,NtermPK, CtermPK, GroupPK, pHs)
pH <- pHs[which.min(abs(charges))]
return(specify_decimal(pH, 4))
#them return current pH value
#' pIBjellMultipleSequences
#' This function compute the isoelectric point of sequences contained into dataframe using the Bjell method.
#' At lest, a column named "sequence" is expected.
#' It return a dataframe with predicted pI value binded.
#' @param df The dataframe with sequences
#' @param pKSetMethod The pK set method
pIBjellMultipleSequences <- function(sequences = df, pkSetMethod = "expasy"){
#getting column with sequences
data <- subset(sequences, select=c("sequence"))
#compute pI
data <- mdply(data, function(sequence) { pIBjell(sequence = sequence, pkSetMethod) })
#rename column added with pK set name
names(data)[names(data)=="V1"] <- c(pkSetMethod)
#' getcharge
#' This function compute the charge to a SequenceAA
#' @param sequence
#' @param NTermPK the N-term pk Set
#' @param CTermPK the C-term pk Set
#' @param GroupPK the Side Group pk Set
#' @param pH The actual pH
getcharge <- function (sequence, NTermPK, CTermPK, GroupPK, pH){
#sequence <- toupper(sequence)
lev <- c("n","m","p","R","H","K","D","E","C","Y") #here the entries that will be considered (PTMs, aa basic, aa acid)
aaTable <- table(factor(prot <- strsplit(sequence, "")[[1]], levels = lev))
aaNTerm <- prot[1]
aaCTerm <- prot[length(prot)]
#To evaluate N-terminal contribution
if(aaNTerm=="n" || aaNTerm=="m"){ #n:Acetylation, m:Acetylation+Oxidation
nterm <- 0.0
} else if(aaNTerm=="o"){
nterm <- (1/(1 + 10^(1 * (pH - retrievePKValue(prot[2], NTermPK))))) #if Met oxidated in N-terminal position avoid "o".
nterm <- (1/(1 + 10^(1 * (pH - retrievePKValue(aaNTerm, NTermPK))))) #otherwise
#To evaluate C-terminal contribution
cterm <- (-1/(1 + 10^(-1 * (pH - retrievePKValue(aaCTerm, CTermPK)))))
carg <- aaTable["R"] * (1/(1 + 10^(1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("R", GroupPK)))))
chis <- aaTable["H"] * (1/(1 + 10^(1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("H", GroupPK)))))
clys <- aaTable["K"] * (1/(1 + 10^(1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("K", GroupPK)))))
casp <- aaTable["D"] * (-1/(1 + 10^(-1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("D", GroupPK)))))
cglu <- aaTable["E"] * (-1/(1 + 10^(-1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("E", GroupPK)))))
ccys <- aaTable["C"] * (-1/(1 + 10^(-1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("C", GroupPK)))))
ctyr <- aaTable["Y"] * (-1/(1 + 10^(-1 * (pH - retrievePKValue("Y", GroupPK)))))
#computing phosphorylation contribution
pcharge <- 0
if(grepl(pattern = "p", x=sequence, fixed = "TRUE")){
for (i in 1:length(prot)){
if(prot[i] == "p"){
phosphoAA <- prot[i+1] #getting the next aminoacid (Phospho) in the sequence...
pcharge = pcharge + pchargePhosphorylation(phosphoAA, pH)
charge <- as.numeric(nterm + carg + clys + chis + casp + cglu + ctyr + ccys + cterm + pcharge)
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